To index rules and rulebooks.

§1. Indexing. Some rules are provided with index text:

typedef struct rule_indexing_data {
    struct wording italicised_text;  when indexing a rulebook
} rule_indexing_data;

rule_indexing_data IXRules::new_indexing_data(rule *R) {
    rule_indexing_data rid;
    rid.italicised_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    return rid;

void IXRules::set_italicised_index_text(rule *R, wording W) {
    R->indexing_data.italicised_text = W;

§2. And off we go:

int IXRules::index(OUTPUT_STREAM, rule *R, rulebook *owner, rule_context rc) {
    int no_responses_indexed = 0;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(R->indexing_data.italicised_text)) Index the italicised text to do with the rule2.1;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(R->name)) Index the rule name along with Javascript buttons2.2;
    if ((Wordings::nonempty(R->indexing_data.italicised_text) == FALSE) &&
        (Wordings::nonempty(R->name) == FALSE) && (R->defn_as_I7_source))
        Index some text extracted from the first line of the otherwise anonymous rule2.4;
    Index a link to the first line of the rule's definition2.5;
    if (global_compilation_settings.number_rules_in_index) Index the small type rule numbering2.6;
    Index any applicability conditions2.7;
    Index any response texts in the rule2.3;
    return no_responses_indexed;

§2.1. Index the italicised text to do with the rule2.1 =

    WRITE("<i>%+W", R->indexing_data.italicised_text);
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if (rc.scene_context) {
        WRITE(" during ");
        wording SW = Scenes::get_name(rc.scene_context);
        WRITE("%+W", SW);



Index the rule name along with Javascript buttons2.2 =

    HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"800000");
    WRITE("%+W", R->name);

    WRITE_TO(S, "%+W", R->name);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);
    WRITE("&nbsp;<i>name</i> ");

    WRITE_TO(S, "The %W is not listed in the %W rulebook.\n", R->name, owner->primary_name);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);

    int l, c;
    for (l=0, c=0; l<26; l++)
        if (R->responses[l].message) {
    if (c > 0) {
        Index::extra_link_with(OUT, 1000000+R->allocation_id, "responses");
        WRITE("%d", c);

§2.3. Index any response texts in the rule2.3 =

    int l, c;
    for (l=0, c=0; l<26; l++)
        if (R->responses[l].message) {
            if (c == 0) Index::extra_div_open_nested(OUT, 1000000+R->allocation_id, 2);
            else HTML_TAG("br");
            IXRules::index_response(OUT, R, l, R->responses[l].message);
    if (c > 0) Index::extra_div_close_nested(OUT);
    no_responses_indexed = c;

§2.4. Index some text extracted from the first line of the otherwise anonymous rule2.4 =

    parse_node *pn = R->defn_as_I7_source->at->down;
    if ((pn) && (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(pn)))) {
        WRITE("(%+W", Node::get_text(pn));
        if (pn->next) WRITE("; ...");

§2.5. Index a link to the first line of the rule's definition2.5 =

    if (R->defn_as_I7_source) {
        parse_node *pn = R->defn_as_I7_source->at;
        if ((pn) && (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(pn))))
            Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(pn)));

§2.6. Index the small type rule numbering2.6 =

    WRITE(" ");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\"");
    if (R->defn_as_I7_source) WRITE("%d", R->defn_as_I7_source->allocation_id);
    else WRITE("primitive");

§2.7. Index any applicability conditions2.7 =

    applicability_constraint *acl;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(acl, applicability_constraint, R->applicability_constraints) {
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(acl->where_imposed)));
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W", Node::get_text(acl->where_imposed));

§3. Indexing of lists. There's a division of labour: here we arrange the index of the rules and show the linkage between them, while the actual content for each rule is handled in the "Rules" section.

int IXRules::index_booking_list(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking_list *L, rule_context rc,
    char *billing, rulebook *owner, int *resp_count) {
    booking *prev = NULL;
    int count = 0;
        rule *R = RuleBookings::get_rule(br);
        int skip = FALSE;
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        imperative_defn *id = Rules::get_imperative_definition(R);
        if (id) {
            id_body *idb = id->body_of_defn;
            id_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(idb->runtime_context_data);
            scene *during_scene = Scenes::rcd_scene(phrcd);
            if ((rc.scene_context) && (during_scene != rc.scene_context)) skip = TRUE;
            if ((rc.action_context) &&
                (ActionRules::within_action_context(phrcd, rc.action_context) == FALSE))
                skip = TRUE;
        if (skip == FALSE) {
            IXRules::br_start_index_line(OUT, prev, billing);
            *resp_count += IXRules::index(OUT, R, owner, rc);
        prev = br;
    return count;

§4. The "index links" are not hypertextual: they're the little icons showing the order of precedence of rules in the list. On some index pages we don't want this, so:

int show_index_links = TRUE;

void IXRules::list_suppress_indexed_links(void) {
    show_index_links = FALSE;

void IXRules::list_resume_indexed_links(void) {
    show_index_links = TRUE;

void IXRules::br_start_index_line(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking *prev, char *billing) {
    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
    if ((billing[0]) && (show_index_links)) IXRules::br_show_linkage_icon(OUT, prev);
    WRITE("%s", billing);
    if ((billing[0] == 0) && (show_index_links)) IXRules::br_show_linkage_icon(OUT, prev);

§5. And here's how the index links (if wanted) are chosen and plotted:

void IXRules::br_show_linkage_icon(OUTPUT_STREAM, booking *prev) {
    text_stream *icon_name = NULL;  redundant assignment to appease gcc -O2
    if ((prev == NULL) || (prev->commentary.tooltip_text == NULL)) {
        HTML::icon_with_tooltip(OUT, I"inform:/doc_images/rulenone.png",
            I"start of rulebook", NULL);
    switch (prev->commentary.next_rule_specificity) {
        case -1: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/ruleless.png"; break;
        case 0: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/ruleequal.png"; break;
        case 1: icon_name = I"inform:/doc_images/rulemore.png"; break;
        default: internal_error("unknown rule specificity");
    HTML::icon_with_tooltip(OUT, icon_name,
        prev->commentary.tooltip_text, prev->commentary.law_applied);

§6. Rules index. The Rules page of the index is essentially a trawl through the more popular rulebooks, showing their contents in logical order.

void IXRules::Rules_page(OUTPUT_STREAM, int n) {
    if (n == 1) {
        Index the segment for the main action rulebooks6.4;
        Index the segment for the sequence of play rulebooks6.2;
        Index the segment for the Understanding rulebooks6.3;
        Index the segment for the description rulebooks6.9;
        Index the segment for the accessibility rulebooks6.7;
        Index the segment for the light and darkness rulebooks6.8;
        Index the segment for the top-level rulebooks6.1;
        Index the segment for the action processing rulebooks6.5;
        Index the segment for the responses6.6;
    } else {
        if (IXRules::noteworthy_rulebooks(NULL) > 0)
            Index the segment for new rulebooks and activities6.10;
        inform_extension *E;
        LOOP_OVER(E, inform_extension)
            if (Extensions::is_standard(E) == FALSE)
                if (IXRules::noteworthy_rulebooks(E) > 0)
                    Index the segment for the rulebooks in this extension6.11;

§6.1. Index the segment for the top-level rulebooks6.1 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>The top level</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("An Inform story file spends its whole time working through "
        "these three master rulebooks. They can be altered, just as all "
        "rulebooks can, but it's generally better to leave them alone.");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Startup rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(STARTUP_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, STARTING_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ACT, 2);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_BANNER_TEXT_ACT, 2);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Turn sequence rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(TURN_SEQUENCE_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, CONSTRUCTING_STATUS_LINE_ACT, 2);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Shutdown rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(SHUTDOWN_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, AMUSING_A_VICTORIOUS_PLAYER_ACT, 2);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_PLAYERS_OBITUARY_ACT, 2);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, DEALING_WITH_FINAL_QUESTION_ACT, 2);

§6.2. Index the segment for the sequence of play rulebooks6.2 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>Rules added to the sequence of play</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("These rulebooks are the best places to put rules timed to happen "
        "at the start, at the end, or once each turn. (Each is run through at "
        "a carefully chosen moment in the relevant top-level rulebook.) It is "
        "also possible to have rules take effect at specific times of day "
        "or when certain events happen. Those are listed in the Scenes index, "
        "alongside rules taking place when scenes begin or end."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "When play begins", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_wpb",
        Rulebooks::std(WHEN_PLAY_BEGINS_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Every turn", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_et",
        Rulebooks::std(EVERY_TURN_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "When play ends", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_wpe",
        Rulebooks::std(WHEN_PLAY_ENDS_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);

§6.3. Index the segment for the Understanding rulebooks6.3 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>How commands are understood</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("'Understanding' here means turning a typed command, like GET FISH, "
        "into one or more actions, like taking the red herring. This is all handled "
        "by a single large rule (the parse command rule), but that rule makes use "
        "of the following activities and rulebooks in its work."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Does the player mean", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_dtpm",
        Rulebooks::std(DOES_THE_PLAYER_MEAN_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, READING_A_COMMAND_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, DECIDING_SCOPE_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, DECIDING_CONCEALED_POSSESS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, DECIDING_WHETHER_ALL_INC_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, CLARIFYING_PARSERS_CHOICE_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, ASKING_WHICH_DO_YOU_MEAN_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_A_PARSER_ERROR_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, SUPPLYING_A_MISSING_NOUN_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, SUPPLYING_A_MISSING_SECOND_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, IMPLICITLY_TAKING_ACT, 1);

§6.4. Index the segment for the main action rulebooks6.4 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>Rules governing actions</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    WRITE("These rules are the ones which tell Inform how actions work, "
        "and which affect how they happen in particular cases.");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Persuasion", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_per",
        Rulebooks::std(PERSUASION_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Unsuccessful attempt by", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_fail",
        Rulebooks::std(UNSUCCESSFUL_ATTEMPT_BY_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Before", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_before",
        Rulebooks::std(BEFORE_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Instead", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_instead",
        Rulebooks::std(INSTEAD_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Check", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL, NULL, NULL,
        "Check rules are tied to specific actions, and there are too many "
        "to index here. For instance, the check taking rules can only ever "
        "affect the taking action, so they are indexed on the detailed index "
        "page for taking.", 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Carry out", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL, NULL, NULL,
        "Carry out rules are tied to specific actions, and there are too many "
        "to index here.", 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "After", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_after",
        Rulebooks::std(AFTER_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Report", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL, NULL, NULL,
        "Report rules are tied to specific actions, and there are too many "
        "to index here.", 1, TRUE);

§6.5. Index the segment for the action processing rulebooks6.5 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>How actions are processed</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("These form the technical machinery for dealing with actions, and are "
        "called on at least once every turn. They seldom need to be changed."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Action-processing rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(ACTION_PROCESSING_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Specific action-processing rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Player's action awareness rules", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(PLAYERS_ACTION_AWARENESS_RB), NULL, NULL, 3, TRUE);

§6.6. Index the segment for the responses6.6 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>How responses are printed</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("The Standard Rules, and some extensions, reply to the player's "
        "commands with messages which are able to be modified."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_RESPONSE_ACT, 1);

§6.7. Index the segment for the accessibility rulebooks6.7 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>How accessibility is judged</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("These rulebooks are used when deciding who can reach what, and "
        "who can see what."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Reaching inside", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_ri",
        Rulebooks::std(REACHING_INSIDE_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Reaching outside", EMPTY_WORDING, I"rules_ri",
        Rulebooks::std(REACHING_OUTSIDE_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Visibility", EMPTY_WORDING, I"visibility",
        Rulebooks::std(VISIBILITY_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);

§6.8. Index the segment for the light and darkness rulebooks6.8 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>Light and darkness</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("These activities control how we describe darkness."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_NAME_OF_DARK_ROOM_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_DESC_OF_DARK_ROOM_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_NEWS_OF_DARKNESS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_NEWS_OF_LIGHT_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, REFUSAL_TO_ACT_IN_DARK_ACT, 1);

§6.9. Index the segment for the description rulebooks6.9 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>How things are described</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("These activities control what is printed when naming rooms or "
        "things, and their descriptions."); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_THE_NAME_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_THE_PLURAL_NAME_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_A_NUMBER_OF_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_ROOM_DESC_DETAILS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_INVENTORY_DETAILS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, LISTING_CONTENTS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, GROUPING_TOGETHER_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, WRITING_A_PARAGRAPH_ABOUT_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, LISTING_NONDESCRIPT_ITEMS_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_LOCALE_DESCRIPTION_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, CHOOSING_NOTABLE_LOCALE_OBJ_ACT, 1);
    IXActivities::index_by_number(OUT, PRINTING_LOCALE_PARAGRAPH_ACT, 1);

§6.10. Index the segment for new rulebooks and activities6.10 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>From the source text</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    inform_extension *E = NULL;  that is, not in an extension at all
    Index rulebooks occurring in this part of the source text6.10.1;

§6.11. Index the segment for the rulebooks in this extension6.11 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>From the extension ");
    Works::write_to_HTML_file(OUT, E->as_copy->edition->work, FALSE);
    WRITE("</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    Index rulebooks occurring in this part of the source text6.10.1;

§6.10.1. Index rulebooks occurring in this part of the source text6.10.1 =

    activity *av;
    rulebook *rb;
    LOOP_OVER(rb, rulebook) {
        source_file *sf = Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(rb->primary_name));
        if (rb->automatically_generated) continue;
        if (((E == NULL) && (sf == NULL)) ||
            (Extensions::corresponding_to(sf) == E))
            IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, NULL, rb->primary_name, NULL, rb, NULL, NULL, 1, TRUE);
    LOOP_OVER(av, activity) {
        source_file *sf = Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(av->name));
        if (((E == NULL) && (sf == NULL)) ||
            (Extensions::corresponding_to(sf) == E))
            IXActivities::index(OUT, av, 1);


int IXRules::noteworthy_rulebooks(inform_extension *E) {
    int nb = 0;
    activity *av;
    rulebook *rb;
    LOOP_OVER(rb, rulebook) {
        source_file *sf = Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(rb->primary_name));
        if (rb->automatically_generated) continue;
        if (((E == NULL) && (sf == NULL)) ||
            (Extensions::corresponding_to(sf) == E)) nb++;
    LOOP_OVER(av, activity) {
        source_file *sf = Lexer::file_of_origin(Wordings::first_wn(av->name));
        if (((E == NULL) && (sf == NULL)) ||
            (Extensions::corresponding_to(sf) == E)) nb++;
    return nb;

void IXRules::index_scene(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>The scene-changing machinery</b>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    IXRules::index_rules_box(OUT, "Scene changing", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        Rulebooks::std(SCENE_CHANGING_RB), NULL, NULL, 1, FALSE);

int unique_xtra_no = 0;
void IXRules::index_rules_box(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *name, wording W, text_stream *doc_link,
    rulebook *rb, activity *av, char *text, int indent, int hide_behind_plus) {
    int xtra_no = 0;
    if (rb) xtra_no = rb->allocation_id;
    else if (av) xtra_no = NUMBER_CREATED(rulebook) + av->allocation_id;
    else xtra_no = NUMBER_CREATED(rulebook) + NUMBER_CREATED(activity) + unique_xtra_no++;

    char *col = "e0e0e0";
    if (av) col = "e8e0c0";

    int n = 0;
    if (rb) n = Rulebooks::no_rules(rb);
    if (av) n = IXActivities::no_rules(av);

    if (name) WRITE_TO(textual_name, "%s", name);
    else if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE_TO(textual_name, "%+W", W);
    else WRITE_TO(textual_name, "nameless");
    string_position start = Str::start(textual_name);
    Str::put(start, Characters::tolower(Str::get(start)));

    if (hide_behind_plus) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, indent+1, "tight");
        Index::extra_link(OUT, xtra_no);
        if (n == 0) HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"808080");
        WRITE("%S", textual_name);
        Write the titling line of an index rules box7.1;
        WRITE(" (%d rule%s)", n, (n==1)?"":"s");
        if (n == 0) HTML::end_colour(OUT);

        Index::extra_div_open(OUT, xtra_no, indent+1, col);
    } else {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, indent, "");
        HTML::open_coloured_box(OUT, col, ROUND_BOX_TOP+ROUND_BOX_BOTTOM);

    HTML::begin_html_table(OUT, NULL, TRUE, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0);
    HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
    WRITE("<b>%S</b>", textual_name);
    Write the titling line of an index rules box7.1;

    HTML::next_html_column_right_justified(OUT, 0);

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
    if (av) {
        WRITE_TO(skeleton, "Before %S:", textual_name);
        PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, skeleton);
        WRITE("&nbsp;<i>b</i> ");
        WRITE_TO(skeleton, "Rule for %S:", textual_name);
        PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, skeleton);
        WRITE("&nbsp;<i>f</i> ");
        WRITE_TO(skeleton, "After %S:", textual_name);
        PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, skeleton);
    } else {
        PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, textual_name);


    if ((rb) && (Rulebooks::is_empty(rb)))
        text = "There are no rules in this rulebook.";
    if (text) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "tight");
        WRITE("%s", text); HTML_CLOSE("p");
    } else {
        if (rb) {
            int ignore_me = 0;
            IXRules::index_rulebook(OUT, rb, "",
                IXRules::no_rule_context(), &ignore_me);
        if (av) IXActivities::index_details(OUT, av);
    if (hide_behind_plus) {
        Index::extra_div_close(OUT, col);
    } else {
        HTML::close_coloured_box(OUT, col, ROUND_BOX_TOP+ROUND_BOX_BOTTOM);

§7.1. Write the titling line of an index rules box7.1 =

    if (Str::len(doc_link) > 0) Index::DocReferences::link(OUT, doc_link);
    WRITE(" ... ");
    if (av) WRITE(" activity"); else {
        if ((rb) && (Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(rb)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(rb), K_action_name) == FALSE)) {
            WRITE(" ");
            Kinds::Textual::write_articled(OUT, Rulebooks::get_focus_kind(rb));
            WRITE(" based");
        WRITE(" rulebook");
    int wn = -1;
    if (rb) wn = Wordings::first_wn(rb->primary_name);
    else if (av) wn = Wordings::first_wn(av->name);
    if (wn >= 0) Index::link(OUT, wn);


int IXRules::index_rulebook(OUTPUT_STREAM, rulebook *rb, char *billing, rule_context rc, int *resp_count) {
    int suppress_outcome = FALSE, t;
    if (rb == NULL) return 0;
    if (billing == NULL) internal_error("No billing for rb index");
    if (billing[0] != 0) {
        #ifdef IF_MODULE
        if (rc.action_context) suppress_outcome = TRUE;
        if (BookingLists::is_contextually_empty(rb->contents, rc)) suppress_outcome = TRUE;
    t = IXRules::index_booking_list(OUT, rb->contents, rc, billing, rb, resp_count);
    IXRules::index_outcomes(OUT, &(rb->my_outcomes), suppress_outcome);
    IXRules::rb_index_placements(OUT, rb);
    return t;

#ifdef IF_MODULE
void IXRules::index_action_rules(OUTPUT_STREAM, action_name *an, rulebook *rb,
    int code, char *desc, int *resp_count) {
    int t = 0;
    if (code >= 0) t += IXRules::index_rulebook(OUT, Rulebooks::std(code), desc,
        IXRules::action_context(an), resp_count);
    if (rb) t += IXRules::index_rulebook(OUT, rb, desc,
        IXRules::no_rule_context(), resp_count);
    if (t > 0) HTML_TAG("br");

§9. Affected by placements. The contents of rulebooks can be unexpected if sentences are used which explicitly list, or unlist, rules. To make the index more useful in these cases, we keep a linked list, for each rulebook, of all sentences which have affected it in this way:

typedef struct rulebook_indexing_data {
    struct placement_affecting *placement_list;  linked list of explicit placements
} rulebook_indexing_data;

typedef struct placement_affecting {
    struct parse_node *placement_sentence;
    struct placement_affecting *next;
} placement_affecting;

rulebook_indexing_data IXRules::new_rulebook_indexing_data(rulebook *RB) {
    rulebook_indexing_data rid;
    rid.placement_list = NULL;
    return rid;

void IXRules::affected_by_placement(rulebook *rb, parse_node *where) {
    placement_affecting *npl = CREATE(placement_affecting);
    npl->placement_sentence = where;
    npl->next = rb->indexing_data.placement_list;
    rb->indexing_data.placement_list = npl;

int IXRules::rb_no_placements(rulebook *rb) {
    int t = 0;
    placement_affecting *npl = rb->indexing_data.placement_list;
    while (npl) { t++; npl = npl->next; }
    return t;

void IXRules::rb_index_placements(OUTPUT_STREAM, rulebook *rb) {
    placement_affecting *npl = rb->indexing_data.placement_list;
    while (npl) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\"");
        WRITE("<i>NB:</i> %W", Node::get_text(npl->placement_sentence));
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(npl->placement_sentence)));
        npl = npl->next;

void IXRules::index_outcomes(OUTPUT_STREAM, outcomes *outs, int suppress_outcome) {
    if (suppress_outcome == FALSE) {
        rulebook_outcome *ro;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(ro, rulebook_outcome, outs->named_outcomes) {
            named_rulebook_outcome *rbno = ro->outcome_name;
            HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
            if (outs->default_named_outcome == ro) WRITE("<b>");
            WRITE("%+W", Nouns::nominative_singular(rbno->name));
            if (outs->default_named_outcome == ro) WRITE("</b> (default)");
            WRITE(" - <i>");
            switch(ro->kind_of_outcome) {
                case SUCCESS_OUTCOME: WRITE("a success"); break;
                case FAILURE_OUTCOME: WRITE("a failure"); break;
                case NO_OUTCOME: WRITE("no outcome"); break;
    if ((outs->default_named_outcome == NULL) &&
        (outs->default_rule_outcome != NO_OUTCOME) &&
        (suppress_outcome == FALSE)) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
        WRITE("<i>default outcome is</i> ");
        switch(outs->default_rule_outcome) {
            case SUCCESS_OUTCOME: WRITE("success"); break;
            case FAILURE_OUTCOME: WRITE("failure"); break;


void IXRules::index_timed_rules(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    int when_count = 0, tt_count = 0;
    Index events with no specific time10.1;
    Index timetabled events10.2;
    if ((when_count == 0) && (tt_count == 0)) {
        HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<i>None.</i>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");

§10.1. Index events with no specific time10.1 =

    id_body *idb;
    LOOP_OVER(idb, id_body) {
        int t = TimedRules::get_timing_of_event(idb->head_of_defn);
        if (t == NO_FIXED_TIME) {
            if (when_count == 0) {
                WRITE("<i>Events with no specific time</i>");
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"tightin2\"");
            ImperativeDefinitions::index_preamble(OUT, idb->head_of_defn);
            if ((ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb)) &&
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb))));
            WRITE(" (where triggered: ");
            linked_list *L = TimedRules::get_uses_as_event(idb->head_of_defn);
            parse_node *p;
            LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(p, parse_node, L)
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p)));

§10.2. Index timetabled events10.2 =

    id_body *idb;
    LOOP_OVER(idb, id_body) {
        int t = TimedRules::get_timing_of_event(idb->head_of_defn);
        if (t >= 0) {  i.e., an actual time of day in minutes since midnight
            if (tt_count == 0) {
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"in2\"");
            ImperativeDefinitions::index_preamble(OUT, idb->head_of_defn);
            if ((ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb)) &&
                Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb))));

§11. Rule contexts. These are mainly (only?) used in indexing, as a way to represent the idea of being the relevant scene or action for a rule.

typedef struct rule_context {
    struct action_name *action_context;
    struct scene *scene_context;
} rule_context;

rule_context IXRules::action_context(action_name *an) {
    rule_context rc;
    rc.action_context = an;
    rc.scene_context = NULL;
    return rc;
rule_context IXRules::scene_context(scene *s) {
    rule_context rc;
    rc.action_context = NULL;
    rc.scene_context = s;
    return rc;

rule_context IXRules::no_rule_context(void) {
    rule_context rc;
    rc.action_context = NULL;
    rc.scene_context = NULL;
    return rc;

int IXRules::phrase_fits_rule_context(id_body *idb, rule_context rc) {
    if (rc.scene_context == NULL) return TRUE;
    if (idb == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (Scenes::rcd_scene(&(idb->runtime_context_data)) != rc.scene_context) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§12. When we index a response, we also provide a paste button for the source text to assert a change:

void IXRules::index_response(OUTPUT_STREAM, rule *R, int marker, response_message *resp) {
        "style=\"color: #ffffff; "
        "font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; background-color: #8080ff;\"");
    WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;%c&nbsp;&nbsp; ", 'A' + marker);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "style=\"color: #000066;\"");
    WRITE("%+W", resp->the_ts->unsubstituted_text);
    WRITE_TO(S, "%+W response (%c)", R->name, 'A' + marker);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);
    WRITE_TO(S, "The %+W response (%c) is \"New text.\".");
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);