To define the unary predicates for some anaphoric location adjectives.


up_family *everywhere_up_family = NULL;
up_family *nowhere_up_family = NULL;
up_family *here_up_family = NULL;

unary_predicate *everywhere_up = NULL;
unary_predicate *nowhere_up = NULL;
unary_predicate *here_up = NULL;

§2. Start.

void WherePredicates::start(void) {
    everywhere_up_family = UnaryPredicateFamilies::new();
    METHOD_ADD(everywhere_up_family, STOCK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::stock_everywhere);
    METHOD_ADD(everywhere_up_family, LOG_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::log_everywhere);
    nowhere_up_family = UnaryPredicateFamilies::new();
    METHOD_ADD(nowhere_up_family, STOCK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::stock_nowhere);
    METHOD_ADD(nowhere_up_family, LOG_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::log_nowhere);
    here_up_family = UnaryPredicateFamilies::new();
    METHOD_ADD(here_up_family, STOCK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::stock_here);
    METHOD_ADD(here_up_family, LOG_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::log_here);
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    METHOD_ADD(everywhere_up_family, TYPECHECK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::typecheck_everywhere);
    METHOD_ADD(everywhere_up_family, ASSERT_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::assert_everywhere);
    METHOD_ADD(everywhere_up_family, SCHEMA_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::schema_everywhere);
    METHOD_ADD(nowhere_up_family, TYPECHECK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::typecheck_nowhere);
    METHOD_ADD(nowhere_up_family, ASSERT_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::assert_nowhere);
    METHOD_ADD(nowhere_up_family, SCHEMA_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::schema_nowhere);
    METHOD_ADD(here_up_family, TYPECHECK_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::typecheck_here);
    METHOD_ADD(here_up_family, ASSERT_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::assert_here);
    METHOD_ADD(here_up_family, SCHEMA_UPF_MTID, WherePredicates::schema_here);

§3. Initial stock. This relation is hard-wired in, and it is made in a slightly special way since (alone among binary predicates) it has no distinct reversal.

void WherePredicates::stock_everywhere(up_family *self, int n) {
    if (n == 1) {
        everywhere_up = UnaryPredicates::new(everywhere_up_family);
void WherePredicates::stock_nowhere(up_family *self, int n) {
    if (n == 1) {
        nowhere_up = UnaryPredicates::new(nowhere_up_family);
void WherePredicates::stock_here(up_family *self, int n) {
    if (n == 1) {
        here_up = UnaryPredicates::new(here_up_family);

pcalc_prop *WherePredicates::everywhere_up(pcalc_term t) {
    return Atoms::unary_PREDICATE_new(everywhere_up, t);

pcalc_prop *WherePredicates::nowhere_up(pcalc_term t) {
    return Atoms::unary_PREDICATE_new(nowhere_up, t);

pcalc_prop *WherePredicates::here_up(pcalc_term t) {
    return Atoms::unary_PREDICATE_new(here_up, t);

int WherePredicates::typecheck_everywhere(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    pcalc_prop *prop, variable_type_assignment *vta, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    kind *actually_find = Propositions::Checker::kind_of_term(&(prop->terms[0]), vta, tck);
    if (Kinds::compatible(actually_find, K_object) == NEVER_MATCH) {
        if (tck->log_to_I6_text)
            LOG("Term $0 is %u not an object\n", &(prop->terms[0]), actually_find);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, actually_find);
        StandardProblems::tcp_problem(_p_(PM_EverywhereMisapplied), tck,
            "that seems to say that a value - specifically, %4 - is everywhere. "
            "To Inform, everywhere means 'in every room', and only objects "
            "can be everywhere - in fact not even all of those, as it's a "
            "privilege reserved for backdrops. (For instance, 'The sky is a "
            "backdrop. The sky is everywhere.' is allowed.)");
        return NEVER_MATCH;
    return ALWAYS_MATCH;

int WherePredicates::typecheck_nowhere(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    pcalc_prop *prop, variable_type_assignment *vta, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    kind *actually_find = Propositions::Checker::kind_of_term(&(prop->terms[0]), vta, tck);
    if (Kinds::compatible(actually_find, K_object) == NEVER_MATCH) {
        if (tck->log_to_I6_text)
            LOG("Term $0 is %u not an object\n", &(prop->terms[0]), actually_find);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, actually_find);
        StandardProblems::tcp_problem(_p_(PM_NowhereMisapplied), tck,
            "that seems to say that a value - specifically, %4 - is nowhere. "
            "To Inform, nowhere means 'in no room', and only things can be "
            "nowhere. (For instance, 'Godot is nowhere.' is allowed - it means "
            "Godot exists, but is not initially part of the drama.)");
        return NEVER_MATCH;
    return ALWAYS_MATCH;

§4. It seems to be true that Inform never generates propositions which apply "here" incorrectly, but just in case:

int WherePredicates::typecheck_here(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    pcalc_prop *prop, variable_type_assignment *vta, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    kind *actually_find = Propositions::Checker::kind_of_term(&(prop->terms[0]), vta, tck);
    if (Kinds::compatible(actually_find, K_object) == NEVER_MATCH) {
        if (tck->log_to_I6_text)
            LOG("Term $0 is %u not an object\n", &(prop->terms[0]), actually_find);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, actually_find);
        StandardProblems::tcp_problem(_p_(BelievedImpossible), tck,
            "that seems to say that a value - specifically, %4 - is here. "
            "To Inform, here means 'in the room we're talking about', so only "
            "objects can be 'here'.");
        return NEVER_MATCH;
    return ALWAYS_MATCH;

§5. EVERYWHERE declares that something is found in every room. While we could simply deduce that the object must be a backdrop (and set the kind to make it so), this is such an extreme business, so rarely needed, that it seems better to make the user spell out that we're dealing with a backdrop. So we play dumb.

void WherePredicates::assert_everywhere(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    int now_negated, pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (now_negated) {
            "that seems to say that something isn't everywhere",
            "which is too vague. You must say where it is.");
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    inference_subject *subj = Propositions::Assert::subject_of_term(prop->terms[0]);
    instance *ox = InferenceSubjects::as_object_instance(subj);

§6. NOWHERE is similar:

void WherePredicates::assert_nowhere(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    int now_negated, pcalc_prop *prop) {
    inference_subject *subj = Propositions::Assert::subject_of_term(prop->terms[0]);
    instance *ox = InferenceSubjects::as_object_instance(subj);
    if (now_negated) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "that seems to say that something isn't nowhere",
            "which is too vague. You must say where it is.");
    if (ox == NULL) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "that seems to say that something generic is 'nowhere'",
            "which suggests it could some day have a physical location.");
    #ifdef IF_MODULE

§7. HERE means "this object is in the current room", which is not as easy to resolve as it looks, because at this point we don't know for certain what will be a room and what won't. So we record a special inference and put the problem aside for now.

void WherePredicates::assert_here(up_family *self, unary_predicate *up,
    int now_negated, pcalc_prop *prop) {
    inference_subject *subj = Propositions::Assert::subject_of_term(prop->terms[0]);
    instance *ox = InferenceSubjects::as_object_instance(subj);
    if (now_negated) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
            "that seems to say that something isn't here",
            "which is too vague. You must say where it is.");
    if (ox == NULL) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonInstanceHere),
            "that seems to say that something generic is 'here'",
            "which would give it a physical location. (It would be like saying "
            "'A number is here' - well, numbers are everywhere and nowhere.)");
    #ifdef IF_MODULE

§8. Note that FoundEverywhere is a template routine existing to provide a common value of the I6 found_in property — common that is to all backdrops which are currently everywhere.

void WherePredicates::schema_everywhere(up_family *self, int task, unary_predicate *up,
    annotated_i6_schema *asch, kind *K) {
    switch(task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "BackdropEverywhere(*1)");
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "MoveObject(*1, FoundEverywhere); MoveFloatingObjects();");
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CantChangeEverywhere),
                "not being 'everywhere' is not something which can be changed "
                "during play using 'now'",
                "because it's not exact enough about what needs to be done.");
            asch->schema = NULL; break;

void WherePredicates::schema_nowhere(up_family *self, int task, unary_predicate *up,
    annotated_i6_schema *asch, kind *K) {
    switch(task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "LocationOf(*1) == nothing");
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "RemoveFromPlay(*1);");
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "MoveObject(*1, real_location, 1, false);");

§9. In fact, at present "here" predicates are never included in propositions to be compiled, so this code is never used.

void WherePredicates::schema_here(up_family *self, int task, unary_predicate *up,
    annotated_i6_schema *asch, kind *K) {
    switch(task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "LocationOf(*1) == location");
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK:
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
                "being 'here' is not something which can be changed during play",
                "so it cannot be brought about or cancelled out with 'now'.");
            asch->schema = NULL; break;

void WherePredicates::log_everywhere(up_family *self, OUTPUT_STREAM, unary_predicate *up) {

void WherePredicates::log_nowhere(up_family *self, OUTPUT_STREAM, unary_predicate *up) {

void WherePredicates::log_here(up_family *self, OUTPUT_STREAM, unary_predicate *up) {