To compile rvalues into Inter value opcodes or array entries.

§1. And so to the code for compiling constants.

void CompileRvalues::compile(value_holster *VH, parse_node *value) {
    switch(Node::get_type(value)) {
                value->down->down, Node::get_text(value), FALSE);
        case CONSTANT_NT: {
            kind *kind_of_constant = Node::get_kind_of_value(value);
            int ccm = Kinds::Behaviour::get_constant_compilation_method(kind_of_constant);
            switch(ccm) {
                case NONE_CCM:  constant values of this kind cannot exist
                    LOG("SP: $P; kind: %u\n", value, kind_of_constant);
                    internal_error("Tried to compile CONSTANT SP for a disallowed kind");
                case LITERAL_CCM:        Compile a literal-compilation-mode constant1.1; return;
                case NAMED_CONSTANT_CCM: Compile a quantitative-compilation-mode constant1.2; return;
                case SPECIAL_CCM:        Compile a special-compilation-mode constant1.3; return;

§1.1. There are three basic compilation modes.

Here, the literal-parser is used to resolve the text of the SP to an integer. I6 is typeless, of course, so it doesn't matter that this is not necessarily a number: all that matters is that the correct integer value is compiled.

Compile a literal-compilation-mode constant1.1 =

    int N = Rvalues::to_int(value);
    if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH))
        Holsters::holster_pair(VH, InterValuePairs::number((inter_ti) N));

§1.2. Whereas here, an instance is attached.

Compile a quantitative-compilation-mode constant1.2 =

    instance *I = Node::get_constant_instance(value);
    if (I) {
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) {
            inter_name *N = RTInstances::value_iname(I);
            if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
            else internal_error("no iname for instance");
    } else internal_error("no instance");

§1.3. Otherwise there are just miscellaneous different things to do in different kinds of value:

Compile a special-compilation-mode constant1.3 =

    if (PluginCalls::compile_constant(VH, kind_of_constant, value))
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_activity) {
        activity *act = Rvalues::to_activity(value);
        inter_name *N = RTActivities::iname(act);
        if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_combination) {
        int NC = 0;
        for (parse_node *term = value->down; term; term = term->next) NC++;
        int NT = 0, downs = 0;
        for (parse_node *term = value->down; term; term = term->next) {
            if (NT < NC) {
                EmitCode::down(); downs++;
        while (downs > 0) { EmitCode::up(); downs--; }
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_equation)) {
        equation *eqn = Rvalues::to_equation(value);
        inter_name *N = RTEquations::identifier(eqn);
        if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_description) {
            value, Kinds::unary_construction_material(kind_of_constant));
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_list_of) {
        wording W = Node::get_text(value);
        literal_list *ll = Lists::find_literal(Wordings::first_wn(W) + 1);
        if (ll) {
            inter_name *N = ListLiterals::compile_literal_list(ll);
            if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_phrase) {
        constant_phrase *cphr = Rvalues::to_constant_phrase(value);
        inter_name *N = Closures::iname(cphr);
        if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(kind_of_constant)) {
        if (Annotations::read_int(value, self_object_ANNOT)) {
            if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) {
                Emit::holster_iname(VH, Hierarchy::find(SELF_HL));
        } else if (Annotations::read_int(value, nothing_object_ANNOT)) {
            if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH))
                Holsters::holster_pair(VH, InterValuePairs::number(0));
        } else {
            instance *I = Rvalues::to_instance(value);
            if (I) {
                inter_name *N = RTInstances::value_iname(I);
                if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
            parse_node *NB = Functions::line_being_compiled();
            if (NB) RTInstances::note_usage(I, NB);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_property) {
        Compile property constants1.3.1;
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_relation) {
        binary_predicate *bp = Rvalues::to_binary_predicate(value);
        inter_name *N = RTRelations::iname(bp);
        if (N) Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_rule) {
        rule *R = Rvalues::to_rule(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTRules::iname(R));
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_rulebook) {
        rulebook *B = Rvalues::to_rulebook(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTRulebooks::id_iname(B));
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_rulebook_outcome)) {
        named_rulebook_outcome *rbno = Rvalues::to_named_rulebook_outcome(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTRulebooks::nro_iname(rbno));
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_table)) {
        table *t = Rvalues::to_table(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTTables::identifier(t));
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_of_constant) == CON_table_column) {
        table_column *tc = Rvalues::to_table_column(value);
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH))
            Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTTableColumns::id_iname(tc));
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_text)) {
        CompileRvalues::text(VH, value);
    if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_understanding))) {
        if (Wordings::empty(Node::get_text(value)))
            internal_error("Text no longer available for CONSTANT/UNDERSTANDING");
        inter_pair val = CompileRvalues::compile_understanding(Node::get_text(value));
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) Holsters::holster_pair(VH, val);
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_use_option)) {
        use_option *uo = Rvalues::to_use_option(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTUseOptions::uo_iname(uo));
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_verb)) {
        verb_form *vf = Rvalues::to_verb_form(value);
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTVerbs::form_fn_iname(vf));
    if (Kinds::eq(kind_of_constant, K_response)) {
        rule *R = Rvalues::to_rule(value);
        int c = Annotations::read_int(value, response_code_ANNOT);
        inter_name *iname = Responses::response_constant_iname(R, c);
        if (iname) Emit::holster_iname(VH, iname);
        else Holsters::holster_pair(VH, InterValuePairs::number(0));
        Rules::now_rule_needs_response(R, c, EMPTY_WORDING);

    LOG("Kov is %u\n", kind_of_constant);
    internal_error("no special ccm provided");

§1.3.1. The interesting, read "unfortunate", case is that of constant property names. The curiosity here is that it's legal to store the nameless negation of an either/or property in a "property" constant. This was purely so that the following ungainly syntax works:

change X to not P;

Which is now gone anyway, in favour of "now", where all this is handled better. The feature, if we can call it that, probably derives from the fact that Inform 6 allows an attribute attr can be negated in sense in several contexts by using a tilde: ~attr.

Compile property constants1.3.1 =

    property *prn = Rvalues::to_property(value);
    if (prn == NULL) internal_error("PROPERTY SP with null property");

    if (Properties::is_either_or(prn)) {
        int parity = 1;
        property *prn_to_eval = prn;
        if (<negated-clause>(Node::get_text(value))) parity = -1;
        if (RTProperties::stored_in_negation(prn)) {
            parity = -parity;
            prn_to_eval = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn_to_eval);

        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) {
            if (parity == 1) {
                Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTProperties::iname(prn_to_eval));
            } else {
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(Untestable),
                    "this refers to an either-or property with a negative "
                    "that I can't unravel'",
                    "which normally never happens. (Are you using 'change' "
                    "instead of 'now'?");
    } else {
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) {
            Emit::holster_iname(VH, RTProperties::iname(prn));

§2. The actions plugin provides other kinds with idiosyncratic compilation needs, if it is enabled.

int CompileRvalues::action_kinds(value_holster *VH, kind *K, parse_node *value) {
    if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH) == FALSE) internal_error("action in void context");
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_action_name)) {
        inter_name *N = RTActions::double_sharp(ARvalues::to_action_name(value));
        Emit::holster_iname(VH, N);
        return TRUE;
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_description_of_action)) {
        if (CompileValues::compiling_in_constant_mode()) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_APAsConstant),
                "this is a description of an action which is too vague to be used "
                "as a constant value",
                "and should either be something like 'taking action' (for the action "
                "in the abstract) or 'taking the beach ball' (for a definitely "
                "specific action), but not something like 'taking' or 'taking a "
                "container' which refer to a whole collection of possible actions.");
            return TRUE;
        action_pattern *ap = Node::get_constant_action_pattern(value);
        return TRUE;
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_stored_action)) {
        explicit_action *ea = Node::get_constant_explicit_action(value);
        if (CompileValues::compiling_in_constant_mode()) {
            Emit::holster_iname(VH, StoredActionLiterals::small_block(ea));
        } else {
            CompileRvalues::compile_explicit_action(ea, TRUE);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§3. Texts can be compiled in four different ways, so the following splits into four cases. Note that responses take the form

    "blah blah blah" ( letter )

so the penultimate word, if it's there, is the letter.

void CompileRvalues::text(value_holster *VH, parse_node *str) {
    if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH) == FALSE) internal_error("text in void context");
    if (Annotations::read_int(str, explicit_literal_ANNOT)) {
        This is an explicit text3.1;
    } else {
        wording SW = Node::get_text(str);
        int unescaped = Annotations::read_int(str, text_unescaped_ANNOT);
        if (Wordings::empty(SW)) internal_error("text without wording");
        if ((Wordings::length(SW) >= 2) &&
            (<response-letter>(Wordings::one_word(Wordings::last_wn(SW)-1)))) {
            This is a response text3.2;
        } else if ((unescaped == 0) &&
                (Vocabulary::test_flags(Wordings::first_wn(SW), TEXTWITHSUBS_MC))) {
            This is a text substitution3.3;
        } else if (unescaped) {
            This is an unescaped text literal3.4;
        } else {
            This is a regular text literal3.5;

§3.1. Not explicit in the sense of an advisory sticker on an Eminem CD: explicit in providing a text stream for its content, rather than a wording from the source text. (This usually means it has been manufactured somewhere in the compiler, rather than parsed from the source.)

This is an explicit text3.1 =

    if (Node::get_explicit_iname(str)) {
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH)) {
            Emit::holster_iname(VH, Node::get_explicit_iname(str));
        } else internal_error("unvalued SCG");
    } else {
        int A = Annotations::read_int(str, constant_number_ANNOT);
        if (Holsters::value_pair_allowed(VH))
            Holsters::holster_pair(VH, InterValuePairs::number((inter_ti) A));

§3.2. This is a response text3.2 =

    rule *R = RTRules::rule_currently_being_compiled();
    int marker = <<r>>;
    if ((R == NULL) || (Rules::rule_allows_responses(R) == FALSE)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ResponseContextWrong),
            "lettered responses can only be used in named rules",
            "not in any of the other contexts in which quoted text can appear.");
    if (Rules::get_response(R, marker)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ResponseDuplicated),
            "this duplicates a response letter",
            "which is not allowed: if a bracketed letter like (A) is used to mark "
            "some text as a response, then it can only occur once in its rule.");
    Responses::set_via_source_text(VH, R, marker, SW);

§3.3. This is a text substitution3.3 =

    TextSubstitutions::text_substitution_cue(VH, SW);

§3.4. This is an unescaped text literal3.4 =

    inter_name *val_iname = TextLiterals::to_value_unescaped(SW);
    Emit::holster_iname(VH, val_iname);

§3.5. This is a regular text literal3.5 =

    inter_name *val_iname = TextLiterals::to_value(SW);
    Emit::holster_iname(VH, val_iname);

§4. Values for "understanding" refer to command grammar. We cache them as they occur in the source text because they can compile to a fairly large slice of code, and we don't want to repeat that:

typedef struct cached_understanding {
    struct wording understanding_text;  word range of the understanding text
    struct inter_name *cu_iname;  function to test this
} cached_understanding;

inter_pair CompileRvalues::compile_understanding(wording W) {
    if (<subject-pronoun>(W)) {
        return InterValuePairs::number(0);
    } else {
        cached_understanding *cu;
        LOOP_OVER(cu, cached_understanding)
            if (Wordings::match(cu->understanding_text, W))
                return Emit::to_value_pair(cu->cu_iname);
        command_grammar *cg = Understand::consultation(W);
        inter_name *iname = RTCommandGrammars::get_consult_fn_iname(cg);
        if (iname == NULL) internal_error("no consultation iname");
        cu = CREATE(cached_understanding);
        cu->understanding_text = W;
        cu->cu_iname = iname;
        return Emit::to_value_pair(iname);

§5. Explicit actions can be compiled either as a "try" invocation or as the constant value of a stored action. Either way it calls the runtime function TryAction, for which see WorldModelKit; this function takes five arguments, plus an optional sixth for where to store rather than process the action.

void CompileRvalues::compile_explicit_action(explicit_action *ea, int as_value) {
    parse_node *n = ea->first_noun;  the noun
    parse_node *s = ea->second_noun;  the second noun
    parse_node *a = ea->actor;  the actor

    if ((K_understanding) && (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(n, K_understanding)) &&
        (<subject-pronoun>(Node::get_text(n)) == FALSE))
        n = Rvalues::from_wording(Node::get_text(n));
    if ((K_understanding) && (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(s, K_understanding)) &&
        (<subject-pronoun>(Node::get_text(s)) == FALSE))
        s = Rvalues::from_wording(Node::get_text(s));

    action_name *an = ea->action;

    int flag_bits = 0;
    if (Kinds::eq(Specifications::to_kind(n), K_text)) flag_bits += 16;
    if (Kinds::eq(Specifications::to_kind(s), K_text)) flag_bits += 32;
    if (flag_bits > 0) TheHeap::ensure_basic_heap_present();

    if (ea->request) flag_bits += 1;

        EmitCode::val_number((inter_ti) flag_bits);
        if (a) CompileRvalues::compile_ea_parameter(a, K_object);
        else EmitCode::val_iname(K_object, Hierarchy::find(PLAYER_HL));
        EmitCode::val_iname(K_action_name, RTActions::double_sharp(an));
        if (n) CompileRvalues::compile_ea_parameter(n, ActionSemantics::kind_of_noun(an));
        else EmitCode::val_number(0);
        if (s) CompileRvalues::compile_ea_parameter(s, ActionSemantics::kind_of_second(an));
        else EmitCode::val_number(0);
        if (as_value) {

§6. Which requires the following. Note that if the action expects to see a K_understanding, then we typecheck in a way which will not cause an unwanted silent cast to K_text; but type-safety is not violated.

void CompileRvalues::compile_ea_parameter(parse_node *term, kind *required_kind) {
    if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(required_kind, K_understanding))) {
        kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(term);
        if ((Kinds::compatible(K, K_understanding)) ||
            (Kinds::compatible(K, K_text)))
            required_kind = NULL;
    if (Dash::check_value(term, required_kind))
        CompileValues::to_code_val_of_kind(term, K_object);