To manage the possible notations with which literal values can be written.

§1. Literal patterns (LPs) allow an author to create new notations for quasi-numerical kinds of value. For example,

16:9 specifies an aspect ratio.

establishes a new notation for writing literals of the kind "aspect ratios".

Each kind of value has a linked list of literal notations which can specify it, if any. We sometimes need to iterate through the this list, and can do so with the following macro:

    for (lp = LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(K); lp;

§2. LPs with just a single numerical part to them (like "20 yards" rather than "16:9") are of special interest for holding scientific measurements, and we provide elaborate extra features for this form of LP.

A given kind can have many different LPs to represent it, and this is especially convenient for physics — it means we can give ways to describe mass (a kind of value) in grams, kilograms or tonnes (all literal patterns). Among these, one LP is special and is called the "benchmark" for the kind — it is the default notation, the one considered most natural, and other LPs for the same kind are scaled relative to this. For instance, the benchmark for mass might be the notation "1 kg"; the notations "1 g" and "1 tonne" would then be scaled down by 1000, and up by 1000, respectively.

§3. Syntactically, a literal pattern is a series of "tokens", of which more below. Some tokens are simply fixed lettering or wording, but at least one must be numerical, and called an "element". For example, "16:9" has three tokens — element, fixed :, element.

typedef struct literal_pattern {
    struct kind *kind_specified;  the kind of the result: i.e., what it specifies
    struct literal_pattern *next_for_this_kind;  continuing list for this kind
    struct wording prototype_text;  where the prototype specification is
    int no_lp_tokens;  number of tokens in parse_node
    struct literal_pattern_token lp_tokens[MAX_TOKENS_PER_LITERAL];
    int no_lp_elements;  how many tokens are numbers
    struct literal_pattern_element lp_elements[MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_LITERAL];
    int number_signed;  for instance -10 cm would be allowed if this is set

     used when we have a sequence of alternative notations for the same unit
    int primary_alternative;  first of a set of alternatives?
    struct literal_pattern *next_alternative_lp;  continuing list of alternatives
    int singular_form_only;  print using this notation only for 1 unit
    int plural_form_only;  print using this notation for 2 units, 0.5 units, etc.

     used when printing and calculating values
    struct scaling_transformation scaling;  how to convert apparent to actual values
    int equivalent_unit;  is this just an equivalent to another LP?
    int benchmark;  is this the benchmark LP for its kind?
    int last_resort;  is this the last possible LP to use when printing a value of the kind?
    int marked_for_printing;  used in compiling printing routines

    struct literal_pattern_compilation_data compilation_data;
} literal_pattern;

§4. There are three sorts of token: character, word and element. Each token can be a whole word, or only part of a word. For instance, in

28kg net specifies a weight.

we have a sequence of four tokens: an element token, marked as beginning a word; a character token k; a character token g; and a word token net, which necessarily begins a word. Word boundaries in the source text must match those in the specification, so this notation does not match the text "41 kg net", for instance.

define WORD_LPT 1
define ELEMENT_LPT 3
typedef struct literal_pattern_token {
    int new_word_at;  does token start a new word?
    int lpt_type;  one of the three constants defined above
    wchar_t token_char;  CHARACTER_LPT only; the character to match
    int token_wn;  WORD_LPT only; word number in source text of the prototype
} literal_pattern_token;

§5. A value notated this way is like an old-school Pascal packed integer, where a small data structure was joined into a single word of data. For instance, in the "16:9" example, \(e_0:e_1\) would be stored as \(e_0r_1+e_1\) where \(r_1 = 10\) is one more than the maximum value of \(e_1\). So "4:3" would be stored as \(4\cdot(9+1) + 3 = 43\).

More formally, we call the numbers in such a literal its "elements". In the case of "16:9", there are two elements, \(e_0 = 16\) and \(e_1 = 9\). The general formula is: $$ N = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} e_i\cdot \prod_{j>i} r_j $$ where \((e_0, e_1, ..., e_{n-1})\) are the values and \(r_j\), the "range", is the constraint such that \(0\leq e_j < r_j\). Note that \(r_0\) is never required, since \(e_0\) is constrained in size only by the need for \(N\) to fit into a single virtual machine integer. The value $$ m_i = \prod_{j>i} r_j $$ is called the "multiplier", and note that \(m_{n-1} = 1\). Conversely, \(e_i = N/m_0\) if \(i=0\), and \(N/m_i {\rm ~mod~} r_i\) otherwise. The rightmost element \(e_{n-1}\) is the least significant numerically.

typedef struct literal_pattern_element {
    int element_index;  the value \(i\) placing this within its LP, where \(0\leq i<n\)
    int element_range;  the value \(r_i\) for this LP
    int element_multiplier;  the value \(m_i\) for this LP

    struct wording element_name;  if we define a name for the element

    int is_real;  store as a real number, not an integer?
    int without_leading_zeros;  normally without?
    int element_optional;  can we truncate the LP here?
    int preamble_optional;  if so, can we lose the preamble as well?
} literal_pattern_element;

§6. For the sake of printing, we can specify which notation is to be used in printing a value back. For instance,

1 tonne (in tonnes, singular) specifies a mass scaled up by 1000.

assigns the name "in tonnes" to this notation for writing a mass. There can be several notation associated with "in tonnes":

2 tonnes (in tonnes, plural) specifies a mass scaled up by 1000.

and hence the linked list of LPs associated with a single "literal pattern name". Moreover, a given kind of value can support multiple named notations; mass might also support "in kilograms" and "in grams", for instance.

typedef struct literal_pattern_name {
    struct wording notation_name;  name for this notation, if any; e.g. "in centimetres"
    struct literal_pattern *can_use_this_lp;  list of LPs used under this name
    struct literal_pattern_name *next;  other names for the same kind
    struct literal_pattern_name *next_with_rp;  used in parsing only: list applied to one notation
    int lpn_compiled_already;
} literal_pattern_name;

§7. Creating patterns, tokens and elements.

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::lp_new(kind *K, wording W) {
    literal_pattern *lp = CREATE(literal_pattern);
    lp->plural_form_only = FALSE;
    lp->singular_form_only = FALSE;
    lp->kind_specified = K;
    lp->prototype_text = W;
    lp->next_for_this_kind = NULL;
    lp->primary_alternative = FALSE;
    lp->next_alternative_lp = NULL;
    lp->no_lp_elements = 0;
    lp->no_lp_tokens = 0;
    lp->number_signed = FALSE;
    lp->scaling = Kinds::Scalings::new(TRUE, LP_SCALED_AT, 1, 1.0, 0, 0.0);
    lp->equivalent_unit = FALSE;
    lp->benchmark = FALSE;
    lp->compilation_data = RTLiteralPatterns::new_compilation_data(lp);
    return lp;


literal_pattern_token LiteralPatterns::lpt_new(int t, int nw) {
    literal_pattern_token lpt;
    lpt.new_word_at = nw;
    lpt.lpt_type = t;
    lpt.token_char = 0;
    lpt.token_wn = -1;
    return lpt;


literal_pattern_element LiteralPatterns::lpe_new(int i, int r, int sgn) {
    literal_pattern_element lpe;
    if (i == 0) lpe.element_range = -1; else lpe.element_range = r;
    lpe.element_multiplier = 1;
    lpe.element_index = i;
    lpe.element_name = EMPTY_WORDING;
    lpe.preamble_optional = FALSE;
    lpe.element_optional = FALSE;
    lpe.without_leading_zeros = FALSE;
    return lpe;

§10. Listing LPs. A routine to append a LP to the linked list of LPs for a given kind. But it's a little more involved because this is where we calculate the scale factors which relate LPs in the list, and also because we need to keep the list in a particular order.

int PM_ZMachineOverflow2_issued = FALSE;

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::list_add(literal_pattern *list_head,
    literal_pattern *new_lp, int using_integer_scaling) {
    if (list_head == NULL) Begin a new list with just the new LP in it10.1
    else Add the new LP to the existing list10.2;

    Correct the "last resort" flags in the list of LPs10.3;
    Automatically enable signed literals if there are scaled LPs in the list10.4;

    return list_head;

§10.1. When the new LP is the first one, it can only be scaled in absolute terms: "scaled at", which specifies its \(M\) value.

Begin a new list with just the new LP in it10.1 =

    Kinds::Scalings::determine_M(&(new_lp->scaling), NULL,
        TRUE, new_lp->equivalent_unit, new_lp->primary_alternative);
    list_head = new_lp;

§10.2. But if other LPs already exist, then absolute scalings are forbidden. The new LP must be scaled up or down relative to existing notations, or pegged equivalent to an exact value.

Add the new LP to the existing list10.2 =

    literal_pattern *lp;
    scaling_transformation *benchmark_sc = NULL;
    for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind)
        if (lp->benchmark)
            benchmark_sc = &(lp->scaling);
    int rescale_factor = Kinds::Scalings::determine_M(&(new_lp->scaling), benchmark_sc,
        FALSE, new_lp->equivalent_unit, new_lp->primary_alternative);
    if (rescale_factor != 1)
        for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind)
            if ((lp != new_lp) && (lp->equivalent_unit == FALSE))
                lp->scaling =
                    Kinds::Scalings::enlarge(lp->scaling, rescale_factor);
    list_head = LiteralPatterns::lp_list_add_inner(list_head, new_lp);

    if ((TargetVMs::is_16_bit(Task::vm())) && (PM_ZMachineOverflow2_issued == FALSE))
        for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind)
            if (Kinds::Scalings::quantum(lp->scaling) > 32767) {
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ZMachineOverflow2),
                    "you've set up literal specifications needing a range of "
                    "values too broad to be stored at run-time",
                    "at least with the Settings for this project as they currently are. "
                    "(Change to Glulx to be allowed to use much larger numbers; "
                    "or for really enormous values, use real arithmetic.)");
                PM_ZMachineOverflow2_issued = TRUE;

§10.3. Within the list, exactly one LP is marked with the last_resort flag: the last one not marked as an equivalent unit. (You can only be equivalent to something already there, so it's not possible for all the LPs in the list to be equivalent.)

Correct the "last resort" flags in the list of LPs10.3 =

    literal_pattern *lp, *last_resorter = NULL;
    for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind) {
        lp->last_resort = FALSE;
        if (lp->equivalent_unit == FALSE) last_resorter = lp;
    if (last_resorter) last_resorter->last_resort = TRUE;

§10.4. Inform is ordinarily a bit picky about not allowing negative values within these notations, unless they have explicitly been defined to allow it. That makes sense for basically combinatorial notations (room 1 to room 64, say) but would be a nonsense for scientific measurements where we intend to perform arithmetic. So:

Automatically enable signed literals if there are scaled LPs in the list10.4 =

    int scalings_exist = FALSE;
    literal_pattern *lp;
    for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind)
        if (Kinds::Scalings::involves_scale_change(lp->scaling))
            scalings_exist = TRUE;

    if (scalings_exist)
        for (lp = list_head; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind)
            lp->number_signed = TRUE;

§11. The actual insertion of the new LP into the list is carried out here, and is complicated by the fact that we need to keep these in a special order.

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::lp_list_add_inner(literal_pattern *list_head, literal_pattern *new_lp) {
    literal_pattern *lp, *lp_prev;
    new_lp->next_for_this_kind = NULL;
    if (list_head == NULL) return new_lp;
    lp = list_head; lp_prev = NULL;
    while (lp) {
        if (LiteralPatterns::lp_precedes(new_lp, lp)) {
            new_lp->next_for_this_kind = lp;
            if (lp_prev) lp_prev->next_for_this_kind = new_lp;
            else list_head = new_lp;
            return list_head;
        lp_prev = lp;
        lp = lp->next_for_this_kind;
    lp_prev->next_for_this_kind = new_lp;
    return list_head;

§12. Highly scaled values come before less scaled ones; otherwise plural forms come before singular ones; and otherwise an earlier-defined LP comes before a later one.

int LiteralPatterns::lp_precedes(literal_pattern *A, literal_pattern *B) {
    int s = Kinds::Scalings::compare(A->scaling, B->scaling);
    if (s > 0) return TRUE;
    if (s < 0) return FALSE;
    if ((A->primary_alternative) && (B->primary_alternative == FALSE)) return TRUE;
    if ((A->primary_alternative == FALSE) && (B->primary_alternative)) return FALSE;
    if ((A->plural_form_only) && (B->plural_form_only == FALSE)) return TRUE;
    if ((A->plural_form_only == FALSE) && (B->plural_form_only)) return FALSE;
    if ((A->singular_form_only) && (B->singular_form_only == FALSE)) return TRUE;
    if ((A->singular_form_only == FALSE) && (B->singular_form_only)) return FALSE;
    if (A->allocation_id < B->allocation_id) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§13. One member of the list is the "benchmark", as noted above.

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::get_benchmark(kind *K) {
    literal_pattern *lp;
        if (lp->benchmark)
            return lp;
    return NULL;

§14. And this returns the multiplier of the benchmark, which is important for performing multiplications.

define DETERMINE_SCALE_FACTOR_KINDS_CALLBACK LiteralPatterns::scale_factor
int LiteralPatterns::scale_factor(kind *K) {
    literal_pattern *benchmark_lp = LiteralPatterns::get_benchmark(K);
    if (benchmark_lp) return Kinds::Scalings::get_integer_multiplier(benchmark_lp->scaling);
    return 1;

§15. Optional break points. Sometimes the pattern allows later numerical elements to be skipped, in which case they are understood to be 0.

int LiteralPatterns::at_optional_break_point(literal_pattern *lp, int ec, int tc) {
    if ((ec<lp->no_lp_elements) &&  i.e., if there are still numerical elements to supply
        (lp->lp_elements[ec].element_optional) &&  but which are optional
        ((lp->lp_elements[ec].preamble_optional) ||  and either the preamble tokens are also optional
            (lp->lp_tokens[tc].lpt_type == ELEMENT_LPT)))  or we're at the number token
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§16. Matching an LP in the source text. Given an excerpt (w1, w2), we try to parse it as a constant value written in the LP notation: if it passes, we return the kind of value, and if not we return NULL.

int waive_lp_overflows = FALSE;
int last_LP_problem_at = -1;
double latest_constructed_real = 0.0;

double LiteralPatterns::get_latest_real(void) {
    return latest_constructed_real;

kind *LiteralPatterns::match(literal_pattern *lp, wording W, int *found) {
    int matched_number = 0, overflow_16_bit_flag = FALSE, overflow_32_bit_flag = FALSE;
    literal_pattern_element *sign_used_at = NULL, *element_overflow_at = NULL;

     if the excerpt is longer than the maximum length of such a notation, give up quickly:
    if (Wordings::length(W) > Wordings::length(lp->prototype_text)) return NULL;

    Try to match the excerpt against the whole prototype or up to an optional break16.1;

    if (sign_used_at) Check that a negative number can be used in this notation16.2;

    if (waive_lp_overflows == FALSE) {
        if (element_overflow_at) Report a problem because one element in the notation overflows16.4;
        Check that the value found lies within the range which the VM can hold16.3;

    *found = matched_number;
    return lp->kind_specified;

§16.1. Scanning the tokens one at a time. The scan position is represented as a word number wn together with a character position within the word, wpos. The wpos value \(-1\) means that word wn has not yet been started.

Try to match the excerpt against the whole prototype or up to an optional break16.1 =

    int tc, wn = Wordings::first_wn(W), wpos = -1, ec = 0, matched_scaledown = 1, parsed_as_real = FALSE;
    wchar_t *wd = Lexer::word_text(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    for (tc=0; tc<lp->no_lp_tokens; tc++) {
        if (wn > Wordings::last_wn(W)) {
            if ((wpos == -1)  i.e., if we are cleanly at a word boundary
                && (LiteralPatterns::at_optional_break_point(lp, ec, tc))) break;
            return NULL;
        switch (lp->lp_tokens[tc].lpt_type) {
            case WORD_LPT: Match a fixed word token within a literal pattern16.1.1; break;
            case CHARACTER_LPT: Match a character token within a literal pattern16.1.2; break;
            case ELEMENT_LPT: Match an element token within a literal pattern16.1.3; break;
            default: internal_error("unknown literal pattern token type");
    if (wpos >= 0) return NULL;  we need to end cleanly, not in mid-word
    if (wn <= Wordings::last_wn(W)) return NULL;  and we need to have used up all of the excerpt

    if (parsed_as_real == FALSE) {
        int loses_accuracy = FALSE;
        scaling_transformation sc =
            Kinds::Scalings::contract(lp->scaling, matched_scaledown, &loses_accuracy);
        matched_number = Kinds::Scalings::quanta_to_value(sc, matched_number);
        if (loses_accuracy) Report a problem because not enough accuracy is available16.1.4;
        long long int max_16_bit = 32767LL, max_32_bit = 2147483647LL, min_32_bit = -2147483648LL;
        if (matched_number > max_16_bit) overflow_16_bit_flag = TRUE;
        if (matched_number > max_32_bit) overflow_32_bit_flag = TRUE;
        if ((sign_used_at) && (overflow_32_bit_flag == FALSE)) {
            if (matched_number == min_32_bit) overflow_32_bit_flag = TRUE;
            else matched_number = -matched_number;
    } else {
        #pragma clang diagnostic push
        #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"
        if (sign_used_at) matched_number = matched_number | 0x80000000;
        #pragma clang diagnostic pop

§16.1.1. A word token matches an exact word (but allowing for variation in casing).

Match a fixed word token within a literal pattern16.1.1 =

    if (wpos >= 0) return NULL;  if we're still in the middle of the last word, we must fail
    if (compare_words(wn, lp->lp_tokens[tc].token_wn) == FALSE) return NULL;

§16.1.2. A character token matches only a single character — note the case insensitivity here, because of the use of tolower.

Match a character token within a literal pattern16.1.2 =

    if (wpos == -1) { wpos = 0; wd = Lexer::word_text(wn); }  start parsing the interior of a word
    if (Characters::tolower(wd[wpos++]) != Characters::tolower(lp->lp_tokens[tc].token_char)) return NULL;
    if (wd[wpos] == 0) { wn++; wpos = -1; }  and stop parsing the interior of a word

§16.1.3. Match an element token within a literal pattern16.1.3 =

    literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[ec++]);  fetch details of next number
    if (wpos == -1) { wpos = 0; wd = Lexer::word_text(wn); }  start parsing the interior of a word
    if (wd[wpos] == '-') { sign_used_at = lpe; wpos++; }
    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::uses_floating_point(lp->kind_specified)) Match a real number element token16.1.3.2
    else Match an integer number element token16.1.3.1;
    if (wd[wpos] == 0) { wn++; wpos = -1; }  and stop parsing the interior of a word

§ There are three different sorts of overflow:

We report none of these as a problem immediately — only if the pattern would otherwise match.

The following assumes that long long int is at least 64-bit, so that it can hold any 32-bit integer multiplied by 10, and also any product of two 32-bit numbers. This is true for all modern gcc implementations and is required by PM_, but was not required by C90, so it is just possible that this could cause trouble on unusual platforms.

Match an integer number element token16.1.3.1 =

    long long int tot = 0, max_32_bit, max_16_bit;
    int digits_found = 0, point_at = -1;
    max_16_bit = 32767LL; if (sign_used_at) max_16_bit = 32768LL;
    max_32_bit = 2147483647LL; if (sign_used_at) max_32_bit = 2147483648LL;
    while ((Characters::isdigit(wd[wpos])) ||
        ((wd[wpos] == '.') && (Kinds::Scalings::get_integer_multiplier(lp->scaling) > 1) && (point_at == -1))) {
        if (wd[wpos] == '.') { point_at = digits_found; wpos++; continue; }
        tot = 10*tot + (wd[wpos++] - '0');
        if (tot > max_16_bit) overflow_16_bit_flag = TRUE;
        if (tot > max_32_bit) overflow_32_bit_flag = TRUE;
    if ((point_at == 0) || (point_at == digits_found)) return NULL;
    if (digits_found == 0) return NULL;
    while ((point_at > 0) && (point_at < digits_found)) {
        matched_scaledown *= 10; point_at++;
    if ((tot >= lpe->element_range) && (lpe->element_index > 0)) element_overflow_at = lpe;
    tot = (lpe->element_multiplier)*tot;
    if (tot > max_16_bit) overflow_16_bit_flag = TRUE;
    if (tot > max_32_bit) overflow_32_bit_flag = TRUE;
    tot = matched_number + tot;
    if (tot > max_16_bit) overflow_16_bit_flag = TRUE;
    if (tot > max_32_bit) overflow_32_bit_flag = TRUE;
    matched_number = (int) tot;

§ In real arithmetic, though, overflow isn't a problem, since we can use the infinities to represent arbitrarily large numbers.

Match a real number element token16.1.3.2 =

    int point_at = -1, mult_at = -1;
    while ((Characters::isdigit(wd[wpos])) || ((wd[wpos] == '.') && (point_at == -1))) {
        if (wd[wpos] == '.') point_at = Str::len(real_buffer);
        PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]);
    if ((Str::len(real_buffer) == 0) || (point_at == Str::len(real_buffer)-1)) return NULL;
    if (LiteralReals::ismultiplicationsign(wd[wpos])) {
        mult_at = wpos;
        PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]);
        if (wd[wpos] == '1') PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]); else return NULL;
        if (wd[wpos] == '0') PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]); else return NULL;
        if (wd[wpos] == '^') PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]); else return NULL;
        if (wd[wpos] == '+') PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]);
        else if (wd[wpos] == '-') PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]);
        while (Characters::isdigit(wd[wpos])) {
            PUT_TO(real_buffer, wd[wpos++]);
    wording W = Feeds::feed_text(real_buffer);
    if ((point_at == -1) && (mult_at == -1)) {
        if (<cardinal-number>(Wordings::first_word(W)) == FALSE) return NULL;
        matched_number = <<r>>;
        int signbit = 0;
        if (matched_number < 0) { signbit = 1; matched_number = -matched_number; }
        matched_number = LiteralReals::construct_float(signbit, matched_number, 0, 0);
    } else {
        if (<literal-real-in-digits>(Wordings::first_word(W)) == FALSE) return NULL;
        matched_number = <<r>>;

    latest_constructed_real =
        Kinds::Scalings::real_quanta_to_value(lp->scaling, latest_constructed_real);

    int signbit = FALSE;
    if (latest_constructed_real < 0) {
        latest_constructed_real = -latest_constructed_real;
        signbit = TRUE;
    matched_number = LiteralReals::construct_float(signbit, latest_constructed_real, 0, 0);
    parsed_as_real = TRUE;

§16.2. Problem messages here have a tendency to be repeated, in some situations, which is annoying. So we have a mechanism to suppress duplicates:

    if (last_LP_problem_at == Wordings::first_wn(W)) return NULL;
    last_LP_problem_at = Wordings::first_wn(W);

Check that a negative number can be used in this notation16.2 =

    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::uses_floating_point(lp->kind_specified) == FALSE) {
        if (sign_used_at->element_index != 0) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NegationInternal),
                "a negative number can't be used in the middle of a constant",
                "and the minus sign makes it look as if that's what you are "
                "trying here.");
            return NULL;
        if (lp->number_signed == FALSE) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NegationForbidden),
                "the minus sign is not allowed here",
                "since this is a kind of value which only allows positive "
                "values to be written.");
            return NULL;

§16.3. The out of range problem messages:

Check that the value found lies within the range which the VM can hold16.3 =

    if (overflow_32_bit_flag) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EvenOverflow-G),
            "you use a literal specification to make a value which is too large",
            "even for a story file compiled with the Glulx setting. (You can "
            "see the size limits for each way of writing a value on the Kinds "
            "page of the Index.)");
        return NULL;
    if ((overflow_16_bit_flag) && (TargetVMs::is_16_bit(Task::vm()))) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ZMachineOverflow),
            "you use a literal specification to make a value which is too large",
            "at least with the Settings for this project as they currently are. "
            "(Change to Glulx to be allowed to use much larger numbers; "
            "meanwhile, you can see the size limits for each way of writing a "
            "value on the Kinds page of the Index.)");
        return NULL;

§16.4. The more specific problem of an internal overflow:

Report a problem because one element in the notation overflows16.4 =

    int max = element_overflow_at->element_range - 1;
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
    Problems::quote_wording(3, lp->prototype_text);
    Problems::quote_number(4, &max);
    switch (element_overflow_at->element_index) {
        case 0: Problems::quote_text(5, "first"); break;
        case 1: Problems::quote_text(5, "second"); break;
        case 2: Problems::quote_text(5, "third"); break;
        case 3: Problems::quote_text(5, "fourth"); break;
        case 4: Problems::quote_text(5, "fifth"); break;
        case 5: Problems::quote_text(5, "sixth"); break;
        case 6: Problems::quote_text(5, "seventh"); break;
        case 7: Problems::quote_text(5, "eighth"); break;
        case 8: Problems::quote_text(5, "ninth"); break;
        case 9: Problems::quote_text(5, "tenth"); break;
        default: Problems::quote_text(5, "eventual"); break;
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ElementOverflow));
        "In the sentence %1, you use the notation '%2' to write a constant value. "
        "But the notation was specified as '%3', which means that the %5 numerical "
        "part should range between 0 and %4.");
    return NULL;

§16.1.4. Report a problem because not enough accuracy is available16.1.4 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
    Problems::quote_wording(3, lp->prototype_text);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPTooLittleAccuracy));
        "In the sentence %1, you use the notation '%2' to write a constant value. "
        "But to store that, I would need greater accuracy than this kind of "
        "value has - see the Kinds page of the Index for the range it has.");
    return NULL;

§17. Indexing literal patterns for a given kind.

void LiteralPatterns::index_all(OUTPUT_STREAM, kind *K) {
    literal_pattern *lp, *benchmark_lp = LiteralPatterns::get_benchmark(K);
    int B = 1, scalings_exist = FALSE;
    if (benchmark_lp) B = Kinds::Scalings::get_integer_multiplier(benchmark_lp->scaling);

        if (Kinds::Scalings::involves_scale_change(lp->scaling))
            scalings_exist = TRUE;

    Index the list of possible LPs for the kind, not counting equivalents17.1;
    Index the list of possible LPs for the kind, only counting equivalents17.2;
    Index the possible names for these notations, as ways of printing them back17.3;

§17.1. Each entry in this list is, in principle, a list all by itself — of alternatives such as "1 tonne" vs "2 tonnes", which aren't different enough to be listed separately. Of these exactly one is the "primary" alternative.

Index the list of possible LPs for the kind, not counting equivalents17.1 =

    int f = FALSE;
        if ((lp->primary_alternative) && (lp->equivalent_unit == FALSE)) {
            if (f) HTML_TAG("br")
            else WRITE("<i>Written as:</i>");
            if ((scalings_exist) && (benchmark_lp)) {
                LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibilities(OUT, lp, benchmark_lp);
            } else {
                WRITE("%+W", lp->prototype_text);
            f = TRUE;

§17.2. Index the list of possible LPs for the kind, only counting equivalents17.2 =

    int f = FALSE;
        if ((lp->primary_alternative) && (lp->equivalent_unit)) {
            if (f == FALSE) {
                WRITE("<i>With these equivalent units:</i>");
            LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibilities(OUT, lp, benchmark_lp);
            f = TRUE;

§17.3. Index the possible names for these notations, as ways of printing them back17.3 =

    int f = FALSE;
    literal_pattern_name *lpn;
    LOOP_OVER(lpn, literal_pattern_name)
        if (Wordings::nonempty(lpn->notation_name)) {
            LITERAL_FORMS_LOOP(lp, K) {
                literal_pattern_name *lpn2;
                for (lpn2 = lpn; lpn2; lpn2 = lpn2->next)
                    if (lp == lpn2->can_use_this_lp) {
                        if (f) WRITE("; ");
                        else {
                            WRITE("\n<i>Can be printed back:</i>\n");
                        f = TRUE;
                        WRITE("%+W", lpn->notation_name);
                        goto NextLPN;
            NextLPN: ;

§18. And here we list of alternatives followed by the relationship this notation has to the benchmark, e.g., "where 1 tonne \(=\) 1000 kg".

void LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibilities(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp, literal_pattern *benchmark_lp) {
    LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibility(OUT, lp, benchmark_lp);
    if (lp->equivalent_unit) {
        WRITE(" <i>where</i> ");
        LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, lp->scaling);
        WRITE(" = ");
        LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, benchmark_lp, lp->scaling);
    } else {
        if (Kinds::Scalings::compare(lp->scaling, benchmark_lp->scaling) < 0) {
            WRITE(" <i>where</i> ");
            LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, benchmark_lp->scaling);
            WRITE(" = ");
            LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, benchmark_lp, benchmark_lp->scaling);
        if (Kinds::Scalings::compare(lp->scaling, benchmark_lp->scaling) > 0) {
            WRITE(" <i>where</i> ");
            LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, lp->scaling);
            WRITE(" = ");
            LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, benchmark_lp, lp->scaling);

§19. This is where the list of alternatives, "1 tonne" followed by "2 tonnes", say, is produced:

void LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibility(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp, literal_pattern *benchmark_lp) {
    if (lp == benchmark_lp) WRITE("<b>");
    if (lp->plural_form_only)
        LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, Kinds::Scalings::enlarge(lp->scaling, 2));
        LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, lp->scaling);
    if (lp == benchmark_lp) WRITE("</b>");
    if (lp->next_alternative_lp) {
        WRITE(" <i>or</i> ");
        LiteralPatterns::index_lp_possibility(OUT, lp->next_alternative_lp, benchmark_lp);

§20. Printing values in an LP's notation to the index at compile-time. This front-end routine chooses the most appropriate notation to use when indexing a given value. For instance, a mass of 1000000 is best expressed as "1 tonne", not "1000000 grams".

void LiteralPatterns::index_value(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp_list, int v) {
    literal_pattern *lp;
    literal_pattern *lp_possibility = NULL;
    int k = 0;
    for (lp = lp_list; lp; lp = lp->next_for_this_kind) {
        if (v == 0) {
            if (lp->benchmark) {
                LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific(OUT, lp, v); return;
        } else {
            if ((lp->primary_alternative) && (lp->equivalent_unit == FALSE)) {
                if ((lp_possibility == NULL) || (Kinds::Scalings::quantum(lp->scaling) != k)) {
                    lp_possibility = lp;
                    k = Kinds::Scalings::quantum(lp->scaling);
                if (v >= Kinds::Scalings::quantum(lp->scaling)) {
                    LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific(OUT, lp, v); return;
    if (lp_possibility) LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific(OUT, lp_possibility, v);
    else LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific(OUT, lp_list, v);

§21. Here we index the benchmark value. Pursuing our example of mass, if the benchmark is 1 kilogram, then the following indexes the value 1000 in kilograms, resulting in "1 kg". (This will always effectively look like "1 something", whatever the something is.)

void LiteralPatterns::index_benchmark_value(OUTPUT_STREAM, kind *K) {
    literal_pattern *lp;
        if (lp->benchmark) {
            LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUT, lp, lp->scaling);

§22. We are rather formal when printing values to the index, so we choose not to make use of optional truncation.

void LiteralPatterns::lp_index_quantum_value(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp, scaling_transformation sc) {
    int v = 0;
    double real_v = 0.0;
    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::uses_floating_point(lp->kind_specified))
        real_v = Kinds::Scalings::real_quantum(sc);
        v = Kinds::Scalings::quantum(sc);
    LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific_inner(OUT, lp, v, real_v);

void LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp, double alt_value) {
    int v = (int) alt_value;
    double real_v = alt_value;
    LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific_inner(OUT, lp, v, real_v);

void LiteralPatterns::lp_index_value_specific_inner(OUTPUT_STREAM, literal_pattern *lp, int v, double real_v) {
    if (lp == NULL) { WRITE("--"); return; }
    int tc, ec;
    for (tc=0, ec=0; tc<lp->no_lp_tokens; tc++) {
        if ((tc>0) && (lp->lp_tokens[tc].new_word_at)) WRITE(" ");
        switch (lp->lp_tokens[tc].lpt_type) {
            case WORD_LPT: Index a fixed word token within a literal pattern22.1; break;
            case CHARACTER_LPT: Index a character token within a literal pattern22.2; break;
            case ELEMENT_LPT: Index an element token within a literal pattern22.3; break;
            default: internal_error("unknown literal pattern token type");

§22.1. We parse in a case-insensitive way, but print back case-sensitively — note that the following uses the raw text of the word.

Index a fixed word token within a literal pattern22.1 =

    if (tc > 0) WRITE(" ");
    WRITE("%<N", lp->lp_tokens[tc].token_wn);

§22.2. Index a character token within a literal pattern22.2 =

    HTML::put(OUT, (int) lp->lp_tokens[tc].token_char);

§22.3. Index an element token within a literal pattern22.3 =

    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::uses_floating_point(lp->kind_specified)) {
        WRITE("%g", Kinds::Scalings::real_value_to_quanta(real_v, lp->scaling));
    } else {
        int remainder;
        Kinds::Scalings::value_to_quanta(v, lp->scaling, &v, &remainder);
        literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[ec]);
        if (ec == 0) WRITE("%d", v/(lpe->element_multiplier));
        else {
            char *prototype = "%d";
            if ((lp->lp_tokens[tc].new_word_at == FALSE) && (lpe->without_leading_zeros == FALSE))
                prototype = LiteralPatterns::leading_zero_prototype(lpe->element_range);
            WRITE(prototype, (v/(lpe->element_multiplier)) % (lpe->element_range));
        if (ec == 0) Index the fractional part of the value22.3.1;

§22.3.1. Index the fractional part of the value22.3.1 =

    int ranger = 1, M = Kinds::Scalings::get_integer_multiplier(lp->scaling);
    while (M > ranger) ranger = ranger*10;
    remainder = remainder*(ranger/M);
    while ((remainder > 0) && ((remainder % 10) == 0)) {
        ranger = ranger/10; remainder = remainder/10;
    if (remainder > 0) {
        WRITE(LiteralPatterns::leading_zero_prototype(ranger), remainder);

§23. Please don't mention the words "logarithm" or "shift". It works fine.

char *LiteralPatterns::leading_zero_prototype(int range) {
    if (range > 1000000000) return "%010d";
    if (range > 100000000) return "%09d";
    if (range > 10000000) return "%08d";
    if (range > 1000000) return "%07d";
    if (range > 100000) return "%06d";
    if (range > 10000) return "%05d";
    if (range > 1000) return "%04d";
    if (range > 100) return "%03d";
    if (range > 10) return "%02d";
    return "%d";

§24. The grammars for the specify sentence are quite complicated, but aren't used recursively. So it's more convenient to have them set global variables than to form a big parse subtree and extract the data from that; these are what they set.

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::new_literal_specification_inner(lp_specification *lps,
    parse_node *p, parse_node *q, literal_pattern *owner) {
    int offset = 0, integer_scaling = TRUE;
    kind *K = lps->kind_specified;

    literal_pattern *lp = NULL;  what we will create, if all goes well

    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::uses_floating_point(K)) integer_scaling = FALSE;
    if ((lps->uses_real_arithmetic) && (integer_scaling))
        Issue problem message warning that real arithmetic is needed24.5;

    Check that the new notation does not overlap with that of any existing LP24.4;
    Check that the kind is acceptable as the owner of a LP24.6;
    Check that any other value mentioned as an equivalent or scaled equivalent has the right kind24.3;
    Create the new literal pattern structure24.7;
    Break down the specification text into tokens and elements24.8;
    Adopt real arithmetic if this is called for24.9;
    Calculate the multipliers for packing the elements into a single integer24.10;

    if (LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(K) == NULL) lp->benchmark = TRUE;
    LiteralPatterns::add_literal_pattern(K, lp);

    if (lps->part_np_list) {
        Work through parts text to assign names to the individual elements24.11;
        Check that any notes to do with optional elements are mutually compatible24.12;
        LiteralPatterns::define_packing_phrases(lp, K);

    if (owner == NULL) owner = lp;
    else Add this new alternative to the list belonging to our owner24.1;
    return owner;

§24.1. Add this new alternative to the list belonging to our owner24.1 =

    literal_pattern *alt = owner;
    while ((alt) && (alt->next_alternative_lp)) alt = alt->next_alternative_lp;
    alt->next_alternative_lp = lp;


define PARTS_LPC 1
define SCALING_LPC 2
define OFFSET_LPC 3

§24.3. That's it for syntax: now back to semantics.

Check that any other value mentioned as an equivalent or scaled equivalent has the right kind24.3 =

    if (lps->equivalent_value) {
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(lps->equivalent_value, K)) {
            lps->scaled_dir = LP_SCALED_UP; lps->scale_factor = Rvalues::to_encoded_notation(lps->equivalent_value);
        } else {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem_with_note(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadLPEquivalent),
                "the equivalent value needs to be a constant of the same kind "
                "of value as you are specifying",
                "and this seems not to be.",
                "Note that you can only use notations specified in sentences "
                "before the current one.");

    if (lps->offset_value) {
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(lps->offset_value, K)) {
            offset = Rvalues::to_encoded_notation(lps->offset_value);
        } else {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem_with_note(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadLPOffset),
                "the offset value needs to be a constant of the same kind "
                "of value as you are specifying",
                "and this seems not to be.",
                "Note that you can only use notations specified in sentences "
                "before the current one.");

§24.4. We parse the specification text as if it were a constant value, hoping for the result NULL — so that it doesn't already mean something else. During this process, we waive checking of numerical overflows in matching an LP: this is done so that

3/13 specifies a bar. 2/19 specifies a foo.

reports "2/19" as a duplicate using the following problem message, but does not throw a problem message as being a bar which is out of range (because in the bar notation, the number after the slash can be at most 13, so that 19 is illegal).

Check that the new notation does not overlap with that of any existing LP24.4 =

    waive_lp_overflows = TRUE;
    kind *K = NULL; if (<s-literal>(lps->notation_wording)) K = Rvalues::to_kind(<<rp>>);
    waive_lp_overflows = FALSE;
    if (K) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_kind(2, K);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, lps->notation_wording);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DuplicateUnitSpec));
            "In the sentence %1, it looks as if you intend to give a new meaning "
            "to expressions like '%3', but this is already something I "
            "recognise - specifying %2 - so a more distinctive specification "
            "must be chosen.");
        return owner;

§24.5. Issue problem message warning that real arithmetic is needed24.5 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_kind(2, K);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPNeedsReal));
        "In the sentence %1, it looks as if you intend to give a real "
        "number as a scale factor for values of %2. However, as you've "
        "defined it here, %2 uses only whole numbers, so this wouldn't "
        "work. %PYou can probably fix this by making the example "
        "amount a real number too - say, writing '1.0 rel specifies...' "
        "instead of '1 rel specifies...'.");
    return owner;

§24.6. Check that the kind is acceptable as the owner of a LP24.6 =

    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_built_in(K)) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::get_index_priority(K) == 0)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPBuiltInKOVHidden),
                "you can only specify ways to write new kinds of value",
                "as created with sentences like 'A weight is a kind of value.', "
                "and not the built-in ones like 'number' or 'time'. (This one is "
                "a kind used behind the scenes by Inform, so it's reserved "
                "for Inform's own use, and you can't do much else with it.)");
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPBuiltInKOV),
                "you can only specify ways to write new kinds of value",
                "as created with sentences like 'A weight is a kind of value.', "
                "and not the built-in ones like 'number' or 'time'.");
        return owner;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::convert_to_unit(K) == FALSE) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPEnumeration),
            "this is a kind of value which already has named values",
            "so it can't have a basically numerical form as well.");
        return owner;

§24.7. All the hard work here was done during parsing.

Create the new literal pattern structure24.7 =

    lp = LiteralPatterns::lp_new(K, lps->notation_wording);
    if (lps->equivalent_value) lps->scale_factor_as_double = lps->equivalent_value_as_double;
    if (lps->scale_factor <= 0) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPNonpositiveScaling),
            "you can only scale by a positive multiple",
            "so something like 'scaled up by -1' is not allowed.");
        lps->scale_factor = 1;
    lp->scaling = Kinds::Scalings::new(integer_scaling, lps->scaled_dir,
        lps->scale_factor, lps->scale_factor_as_double, offset, lps->offset_value_as_double);
    if (owner == NULL) lp->primary_alternative = TRUE;
    if (lps->equivalent_value) lp->equivalent_unit = TRUE;
    if (lps->notation_options & SINGULAR_LPN) lp->singular_form_only = TRUE;
    if (lps->notation_options & PLURAL_LPN) lp->plural_form_only = TRUE;
    for (literal_pattern_name *lpn = lps->notation_groups; lpn; lpn = lpn->next_with_rp)
        lpn->can_use_this_lp = lp;

§24.8. Each word is either a whole token in itself, or a stream of tokens representing alphabetic vs numeric pieces of a word:

Break down the specification text into tokens and elements24.8 =

    int i, j, tc, ec;
    for (i=0, tc=0, ec=0; i<Wordings::length(lps->notation_wording); i++) {
        literal_pattern_token new_token;
        int digit_found = FALSE;
        wchar_t *text_of_word = Lexer::word_raw_text(Wordings::first_wn(lps->notation_wording)+i);
        for (j=0; text_of_word[j]; j++) if (Characters::isdigit(text_of_word[j])) digit_found = TRUE;
        if (digit_found)
            Break up the word into at least one element token, and perhaps also character tokens24.8.1
        else {
            new_token = LiteralPatterns::lpt_new(WORD_LPT, TRUE);
            new_token.token_wn = Wordings::first_wn(lps->notation_wording)+i;
            Add new token to LP24.8.2;
    lp->no_lp_tokens = tc;
    lp->no_lp_elements = ec;
    if (lp->no_lp_elements == 0) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPWithoutElement),
            "a way to specify a kind of value must involve numbers",
            "so '10kg specifies a weight' is allowed, but not 'tonne "
            "specifies a weight'.");
        return owner;

§24.8.1. Bounds checking is easier here since we know that a LP specification will not ever need to create the maximum conceivable value which a C integer can hold — so we need not fool around with long long ints.

Break up the word into at least one element token, and perhaps also character tokens24.8.1 =

    int j, sgn = 1, next_token_begins_word = TRUE;
    for (j=0; text_of_word[j]; j++) {
        int tot = 0, digit_found = FALSE, point_found = FALSE;
        if ((text_of_word[j] == '-') && (Characters::isdigit(text_of_word[j+1])) && (ec == 0)) {
            sgn = -1; continue;
        while (Characters::isdigit(text_of_word[j++])) {
            digit_found = TRUE;
            if (tot > 999999999) {
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPElementTooLarge),
                    "that specification contains numbers that are too large",
                    "and would construct values which could not sensibly "
                    "be stored at run-time.");
                return owner;
            tot = 10*tot + (text_of_word[j-1]-'0');
        if ((text_of_word[j] == '.') && (text_of_word[j+1] == '0') && (ec == 0)) {
            j += 2; point_found = TRUE;
        if (digit_found) {
            literal_pattern_element new_element = LiteralPatterns::lpe_new(ec, tot+1, sgn);
            if (ec >= MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_LITERAL) {
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPTooManyElements),
                    "that specification contains too many numerical elements",
                    "and is too complicated for Inform to handle.");
                return owner;
            new_element.is_real = point_found;
            if (point_found) integer_scaling = FALSE;
            lp->lp_elements[ec++] = new_element;
            if (sgn == -1) lp->number_signed = TRUE;
            new_token = LiteralPatterns::lpt_new(ELEMENT_LPT, next_token_begins_word);
            Add new token to LP24.8.2;
        } else {
            new_token = LiteralPatterns::lpt_new(CHARACTER_LPT, next_token_begins_word);
            new_token.token_char = text_of_word[j];
            Add new token to LP24.8.2;
        sgn = 1; next_token_begins_word = FALSE;

§24.8.2. In fact counting tokens is not necessarily a good way to measure the complexity of an LP, since any long run of characters in a word which also contains a number will splurge the number of tokens. So MAX_TOKENS_PER_LITERAL is set to a high enough value that this will not really distort matters.

Add new token to LP24.8.2 =

    if (tc >= MAX_TOKENS_PER_LITERAL) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPTooComplicated),
            "that specification is too complicated",
            "and will have to be shortened.");
        return owner;
    lp->lp_tokens[tc++] = new_token;

§24.9. Adopt real arithmetic if this is called for24.9 =

    if (integer_scaling == FALSE) {

§24.10. The elements are created in parsing order, that is, left to right. But the multipliers can only be calculated by working from right to left, so this is deferred until all elements exist, at which point we —

Calculate the multipliers for packing the elements into a single integer24.10 =

    int i, m = 1;
    for (i=lp->no_lp_elements-1; i>=0; i--) {
        literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[i]);
        lpe->element_multiplier = m;
        m = m*(lpe->element_range);

§24.11. Today, we have naming of parts:

Work through parts text to assign names to the individual elements24.11 =

    int i;
    parse_node *p;
    for (i=0, p=lps->part_np_list; (i<lp->no_lp_elements) && (p); i++, p = p->next) {
        literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[i]);
        lpe->element_name = Node::get_text(p);
        int O = Annotations::read_int(p, lpe_options_ANNOT);
        if (O & OPTIONAL_LSO) lpe->element_optional = TRUE;
        if (O & PREAMBLE_OPTIONAL_LSO) {
            lpe->element_optional = TRUE; lpe->preamble_optional = TRUE;
        if (O & WITHOUT_LEADING_ZEROS_LSO) lpe->without_leading_zeros = TRUE;
        if ((i == lp->no_lp_elements - 1) && (p->next)) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPTooManyPartNames),
                "this gives names for too many parts",
                "that is, for more parts than there are in the pattern.");
            return owner;
        for (int j = 0; j<i; j++)
            if (Wordings::match(lp->lp_elements[i].element_name, lp->lp_elements[j].element_name))
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPRepeatedPartNames),
                    "this repeats a part name",
                    "that is, it uses the same name for two different parts "
                    "of the pattern.");
    if ((i > 0) && (i != lp->no_lp_elements)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPNotAllNamed),
            "you must supply names for all the parts",
            "if for any");
        return owner;

§24.12. In fact, the test is a simple one: there can be only one element declared optional, and it must not be the first.

Check that any notes to do with optional elements are mutually compatible24.12 =

    int i, opt_count = 0;
    for (i=0; i<lp->no_lp_elements; i++) if (lp->lp_elements[i].element_optional) {
        if (i == 0) {
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPFirstOptional),
                "the first part is not allowed to be optional",
                "since it is needed to identify the value.");
            return owner;
    if (opt_count >= 2) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPMultipleOptional),
            "only one part can be called optional",
            "since if any part is omitted then so are all subsequent parts.");
        return owner;

§25. Group names are created when first seen; the following recognises one which has been seen before.

<lp-group-name> internal {
    literal_pattern_name *lpn;
    LOOP_OVER(lpn, literal_pattern_name) {
        if (Wordings::match(lpn->notation_name, W)) {
            ==> { -, lpn }; return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§26. And this is the routine which does the creation. The text will actually be empty where there's an existing literal pattern name. (For instance, each time we see a literal pattern given as "in Imperial units", we create a fresh LPN structure, but only the first one to be created contains the wording.)

literal_pattern_name *LiteralPatterns::new_lpn(wording W, literal_pattern_name *existing) {
    if (preform_lookahead_mode) return NULL;
    literal_pattern_name *new = CREATE(literal_pattern_name);
    new->notation_name = W;
    new->can_use_this_lp = NULL;
    new->next = NULL;
    new->next_with_rp = NULL;
    if (existing) {
        while ((existing) && (existing->next)) existing = existing->next;
        existing->next = new;
    return new;

§27. I7 phrases to print values in specified ways. When an LP has a name, it's a notation which the source text can request to be used in saying a value. This is where the corresponding text substitutions are declared.

void LiteralPatterns::define_named_phrases(void) {
    literal_pattern_name *lpn;
    LOOP_OVER(lpn, literal_pattern_name)
        lpn->lpn_compiled_already = FALSE;
    LOOP_OVER(lpn, literal_pattern_name) {
        if (Wordings::nonempty(lpn->notation_name)) {
            literal_pattern_name *lpn2;
            for (lpn2 = lpn; lpn2; lpn2 = lpn2->next)
                if (lpn2->lpn_compiled_already == FALSE)
                    Compile the printing phrase for this and perhaps subsequent LPs27.1;

§27.1. These text substitutions correspond exactly neither to the LPs nor to the names. For instance, "in tonnes" produces a text substitution which takes in both the LP for "1 tonne" and for "2 tonnes", deciding at run-time which to use. And on the other hand, "in metric units" may produce text substitutions for many different kinds, distinguished by type-checking:

To say (val - mass) in metric units: ...

To say (val - length) in metric units: ...

The following creates one text substitution for each different kind among the LPs under each named possibility.

Compile the printing phrase for this and perhaps subsequent LPs27.1 =

    kind *K = lpn2->can_use_this_lp->kind_specified;
    Kinds::Textual::write(TEMP, K);

    feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
    Feeds::feed_C_string(L"To say ( val - ");
    Feeds::feed_C_string(L" ) ");
    wording XW = Feeds::end(id);
    Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, ':');

    id = Feeds::begin();
    WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " (- {-printing-routine:%S", TEMP);
    WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, "}({val}, %d); -) ", lpn->allocation_id + 1);
    XW = Feeds::end(id);
    Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, '.');

    literal_pattern_name *lpn3;
    for (lpn3 = lpn2; lpn3; lpn3 = lpn3->next)
        if (Kinds::eq(K, lpn3->can_use_this_lp->kind_specified))
            lpn3->lpn_compiled_already = TRUE;

§28. I7 phrases to pack and unpack the value. Creating a LP implicitly defines further I7 source text, as follows.

void LiteralPatterns::define_packing_phrases(literal_pattern *lp, kind *K) {
    Kinds::Textual::write(TEMP, K);
    Define phrases to convert from a packed value to individual parts28.1;
    Define a phrase to convert from numerical parts to a packed value28.2;

§28.1. First, we automatically create \(n\) phrases to unpack the elements given the value. For instance, defining:

$10.99 specifies a price with parts dollars and cents.

automatically generates:

To define which number is dollars part of ( full - price ) : |(- ({full}/100) -)|.
To define which number is cents part of ( full - price ) : |(- ({full}%100) -)|.

Define phrases to convert from a packed value to individual parts28.1 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<lp->no_lp_elements; i++) {
        literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[i]);

        feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L"To decide which number is ");
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L" part of ( full - ");
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L" ) ");
        wording XW = Feeds::end(id);
        Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, ':');

        id = Feeds::begin();
        if (i==0)
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " (- ({full}/%d) -) ", lpe->element_multiplier);
        else if (lpe->element_multiplier > 1)
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " (- (({full}/%d)%%%d) -) ",
                lpe->element_multiplier, lpe->element_range);
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " (- ({full}%%%d) -) ", lpe->element_range);
        XW = Feeds::end(id);
        if (Wordings::phrasual_length(XW) >= MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE + 5)
            Issue a problem for overly long part names28.1.1
            Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, '.');

§28.2. And similarly, a packing phrase to calculate the value given its elements. For instance, the dollars-and-cents example compiles:

To decide which price is price with dollars part ( part0 - a number ) cents part ( part1 - a number) :
        |(- ({part0}*100+{part1}) -).|

Define a phrase to convert from numerical parts to a packed value28.2 =

    if (lp->no_lp_elements > 0) {
        feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L"To decide which ");
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L" is ");
        Feeds::feed_C_string(L" with ");
        for (int i=0; i<lp->no_lp_elements; i++) {
            literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[i]);
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " part%d ", i);
            Feeds::feed_C_string(L" part ( ");
            Feeds::feed_C_string(L" - a number ) ");
        wording XW = Feeds::end(id);
        if (Wordings::phrasual_length(XW) >= MAX_WORDS_PER_PHRASE + 5)
            Issue a problem for overly long part names28.1.1
        else {
            Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, ':');
            id = Feeds::begin();
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, " (- (");
            for (int i=0; i<lp->no_lp_elements; i++) {
                literal_pattern_element *lpe = &(lp->lp_elements[i]);
                if (i>0) WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, "+");
                if (lpe->element_multiplier != 1)
                    WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, "%d*", lpe->element_multiplier);
                WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, "{part%d}", i);
            WRITE_TO(print_rule_buff, ") -) ");
            XW = Feeds::end(id);
            Sentences::make_node(Task::syntax_tree(), XW, '.');

§28.1.1. Issue a problem for overly long part names28.1.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_LPPartNamesTooLong),
        "the names for these parts are too long",
        "and will have to be cut down.");

§29. The kind's list. On reading "5 feet 4 inches specifies a height", Inform parses "5 feet 4 inches" into a literal_pattern structure and then calls this routine to attach it to the kind "height". (Multiple patterns can be attached to the same kind, and they become alternative syntaxes.)

void LiteralPatterns::add_literal_pattern(kind *K, literal_pattern *lp) {
    if (K == NULL) internal_error("can't add LP to null kind");
    K->construct->ways_to_write_literals =
            K->construct->ways_to_write_literals, lp,

§30. And here we find the list of such notations.

literal_pattern *LiteralPatterns::list_of_literal_forms(kind *K) {
    if (K == NULL) return NULL;
    return K->construct->ways_to_write_literals;

§31. Literal patterns in Preform. Everything is finally set up so that we can define the following, which recognises any literal written using a pattern. On success, it produces a specification for an rvalue of the kind in question.

<s-literal-unit-notation> internal {
    literal_pattern *lp;
    LOOP_OVER(lp, literal_pattern) {
        int val;
        kind *K = LiteralPatterns::match(lp, W, &val);
        if (K) { ==> { val, Rvalues::from_encoded_notation(K, val, W) }; return TRUE; }
    ==> { fail nonterminal };