Each node in a syntax tree has a type, which informs whether it can have child nodes, and what in general terms it means.

§1. Node types. Each node has a "node type". Some of those are defined here with *_NT names — these are the "enumerated" node types. But every *_MC code, as defined in the words module and by its clients, is also a valid node type. (See Vocabulary (in words).) The following is guaranteed to be able to hold any node type:

define node_type_t unsigned int  (not a typedef because it makes trouble for inweb)

§2. In practice, then, we hold node types as unsigned integers, and we will assume that these are at least 32 bits wide but perhaps no wider. Our enumerated codes all have bit 32 set, and therefore no *_MC can have.

define ENUMERATED_NT_BASE 0x80000000
enum INVALID_NT from 0x80000000    No node with this node type should ever exist
int NodeType::is_enumerated(node_type_t t) {
    if ((t >= ENUMERATED_NT_BASE) &&
    return FALSE;

§3. Metadata on node types. With what will be a profusion of node types, we need a systematic way to organise information about them, and here it is:

define INFTY 2000000000  if a node has more than two billion children, we are in trouble anyway
typedef struct node_type_metadata {
    node_type_t identity;
    struct text_stream *node_type_name;  name such as "HEADING_NT"
    int min_children;  minimum legal number of child nodes
    int max_children;  maximum legal number of child nodes, or INFTY
    int category;  one of the *_NCAT values below
    int node_flags;  bitmap of node flags
} node_type_metadata;

§4. The following categories certainly exist, and Inform-Only Nodes and Annotations (in core) adds further ones. The idea is that L1_NCAT, L2_NCAT and so on down are nodes of different "levels", with lower numbers being higher in the tree and more structurally significant. Categories are used to decide which nodes are allowed to be children of which others, thus enforcing this hierarchy.

enum INVALID_NCAT from 0    No node with this category should ever exist
enum L1_NCAT
enum L2_NCAT

void NodeType::make_parentage_allowed_table(void) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NO_DEFINED_NCAT_VALUES; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < NO_DEFINED_NCAT_VALUES; j++)
            parentage_allowed[i][j] = FALSE;
    NodeType::allow_parentage_for_categories(L1_NCAT, L1_NCAT);

§5. The callback function PARENTAGE_PERMISSIONS_SYNTAX_CALLBACK should call this as needed to fill in more permissions:

void NodeType::allow_parentage_for_categories(int A, int B) {
    parentage_allowed[A][B] = TRUE;

§6. The bitmap of node flags currently contains only two which are used by the syntax module, but we'll reserve two others for use by other modules:

define DONT_VISIT_NFLAG 0x00000001  not visited in traverses
define TABBED_NFLAG     0x00000002  contains tab-delimited lists
define PHRASAL_NFLAG    0x00000004  compiles to a function call
define ASSERT_NFLAG     0x00000008  allow this on either side of an assertion?

§7. And the metadata is stored in this table, whose indexes are offset by ENUMERATED_NT_BASE. We can therefore only retrieve metadata on enumerated node types, not on meaning codes such as RULE_MC, for which the following function will return NULL.

node_type_metadata node_type_metadatas[NO_DEFINED_NT_VALUES];

node_type_metadata *NodeType::get_metadata(node_type_t t) {
    if (NodeType::is_enumerated(t)) {
        node_type_metadata *metadata =
            &(node_type_metadatas[t - ENUMERATED_NT_BASE]);
        if (metadata->identity != t) {
            WRITE_TO(STDERR, "unable to locate node type %08x\n", t);
            internal_error("node type metadata lookup incorrect");
        return metadata;
    return NULL;

§8. Logging. In the event that metadata isn't available, because the node is not enumerated, we allow a callback function (if provided) to do the job for us.

void NodeType::log(OUTPUT_STREAM, int it) {
    node_type_t t = (node_type_t) it;
    node_type_metadata *metadata = NodeType::get_metadata(t);
    if (metadata) WRITE("%S", metadata->node_type_name);
    else {
        WRITE("?%08x_NT", t);

§9. Creation.

void NodeType::new(node_type_t identity, text_stream *node_type_name, int min_children,
    int max_children, int category, int node_flags) {
    if (NodeType::is_enumerated(identity) == FALSE) internal_error("set bad metadata");
    node_type_metadata *ptnt =
        &(node_type_metadatas[identity - ENUMERATED_NT_BASE]);
    ptnt->identity = identity;
    ptnt->node_type_name = node_type_name;
    ptnt->min_children = min_children;
    ptnt->max_children = max_children;
    ptnt->category = category;
    ptnt->node_flags = node_flags;

§10. Basic properties.

int NodeType::category(node_type_t t) {
    node_type_metadata *metadata = NodeType::get_metadata(t);
    if (metadata) return metadata->category;
    return INVALID_NCAT;

int NodeType::is_top_level(node_type_t t) {
    if (NodeType::category(t) == L1_NCAT) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int NodeType::has_flag(node_type_t t, int f) {
    node_type_metadata *metadata = NodeType::get_metadata(t);
    if ((metadata) && ((metadata->node_flags) & f)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

text_stream *NodeType::get_name(node_type_t t) {
    node_type_metadata *metadata = NodeType::get_metadata(t);
    if (metadata == NULL) return I"?";
    return metadata->node_type_name;

§11. This provides a way for users of the module to indicate what's a sentence:

int NodeType::is_sentence(node_type_t t) {
    return FALSE;

§12. Node types used by the syntax module. The syntax module uses only the following node types, but our client modules add substantially more. The three callback functions provide opportunities to do this. All a bit clumsy, but it works.

enum ROOT_NT           Only one such node exists per syntax tree: its root
enum INCLUSION_NT      Holds a block of source material
enum HEADING_NT        "Chapter VIII: Never Turn Your Back On A Shreve"
enum INCLUDE_NT        "Include School Rules by Argus Filch"
enum BEGINHERE_NT      "The Standard Rules begin here"
enum ENDHERE_NT        "The Standard Rules end here"
enum SENTENCE_NT       "The Garden is a room"
enum AMBIGUITY_NT      Marks an ambiguous set of readings in the tree
enum UNKNOWN_NT        "arfle barfle gloop"
void NodeType::metadata_setup(void) {
    NodeType::new(INVALID_NT, I"(INVALID_NT)",    0, INFTY, INVALID_NCAT, 0);

    NodeType::new(ROOT_NT, I"ROOT_NT",            0, INFTY, L1_NCAT, DONT_VISIT_NFLAG);
    NodeType::new(HEADING_NT, I"HEADING_NT",      0, INFTY, L1_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(INCLUDE_NT, I"INCLUDE_NT",      0, 0,     L2_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(BEGINHERE_NT, I"BEGINHERE_NT",  0, 0,     L2_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(ENDHERE_NT, I"ENDHERE_NT",      0, 0,     L2_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(SENTENCE_NT, I"SENTENCE_NT",    0, INFTY, L2_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(AMBIGUITY_NT, I"AMBIGUITY_NT",  0, INFTY, L1_NCAT, 0);
    NodeType::new(UNKNOWN_NT, I"UNKNOWN_NT",      0, INFTY, UNKNOWN_NCAT, 0);


§13. Parentage rules. It's mostly the case that node category determines whether one node can be parent to another, but there are exceptions.

int NodeType::parentage_allowed(node_type_t t_parent, node_type_t t_child) {
    node_type_metadata *metadata_parent = NodeType::get_metadata(t_parent);
    if (metadata_parent == NULL) return FALSE;
    node_type_metadata *metadata_child = NodeType::get_metadata(t_child);
    if (metadata_child == NULL) return FALSE;

    int cat_child = metadata_child->category;
    int cat_parent = metadata_parent->category;

    if (parentage_allowed[cat_parent][cat_child]) return TRUE;
    if ((t_parent == HEADING_NT) && (cat_child == L2_NCAT)) return TRUE;
    if (PARENTAGE_EXCEPTIONS_SYNTAX_CALLBACK(t_parent, cat_parent, t_child, cat_child))
        return TRUE;
    if ((t_parent == AMBIGUITY_NT) || (t_child == AMBIGUITY_NT)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;