To store and later fill requests to compile To... phrases.

§1. "To..." phrases are compiled only when needed, and they can be compiled in variant forms depending on the kinds of their arguments. Each of those forms is compiled as a different function at runtime.1 For example, given the definition:

To judge (V - a value) against (W - a value): ...

the invocation:

judge 2 against "two";

would result in a request to compile a version of "to judge... against..." with the kind phrase (number, text) -> nothing.

If the kind involves variables, the caller must also supply the current values in force, so that there is no possible ambiguity in how we read K.

When we want to invoke "to judge... against...", then, we call one of the following twp functions. It returns the iname of the function we should call, and makes a note for later that it will need to compile that function.

inter_name *PhraseRequests::simple_request(id_body *idb, kind *req_kind) {
    return PhraseRequests::complex_request(idb, req_kind, NULL, EMPTY_WORDING);

inter_name *PhraseRequests::complex_request(id_body *idb, kind *req_kind,
    kind_variable_declaration *kvd, wording W) {
    if (IDTypeData::invoked_inline(idb))
        Avoid the need for a request by using an inline typeless Inter function1.1;
    to_phrase_request *req = PhraseRequests::request_inner(idb, req_kind, kvd, W);
    return req->req_iname;

§1.1. Suppose the phrase is defined inline, like so:

To judge (V - a value) against (W - a value):
    (- JudgeAgainst({V}, {W}); -)

We then assume that JudgeAgainst is provided by some kit of Inter code, and can handle values of any kind which this may produce. So we return its iname, and do not make a request. If the definition is any more complex than this, we simply give in and throw a problem.

Avoid the need for a request by using an inline typeless Inter function1.1 =

    Extract an identifier from the inline definition1.1.1;
    if (Str::len(identifier) == 0) Issue PM_PhraseNamedI6Failed1.1.2;
    inter_name *symb = HierarchyLocations::find_by_name(Emit::tree(), identifier);
    return symb;

§1.1.1. Extract an identifier from the inline definition1.1.1 =

    wchar_t *p = CompileImperativeDefn::get_inline_definition(idb);
    for (int i=0; p[i]; i++)
        if (Characters::isalpha(p[i])) {
            int j = 0;
            while (((Characters::isalpha(p[i])) ||
                (Characters::isdigit(p[i])) || (p[i] == '_')) && (j++ < 31))
                PUT_TO(identifier, p[i++]);

§1.1.2. Issue PM_PhraseNamedI6Failed1.1.2 =

    current_sentence = ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb);
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_phrase(2, idb);
        "You wrote %1, defining the phrase '%2' with a piece of Inform 6 "
        "code, but also giving it a name as a function to be used in an "
        "equation, or in some functional programming context. That's only "
        "allowed if the I6 definition consists simply of a call to an "
        "I6 function - and this doesn't, so far as I can see.");
    WRITE_TO(identifier, "ErrorRecoverySymbol");

§2. That function calls this one, which returns a to_phrase_request object for the request needed.

typedef struct to_phrase_request {
    struct id_body *compile_from;
    struct kind *req_kind;
    struct kind *kv_interpretation[27];
    struct inter_name *req_iname;
    struct inter_name *md_iname;
} to_phrase_request;

to_phrase_request *PhraseRequests::request_inner(id_body *idb, kind *K,
    kind_variable_declaration *kvd, wording W) {
    Issue a problem if K is still too vague2.1;
    Check whether this request has already been made2.2;
    Return a fresh request2.3;

§2.1. It's quite hard to get this, but if you supply the empty list written as a constant to a phrase which uses a kind variable in the form "list of K", then K would have be just "value", since Inform doesn't know what the empty list is a list of. The result would be:

Issue a problem if K is still too vague2.1 =

    if ((idb == NULL) || (K == NULL)) internal_error("bad request");
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::semidefinite(K) == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb));
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_UndeterminedKind));
        if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
                "The phrase %1 needs to be used in such a way that I know what kinds "
                "of values go into it.");
        } else {
            Problems::quote_wording_as_source(2, W);
                "The phrase %1 needs to be used in such a way that I know what kinds "
                "of values go into it; so I'm not sure how to make sense of it from %2.");

§2.2. Check whether this request has already been made2.2 =

    to_phrase_request *req;
    LOOP_OVER(req, to_phrase_request)
        if (idb == req->compile_from)
            if (Kinds::eq(K, req->req_kind))
                return req;

§2.3. Return a fresh request2.3 =

    to_phrase_request *req = CREATE(to_phrase_request);
    req->req_kind = K;
    req->compile_from = idb;
    Latticework::unpack_kvd(req->kv_interpretation, kvd);
    package_request *P = Hierarchy::package_within(REQUESTS_HAP,
    req->req_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(PHRASE_FN_HL, P);
    req->md_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(PHRASE_SYNTAX_MD_HL, P);
    text_stream *desc = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(desc, "phrase request (%u) for '%W'",
        K, Node::get_text(req->compile_from->head_of_defn->at));
        STORE_POINTER_to_phrase_request(req), desc);
    return req;

§3. Two access functions:

kind *PhraseRequests::kind_of_request(to_phrase_request *req) {
    if (req == NULL) internal_error("null request");
    return req->req_kind;

kind **PhraseRequests::kind_variables_for_request(to_phrase_request *req) {
    if (req == NULL) internal_error("null request");
    return req->kv_interpretation;

§4. The following agent acts on a pending requests for phrase compilation: see How To Compile (in core).

void PhraseRequests::compilation_agent(compilation_subtask *task) {
    to_phrase_request *req = RETRIEVE_POINTER_to_phrase_request(task->data);
    CompileImperativeDefn::go(req->compile_from, NULL, req, NULL);
        &total_phrases_compiled, total_phrases_to_compile);
    req->compile_from->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = FALSE;

§5. In Basic Inform, only, execution begins at the "To..." phrase "To begin", and this is done by compiling a "submain" function which calls the function for that phrase. This provides a neat example of how to make a phrase request:

void PhraseRequests::invoke_to_begin(void) {
    if (Task::begin_execution_at_to_begin()) {
        inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(SUBMAIN_HL);
        packaging_state save = Functions::begin(iname);
        imperative_defn *beginner = ToPhraseFamily::to_begin();
        if (beginner) {
            inter_name *begin_fn =
                    Kinds::function_kind(0, NULL, K_nil));