To provide the names of phrases as first-class values.

§1. Phrases which have been given names can be used as first-class values in Inform, meaning that they can be stored in variables, have a kind which can be expressed in Inform source text, and so on.

At runtime, it might be expected that such a constant would be stored just as the address of the function. In fact it is stored as (the address of) a small fixed-size array called a "closure", which does include the function address, but also some metadata about it.

In the theory of compilers, the term "closure" is usually used more ambitiously than this, in that closures "capture" references to local variables, thus enabling "closed" functions to be made out of fragments occurring inside code. For example, in the Swift programming language:

    var threshold = 10
    let fn = { x in return x > threshold }
    return fn

a nameless function has been made with { x in return x > threshold } which includes a reference to a local variable not part of its own definition, i.e., threshold. A reference to this must be "captured" and salted away in the closure data, since otherwise by the time the fn value is used, threshold will not exist.

This issue does not arise for Inform because, at present, there is no lambda operator, or syntax like Swift's { x in ... }, for making one phrase inside the body of another one.1 So we never need capture anything, and phrases are never half-open and so in that sense do not need closing, but we will continue to use the flattering term "closure" anyway.

§2. This returns the iname for a closure array for cphr. Since each phrase can have at most one closure, and they occupy little memory, we do not need to create or destroy them dynamically as small blocks: we can simply store them in memory at known locations, and the iname here refers to that location.

inter_name *Closures::iname(constant_phrase *cphr) {
    if (cphr->cphr_iname == NULL) {
        id_body *idb = ToPhraseFamily::body_of_constant(cphr);
        if (idb == NULL) internal_error("cannot reconstruct phrase from cphr");
        package_request *P = Hierarchy::package_within(CLOSURES_HAP,
        cphr->cphr_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(CLOSURE_DATA_HL, P);
    return cphr->cphr_iname;

§3. And this is where those arrays are made:

void Closures::compile_closures(void) {
    constant_phrase *cphr;
    LOOP_OVER(cphr, constant_phrase) {
        id_body *idb = ToPhraseFamily::body_of_constant(cphr);
        if (idb == NULL) internal_error("cannot reconstruct phrase from cphr");
        Compile the closure array for this constant phrase3.1;

§3.1. The closure array consists of three words: the strong kind ID, the address of the function, and the text of the name. (The latter enables us to print phrase values efficiently.) Note that we make a compilation request for the phrase in order to make sure somebody has actually compiled it: this is in case the phrase occurs as a constant but is never explicitly invoked, as here —

To decide which number is (N - a number) doubled (this is doubling):
    decide on N + N.
To begin:
    let L be { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
    say "Doubling produces [doubling applied to L]."

In this source text, there is never an explicit invocation such as "4 doubled", but the fact that the phrase has been given the name "doubling" is enough to ensure that the closure array for it is compiled, and that forces a request for the underlying function's compilation.

Compile the closure array for this constant phrase3.1 =

    inter_name *iname = Closures::iname(cphr);
    packaging_state save = EmitArrays::begin(iname, K_value);


    inter_name *RS = PhraseRequests::simple_request(idb, ToPhraseFamily::kind(cphr));

    WRITE_TO(name, "%W", Nouns::nominative_singular(cphr->name));


§4. Now we come to something trickier. We want default values for kinds of phrases, because otherwise we can't have variables holding phrases unless they are always initialised explicitly, and so on. Clearly the default value for a phrase to nothing is one that does nothing, and for a phrase to some kind K is one that returns the default value of kind K. For example, the default value of

    phrase (text, time) -> number

is the function which takes any pair of a text and a time, does nothing with them, and always returns the default number, i.e., 0. But this means we need to actually compile such functions. Since there are in principle an infinite number of distinct phrase kinds, we will only compile them for the phrase kinds which actually arise during compilation.

The following function is called exactly once for each such kind K.

typedef struct default_closure_request {
    struct inter_name *closure_identifier;
    struct kind *K;
} default_closure_request;

void Closures::compile_default_closure(inter_name *closure_identifier, kind *K) {
    text_stream *desc = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(desc, "default closure for %u", K);
    default_closure_request *dcr = CREATE(default_closure_request);
    dcr->closure_identifier = closure_identifier;
    dcr->K = K;
    Sequence::queue(&Closures::compilation_agent, STORE_POINTER_default_closure_request(dcr), desc);

§5. And the actual compilation is done here, when we can be certain that no other function is being compiled at the same time.

void Closures::compilation_agent(compilation_subtask *t) {
    default_closure_request *dcr = RETRIEVE_POINTER_default_closure_request(t->data);
    package_request *P = RTKindConstructors::kind_package(dcr->K);
    inter_name *rname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(DEFAULT_CLOSURE_FN_HL, P);
    Compile the default function5.1;
    Compile its closure5.2;

§5.1. Compile the default function5.1 =

    packaging_state save = Functions::begin(rname);
    kind *result = NULL;
    Kinds::binary_construction_material(dcr->K, NULL, &result);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(result) != CON_NIL) {

        if (Kinds::Behaviour::uses_block_values(result)) {
            inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(BLKVALUECREATE_HL);
        } else {
            if (DefaultValues::val(result, EMPTY_WORDING, NULL) != TRUE)


§5.2. Compile its closure5.2 =

    packaging_state save = EmitArrays::begin(dcr->closure_identifier, K_value);
    WRITE_TO(DVT, "default value of "); Kinds::Textual::write(DVT, dcr->K);