Turning parse trees from English sentences into logical propositions.

§1. The meaning of a sentence. "Again and again Haddon thought he had found the key to the strange writings, but always he was disappointed. And then one day — he was an old man of seventy now — he fed a trial programme into his computer, and for the first time a translated sentence was delivered — his life-long task was rewarded. Yes, but for the fact that one man had been prepared to devote every spare hour of his life to solving the riddle, the amazing story of the Trigan Empire would never have been given to the world. WHAT FOLLOWS IS THAT STORY." ("The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire", 1965)

Inform turns sentences into parse trees: see About Sentence Diagrams (in linguistics) for many examples. In such parse trees,

An S-subtree typically contains two SN-subtrees within it, the "subject phrase" (SP) and the "object phrase" (OP). In the S-subtree for "Katy examines the painting", "Katy" would be one SN-subtree, the SP, and "painting" the other, the OP. But note that an S-subtree can also represent a noun, if it expresses a relative phrase: for example, "an animal which can see the player".

In this section we provide relatively simple, but crucial, functions which convert these subtrees into logical propositions.

§2. S-subtrees. To begin with: S-subtrees.

int conv_log_depth = 0;  recursion depth: used only to clarify the debugging log

pcalc_prop *SentencePropositions::S_subtree(int SV_not_SN, wording W,
    parse_node *A, parse_node *B, pcalc_term *subject_of_sentence,
    int verb_phrase_negated) {
    parse_node *subject_phrase_subtree = NULL, *object_phrase_subtree = NULL;
    pcalc_prop *subject_phrase_prop, *object_phrase_prop;
     unnecessary initialization to pacify clang, which can't prove it's unnecessary:
    pcalc_term subject_phrase_term = Terms::new_constant(NULL);
    pcalc_term object_phrase_term = Terms::new_constant(NULL);
    binary_predicate *verb_phrase_relation = NULL;
    pcalc_prop *sentence_prop = NULL;

    Check the tree position makes sense, and tell the debugging log2.1;

    if (A == NULL) {
        Handle a THERE subtree, used for "there is/are NP"2.3;
    } else {
        Find meaning of the VP as a relation and a parity2.4;
        Find meanings of the SP and OP as propositions and terms2.8;
        Bind up any free variable in the OP and sometimes the SP, too2.9;
        Combine the SP, VP and OP meanings into a single proposition for the sentence2.13;

    Simplify the resultant proposition2.14;
    Tell the debugging log what the outcome of the sentence was2.2;

    if ((A) && (subject_of_sentence)) *subject_of_sentence = subject_phrase_term;
    return sentence_prop;

§2.1. Check the tree position makes sense, and tell the debugging log2.1 =

    if (A) SentencePropositions::set_position(A);
    if (conv_log_depth == 0) LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "-----------\n");
    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] Starting fs on: <%W>\n", conv_log_depth, W);

§2.2. And similarly, on the way out:

Tell the debugging log what the outcome of the sentence was2.2 =

    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] fs: %W --> $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, W, sentence_prop);

§2.3. The English verb "to be" has the syntactic quirk that it likes to have both SP and OP, even when only when thing is being discussed. We say "it is raining" and "there are seven continents", inserting "it" and "there" even though they refer to nothing at all, because we don't like to say "raining is" or "seven continents are".

At any rate Inform parses a sentence in the form "There is X" or "There are Y" into a simpler form of tree with just one noun phrase, and no verb phrase at all. We convert the noun phrase to a proposition \(\phi\) in which \(x\) is free, then bind it with \(\exists x\) to form \(\exists x: \phi(x)\).

Handle a THERE subtree, used for "there is/are NP"2.3 =

    if (SV_not_SN == FALSE) internal_error("THERE subtree misplaced");
    parse_node *spec = B->down;
    sentence_prop = SentencePropositions::from_spec(spec);
    sentence_prop = Binding::bind_existential(sentence_prop, NULL);

§2.4. Here we only locate the subject and object subtrees — their meanings we leave for later — but we do find the content of the verb phrase. Given the combination of verb and preposition usage (the latter optional), we extract a binary predicate \(B\). Note that we ignore the parity (whether negated or not), because we've been told that from above.

Of course a VU also records the tense of the verb, but we ignore that here. It has no effect on the proposition, only on the moment in history to which it can be applied.

Find meaning of the VP as a relation and a parity2.4 =

    subject_phrase_subtree = A;
    if (subject_phrase_subtree == NULL) SentencePropositions::error("SP subtree null");
    parse_node *verb_phrase_subtree = B;
    if (verb_phrase_subtree == NULL) SentencePropositions::error("VP subtree null");
    if (verb_phrase_subtree->down == NULL) SentencePropositions::error("VP subtree broken");
    object_phrase_subtree = verb_phrase_subtree->down;

    verb_usage *vu = Node::get_verb(verb_phrase_subtree);
    if (vu == NULL) SentencePropositions::error("verb null");
    if ((SV_not_SN == FALSE) && (VerbUsages::get_tense_used(vu) != IS_TENSE))
        Disallow the past tenses in relative clauses2.4.1;

    preposition *prep = Node::get_preposition(verb_phrase_subtree);
    preposition *second_prep = Node::get_second_preposition(verb_phrase_subtree);

    verb_phrase_relation = VerbUsages::get_regular_meaning(vu, prep, second_prep);

§2.4.1. A sad necessity for Inform, at least:

Disallow the past tenses in relative clauses2.4.1 =

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE

§2.5. First Rule. The "meaning" of a noun phrase is a pair \((\phi, t)\), where \(\phi\) is a proposition and \(t\) is a term. We read this as "\(t\) such that \(\phi\) is true". Exactly one of the following will always be true:

§2.6. As examples of all four cases:

§2.7. Thus \(\phi\) can contain at most 1 free variable, and then only in case (c). But why does it do so at all? Why do we return "an open door" as \({\it open}(x)\land{\it door}(x)\)? It would be more consistent with the way we handle "two open doors" to return it as \(\exists x: {\it open}(x)\land{\it door}(x)\). The answer is that if we were only parsing whole sentences (SV-trees) then it would make no difference, because \(x\) ends up bound by \(\exists x\) anyway when the final sentence is being put together. But we also want to parse descriptions. Consider:

(1) let L be the list of open doors in the Dining Room;
(2) let L be the list of two open doors in the Dining Room;

Here (1) is legal in Inform, (2) is not, because it implies a requirement about the list which will probably not be satisfied. (Maybe there are three open doors there, maybe none.) In case (1), NPstp applied to "open doors" will return \({\it open}(x)\land{\it door}(x)\), whose free variable \(x\) can become any single object we might want to test for open-door-ness. But in case (2), NPstp applied to "two open doors" will return \(V_{=2} x: {\it open}(x)\land{\it door}(x)\), and here \(x\) is bound, and can't be set equal to some object being tested.

Or to put this more informally: it's possible for a single item to be an "open door", but it's not possible for a single item to be (say) "more than three open doors". So \(\phi\) contains a free variable if and only if the NP describes a single but vague thing.

§2.8. The First Rule is implemented by SentencePropositions::NP_subtree below, and we apply it independently to the SP and OP:

Find meanings of the SP and OP as propositions and terms2.8 =

    kind *subject_K = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(verb_phrase_relation, 0);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(subject_K)) subject_K = NULL;
    subject_phrase_prop =
        SentencePropositions::NP_subtree(&subject_phrase_term, subject_phrase_subtree,

    kind *object_K = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(verb_phrase_relation, 1);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(object_K)) object_K = NULL;
    object_phrase_prop =
        SentencePropositions::NP_subtree(&object_phrase_term, object_phrase_subtree,

    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] subject NP: $0 such that: $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, &subject_phrase_term, subject_phrase_prop);

    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] object NP: $0 such that: $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, &object_phrase_term, object_phrase_prop);

§2.9. The First Rule tells us that SP and OP are now each represented by propositions with either no free variables, or just one, and then only if the phrase refers to a single but vague thing.

So far we have treated the subject and object exactly alike, running the same computation on meaning lists generated by the same method. This is the first point at which the placement as subject rather than object will start to make a difference:

The SP is called the "subject phrase" because it contributes the subject of a sentence: what it is a sentence about. For instance, for an SV-subtree for "a woman is carrying an animal", we produce \(\phi_S = \exists x: {\it woman}(x)\) and \(\phi_O = \exists x: {\it animal}(x)\). But for an SN-subtree for "a woman carrying an animal" — which vaguely describes something, in a way that can be tested for any given candidate \(x\) — we produce \(\phi_S = {\it woman}(x)\) with \(x\) remaining free.

Bind up any free variable in the OP and sometimes the SP, too2.9 =

    if (SV_not_SN)
        subject_phrase_prop =
            Binding::bind_existential(subject_phrase_prop, &subject_phrase_term);
    object_phrase_prop =
        Binding::bind_existential(object_phrase_prop, &object_phrase_term);

§2.10. Of all the thousands of paragraphs of code in Inform, this is the one which most sums up "how it works". We started with a sentence in the source text, and have now extracted the following components of its meaning: the subject phrase (SP) has become the term \(t_S\) subject to the proposition \(\phi_S\) being true; the object phrase (OP) is similarly now a pair \(t_O\) such that \(\phi_O\). From the verb phrase (VP), we have found a binary relation \(B\), meant either in a positive sense (\(B\) does hold) or a negative one (it doesn't). And now:

Second Rule. The combined "meaning" \(\Sigma\) is as follows:

§2.11. That simple rule took the author a long, long time to work out, so it may be worth a little discussion:

§2.12. Lemma. The result \(\Sigma\) of the Second Rule is a proposition containing either 0 or 1 free variables; \(\Sigma\) has 1 free variable if and only if we are converting an SN-subtree, and the subject phrase of the sentence describes a single thing vaguely.

Proof. \(\phi_O\) contains no free variables, since we bound it up above, and the same must be true of its relabelled version \(\phi'_O\). If we have an SV-subtree then \(\phi_S\) similarly contains no free variables; we only leave it unbound for an SN-subtree. In that case, the First Rule tells us that it has a free variable if and only if the SP describes a single thing vaguely. The only other content of \(\Sigma\) is the predicate \(B(t_S, t'_O)\), so extra free variables can only appear if either \(t_S\) or \(t'_O\) contains a variable not already seen in \(\phi_S\) and \(\phi'_O\). But cases (b), (c) and (d) of the First Rule make clear that in any pair \((t, \phi)\) arising from a noun phrase, either \(t\) is a constant or else it is a variable appearing in \(\phi\). So the terms of the final \(B\) predicate in \(\Sigma\) cannot add new free variables, and the lemma is proved.

By similar argument, if \(\phi_S\) and \(\phi_O\) are well-formed propositions (syntactically valid and using variables either freely or within the scope of quantification) then so is \(\Sigma\).

§2.13. Now to implement the Second Rule:

Combine the SP, VP and OP meanings into a single proposition for the sentence2.13 =

    int use_case_2 = FALSE;
    if (SV_not_SN == FALSE)
        subject_phrase_prop =
            Propositions::remove_final_close_domain(subject_phrase_prop, &use_case_2);

    Deal with the English irregularity concerning -where words2.13.1;

    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] Before renumbering of OP: t = $0, phi = $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, &object_phrase_term, object_phrase_prop);
    object_phrase_term.variable =
        Binding::renumber_bound(object_phrase_prop, subject_phrase_prop,
    if (object_phrase_term.variable >= 26) internal_error("bad OP renumbering");
    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] After renumbering of OP: t = $0, phi = $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, &object_phrase_term, object_phrase_prop);

    sentence_prop = subject_phrase_prop;
    if (verb_phrase_negated)
        sentence_prop =
            Propositions::concatenate(sentence_prop, Atoms::new(NEGATION_OPEN_ATOM));
    sentence_prop = Propositions::concatenate(sentence_prop, object_phrase_prop);
    sentence_prop = Propositions::concatenate(sentence_prop,
        Atoms::binary_PREDICATE_new(verb_phrase_relation, subject_phrase_term, object_phrase_term));
    if (verb_phrase_negated)
        sentence_prop =
            Propositions::concatenate(sentence_prop, Atoms::new(NEGATION_CLOSE_ATOM));

    if (use_case_2)
        sentence_prop =
            Propositions::concatenate(sentence_prop, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM));

    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] Initial meaning: $D\n", conv_log_depth, sentence_prop);

§2.13.1. The following provides for the fact that when one says "X is somewhere", "X is anywhere", "X is nowhere", or "X is everywhere", one is talking about the location of X and not X itself. Thus, "the keys are somewhere" means that they have some location, not that they literally are a location. (This is irregular because it differs from "something" and "someone".)

Deal with the English irregularity concerning -where words2.13.1 =

    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    pcalc_prop *k_atom = Propositions::composited_kind(object_phrase_prop);
    if ((k_atom) && (Kinds::eq(KindPredicates::get_kind(k_atom), K_room)) &&
        (verb_phrase_relation == R_equality) && (room_containment_predicate)) {
        KindPredicates::set_composited(k_atom, FALSE);
        verb_phrase_relation = BinaryPredicates::get_reversal(room_containment_predicate);
        LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] Decompositing object: $D\n",
            conv_log_depth, object_phrase_prop);

§2.14. Simplification. Every proposition generated here, whether it arises as "there is/are" plus a noun phrase or by the Second Rule, is simplified before being returned. Because of the way the recursion is set up, this means that intermediate propositions for relative clauses within a sentence are always simplified before being used to build the whole sentence.

What happens here is that we try a sequence of tactical moves to change the proposition for the better — which usually means eliminating bound variables, where we can: they are a bad thing because they compile to loops which may be slow and awkward to construct.

Simplifications are allowed to change \(\Sigma\) — indeed that's the whole idea — but not \(t_S\), the term representing what the sentence talks about. (Indeed, they aren't even shown what it is.) Moreover, a simplification can only turn \(\Sigma\) to \(\Sigma'\) if:

Rules (i) and (ii) are checked as we go, with internal errors thrown if ever they should fail; the checking takes only a trivial amount of time, and I generally agree with Tony Hoare's maxim that removing checks like this in the program as shipped to users is like wearing a life-jacket while learning to sail on dry land, and then taking it off when going to sea. Still, rule (iii) can only be ensured by writing the routines carefully.

The simplification functions can all be found in Simplifications.

define APPLY_SIMP(proposition, simp) {
    int changed = FALSE, NF = Binding::number_free(proposition);
    if (proposition) proposition = simp(proposition, &changed);
    if (changed) LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] %s: $D\n", conv_log_depth, #simp, proposition);
    if ((Binding::is_well_formed(proposition, NULL) == FALSE) ||
        (NF != Binding::number_free(proposition))) {
        LOG("Failed after applying %s: $D", #simp, proposition);
        internal_error(#simp " simplified proposition into one which is not well-formed");

Simplify the resultant proposition2.14 =

    if (Binding::is_well_formed(sentence_prop, NULL) == FALSE) {
        LOG("Failed before simplification: $D", sentence_prop);
        internal_error("tried to simplify proposition which is not well-formed");

    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::nothing_constant);
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::use_listed_in);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::negated_determiners_nonex);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::negated_satisfiable);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::make_kinds_of_value_explicit);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::redundant_kinds);

    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::turn_right_way_round);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::region_containment);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::everywhere_and_nowhere);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::reduce_predicates);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::eliminate_redundant_variables);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::not_related_to_something);
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::convert_gerunds);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::eliminate_to_have);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::is_all_rooms);
    APPLY_SIMP(sentence_prop, Simplifications::redundant_kinds);

    Binding::renumber(sentence_prop, NULL);  just for the sake of tidiness

§3. The meaning of a noun phrase. The First Rule tells us to translate a noun phrase (NP) into a pair of a term \(t\) and a proposition \(\phi\). We read this as "\(t\) such that \(\phi\) is true".

For reasons explained below, a small amount of context is supplied: if the term will need to have a particular kind of value, then that kind is given to us. (But if it only needs to be an object, or if we don't know anything about its kind, the K argument will be NULL.)

As can be seen, an NP subtree consists either of an SN subtree representing two further NPs joined by a verb to make a relative clause, or one of three basic noun phrases: a value, a description, or a marker for an implied but missing noun.

pcalc_prop *SentencePropositions::NP_subtree(pcalc_term *subject_of_NP, parse_node *p,
    kind *K) {
    pcalc_prop *NP_prop = NULL; wording W;
    Tell the debugging log about the NP-subtree3.1;

    pcalc_term *st = Node::get_subject_term(p);
    if (st) {
        *subject_of_NP = *st;
        NP_prop = Propositions::copy(NP_TO_PROPOSITION(p));
    } else {
        if (NP_IS_DESCRIPTIVE(p)) This NP was parsed as a description3.4
        else if (Node::get_type(p) == UNKNOWN_NT) This NP is only a ghostly presence3.5
        else This NP was parsed as a value3.3;

    If we have a single adjective which could also be a noun, and a value is required, convert it to a noun3.6;
    If we have a constant qualified by a substantive proposition, rewrite in terms of variable3.7;
    Close any open domain group3.8;

    Verify that the output satisfies the First Rule, throwing internal errors if not3.2;
    return NP_prop;

§3.1. Just as for SV-subtrees, we tell the debugging log at the start...

Tell the debugging log about the NP-subtree3.1 =

    W = Node::get_text(p);
    LOGIF(PREDICATE_CALCULUS, "[%d] Starting SentencePropositions::NP_subtree on: <%W>\n",
        conv_log_depth, W);

§3.2. ...and also at the end.

Verify that the output satisfies the First Rule, throwing internal errors if not3.2 =

    if (Binding::is_well_formed(NP_prop, NULL) == FALSE)
        internal_error("malformed NP proposition");
    int NF = Binding::number_free(NP_prop);
    if (NF >= 2) internal_error("two or more free variables from NP");
    if (subject_of_NP->constant) {
        if (NP_prop) internal_error("constant plus substantive prop from NP");
    } else if (NF == 1) {
        int v = Terms::variable_underlying(subject_of_NP);
        if (Binding::status(NP_prop, v) != FREE_VST)
            internal_error("free variable from NP but not the preferred term");
        "[%d] SentencePropositions::NP_subtree: %W --> t = $0, phi = $D\n",
        conv_log_depth, W, subject_of_NP, NP_prop);

§3.3. Here we find a constant \(C\) and return \(t=C\) with a null \(\phi\), except in one case: where \(C\) is the name of an either/or property, such as "closed". In the context of a value, this is a noun — it identifies which property we are talking about. But inside a sentence, it has to be considered an adjective, so rather than returning \(t = {\it closed}, \phi = T\), we return \(t=x\) and \(\phi = {\it closed}(x)\). If we didn't do this, text like "the trapdoor is closed" would translate to the proposition \({\it is}({\it trapdoor}, {\it closed})\), which would then fail in type-checking.

(Note that this is a different sort of noun/adjective ambiguity than the one arising below, which is to do with enumerated value properties.)

This NP was parsed as a value3.3 =

    parse_node *spec = p;
    *subject_of_NP = Terms::new_constant(spec);

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(spec, CON_property)) {
        property *prn = Rvalues::to_property(spec);
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            *subject_of_NP = Terms::new_variable(0);
            NP_prop = AdjectivalPredicates::new_atom_on_x(EitherOrProperties::as_adjective(prn), FALSE);
        } else if (ValueProperties::coincides_with_kind(prn)) {
            *subject_of_NP = Terms::new_variable(0);
            kind *K = ValueProperties::kind(prn);
            NP_prop = KindPredicates::new_atom(K, Terms::new_variable(0));

§3.4. If SentencePropositions::from_spec is given a constant value \(C\) then it returns the proposition \({\it is}(x, C)\): we look out for this and translate it to \(t=C, \phi = T\). Otherwise, \(\phi\) can be exactly the proposition returned, and the first term occurring in it will be chosen as the subject \(t\). (In particular, if \(\phi\) opens with a quantifier then \(t\) will be the variable it binds.)

This NP was parsed as a description3.4 =

    parse_node *spec = p;
    NP_prop = Propositions::copy(SentencePropositions::from_spec(spec));

    if (Propositions::match(NP_prop, 2,
        END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) {
        pcalc_term *pt = Atoms::is_x_equals(NP_prop);
        if (pt) { *subject_of_NP = *pt; NP_prop = NULL; }

    if ((Propositions::match(NP_prop, 2,
        PREDICATE_ATOM, NULL, kind_up_family,
        END_PROP_HERE, NULL)) &&
        (<k-formal-variable-singular>(W))) {
        KindPredicates::set_unarticled(NP_prop, TRUE);

    if (NP_prop) *subject_of_NP = Propositions::get_first_cited_term(NP_prop);

§3.5. When Inform reads a condition so abbreviated that both the subject and the verb have been left out, it assumes the verb is "to be" and that the subject will be whatever is being worked on. For instance,

if an unlocked container, ...

is read as the verb phrase "is" with ABSENT_SUBJECT_NT as SP and "an unlocked container" as OP.

ABSENT_SUBJECT_NT nodes are easy to deal with since they translate to the I6 variable self in the final compiled code. From a predicate calculus point of view, this is just another constant.

This NP is only a ghostly presence3.5 =

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    *subject_of_NP = Terms::new_constant(Rvalues::new_self_object_constant());

§3.6. Suppose we have a situation like this:

Texture is a kind of value. Rough, smooth and jagged are textures.  A thing has a texture.
Feeling relates various rooms to one texture. The verb to feel (he feels) implies the feeling relation.

and consider the sentences:

[1] the broken bottle is jagged
[2] the Spiky Cavern feels jagged

Now suppose we are working on the NP "jagged". In (1), it's an adjective: we are talking about a quality of the bottle. But in (2), it's a noun: we are establishing a relation between two values, the Cavern and the jagged texture.

Up to this point, "jagged" will have produced \(t=x\), \(\phi={\it jagged}(x)\) in both cases — the adjectival reading of the word. The way we can tell if we are in case (2) is if a value of a specific kind (and not an object) is expected as the outcome. In the case of the equality relation used in (1), "is", the terms can be anything; but in the case of the feeling relation used in (2), the second term, corresponding to the noun phrase "jagged" in this sentence, has to have the kind of value "texture". So we convert it into noun form, and return \(t={\it texture}, \phi = T\).

(Note that this is a different sort of noun/adjective ambiguity than the one arising above, which is to do with either/or properties.)

Another case which can occur is:

the bottle provides the property closed

where the presence of the words "the property" needs to alert us that "closed" is a noun referring to the property itself, not to a nameless object possessing that property. When the S-parser matches a property in that way, it assigns a score value of TRUE to the relevant ML entry to show this. (Score values otherwise aren't used for property names.)

If we have a single adjective which could also be a noun, and a value is required, convert it to a noun3.6 =

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    if (((Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_property)) &&
        (Annotations::read_int(p, property_name_used_as_noun_ANNOT))) || (K)) {
        pcalc_term pct = Propositions::convert_adj_to_noun(NP_prop);
        if (pct.constant) { *subject_of_NP = pct; NP_prop = NULL; }

§3.7. If we have so far produced a constant term \(t = C\) and a non-null proposition \(\phi\), then we convert \(t\) to a new free variable, say \(t = y\), we then bind any free variable in the old \(\phi\) and then change to \(\exists y: {\it is}(y, C)\land\phi\). For instance, if we are working on the OP "the box in a room" from this:

a thing in the box in a room

then the constant is $C = box$, and Sstp returned $\phi = \exists x: {\it room}(x)\land{\it is}(x, ContainerOf(box))$.

If we have a constant qualified by a substantive proposition, rewrite in terms of variable3.7 =

    if ((subject_of_NP->constant) && (NP_prop)) {
        int y = Binding::find_unused(NP_prop);
            "[%d] Rewriting qualified constant t = $0 (new var %d)\n", conv_log_depth, subject_of_NP, y);
        NP_prop = Propositions::concatenate(
            Atoms::binary_PREDICATE_new(R_equality, *subject_of_NP, Terms::new_variable(y)),
        *subject_of_NP = Terms::new_variable(y);
        NP_prop = Binding::bind_existential(NP_prop, subject_of_NP);
            "[%d] Rewriting qualified constant: <%W> --> t = $0, phi = $D\n",
            conv_log_depth, W, subject_of_NP, NP_prop);

§3.8. If the NP was something like "at least four open doors", we will so far have built QUANTIFIER --> DOMAIN_OPEN --> KIND --> PREDICATE, and now that we have reached the end of the noun phrase we need to add a DOMAIN_CLOSE atom. The following is written in a way that guarantees all such open groups are closed, but in fact there should only ever be one open, so nq should always evaluate to 0 or 1.

Close any open domain group3.8 =

    int i, nq = 0;
        switch (p->element) {
            case DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM: nq++; break;
            case DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM: nq--; break;
    if (nq < 0) internal_error("malformed proposition with too many domain ends");
    for (i=1; i<=nq; i++)
        NP_prop = Propositions::concatenate(NP_prop, Atoms::new(DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM));

§4. The following routine takes a SP and returns the best proposition it can, with a single unbound variable, to represent SP.

pcalc_prop *SentencePropositions::from_spec(parse_node *spec) {
    if (spec == NULL) return NULL;  the null description is universally true

    pcalc_prop *prop = NP_TO_PROPOSITION(spec);
    if (prop) return prop;  a propositional form is already made

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    If this is an instance of a kind, but can be used adjectivally, convert it as such4.1;
    If it's an either-or property name, it must be being used adjectivally4.2;
    It must be an ordinary noun4.3;

§4.1. For example, if we have written:

Colour is a kind of value. The colours are pink, green and black. A thing has a colour.

then "pink" is both a noun and an adjective. If SP is its representation as a noun, we return the proposition testing it adjectivally: {\it pink}(\(x\)).

If this is an instance of a kind, but can be used adjectivally, convert it as such4.1 =

    instance *I = Rvalues::to_instance(spec);
    if (I) {
        property *pname = Properties::property_with_same_name_as(Instances::to_kind(I));
        if (pname) {
            prop = AdjectivalPredicates::new_atom_on_x(Instances::as_adjective(I), FALSE);
            Typecheck the propositional form, and return4.1.1;

§4.2. For example, if the SP is "scenery", we return the proposition {\it scenery}(\(x\)).

If it's an either-or property name, it must be being used adjectivally4.2 =

    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(spec, CON_property)) {
        property *prn = Rvalues::to_property(spec);
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
            prop = AdjectivalPredicates::new_atom_on_x(
                    EitherOrProperties::as_adjective(prn), FALSE);
            Typecheck the propositional form, and return4.1.1;

§4.3. For example, if the SP is the number 17, we return the proposition {\it is}(\(x\), 17).

It must be an ordinary noun4.3 =

    prop = Atoms::prop_x_is_constant(Node::duplicate(spec));
    Typecheck the propositional form, and return4.1.1;

§4.1.1. In all cases, we finish by doing the following. In the one-atom noun cases it's a formality, but we want to enforce the rule that all propositions created in Inform go through type-checking, so:

Typecheck the propositional form, and return4.1.1 =

    TypecheckPropositions::type_check(prop, TypecheckPropositions::tc_no_problem_reporting());
    return prop;

§5. These are failed assertions, not for problem messages the user will ever see, touch wood.

void SentencePropositions::set_position(parse_node *A) {
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    StandardProblems::s_subtree_error_set_position(Task::syntax_tree(), A);
void SentencePropositions::error(char *plaint) {
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    StandardProblems::s_subtree_error(Task::syntax_tree(), plaint);
    #ifndef CORE_MODULE