Claiming and creating copies of the projectbundle genre: used for Inform 7 projects as created by the GUI apps.

§1. Genre definition. The project_bundle_genre can be summarised as follows. Copies consist of directories, which are Inform project bundles: for example, Counterfeit Monkey.inform might be such a bundle. They are recognised by being directories and having names ending in .inform. They cannot be stored in nests. Their build graphs are extensive, having "upstream" vertices representing possible ways to build or release them, and having numerous "downstream" vertices as well: build edges run out to the extensions, kits and language definitions that they need.

Note that project_bundle_genre and project_file_genre are managed differently, but share the same annotation data structure inform_project. However it is stored in the file system, a project is a project.

void ProjectBundleManager::start(void) {
    project_bundle_genre = Genres::new(I"projectbundle", FALSE);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_WRITE_WORK_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::write_work);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_CLAIM_AS_COPY_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::claim_as_copy);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_SEARCH_NEST_FOR_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::search_nest_for);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_COPY_TO_NEST_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::copy_to_nest);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_READ_SOURCE_TEXT_FOR_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::read_source_text_for);
    METHOD_ADD(project_bundle_genre, GENRE_BUILDING_SOON_MTID, ProjectBundleManager::building_soon);

void ProjectBundleManager::write_work(inbuild_genre *gen, OUTPUT_STREAM, inbuild_work *work) {
    WRITE("%S", work->title);

§2. Project copies are annotated with a structure called an inform_project, which stores data about extensions used by the Inform compiler.

inform_project *ProjectBundleManager::from_copy(inbuild_copy *C) {
    if ((C) && (C->edition->work->genre == project_bundle_genre)) {
        return RETRIEVE_POINTER_inform_project(C->metadata);
    return NULL;

inbuild_copy *ProjectBundleManager::new_copy(text_stream *name, pathname *P) {
    inbuild_work *work = Works::new(project_bundle_genre, Str::duplicate(name), NULL);
    inbuild_edition *edition = Editions::new(work, VersionNumbers::null());
    inbuild_copy *C = Copies::new_in_path(edition, P);
    return C;

§3. Claiming. Here arg is a textual form of a filename or pathname, such as may have been supplied at the command line; ext is a substring of it, and is its extension (e.g., jpg if arg is Geraniums.jpg), or is empty if there isn't one; directory_status is true if we know for some reason that this is a directory not a file, false if we know the reverse, and otherwise not applicable.

A project needs to be a directory whose name ends in .inform.

void ProjectBundleManager::claim_as_copy(inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_copy **C,
    text_stream *arg, text_stream *ext, int directory_status) {
    if (directory_status == FALSE) return;
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(ext, I"inform")) {
        pathname *P = Pathnames::from_text(arg);
        *C = ProjectBundleManager::claim_folder_as_copy(P);

inbuild_copy *ProjectBundleManager::claim_folder_as_copy(pathname *P) {
    filename *canary = Filenames::in(Pathnames::down(P, I"Source"), I"");
    if (TextFiles::exists(canary))
        return ProjectBundleManager::new_copy(Pathnames::directory_name(P), P);
    return NULL;

§4. Searching. Here we look through a nest to find all projects matching the supplied requirements; though in fact... projects are not nesting birds.

void ProjectBundleManager::search_nest_for(inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_nest *N,
    inbuild_requirement *req, linked_list *search_results) {

§5. Copying. Now the task is to copy a project into place in a nest; or would be, if only projects lived there.

void ProjectBundleManager::copy_to_nest(inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_copy *C, inbuild_nest *N,
    int syncing, build_methodology *meth) {
    Errors::with_text("projects (which is what '%S' is) cannot be copied to nests",

§6. Build graph. As with extensions, the graph for a project is made only on demand, because to make it would mean fully parsing and partially syntax-analysing its source text.

void ProjectBundleManager::building_soon(inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_copy *C, build_vertex **V) {
    inform_project *project = ProjectBundleManager::from_copy(C);
    *V = project->chosen_build_target;

§7. Source text.

void ProjectBundleManager::read_source_text_for(inbuild_genre *G, inbuild_copy *C) {