Specifications which ask to use a phrase (which are "phrasal") indicate which phrase they intend by means of a list of "invocations". This list goes on to record the outcome of type-checking and provides instructions for code generation, as we see here.

§1. An invocation is a request to perform a particular phrase with a particular set of parameters. For instance, to perform "award (N - a number) points" with \(N\) set to 100.

Phrasal specifications, the ones which request the use of phrases, are built up by parsing the source text. This is often so ambiguous that it is impossible, at first, to narrow down the meaning to a single invocation, and so a phrasal specification builds up a list of possibilities.

The process of type-checking then strikes out definitely incorrect invocations, reducing the size of the list. If it becomes empty, the type-checker produces a Problem message; and similarly if it is impossible to remove mutually exclusive possibilities, for that is an ambiguity which Inform cannot resolve. But a successful type-checking may still leave more than one invocation in the list. There are two reasons for this:

say "The time is ", time of day in words, " and you yawn."

Here what looks like a single phrase is in fact a sequence of three phrases, to say each of the items required, and this gives rise to groups 0, 1 and 2 in the invocation list: each group is treated as, in effect, a separate phrase in its own right. (Except that compilation of the final group has a small difference: that's where Inform appends a line break to text which, from its punctuation, apparently ends a sentence.) Groups are not interleaved: the list starts with the whole of group 0, then the whole of group 1, and so on.

§2. When necessary, and it usually isn't, an invocation has a packet of details attached about any phrase options used; for instance, in

list the contents of the Box, with newlines;

this packet records the text "with newlines" along with its translation as a run-time bitmap (with just one bit set, since only one option is used).

typedef struct invocation_options {
    int options;  bitmap of any phrase options appended
    struct wording options_invoked_text;  text of any phrase options appended
} invocation_options;

§3. An invocation can have an arbitrary number of "tokens". These are the arguments for the phrase being invoked; so for instance in

a random number between 2 and 7;

token 0 is "2" and token 1 is "7". For each token we record both what we've parsed — these will each be constant VALUE_VNT specifications of kind "number" — and also what match the type-checker needs to make for them to be valid.

§4. At first sight, the invocation structure appears to contain redundant information. And two of the fields are, in a way, redundant: the word number fields holding the text will, of course, be common to every entry in its group, so it is wasteful to store them so many times. But not very wasteful, by our standards, and the information is not easily available elsewhere, and it enables the debugging log to be much more informative about the working of our most complicated algorithms.

Similarly, token_as_parsed values look as if they too must be the same for everything in the group. But this is not always true. If we are interpreting the text "award 11 points" against possible phrases "award (O - an object)" and "award (N - a number) points", then the 0th token will be "11 points" (probably parsing to UNKNOWN_NT) for the first invocation, and "11" (NUMBER) for the second. We shall of course accept the second. But the word positions for the 0th token, and its parsing values, are different. So each invocation in the list records its own token_as_parsed values.

§5. On the other hand, token_check_to_do and kind_resulting look as if they are purely a function of the phrase_invoked, and therefore need not be in this structure at all. This is not true:

    int lttpii_counter, lttpii_upto = Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv);
    for (lttpii_counter=0,
        spec = (lttpii_counter < lttpii_upto)?
            Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, lttpii_counter):NULL;
        lttpii_counter < lttpii_upto;
        spec = (lttpii_counter < lttpii_upto)?
            Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, lttpii_counter):NULL)




typedef struct invocation_sort_block {
    struct parse_node *inv_data;
    int unsorted_position;
} invocation_sort_block;

§8. Invocations themselves. Are created thus:

parse_node *Invocations::new(void) {
    parse_node *inv = Node::new(INVOCATION_NT);
    Node::set_phrase_invoked(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_say_verb(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_modal_verb(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_say_adjective(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_kind_resulting(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_phrase_options_invoked(inv, NULL);
    Node::set_kind_variable_declarations(inv, NULL);
    Annotations::write_int(inv, ssp_closing_segment_wn_ANNOT, -1);
    return inv;

§9. And logging thus:

void Invocations::log(parse_node *inv) {
    int i;
    if (inv == NULL) { LOG("<null invocation>"); return; }
    if (inv->node_type != INVOCATION_NT) { LOG("$P", inv); return; }
    char *verdict = Dash::verdict_to_text(inv);

    LOG("[%04d%s] %8s ",
    if (Node::get_say_verb(inv)) {
        LOG("verb:%d", Node::get_say_verb(inv)->allocation_id);
        if (Node::get_modal_verb(inv)) LOG("modal:%d", Node::get_modal_verb(inv)->allocation_id);
    } else if (Node::get_say_adjective(inv)) {
        LOG("adj:%d", Node::get_say_adjective(inv)->allocation_id);
    } else {
        for (i=0; i<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv); i++) {
            LOG(" ($P", Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, i));
            if (Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(inv, i))
                LOG(" =? $P", Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(inv, i));
        wording OW = Invocations::get_phrase_options(inv);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(OW))
            LOG(" [0x%x %W]", Invocations::get_phrase_options_bitmap(inv), OW);
        kind_variable_declaration *kvd = Node::get_kind_variable_declarations(inv);
        for (; kvd; kvd=kvd->next) LOG(" %c=%u", 'A'+kvd->kv_number-1, kvd->kv_value);

§10. Two important flags:

void Invocations::mark_to_save_self(parse_node *inv) {
    Annotations::write_int(inv, save_self_ANNOT, TRUE);

int Invocations::is_marked_to_save_self(parse_node *inv) {
    return Annotations::read_int(inv, save_self_ANNOT);

void Invocations::mark_unproven(parse_node *inv) {
    Annotations::write_int(inv, unproven_ANNOT, TRUE);

int Invocations::is_marked_unproven(parse_node *inv) {
    return Annotations::read_int(inv, unproven_ANNOT);

§11. The word range:

void Invocations::set_word_range(parse_node *inv, wording W) {
    if (inv == NULL) internal_error("tried to set word range of null inv");
    Node::set_text(inv, W);

§12. The say verb:

void Invocations::set_verb_conjugation(parse_node *inv,
    verb_conjugation *vc, verb_conjugation *modal, int neg) {
    if (inv == NULL) internal_error("tried to set VC of null inv");
    Node::set_say_verb(inv, vc);
    Node::set_modal_verb(inv, modal);
    Annotations::write_int(inv, say_verb_negated_ANNOT, neg);

§13. The say adjective:

void Invocations::set_adjective(parse_node *inv, adjective *aph) {
    if (inv == NULL) internal_error("tried to set ADJ of null inv");
    Node::set_say_adjective(inv, aph);

§14. The tokens. Recall that these are stored as a linked list; the following creates a new entry structure.

parse_node *Invocations::new_token(node_type_t t) {
    parse_node *it = Node::new(t);
    Node::set_token_check_to_do(it, NULL);
    Node::set_token_to_be_parsed_against(it, NULL);
    Node::set_kind_of_new_variable(it, NULL);
    return it;

§15. However, we want to access it as if it were an array. (Speed is not too vital here, and the list sizes are almost always lower than 3.) So:

void Invocations::make_token(parse_node *inv, int i, node_type_t t, wording W, kind *K) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    if (i<0) internal_error("tried to set token out of range");
    if (inv->down == NULL) inv->down = Invocations::new_token(t);
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) {
        if (k == i) {
            Node::set_text(itl, W);
            Node::set_type(itl, t);
            Node::set_kind_required_by_context(itl, K);
        if (itl->next == NULL) itl->next = Invocations::new_token(t);

void Invocations::set_token_check_to_do(parse_node *inv, int i, parse_node *spec) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    if (i<0) internal_error("tried to set token out of range");
    if (inv->down == NULL) inv->down = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) {
        if (k == i) { Node::set_token_check_to_do(itl, spec); return; }
        if (itl->next == NULL) itl->next = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);

void Invocations::set_token_as_parsed(parse_node *inv, int i, parse_node *spec) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    if (i<0) internal_error("tried to set token out of range");
    if (inv->down == NULL) inv->down = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) {
        if (k == i) { itl->down = spec; return; }
        if (itl->next == NULL) itl->next = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);

void Invocations::set_token_to_be_parsed_against(parse_node *inv, int i, parse_node *spec) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    if (i<0) internal_error("tried to set token out of range");
    if (inv->down == NULL) inv->down = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) {
        if (k == i) { Node::set_token_to_be_parsed_against(itl, spec); return; }
        if (itl->next == NULL) itl->next = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);

void Invocations::set_token_variable_kind(parse_node *inv, int i, kind *K) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    if (i<0) internal_error("tried to set token out of range");
    if (inv->down == NULL) inv->down = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) {
        if (k == i) { Node::set_kind_of_new_variable(itl, K); return; }
        if (itl->next == NULL) itl->next = Invocations::new_token(INVALID_NT);

§16. And similarly for reading them:

parse_node *Invocations::get_token(parse_node *inv, int i) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++)
        if (k == i) return itl;
    return NULL;

parse_node *Invocations::get_token_check_to_do(parse_node *inv, int i) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++)
        if (k == i) return Node::get_token_check_to_do(itl);
    return NULL;

parse_node *Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(parse_node *inv, int i) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++)
        if (k == i) return itl->down;
    return NULL;

parse_node *Invocations::get_token_to_be_parsed_against(parse_node *inv, int i) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++)
        if (k == i) return Node::get_token_to_be_parsed_against(itl);
    return NULL;

kind *Invocations::get_token_variable_kind(parse_node *inv, int i) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++)
        if (k == i) return Node::get_kind_of_new_variable(itl);
    return NULL;

int Invocations::get_no_tokens(parse_node *inv) {
    int k;
    parse_node *itl;
    for (itl = inv->down, k = 0; itl; itl = itl->next, k++) ;
    return k;

§17. The following routine might become more interesting if we ever allowed variable-argument phrases like C's printf.

int Invocations::get_no_tokens_needed(parse_node *inv) {
    if (inv == NULL) internal_error("tried to read NTI of null inv");
    if (Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv))
        return Phrases::TypeData::get_no_tokens(
    return 0;

§18. The phrase options invoked:

void Invocations::set_phrase_options(parse_node *inv, wording W) {
    invocation_options *invo = Node::get_phrase_options_invoked(inv);
    if (invo == NULL) {
        invo = CREATE(invocation_options);
        invo->options = 0;
        Node::set_phrase_options_invoked(inv, invo);
    invo->options_invoked_text = W;

§19. Reading the word range:

wording Invocations::get_phrase_options(parse_node *inv) {
    invocation_options *invo = Node::get_phrase_options_invoked(inv);
    if (invo == NULL) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return invo->options_invoked_text;

§20. The functional part is of course the bitmap, which we read and write thus. When no options are set, the bitmap is always 0.

int Invocations::get_phrase_options_bitmap(parse_node *inv) {
    invocation_options *invo = Node::get_phrase_options_invoked(inv);
    if (invo == NULL) return 0;
    return invo->options;

void Invocations::set_phrase_options_bitmap(parse_node *inv, int further_bits) {
    if (further_bits == 0) return;
    invocation_options *invo = Node::get_phrase_options_invoked(inv);
    if (invo == NULL) {
        invo = CREATE(invocation_options);
        invo->options_invoked_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
        invo->options = 0;
        Node::set_phrase_options_invoked(inv, invo);
    invo->options |= further_bits;

§21. The implied newlines rule. This is applied only when the invocation passes the following stringent test:

int Invocations::implies_newline(parse_node *inv) {
    if (!(Phrases::TypeData::is_a_say_phrase(Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv)))) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§22. Invocation lists. An invocation list is a chain of alternatives in the parse tree.

parse_node *Invocations::add_to_list(parse_node *invl, parse_node *inv) {
    if (invl == NULL) return inv;
    parse_node *p = invl;
    while (p->next_alternative) p = p->next_alternative;
    p->next_alternative = inv;
    return invl;

§23. That completes the construction routines. Now, reading the length and first item:

int Invocations::length_of_list(parse_node *invl) {
    int L = 0;
    for (parse_node *p = invl; p; p = p->next_alternative) L++;
    return L;

§24. That completes the construction routines. Now, reading the length and first item:

parse_node *Invocations::first_in_list(parse_node *invl) {
    return invl;

§25. Sorting the invocations in a list is much more important than it may at first appear, since the sorted order is a precedence order for parsing purposes: that is, the earliest type-checked match is the one accepted, so that being sorted up front gives a possible interpretation of a phrase priority over those sorted to the back.

invocation_sort_block *pigeon_holes = NULL;
int number_of_pigeon_holes = 0;

parse_node *Invocations::sort_list(parse_node *invl) {
    int L = Invocations::length_of_list(invl);
    if (L > 0) {
        Make sure there are at least L pigeonholes available for sorting into25.1;

        parse_node *ent=invl;
        for (int i=0; (i<L) && (ent); i++, ent=ent->next_alternative) {
            pigeon_holes[i].inv_data = ent;
            pigeon_holes[i].unsorted_position = i;

        qsort(pigeon_holes, (size_t) L, sizeof(invocation_sort_block), Invocations::comparison);

        parse_node *tail = NULL; invl = NULL;
        for (int i=0; i<L; i++) {
            parse_node *i_n = pigeon_holes[i].inv_data; i_n->next_alternative = NULL;
            if (tail) tail->next_alternative = i_n; else invl = i_n;
            tail = i_n;
    return invl;

§25.1. We allocate 1000 pigeonholes in the first instance, then double each time we run out. (We will quite likely never run out, as 1000 is plenty. But we want to avoid all possible arbitrary limits.)

Make sure there are at least L pigeonholes available for sorting into25.1 =

    if (L > number_of_pigeon_holes) {
        number_of_pigeon_holes = 2*L;
        if (number_of_pigeon_holes < 1000)
            number_of_pigeon_holes = 1000;
        pigeon_holes =
            Memory::calloc(number_of_pigeon_holes, sizeof(invocation_sort_block), INV_LIST_MREASON);

§26. So much for the mechanism. The sorting order is specified by the following.

int Invocations::comparison(const void *i1, const void *i2) {
    invocation_sort_block *inv1 = (invocation_sort_block *) i1;
    invocation_sort_block *inv2 = (invocation_sort_block *) i2;

     (a) sort by logical priority
    int delta =
        Routines::ToPhrases::sequence_count(Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv1->inv_data)) -
    if (delta != 0) return delta;

     (b) sort by creation sequence
    return inv1->unsorted_position - inv2->unsorted_position;

§27. By contrast, this compares two invocations by their contents:

int Invocations::eq(parse_node *inv1, parse_node *inv2) {
    if ((inv1) && (inv2 == NULL)) return FALSE;
    if ((inv1 == NULL) && (inv2)) return FALSE;
    if (inv1 == NULL) return TRUE;

    if (Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv1) != Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv2))
        return FALSE;
    if (Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv1) != Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv2))
        return FALSE;

    for (int i=0; i<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv1); i++) {
        parse_node *m1 = Invocations::get_token_to_be_parsed_against(inv1, i);
        parse_node *m2 = Invocations::get_token_to_be_parsed_against(inv2, i);
        if (Node::get_type(m1) != Node::get_type(m2)) return FALSE;
        parse_node *v1 = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv1, i);
        parse_node *v2 = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv2, i);
        if (Node::get_type(v1) != Node::get_type(v2)) return FALSE;
        if (!Wordings::eq(Node::get_text(v1), Node::get_text(v2))) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§28. The following macro abstracts the process of looping through the invocations in a list:


§29. The log routines demonstrate its use:

void Invocations::log_list(parse_node *invl) {
    parse_node *inv;
    LOG("Invocation list (%d):\n", Invocations::length_of_list(invl));
    int n = 0;
        LOG("P%d: $e\n", n++, inv);

§30. A more detailed version, which hierarchically shows the lists inside the invocations listed:

void Invocations::log_list_in_detail(parse_node *invl) {
    parse_node *inv;
    LOG("Invocation list in detail (%d):\n", Invocations::length_of_list(invl));
    int n = 0;
        int j;
        LOG("P%d: $e\n", n++, inv);
        for (j=0; j<Invocations::get_no_tokens(inv); j++) {
            parse_node *tok = Invocations::get_token_as_parsed(inv, j);
            LOG("  %d: $P\n", j, tok);
            if (Node::is(tok->down, INVOCATION_LIST_NT)) {