Evaluating conditions.

§1. This section implements the primitives which evaluate conditions. !propertyvalue might seem a surprising inclusion in the list: as the name suggests, this finds a property value. But although it is often used in a value context, it's also used as a condition. For example, if kit code (written in Inform 6 notation) does this:

    if (obj has concealed) ...

then the condition amounts to an inv !propertyvalue. Now, since any value can be used as a condition, this may still not seem to mean that !propertyvalue belongs here; but consider that it is also legal to write —

    if (obj has concealed or scenery) ...

Here the inv !propertyvalue involves an inv !alternative in its children, and handling that requires the mechanism below.

int CConditions::invoke_primitive(code_generation *gen, inter_ti bip, inter_tree_node *P) {
    text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
    switch (bip) {
        case NOT_BIP:
            WRITE("(!("); VNODE_1C; WRITE("))"); break;
        case AND_BIP:
            WRITE("(("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(") && ("); VNODE_2C; WRITE("))"); break;
        case OR_BIP:
            WRITE("(("); VNODE_1C; WRITE(") || ("); VNODE_2C; WRITE("))"); break;
            C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_ranges_needed) = TRUE;
            C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_property_holders_needed) = TRUE;
            WRITE("(i7_provides_gprop(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(", ");
            VNODE_2C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_3C; WRITE("))");
        case EQ_BIP: case NE_BIP: case GT_BIP: case GE_BIP: case LT_BIP: case LE_BIP:
        case OFCLASS_BIP: case IN_BIP: case NOTIN_BIP:
            CConditions::comparison_r(gen, bip, NULL,
                InterTree::first_child(P), InterTree::second_child(P), 0);
            CConditions::comparison_r(gen, bip, InterTree::first_child(P),
                InterTree::second_child(P), InterTree::third_child(P), 0);
        case ALTERNATIVE_BIP:
            internal_error("misplaced !alternative in Inter tree"); break;
        default: return NOT_APPLICABLE;
    return FALSE;

§2. The following recursive mechanism exists because of the need to support alternative choices in Inter conditions, as here:

    inv !if
        inv !eq
            val K_number x
            inv !alternative
                val K_number 4
                val K_number 8

This is the equivalent of writing if (x == 4 or 8) ... in Inform 6, but C does not have an or operator like that. We could with care sometimes compile this as if ((x == 4) (x == 8)), but if evaluating x has side-effects, or is slow, this will cause problems. Instead we compile if (t = x, ((t == 4) (t == 8))) where t is temporary storage.

Note that !ne and !notin interpret !alternative in a de Morgan-like way, so that we compile if ((x != 4) && (x != 8)) rather than if ((x != 4) (x != 8)). The former is equivalent to negating !eq on the same choices, which is what we want; the latter would be universally true, which is useless.

void CConditions::comparison_r(code_generation *gen,
    inter_ti bip, inter_tree_node *K, inter_tree_node *X, inter_tree_node *Y, int depth) {
    if (Y->W.instruction[ID_IFLD] == INV_IST) {
        if (Y->W.instruction[METHOD_INV_IFLD] == INVOKED_PRIMITIVE) {
            inter_symbol *prim = InvInstruction::invokee(Y);
            inter_ti ybip = Primitives::to_BIP(gen->from, prim);
            if (ybip == ALTERNATIVE_BIP) {
                text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
                if (depth == 0) {
                    WRITE("(proc->state.tmp[0] = "); Vanilla::node(gen, X); WRITE(", (");
                CConditions::comparison_r(gen, bip, K, NULL, InterTree::first_child(Y), depth+1);
                if ((bip == NE_BIP) || (bip == NOTIN_BIP)) WRITE(" && ");
                else WRITE(" || ");
                CConditions::comparison_r(gen, bip, K, NULL, InterTree::second_child(Y), depth+1);
                if (depth == 0) { WRITE("))"); }
    text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen);
    int positive = TRUE;
    text_stream *test_fn = NULL, *test_operator = NULL;
    switch (bip) {
        case OFCLASS_BIP:        positive = TRUE;  test_fn = I"i7_ofclass"; break;
        case IN_BIP:             positive = TRUE;  test_fn = I"i7_in"; break;
        case NOTIN_BIP:          positive = FALSE; test_fn = I"i7_in"; break;
        case EQ_BIP:             test_operator = I"=="; break;
        case NE_BIP:             test_operator = I"!="; break;
        case GT_BIP:             test_operator = I">";  break;
        case GE_BIP:             test_operator = I">="; break;
        case LT_BIP:             test_operator = I"<";  break;
        case LE_BIP:             test_operator = I"<="; break;
        case PROPERTYVALUE_BIP:  break;
        default:                 internal_error("unsupported condition"); break;

    if (bip == PROPERTYVALUE_BIP) {
        WRITE("(i7_read_gprop_value(proc, ", test_fn);
        Vanilla::node(gen, K); WRITE(", ");
        Compile first comparand2.1;
        WRITE(", ");
        Compile second comparand2.2;
    } else if (Str::len(test_fn) > 0) {
        WRITE("(%S(proc, ", test_fn);
        Compile first comparand2.1;
        WRITE(", ");
        Compile second comparand2.2;
        if (positive == FALSE) WRITE(" == 0");
    } else {
        WRITE("("); Compile first comparand2.1;
        WRITE(" %S ", test_operator);
        Compile second comparand2.2; WRITE(")");

§2.1. Compile first comparand2.1 =

    if (X) Vanilla::node(gen, X); else WRITE("proc->state.tmp[0]");

§2.2. Compile second comparand2.2 =

    Vanilla::node(gen, Y);