Inform provides a little extra support for the "going" action.


<going-action> ::=


action_name *going_action = NULL;
void Going::notice_new_action_name(action_name *an) {
    if (<going-action>(ActionNameNames::tensed(an, IS_TENSE))) going_action = an;

§3. There are five clauses with non-standard effects:

int Going::aspect(ap_clause *apoc) {
    switch (apoc->clause_ID) {
        case GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE:    return IN_APCA;
        case GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE:      return IN_APCA;
        case GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE:      return GOING_APCA;
        case PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE:       return GOING_APCA;
    return -1;


int Going::compare_specificity(action_pattern *ap1, action_pattern *ap2, int *claim) {
    *claim = TRUE;

    int suspend_usual_from_and_room = FALSE;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.2.4 - Action/Where/Other Optional Clauses";

    int rct1 = APClauses::number_with_aspect(ap1, GOING_APCA);
    int rct2 = APClauses::number_with_aspect(ap2, GOING_APCA);
    if (rct1 > rct2) return 1;
    if (rct1 < rct2) return -1;

    int rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;
    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(GOING_THROUGH_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    c_s_stage_law = I"III.2.2 - Action/Where/Room Where Action Takes Place";

    rct1 = APClauses::number_with_aspect(ap1, IN_APCA);
    rct2 = APClauses::number_with_aspect(ap2, IN_APCA);
    if (rct1 > rct2) return 1;
    if (rct1 < rct2) return -1;

    if ((APClauses::get_val(ap1, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE)) && (APClauses::get_val(ap1, IN_AP_CLAUSE) == NULL)
        && (APClauses::get_val(ap2, IN_AP_CLAUSE)) && (APClauses::get_val(ap2, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE) == NULL)) {
        rv = APClauses::cmp_clauses(GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, IN_AP_CLAUSE, ap2); if (rv) return rv;
        suspend_usual_from_and_room = TRUE;

    if ((APClauses::get_val(ap2, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE)) && (APClauses::get_val(ap2, IN_AP_CLAUSE) == NULL)
        && (APClauses::get_val(ap1, IN_AP_CLAUSE)) && (APClauses::get_val(ap1, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE) == NULL)) {
        rv = APClauses::cmp_clauses(IN_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE, ap2); if (rv) return rv;
        suspend_usual_from_and_room = TRUE;

    if (suspend_usual_from_and_room == FALSE) {
        rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;
        rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(IN_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    rv = APClauses::cmp_clause(GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE, ap1, ap2); if (rv) return rv;

    return 0;

void Going::write(OUTPUT_STREAM, int C) {
    switch (C) {
        case GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE:    WRITE("going-from"); break;
        case GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE:      WRITE("going-to"); break;
        case GOING_THROUGH_AP_CLAUSE: WRITE("going-through"); break;
        case GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE:      WRITE("going-by"); break;
        case PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE:       WRITE("pushing"); break;

int Going::id(void) {
    if (going_action == NULL) return 0;
    return RTActions::action_variable_set_ID(going_action);

int Going::divert(action_pattern *ap, stacked_variable *stv) {
    int oid = StackedVariables::get_owner_id(stv);
    int off = StackedVariables::get_offset(stv);
    if ((going_action) && (oid == Going::id())) {
        switch (off) {
            case 0: return GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE;
            case 1: return GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE;
            case 2: return GOING_THROUGH_AP_CLAUSE;
            case 3: return GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE;
            case 4: return PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE;
    return -1;

void Going::new_clause(action_pattern *ap, ap_clause *apoc) {
    if ((apoc->clause_ID == GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE) ||
        (apoc->clause_ID == GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE))
        APClauses::set_opt(apoc, ALLOW_REGION_AS_ROOM_APCOPT);


int Going::check(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (Going::check_clause(APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE), "from",
        K_room, K_region) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (Going::check_clause(APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE), "to",
        K_room, K_region) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (Going::check_clause(APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE), "by",
        K_thing, NULL) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (Going::check_clause(APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_THROUGH_AP_CLAUSE), "through",
        K_door, NULL) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (Going::check_clause(APClauses::get_val(ap, PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE), "with",
        K_thing, NULL) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

int Going::check_clause(parse_node *spec, char *keyword, kind *ka, kind *kb) {
    if (spec == NULL) return TRUE;
    if (Rvalues::is_nothing_object_constant(spec)) return TRUE;
    if (Specifications::is_description_like(spec)) {
        instance *oref = Specifications::object_exactly_described_if_any(spec);
        if ((oref == NULL) || (ka == NULL) || (Instances::of_kind(oref, ka)) ||
            ((kb) && (Instances::of_kind(oref, kb)))) return TRUE;
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_object(2, oref);
        Problems::quote_text(3, keyword);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, ka);
        Problems::quote_kind(5, Instances::to_kind(oref));
        if (kb) Problems::quote_kind(6, kb);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_GoingWrongKind));
        if (kb)
            "In the sentence %1, %2 seems to be intended as something the "
            "player might be going %3, but this has the wrong kind: %5 "
            "rather than %4 or %6.");
            "In the sentence %1, %2 seems to be intended as something the player "
            "might be going %3, but this has the wrong kind: %5 rather than %4.");
        return TRUE;
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(spec));
    Problems::quote_text(3, keyword);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_GoingWithoutObject));
        "In the sentence %1, '%2' seems to be intended as something the player "
        "might be going %3, but it doesn't make sense in that context.");
    return FALSE;

void Going::go_nowhere(action_pattern *ap) {
    APClauses::set_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE, Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant());

void Going::go_somewhere(action_pattern *ap) {
    APClauses::set_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE, Descriptions::from_kind(K_room, FALSE));

int Going::going_nowhere(action_pattern *ap) {
    if (Rvalues::is_nothing_object_constant(APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Going::going_somewhere(action_pattern *ap) {
    parse_node *val = APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE);
    if ((Descriptions::is_kind_like(val)) && (Kinds::eq(Descriptions::explicit_kind(val), K_room)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6. Going from, by, through, or with all imply going somewhere rather than nowhere; if not "going to" destination is specified, we had better check the destination to make sure it actually exists. So this can be used to see if the need arises:

int Going::in_some_way(action_pattern *ap) {
    if ((APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_TO_AP_CLAUSE) == NULL) &&
            ((APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_FROM_AP_CLAUSE) != NULL) ||
            (APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_BY_AP_CLAUSE) != NULL) ||
            (APClauses::get_val(ap, GOING_THROUGH_AP_CLAUSE) != NULL) ||
            (APClauses::get_val(ap, PUSHING_AP_CLAUSE) != NULL)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


<going-action-irregular-operand> ::=
    nowhere |    ==> { FALSE, - }
    somewhere                       ==> { TRUE, - }


int Going::claim_noun(action_name *an, action_pattern *ap, wording W) {
    if ((an == going_action) && (<going-action-irregular-operand>(W))) {
        if (<<r>> == FALSE) Going::go_nowhere(ap);
        else Going::go_somewhere(ap);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;