§1. This is the home page for the source code for the Inform 7 programming language. For the language itself, its documentation, and downloads of the apps for different platforms, see: http://www.inform7.com

Almost everything here is a "web", or "literate program", powered by inweb. Those new to literate programming may want first to try the modest examples there (say, goldbach), and skim the inweb manual.

These pages host "woven", human-readable, forms of the source and are intended for browsing. To obtain and build the software, or to see resources which are not webs and thus not here, see: https://github.com/ganelson/inform

§2. The Inform 7 compiler comes with a large penumbra of supporting resources, so there are around 50 webs in this repository:

§3. Three webs are conspicuously missing, but only because they are on similar mini-websites on other Github repositories: