To produce most of the Kinds page in the Index for a project: the chart at the top, and the detailed entries below.

§1. Indexing the kinds. The Kinds page of the index opens with a table summarising the hierarchy of kinds, and then follows with details. This routine is called twice, once with pass equal to 1, when it has to fill in the hierarchy of kinds listed under "value" in the key chart at the top of the Kinds index; and then again lower down, with pass equal to 2, when it gives more detail.

Not all of the built-in kinds are indexed on the Kinds page. The ones omitted are of no help to end users, and would only clutter up the table with misleading entries. Remaining kinds are grouped together in "priority" order, a device to enable the quasinumerical kinds to stick together, the enumerative ones, and so on. A lower priority number puts you higher up, but kinds with priority 0 do not appear in the index at all.

void Kinds::Index::index_kinds(OUTPUT_STREAM, int pass) {
    int priority;
    if (pass == 1) {
        HTML_OPEN("p"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
        tabulating_kinds_index = TRUE;
        Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4;
        Add a titling row to the chart of kinds1.2;
        Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4;
        Add the rubric below the chart of kinds1.6;

    for (priority = 1; priority <= LOWEST_INDEX_PRIORITY; priority++) {
        kind *K;
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) continue;
            if (priority == Kinds::Behaviour::get_index_priority(K)) {
                if ((priority == 8) || (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(K))) {
                    switch (pass) {
                        case 1: Write table row for this kind1.5; break;
                        case 2:
                            Write heading for the detailed index entry for this kind1.7;
                            HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
                            Index kinds of kinds matched by this kind1.9;
                            Index explanatory text supplied for a kind1.11;
                            Index literal patterns which can specify this kind1.8;
                            Index possible values of an enumerated kind1.10;
                            HTML_CLOSE("p"); break;
                    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_object)) Recurse to index subkinds of object1.1;
        if ((priority == 1) || (priority == 6) || (priority == 7)) {
            if (pass == 1) {
                Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4;
                if (priority == 7) {
                    Add a second titling row to the chart of kinds1.3;
                    Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4;
            } else HTML_TAG("hr");

    if (pass == 1) {
        Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4;
        tabulating_kinds_index = FALSE;
    } else {
        Explain about covariance and contravariance1.12;

§1.1. Recurse to index subkinds of object1.1 =

    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::eq(Latticework::super(K), K_object))
            Data::Objects::index(OUT, NULL, K, 2, (pass == 1)?FALSE:TRUE);

§1.2. An atypical row:

Add a titling row to the chart of kinds1.2 =

    HTML::first_html_column_nowrap(OUT, 0, "#e0e0e0");
    WRITE("<b>basic kinds</b>");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "default value", "default");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "repeat", "repeat");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "props", "props");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "under", "under");

§1.3. And another:

Add a second titling row to the chart of kinds1.3 =

    HTML::first_html_column_nowrap(OUT, 0, "#e0e0e0");
    WRITE("<b>making new kinds from old</b>");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "default value", "default");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "", NULL);
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "", NULL);
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUT, "", NULL);

§1.4. A dotty row:

Add a dotty row to the chart of kinds1.4 =

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "bgcolor=\"#888\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "height=\"1\" colspan=\"5\" cellpadding=\"0\"");

§1.5. And then a typical row:

Write table row for this kind1.5 =

    char *repeat = "cross", *props = "cross", *under = "cross";
    int shaded = FALSE;
    if ((Kinds::Behaviour::get_highest_valid_value_as_integer(K) == 0) &&
            shaded = TRUE;
    if (Calculus::Deferrals::has_finite_domain(K)) repeat = "tick";
    if (Kinds::Knowledge::has_properties(K)) props = "tick";
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::offers_I6_GPR(K)) under = "tick";
    Kinds::Index::index_kind_name_cell(OUT, shaded, K);
    if (priority == 8) { repeat = NULL; props = NULL; under = NULL; }
    Kinds::Index::end_chart_row(OUT, shaded, K, repeat, props, under);

§1.6. Note the named anchors here, which must match those linked from the titling row.

Add the rubric below the chart of kinds1.6 =

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "style=\"display:none\" id=\"default\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"5\"");
    WRITE("The <b>default value</b> is used when we make something like "
        "a variable but don't tell Inform what its value is. For instance, if "
        "we write 'Zero hour is a time that varies', but don't tell Inform "
        "anything specific like 'Zero hour is 11:21 PM.', then Inform uses "
        "the value in the table above to decide what it will be. "
        "The same applies if we create a property (for instance, 'A person "
        "has a number called lucky number.'). Kinds of value not included "
        "in the table cannot be used in variables and properties.");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "style=\"display:none\" id=\"repeat\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"5\"");
    WRITE("A tick for <b>repeat</b> means that it's possible to "
        "repeat through values of this kind. For instance, 'repeat with T "
        "running through times:' is allowed, but 'repeat with N running "
        "through numbers:' is not - there are too many numbers for this to "
        "make sense. A tick here also means it's possible to form lists such "
        "as 'list of rulebooks', or to count the 'number of scenes'.");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "style=\"display:none\" id=\"props\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"5\"");
    WRITE("A tick for <b>props</b> means that values of this "
        "kind can have properties. For instance, 'A scene can be thrilling or "
        "dull.' makes an either/or property of a scene, but 'A number can be "
        "nice or nasty.' is not allowed because it would cost too much storage "
        "space. (Of course 'Definition:' can always be used to make adjectives "
        "applying to numbers; it's only properties which have storage "
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "style=\"display:none\" id=\"under\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"5\"");
    WRITE("A tick for <b>under</b> means that it's possible "
        "to understand values of this kind. For instance, 'Understand \"award "
        "[number]\" as awarding.' might be allowed, if awarding were an action "
        "applying to a number, but 'Understand \"run [rule]\" as rule-running.' "
        "is not allowed - there are so many rules with such long names that "
        "Inform doesn't add them to its vocabulary during play.");

§1.7. The detailed entry lower down the page begins with:

Write heading for the detailed index entry for this kind1.7 =

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "halftight");
    Index::anchor_numbered(OUT, Kinds::get_construct(K)->allocation_id);  ...the anchor to which the grey icon in the table led
    WRITE("<b>"); Kinds::Index::index_kind(OUT, K, FALSE, TRUE); WRITE("</b>");
    WRITE(" (<i>plural</i> "); Kinds::Index::index_kind(OUT, K, TRUE, FALSE); WRITE(")");
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K))
        Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K));  blue help icon, if any
    if (Kinds::is_proper_constructor(K)) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
        int i, a = Kinds::Constructors::arity(Kinds::get_construct(K));
        if ((a == 2) &&
            (Kinds::Constructors::variance(Kinds::get_construct(K), 0) ==
                Kinds::Constructors::variance(Kinds::get_construct(K), 1)))
            a = 1;
        for (i=0; i<a; i++) {
            if (i > 0) WRITE(", ");
            if (Kinds::Constructors::variance(Kinds::get_construct(K), i) > 0)
            if (a > 1) WRITE(" in %c", 'K'+i);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=#contra>");
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/shelp.png");

§1.8. Index literal patterns which can specify this kind1.8 =

    if (LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(K)) {
        LiteralPatterns::index_all(OUT, K);

§1.9. Which kinds of kinds we match:

Index kinds of kinds matched by this kind1.9 =

    int f = FALSE;
    WRITE("<i>Matches:</i> ");
    kind *K2;
        if ((Kinds::Behaviour::is_kind_of_kind(K2)) && (Kinds::conforms_to(K, K2))
             && (Kinds::eq(K2, K_pointer_value) == FALSE)
             && (Kinds::eq(K2, K_stored_value) == FALSE)) {
            if (f) WRITE(", ");
            Kinds::Index::index_kind(OUT, K2, FALSE, TRUE);
            f = TRUE;

§1.10. Note that an enumerated kind only becomes so when its first possible value is made, so that the following sentence can't have an empty list in it.

Index possible values of an enumerated kind1.10 =

    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_an_enumeration(K)) {
        Data::Objects::index_instances(OUT, K, 1);

§1.11. Explanations:

Index explanatory text supplied for a kind1.11 =

    text_stream *explanation = Kinds::Behaviour::get_specification_text(K);
    if (Str::len(explanation) > 0) {
        WRITE("%S", explanation);
    World::Inferences::index(OUT, Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K), FALSE);

§1.12. Explain about covariance and contravariance1.12 =

    HTML_TAG_WITH("a", "name=contra");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\"");
    WRITE("<b>Covariance</b> means that if K is a kind of L, then something "
        "you make from K can be used as the same thing made from L. For example, "
        "a list of doors can be used as a list of things, because 'list of K' is "
        "covariant. <b>Contravariance</b> means it works the other way round. "
        "For example, an activity on things can be used as an activity on doors, "
        "but not vice versa, because 'activity of K' is contravariant.");

§2. Kind table construction. First, here's the table cell for the heading at the top of a column: the link is to the part of the rubric explaining what goes into the column.

void Kinds::Index::index_kind_col_head(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *name, char *anchor) {
    HTML::next_html_column_nowrap(OUT, 0);
    WRITE("<i>%s</i>&nbsp;", name);
    if (anchor) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"#\" onClick=\"showBasic('%s');\"", anchor);
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/shelp.png");

§3. Once we're past the heading row, each row is made in two parts: first this is called —

int striper = FALSE;
void Kinds::Index::begin_chart_row(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    char *col = NULL;
    if (striper) col = "#f0f0ff";
    striper = striper?FALSE:TRUE;
    HTML::first_html_column_nowrap(OUT, 0, col);

§4. That leads us into the cell for the name of the kind. The following routine is used for the kind rows, but not for the kinds-of-object rows; the cell for those is filled in a different way in "Index Physical World".

It's convenient to return the shadedness: a row is shaded if it's for a kind which can have enumerated values but doesn't at the moment — for instance, the sound effects row is shaded if there are none.

int Kinds::Index::index_kind_name_cell(OUTPUT_STREAM, int shaded, kind *K) {
    if (shaded) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
    Kinds::Index::index_kind(OUT, K, FALSE, TRUE);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_quasinumerical(K)) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "href=\"Kinds.html?segment2\"");
        HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/doc_images/calc1.png");
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K))
        Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, Kinds::Behaviour::get_documentation_reference(K));
    int i = Instances::count(K);
    if (i >= 1) WRITE(" [%d]", i);
    Index::below_link_numbered(OUT, Kinds::get_construct(K)->allocation_id);  a grey see below icon leading to an anchor on pass 2
    if (shaded) HTML::end_colour(OUT);
    return shaded;

§5. Finally we close the name cell, add the remaining cells, and close out the whole row.

void Kinds::Index::end_chart_row(OUTPUT_STREAM, int shaded, kind *K,
    char *tick1, char *tick2, char *tick3) {
    if (tick1) HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0);
    else HTML::next_html_column_spanning(OUT, 0, 4);
    if (shaded) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
    Index the default value entry in the kind chart5.1;
    if (shaded) HTML::end_colour(OUT);
    if (tick1) {
        HTML::next_html_column_centred(OUT, 0);
        if (tick1)
                "border=0 alt=\"%s\" src=inform:/doc_images/%s%s.png",
                tick1, shaded?"grey":"", tick1);
        HTML::next_html_column_centred(OUT, 0);
        if (tick2)
                "border=0 alt=\"%s\" src=inform:/doc_images/%s%s.png",
                tick2, shaded?"grey":"", tick2);
        HTML::next_html_column_centred(OUT, 0);
        if (tick3)
                "border=0 alt=\"%s\" src=inform:/doc_images/%s%s.png",
                tick3, shaded?"grey":"", tick3);

§5.1. Index the default value entry in the kind chart5.1 =

    int found = FALSE;
    instance *inst;
        Instances::index_name(OUT, inst);
        found = TRUE;
    if (found == FALSE) {
        text_stream *p = Kinds::Behaviour::get_index_default_value(K);
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(p, L"<0-in-literal-pattern>"))
            Index the constant 0 but use the default literal pattern5.1.1
        else if (Str::eq_wide_string(p, L"<first-constant>"))
        else WRITE("%S", p);

§5.1.1. For every quasinumeric kind the default value is 0, but we don't want to index just "0" because that means 0-as-a-number: we want it to come out as "0 kg", "0 hectares", or whatever is appropriate.

Index the constant 0 but use the default literal pattern5.1.1 =

    if (LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(K))
            LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(K), 0);

§6. Indexing kind names.

void Kinds::Index::index_kind(OUTPUT_STREAM, kind *K, int plural, int with_links) {
    if (K == NULL) return;
    wording W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, plural);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        if (Kinds::is_proper_constructor(K)) {
            Index the constructor text6.1;
        } else {
            WRITE("%W", W);
            if (with_links) {
                int wn = Wordings::first_wn(W);
                if (Kinds::Behaviour::get_creating_sentence(K))
                    wn = Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(Kinds::Behaviour::get_creating_sentence(K)));
                Index::link(OUT, wn);

§6.1. Index the constructor text6.1 =

    int length = Wordings::length(W), w1 = Wordings::first_wn(W), tinted = TRUE;
    int i, first_stroke = -1, last_stroke = -1;
    for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
        if (Lexer::word(w1+i) == STROKE_V) {
            if (first_stroke == -1) first_stroke = i;
            last_stroke = i;
    int from = 0, to = length-1;
    if (last_stroke >= 0) from = last_stroke+1; else tinted = FALSE;
    if (tinted) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
    for (i=from; i<=to; i++) {
        int j, untinted = FALSE;
        for (j=0; j<first_stroke; j++)
            if (Lexer::word(w1+j) == Lexer::word(w1+i))
                untinted = TRUE;
        if (untinted) HTML::end_colour(OUT);
        if (i>from) WRITE(" ");
        if (Lexer::word(w1+i) == CAPITAL_K_V) WRITE("K");
        else if (Lexer::word(w1+i) == CAPITAL_L_V) WRITE("L");
        else WRITE("%V", Lexer::word(w1+i));
        if (untinted) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
    if (tinted) HTML::end_colour(OUT);