To manage constant values of enumerated kinds or kinds of object.

§1. Instances are named constants giving a finite range of possible values of a kind,1 where these are chosen by the author.2 Instances are can have properties, and can have inferences drawn about them: see Instance Subjects.

Most instances are created by assertions in the source text. For example:

Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, blue and green.

creates three instances: "red", "blue" and "green", which enumerate the possible range of "colour". Objects are instances too:

Peter carries a blue ball.

"Peter" and "blue ball" are initially created as instances of the kind "object", but will later be deduced to be of kind "person" and "thing" respectively. As this demonstrates, an instance can have its kind specialised (that is, changed to a subkind of its current kind) after creation: see Instances::set_kind.

§2. Note that the kind is not explicitly stored in the instance structure: it has to be deduced from the position of the instance's subject in the subjects hierarchy. See Instances::to_kind.

typedef struct instance {
    struct noun *as_noun;  the name of the instance
    struct adjective *as_adjective;  if this is a noun used adjectivally, like "red"
    struct inference_subject *as_subject;  from which the kind can be deduced

    struct parse_node *creating_sentence;  sentence creating the instance
    struct parse_node *where_kind_is_set;  sentence identifying its kind

    int enumeration_index;  within each non-object kind, instances are counted from 1

    struct instance_compilation_data compilation_data;  see Instances (in runtime)
} instance;

§3. We record the one most recently made:

instance *latest_instance = NULL;

instance *Instances::latest(void) {
    return latest_instance;

§4. And this is where they are made:

instance *Instances::new(wording W, kind *K) {
    Simplify the initial kind of the instance4.1;
    instance *I = CREATE(instance);
    Initialise the instance4.2;
    Add the new instance to its enumeration4.3;

    LOGIF(OBJECT_CREATIONS, "Created instance: $O (kind %u) (inter %n)\n",
        I, K, RTInstances::value_iname(I));

    latest_instance = I;
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_grammatical_gender)) Instances::new_grammatical(I);

    return I;

§4.1. If we don't know the kind, we assume "object"; if we're asked for a kind more specific than "object", we nevertheless make it just "object" for now. (It will be specialised later on.)

Simplify the initial kind of the instance4.1 =

    if (K == NULL) K = K_object;
    K = Kinds::weaken(K, K_object);

§4.2. Initialise the instance4.2 =

    I->creating_sentence = current_sentence;
    I->where_kind_is_set = current_sentence;
    I->as_adjective = NULL;
    I->enumeration_index = 0;
    I->as_subject = InstanceSubjects::new(I, K);
    InstancesPreform::create_as_noun(I, K, W);
    Instances::set_kind(I, K);
    I->compilation_data = RTInstances::new_compilation_data(I);

§4.3. The values in an enumerated kind such as our perpetual "colour" example are numbered 1, 2, 3, ..., in order of creation. This is where we assign those numbers, and also where we give corresponding adjectival meanings in the kind in question is also a property.

There are two reasons why we don't do the same for objects: firstly, because "object" has a whole hierarchy of subkinds, there's no unique numbering — the same object may be thing number 17 but vehicle number 3 — and secondly, because we won't know the exact kind of objects until much later on; for now the only thing we are sure of is that they are indeed objects. Enumeration for objects within kinds is certainly useful, but it's harder to do and will be done later on: see Instance Counting (in runtime).

Add the new instance to its enumeration4.3 =

    if (!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::has_named_constant_values(K) == FALSE)
            internal_error("tried to make an instance value for impossible kind");
        I->enumeration_index = Kinds::Behaviour::new_enumerated_value(K);
        property *cp = Properties::property_with_same_name_as(K);
        if (cp) Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(I, cp);

§5. Name and number.

wording Instances::get_name(instance *I, int plural) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (I->as_noun == NULL)) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return Nouns::nominative(I->as_noun, plural);

wording Instances::get_name_in_play(instance *I, int plural) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (I->as_noun == NULL)) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    return Nouns::nominative_in_language(I->as_noun, plural,

noun *Instances::get_noun(instance *I) {
    return I->as_noun;

int Instances::get_numerical_value(instance *I) {
    return I->enumeration_index;

void Instances::write_name(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    wording W = Instances::get_name_in_play(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        WRITE("%+W", W);
    } else {
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_play(K, FALSE,
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%+W", W);
        else WRITE("nameless");

§6. Subject and source references.

inference_subject *Instances::as_subject(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->as_subject;

adjective *Instances::as_adjective(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->as_adjective;

parse_node *Instances::get_creating_sentence(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return I->creating_sentence;

source_file *Instances::get_creating_file(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    return Lexer::file_of_origin(

§7. Coincidence with property names. Suppose, as always, we have:

Colour is a kind of value. The colours are red, white and blue. A door has a colour.

The third sentence causes the following to be called, for the kind "colour" and the property "colour", whose names coincide:

void Instances::make_kind_coincident(kind *K, property *P) {
    Properties::mark_kind_as_having_same_name_as(K, P);
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_grammatical_gender)) P_grammatical_gender = P;

§8. That causes us to "update adjectival forms" for the property "colour", a sort of general round-up to make sure that all of its possible applications are covered by suitable adjectives. For instance, "red" must be registered as an adjectival constant to cover doors. We will call this again if a further use of colour turns up subsequently, e.g., in response to:

A vehicle has a colour.

void Instances::update_adjectival_forms(property *P) {
    if (Properties::is_either_or(P) == TRUE) return;
    kind *K = ValueProperties::kind(P);
    if (P == Properties::property_with_same_name_as(K)) {
        instance *I;
            Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(I, P);

§9. So here is where we need to make "red", "white" or "blue" adjectives specifying colour. And we will also call this if a further instance of colour turns up subsequently, e.g., in response to

Mauve is a colour.

void Instances::register_as_adjectival_constant(instance *I, property *P) {
    property_permission *pp;
        inference_subject *infs = PropertyPermissions::get_subject(pp);
        InferenceSubjects::make_adj_const_domain(infs, I, P);

§10. The kind of an instance. By this of course we mean the most specific kind to which an instance belongs: if we write

Kathy is a woman.

then the Kathy instance is also a person, a thing, an object and a value, but when we talk about the kind of Kathy, we mean "woman".

Note that this is not stored as a field in the instance structure, because that would be redundant. Inform already knows which subjects are more specialised than which other ones, and by making a call, we can find out.

kind *Instances::to_kind(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    inference_subject *inherits_from = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(I->as_subject);
    return KindSubjects::to_kind(inherits_from);

int Instances::of_kind(instance *I, kind *match) {
    if ((I == NULL) || (match == NULL)) return FALSE;
    return Kinds::conforms_to(Instances::to_kind(I), match);

§11. Ordinarily, instances never change their kind, but instances of "object" are allowed to refine it. Such revisions are allowed to specialise the kind (e.g., by changing a "person" to a "man") but not to contradict it (e.g., by changing a "supporter" to a "container").

void Instances::set_kind(instance *I, kind *new) {
    if (I == NULL) {
        LOG("Tried to set kind to %u\n", new);
        internal_error("Tried to set the kind of a null object");
    kind *existing = Instances::to_kind(I);
    int m = Kinds::compatible(existing, new);
    if (m == ALWAYS_MATCH) return;
    if (m == NEVER_MATCH) {
        LOG("Tried to set kind of $O (existing %u) to %u\n", I, existing, new);
        Issue a problem message for a contradictory change of kind11.1;
    PluginCalls::set_kind_notify(I, new);
    InferenceSubjects::falls_within(I->as_subject, KindSubjects::from_kind(new));
    I->where_kind_is_set = current_sentence;
    LOGIF(KIND_CHANGES, "Setting kind of $O to %u\n", I, new);

§11.1. Issue a problem message for a contradictory change of kind11.1 =

    if (current_sentence != I->where_kind_is_set) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_source(2, I->where_kind_is_set);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, new);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, existing);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_KindsIncompatible));
            "You wrote %1, but that seems to contradict %2, as %3 and %4 "
            "are incompatible. (If %3 were a kind of %4 or vice versa "
            "there'd be no problem, but they aren't.)");
    } else {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_object(2, I);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, new);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, existing);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible));
            "You wrote %1, which made me think the kind of %2 was %4, "
            "but for other reasons I now think it ought to be %3, and those "
            "are incompatible. (If %3 were a kind of %4 or vice versa "
            "there'd be no problem, but they aren't.)");


parse_node *Instances::get_kind_set_sentence(instance *I) {
    return I->where_kind_is_set;

§13. Iterating through instances of a kind. The number of instances of a given kind makes a neat example of a commonly needed loop.

    LOOP_OVER(I, instance)
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, (K)))
int Instances::count(kind *K) {
    int c = 0;
    instance *I;
    return c;

§14. Instances of grammatical gender. The Creator (in assertions) needs to know the names of the grammatical genders, so we keep track of them here.

int no_ggs_recorded = 0;
instance *grammatical_genders[NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS];

instance *Instances::grammatical(int g) {
    if (no_ggs_recorded != NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS) return NULL;
    return grammatical_genders[g-1];

void Instances::new_grammatical(instance *I) {
    if (no_ggs_recorded < NO_GRAMMATICAL_GENDERS)
        grammatical_genders[no_ggs_recorded++] = I;

§15. Logging.

void Instances::log(instance *I) {
    Instances::write(DL, I);

void Instances::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    if (I== NULL) { WRITE("<null instance>"); return; }
    if (Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL) == FALSE) WRITE("I%d", I->allocation_id);
    Nouns::write(OUT, I->as_noun);
    if (!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Instances::to_kind(I)))) {
        Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, Instances::to_kind(I));

§16. Writer.

void Instances::writer(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *format_string, void *vI) {
    instance *I = (instance *) vI;
    if (I == NULL) WRITE("nothing");
    else switch (format_string[0]) {
        case 'I':  bare %I means the same as %+I, so fall through to...
        case '+': Write the instance raw16.1; break;
        case '-': Write the instance with normalised casing16.2; break;
        case '~': {
            inter_name *N = RTInstances::value_iname(I);
            if (Str::len(NounIdentifiers::identifier(I->as_noun)) > 0)
                WRITE("%S", NounIdentifiers::identifier(I->as_noun));
            else WRITE("%n", N);
        default: internal_error("bad %I modifier");

§16.1. Write the instance raw16.1 =

    wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%+W", W);
    else {
        WRITE("nameless ");
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%+W", W);

§16.2. Write the instance with normalised casing16.2 =

    wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%W", W);
    else {
        WRITE("nameless ");
        kind *K = Instances::to_kind(I);
        W = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(K, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE("%W", W);