To give use options a presence at run-time.

§1. The following function compiles everything necessary for use options to work at runtime:

typedef struct use_option_compilation_data {
    struct package_request *uo_package;
    struct inter_name *uo_value;
} use_option_compilation_data;

use_option_compilation_data RTUseOptions::new_compilation_data(use_option *uo) {
    use_option_compilation_data uocd;
    uocd.uo_package = Hierarchy::local_package_to(USE_OPTIONS_HAP, uo->where_created);
    uocd.uo_value = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(USE_OPTION_ID_HL, uocd.uo_package);
    return uocd;

inter_name *RTUseOptions::uo_iname(use_option *uo) {
    return uo->compilation_data.uo_value;

void RTUseOptions::compile(void) {
    use_option *uo;
    LOOP_OVER(uo, use_option) {
        package_request *R = uo->compilation_data.uo_package;
        inter_ti set = 0;
        if ((uo->option_used) || (uo->minimum_setting_value >= 0)) set = 1;
        inter_name *set_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(USE_OPTION_ON_MD_HL, R);
        Emit::numeric_constant(set_iname, set);
        Emit::numeric_constant(uo->compilation_data.uo_value, (inter_ti) 0);
        WRITE_TO(N, "%W option", uo->name);
        if (uo->minimum_setting_value > 0)
            WRITE_TO(N, " [%d]", uo->minimum_setting_value);
        Hierarchy::apply_metadata(R, USE_OPTION_PNAME_MD_HL, N);

    Compile pragmas from use options which set these1.1;
    Compile the kit configuration1.2;
    Make interventions to give non-pragma use options effect1.3;

§1.1. Some use options convert directly into pragma instructions telling the Inform 6 compiler (assuming we will be using that) to raise some limit. This is done with ICL ("Inform Control Language") instructions: see the Inform 6 Designer's Manual for details of these. Any other code-generator can ignore these pragmas.

Note that not every VM allows MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES to be raised; if the current one doesn't, that's not an error; it's just a pragma we suppress.

Compile pragmas from use options which set these1.1 =

    i6_memory_setting *ms;
    LOOP_OVER(ms, i6_memory_setting) {
        if ((Str::eq_wide_string(ms->ICL_identifier, L"MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES")) &&
            (TargetVMs::allow_MAX_LOCAL_VARIABLES(Task::vm()) == FALSE))
        WRITE_TO(prag, "$%S=%d", ms->ICL_identifier, ms->number);

§1.2. Some use options in the Standard Rules, or in Basic Inform, set Inter constants which are intended to affect the behaviour of the kits at runtime, rather than to influence what the compiler does. However, we want to minimise the use of conditional compilation in those kits, so we will instead turn some common use options into a bitmap. Kits can then look at this bitmap with regular conditional code, rather than conditionally compiling code depending on whether or not some associated constant exists.

The bitmap here must remain small enough to fit in 16 bits, and the meaning of these bits must not be changed here without making matching changes in the kits.

Compile the kit configuration1.2 =

    int bitmap = 0;
    if (global_compilation_settings.scoring_option_set == TRUE) bitmap += 1;
    if (global_compilation_settings.undo_prevention)            bitmap += 2;
    if (global_compilation_settings.serial_comma)               bitmap += 4;
    if (global_compilation_settings.predictable_randomisation)  bitmap += 16;
    if (global_compilation_settings.command_line_echoing)       bitmap += 32;
    if (global_compilation_settings.no_verb_verb_exists)        bitmap += 64;
    if (global_compilation_settings.American_dialect)           bitmap += 128;
    if (RTBibliographicData::story_author_given())              bitmap += 256;
    if (global_compilation_settings.ranking_table_given)        bitmap += 512;

    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(KIT_CONFIGURATION_BITMAP_HL);
    Emit::numeric_constant(iname, (inter_ti) bitmap);

    iname = Hierarchy::find(KIT_CONFIGURATION_LOOKMODE_HL);
        (inter_ti) global_compilation_settings.room_description_level);

§1.3. Most use options take effect by causing a constant to be defined. They are defined using Inform 6 notation inside (- and -) markers: for example,

Use predictable randomisation translates as (- Constant FIX_RNG; -).
Use maximum text length of at least 1024 translates as
    (- Constant TEXT_TY_BufferSize = {N}+3; -).

As the second case there shows, they are not necessarily as simple as just being "define a constant as having the value N", though perhaps they should be: this may be a simplification to Inform worth making, because then we could avoid the need for "intervention", that is, for injecting a piece of Inform 6 notation into the Inter tree to be assimilated at the linking stage later on.

We do at least take care of the {N} marker, if present, so that the intervention made in that second case would be something like

    Constant TEXT_TY_BufferSize = 4096+3;

Make interventions to give non-pragma use options effect1.3 =

    use_option *uo;
    LOOP_OVER(uo, use_option)
        if ((uo->option_used) || (uo->minimum_setting_value >= 0)) {
            text_stream *UO = Str::new();
            WRITE_TO(UO, "%W", Wordings::from(uo->expansion,
                Wordings::first_wn(uo->expansion) + 1));
            text_stream *S = Str::new();
            for (int i=0; i<Str::len(UO); i++) {
                if ((Str::get_at(UO, i) == '{') && (Str::get_at(UO, i+1) == 'N') &&
                    (Str::get_at(UO, i+2) == '}')) {
                    WRITE_TO(S, "%d", uo->minimum_setting_value);
                    i += 2;
                } else {
                    PUT_TO(S, Str::get_at(UO, i));