Rule structures abstract the Inform 7 concept of a rule, which may be defined either by an Inform 6 routine or by higher-level source text from a phrase structure.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Rules are not the same thing as phrases. While most do have phrase-like definitions,

Before eating: say "The candlelight flickers ominously."

they do not provide new syntax for the writing of other phrases; they are often nameless, as in this example; and they are sometimes defined not by an I7 phrase structure but by an I6 routine:

The can't reach inside rooms rule translates into I6 as |"CANT_REACH_INSIDE_ROOMS_R"|.

Note that:

typedef struct rule {
    struct wording name;  name of the rule being booked
    int explicitly_named;  was this rule explicitly named when created?
    struct wording italicised_text;  when indexing a rulebook
    struct stacked_variable_owner_list *listed_stv_owners;  making vars visible here
    struct phrase *defn_as_phrase;  the rule being booked
    struct package_request *rule_package;
    struct inter_name *shell_routine_iname;
    struct inter_name *rule_extern_iname;  if externally defined, this is the I6 routine
    struct text_stream *rule_extern_iname_as_text;  and this is it in plain text
    struct inter_name *xiname;
    struct inter_name *rule_extern_response_handler_iname;  and this produces any response texts it has
    int do_not_import;  veto importation of this from the Standard Rules precompiled inter code
    int defn_compiled;  has the definition of this rule, if needed, been compiled yet?
    struct booking *automatic_booking;  how this is placed in rulebooks
    struct applicability_condition *first_applicability_condition;  see below
    struct response_message *lettered_responses[26];  responses (A), (B), ...
    struct parse_node *lettered_responses_used[26];  responses (A), (B), ...
    struct kind *kind_of_rule;  determined from its rulebook(s)
    struct rulebook *kind_of_rule_set_from;
    struct wording lettered_responses_value[26];
} rule;


rule *rule_being_compiled = NULL;  rule whose phrase's definition is being compiled
rule *adopted_rule_for_compilation = NULL;  when a new response is being compiled
int adopted_marker_for_compilation = -1;  when a new response is being compiled

§4. Applicability conditions are a way to control the behaviour of rules written in somebody else's source text: for example, in the Standard Rules, or in an extension. They were introduced to the language in January 2011 to replace the functionality previously provided by procedural rules. For example,

The can't reach inside rooms rule does nothing if the player wears the black hat.

We can either cancel the rule ("does nothing") or substitute another rule for it, and this can be either conditional or unconditional. There can be any number of conditions attached to a given rule, so these are stored in a list.

typedef struct applicability_condition {
    struct wording text_of_condition;
    int sense_of_applicability;  TRUE if condition must hold for rule to have effect
    struct rule *substituted_rule;  rule to use instead if not, or NULL to do nothing
    struct parse_node *where_imposed;
    struct applicability_condition *next_applicability_condition;
} applicability_condition;

§5. The rule structure. Rules are created before their definitions are known. This is done so that rules like

Before eating (this is the must say grace rule): ...

cause "must say grace rule" to be registered as a constant value early in Inform's run (allowing it to be a property value, or a table entry, for example). Note that the rule may just as well be nameless, as here:

Before drinking: ...

in which case w1 == -1. In either case, the definition should be supplied later: see below.

rule *Rules::new(wording W, int named) {
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    rule *R = Rules::by_name(W);
    if (R) return R;
    R = CREATE(rule);
    R->kind_of_rule = NULL;
    R->defn_as_phrase = NULL;
    R->rule_extern_iname = NULL;
    R->rule_extern_iname_as_text = NULL;
    R->xiname = NULL;
    R->rule_extern_response_handler_iname = NULL;
    R->name = W;
    R->italicised_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    R->listed_stv_owners = NULL;
    R->automatic_booking = NULL;
    R->first_applicability_condition = NULL;
    R->defn_compiled = FALSE;
    R->do_not_import = FALSE;
    R->explicitly_named = named;
    R->shell_routine_iname = NULL;
    R->rule_package = Hierarchy::local_package(RULES_HAP);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W))
        Hierarchy::markup_wording(R->rule_package, RULE_NAME_HMD, W);
    for (int l=0; l<26; l++) {
        R->lettered_responses[l] = NULL;
        R->lettered_responses_used[l] = NULL;
        R->lettered_responses_value[l] = EMPTY_WORDING;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        if (Rules::vet_name(W)) Register the name of this rule5.1;
    return R;

§5.1. We make a modest speed gain by registering rule names which end in "rule" slightly differently. (Not all rule names do: those for timed events do not.)

Register the name of this rule5.1 =

    unsigned int mc = RULE_MC;
    if (<rule-name-formal>(W)) mc = MISCELLANEOUS_MC;
    Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        mc, Rvalues::from_rule(R), Task::language_of_syntax());

§6. Reversing the process:

rule *Rules::by_name(wording W) {
    if (Wordings::empty(W)) return NULL;
    W = Articles::remove_the(W);
    if (<rule-name-formal>(W)) {
        parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_rule))
            return Rvalues::to_rule(p);
    } else {
        parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(RULE_MC, W);
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(p, CON_rule))
            return Rvalues::to_rule(p);
    return NULL;


int PM_RuleWithComma_issued_at = -1;
int Rules::vet_name(wording W) {
    if (<unsuitable-name>(W)) {
        if (PM_RuleWithComma_issued_at != Wordings::first_wn(W)) {
            PM_RuleWithComma_issued_at = Wordings::first_wn(W);
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RuleWithComma),
                "a rule name is not allowed to contain punctuation, or "
                "to consist only of an article like 'a' or 'an', or to "
                "contain double-quoted text",
                "because this leads to too much ambiguity later on.");
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§8. The kind of a rule. Note the convention, a historical accident, really, that a rule with no known kind is considered to be action-based and resulting in nothing.

kind *Rules::to_kind(rule *R) {
    kind *K = R->kind_of_rule;
    if (K == NULL) {
        if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(actions_plugin))
            K = Kinds::binary_construction(CON_rule, K_action_name, K_nil);
            K = Kinds::binary_construction(CON_rule, K_nil, K_nil);
    return K;

§9. Definitions. The definition of a rule can be either an I7 phrase, or an I6 routine, and must be added after the rule has been created:

void Rules::set_I7_definition(rule *R, phrase *ph) {
    R->defn_as_phrase = ph;

void Rules::set_I6_definition(rule *R, wchar_t *identifier) {
    WRITE_TO(XT, "%w", identifier);
    R->rule_extern_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(EXTERIOR_RULE_HL, R->rule_package);

    inter_name *xiname = Produce::find_by_name(Emit::tree(), XT);
    Emit::named_generic_constant_xiname(R->rule_package, R->rule_extern_iname, xiname);

    R->xiname = xiname;
    R->rule_extern_iname_as_text = Str::duplicate(XT);

inter_name *Rules::get_handler_definition(rule *R) {
    if (R->rule_extern_response_handler_iname == NULL) {
        R->rule_extern_response_handler_iname =
            Hierarchy::derive_iname_in(RESPONDER_FN_HL, R->xiname, R->rule_package);
        Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), R->rule_extern_response_handler_iname);
    return R->rule_extern_response_handler_iname;

phrase *Rules::get_I7_definition(rule *R) {
    if (R == NULL) return NULL;
    return R->defn_as_phrase;

§10. Applicability constraints.

void Rules::impose_constraint(rule *S, rule *R, wording W, int sense) {
    applicability_condition *nac = CREATE(applicability_condition);
    Initialise the applicability condition10.1;
    Add it to the list applying to R10.2;

§10.1. Initialise the applicability condition10.1 =

    nac->text_of_condition = W;
    nac->sense_of_applicability = sense;
    nac->next_applicability_condition = NULL;
    nac->where_imposed = current_sentence;
    nac->substituted_rule = S;

§10.2. Add it to the list applying to R10.2 =

    applicability_condition *ac = R->first_applicability_condition;
    if (ac == NULL) R->first_applicability_condition = nac;
    else {
        while ((ac) && (ac->next_applicability_condition))
            ac = ac->next_applicability_condition;
        ac->next_applicability_condition = nac;

§11. The following generates code to terminate a rule early if its applicability conditions have not been met.

int Rules::compile_constraint(applicability_condition *acl) {
    for (; acl; acl = acl->next_applicability_condition) {
        current_sentence = acl->where_imposed;
        if (Wordings::nonempty(acl->text_of_condition)) {
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
            if (acl->sense_of_applicability) {
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NOT_BIP);
            Compile the constraint condition11.1;
            if (acl->sense_of_applicability) {
        Compile the rule termination code used if the constraint was violated11.2;
        if (Wordings::nonempty(acl->text_of_condition)) {
        } else {
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11.1. Compile the constraint condition11.1 =

    if (Wordings::nonempty(acl->text_of_condition) == FALSE) {
        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_truth_state, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);
    } else {
        if (<s-condition>(acl->text_of_condition)) {
            parse_node *spec = <<rp>>;
            Specifications::Compiler::emit_as_val(K_truth_state, spec);
        } else {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, acl->text_of_condition);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadRuleConstraint));
                "In %1, you placed a constraint '%2' on a rule, but this isn't "
                "a condition I can understand.");
            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);

§11.2. Note that in the does nothing case, the rule ends without result, rather than failing; so it doesn't terminate the following of its rulebook.

Compile the rule termination code used if the constraint was violated11.2 =

    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
    if (acl->substituted_rule) {
        inter_name *subbed = Rules::iname(acl->substituted_rule);
        if (Inter::Constant::is_routine(InterNames::to_symbol(subbed)) == FALSE) {
            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
        } else {
            Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), subbed);
    } else {
        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);

§12. Logging.

void Rules::log(rule *R) {
    if (R == NULL) { LOG("<null-rule>"); return; }
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) LOG("[$R]", R->defn_as_phrase);
    else if (R->rule_extern_iname) LOG("[%n]", R->rule_extern_iname);
    else LOG("[-]");

§13. Specificity of rules. The following is one of Inform's standardised comparison routines, which takes a pair of objects A, B and returns 1 if A makes a more specific description than B, 0 if they seem equally specific, or \(-1\) if B makes a more specific description than A. This is transitive, and intended to be used in sorting algorithms.

int Rules::compare_specificity(rule *R1, rule *R2, int dflag) {
    phrase *ph1 = R1->defn_as_phrase, *ph2 = R2->defn_as_phrase;
    ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd1 = NULL, *phrcd2 = NULL;
    if (ph1) phrcd1 = &(ph1->runtime_context_data);
    if (ph2) phrcd2 = &(ph2->runtime_context_data);
    int rv = Phrases::Context::compare_specificity(phrcd1, phrcd2);
    if (dflag) {
        if (rv != 0) LOG("Decided by Law %S that ", c_s_stage_law);
        else LOG("Decided that ");
        switch(rv) {
            case -1: LOG("(2) is more specific than (1)\n"); break;
            case 0: LOG("they are equally specific\n"); break;
            case 1: LOG("(1) is more specific than (2)\n"); break;
    return rv;

§14. It may seem unlikely, but it's possible for two rules to refer to the same routine at runtime, if two or more I7 names have been declared which refer to the same I6 routine. So, we have the following. (It is used only late on in the run, and never applied to undefined rules.)

int Rules::eq(rule *R1, rule *R2) {
    if (R2->defn_as_phrase != R1->defn_as_phrase) return FALSE;
    if ((R1->rule_extern_iname) && (R2->rule_extern_iname)) {
        if (Str::eq(R1->rule_extern_iname_as_text, R2->rule_extern_iname_as_text))
            return TRUE;
    if ((R1->rule_extern_iname == NULL) && (R2->rule_extern_iname == NULL)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§15. As constant values. An interesting point is raised here. What is the kind of a rule? Clearly it should be a "rule", but that isn't precise. Older versions of Inform blurred this by using the indefinite "value based rule producing a value", but this led to a number of anomalies, such as that

let R be the foo rule;

would fail to work because the kind of "foo rule" could not be inferred to a definite kind. What now happens is that whenever a rule is added to a rulebook, the following is called to notify us that it provides information about the kind of the rule; and this enables us to check for incompatibilities.

void Rules::set_kind_from(rule *R, rulebook *RB) {
    kind *K = Rulebooks::contains_kind(RB);
    if (R->kind_of_rule) {
        if (Kinds::Compare::compatible(R->kind_of_rule, K) != ALWAYS_MATCH) {
            kind *B1 = NULL, *B2 = NULL, *P1 = NULL, *P2 = NULL;
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(R->kind_of_rule, &B1, &P1);
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &B2, &P2);
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, R->name);
            Problems::quote_kind(3, B1);
            Problems::quote_kind(4, P1);
            Problems::quote_kind(5, B2);
            Problems::quote_kind(6, P2);
            Problems::quote_wording_as_source(7, R->kind_of_rule_set_from->primary_name);
            Problems::quote_wording_as_source(8, RB->primary_name);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RuleInIncompatibleRulebooks));
                "You've asked to put the rule '%2' into the rulebook %8, "
                "which is based on %5 and produces %6; but it was originally "
                "written to go into a rulebook of a different kind, %7, "
                "which is based on %3 and produces %4. Because those kinds "
                "are different, '%2' can't go into %8.");
    R->kind_of_rule = K;
    R->kind_of_rule_set_from = RB;

§16. Variables accessible from here.

void Rules::acquire_stvol(rule *R, stacked_variable_owner_list *stvol) {
    R->listed_stv_owners =
        StackedVariables::append_owner_list(R->listed_stv_owners, stvol);

void Rules::acquire_action_variables(rule *R) {
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    Rules::acquire_stvol(R, all_nonempty_stacked_action_vars);
    if (all_action_processing_vars == NULL) internal_error("APROC not ready");
    Rules::acquire_stvol(R, all_action_processing_vars);

§17. Automatic placement into rulebooks. Some BRs are given their placements with explicit sentences like:

The can't reach inside closed containers rule is listed in the reaching inside rules.

But others have their placements made implicitly in their definitions:

Before eating something: ...

(which creates a nameless rule and implicitly places it in the "before" rulebook). The process of placing those is called "automatic placement".

Automatic placement occurs in declaration order. This is important, because it ensures that it is declaration order which the rule-sorting code falls back on when it can see no other justification for placing one rule either side of another.

void Rules::request_automatic_placement(rule *R) {
    if (R->automatic_booking == NULL)
        R->automatic_booking = Rules::Bookings::new(R);

§18. Check safety of placement constraints. This is more interesting than it might seem. We allow a rule based on nothing to substitute for a rule based on some value (or an action) because of course it's perfectly typesafe to ignore the basis value entirely.

void Rules::check_placement_safety(void) {
    rule *R;
    LOOP_OVER(R, rule) {
        kind *KR = R->kind_of_rule;
        applicability_condition *ac;
        for (ac = R->first_applicability_condition; ac; ac = ac->next_applicability_condition) {
            if (ac->substituted_rule) {
                kind *KS = ac->substituted_rule->kind_of_rule;
                kind *B1 = NULL, *B2 = NULL, *P1 = NULL, *P2 = NULL;
                Kinds::binary_construction_material(KR, &B1, &P1);
                Kinds::binary_construction_material(KS, &B2, &P2);
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(B1, NULL)) B1 = K_nil;
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(B2, NULL)) B2 = K_nil;
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(P1, NULL)) P1 = K_nil;
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(P2, NULL)) P2 = K_nil;
                if (Kinds::Compare::eq(B2, K_nil)) B2 = B1;
                kind *K1 = Kinds::binary_construction(CON_rule, B1, P1);
                kind *K2 = Kinds::binary_construction(CON_rule, B2, P2);
                if (Kinds::Compare::compatible(K2, K1) != ALWAYS_MATCH) {
                    Problems::quote_source(1, ac->where_imposed);
                    Problems::quote_wording(2, ac->substituted_rule->name);
                    Problems::quote_wording(3, R->name);
                    Problems::quote_kind(4, KR);
                    Problems::quote_kind(5, KS);
                    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RulesCantInterchange));
                        "In the sentence %1 you've asked to use the rule '%2' in "
                        "place of '%3', but one is based on %4 whereas the other "
                        "is %5, and those aren't interchangeable.");

§19. Run-time representation. In I6 code, a rule is compiled to the name of the routine implementing it, an I6 value of metaclass Routine. See compilation below for what rule shells do.

inter_name *Rules::shell_iname(rule *R) {
    if (R->shell_routine_iname == NULL)
        R->shell_routine_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(SHELL_FN_HL, R->rule_package);
    return R->shell_routine_iname;

inter_name *Rules::iname(rule *R) {
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) return Phrases::iname(R->defn_as_phrase);
    else if (R->rule_extern_iname) {
        if (R->first_applicability_condition) {
            return Rules::shell_iname(R);
        } else {
            return R->rule_extern_iname;
    } else internal_error("tried to symbolise nameless rule");
    return NULL;

§20. Printing rule names at run time.

void Rules::RulePrintingRule_routine(void) {
    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(RULEPRINTINGRULE_HL);
    packaging_state save = Routines::begin(iname);
    inter_symbol *R_s = LocalVariables::add_named_call_as_symbol(I"R");
    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IFELSE_BIP);
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), AND_BIP);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), GE_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 0);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), LT_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(NUMBER_RULEBOOKS_CREATED_HL));
            Print a rulebook name20.1;
            Print a rule name20.2;
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);

§20.1. Print a rulebook name20.1 =

    if (memory_economy_in_force) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I"(rulebook ");
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINTNUMBER_BIP);
            Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I")");
    } else {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINTSTRING_BIP);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), LOOKUP_BIP);
                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(RULEBOOKNAMES_HL));
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);

§20.2. Print a rule name20.2 =

    if (memory_economy_in_force) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I"(rule at address ");
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINTNUMBER_BIP);
            Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I")");
    } else {
        rule *R;
        LOOP_OVER(R, rule) {
            if ((Wordings::nonempty(R->name) == FALSE) &&
                ((R->defn_as_phrase == NULL) ||
                    (R->defn_as_phrase->declaration_node == NULL) ||
                    (R->defn_as_phrase->declaration_node->down == NULL)))
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                    Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Rules::iname(R));
                    Print a textual name for this rule20.2.1;
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
                        Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), OUT);
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I"(nameless rule at address ");
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINTNUMBER_BIP);
            Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, R_s);
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), I")");

§20.2.1. Print a textual name for this rule20.2.1 =

    if (Wordings::nonempty(R->name)) {
        CompiledText::from_text(OUT, R->name);
    } else if (R->defn_as_phrase->declaration_node) {
    } else WRITE("%n", Rules::iname(R));


void Rules::compile_comment(rule *R, int index, int from) {
    WRITE_TO(C, "Rule %d/%d", index, from);
    if (R->defn_as_phrase == NULL) {
        WRITE_TO(C, ": %n", R->rule_extern_iname);
    Produce::comment(Emit::tree(), C);
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {

§22. Compilation. Only those rules defined as I7 phrases need us to compile anything — and then what we compile, of course, is the phrase in question.

void Rules::compile_definition(rule *R, int *i, int max_i) {
    if (R->defn_compiled == FALSE) {
        R->defn_compiled = TRUE;
        rule_being_compiled = R;
        if (R->defn_as_phrase)
            Phrases::compile(R->defn_as_phrase, i, max_i,
                R->listed_stv_owners, NULL, R->first_applicability_condition);
        if ((R->rule_extern_iname) && (R->first_applicability_condition))
            Compile a shell routine to apply conditions to an I6 rule22.1;
        rule_being_compiled = NULL;

void Rules::unimport(rule *R) {
    if (R->defn_compiled == FALSE) { R->do_not_import = TRUE; return; }
    R->defn_compiled = FALSE;
    R->do_not_import = TRUE;
    R->defn_as_phrase->imported = FALSE;

§22.1. This is the trickiest case: where the user has asked for something like

The carrying requirements rule does nothing when eating the lollipop.

and the carrying requirements rule is defined by an I6 routine, which we are unable to modify. What we do is to create a shell routine to call it, and put the conditions into this outer shell; we then use the outer shell as the definition of the rule in future.

Compile a shell routine to apply conditions to an I6 rule22.1 =

    inter_name *shell_iname = Rules::shell_iname(R);
    packaging_state save = Routines::begin(shell_iname);
    if (Rules::compile_constraint(R->first_applicability_condition) == FALSE) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
        Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), R->rule_extern_iname);

§23. Indexing. Some rules are provided with index text:

void Rules::set_italicised_index_text(rule *R, wording W) {
    R->italicised_text = W;

§24. A use option controls whether little rule numbers are shown in the index. I wonder how useful this really is, but it was much requested at one time.

int use_numbered_rules = FALSE;

void Rules::set_numbered_rules(void) {
    use_numbered_rules = TRUE;

§25. And off we go:

int Rules::index(OUTPUT_STREAM, rule *R, rulebook *owner, rule_context rc) {
    int no_responses_indexed = 0;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(R->italicised_text)) Index the italicised text to do with the rule25.1;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(R->name)) Index the rule name along with Javascript buttons25.2;
    if ((Wordings::nonempty(R->italicised_text) == FALSE) &&
        (Wordings::nonempty(R->name) == FALSE) && (R->defn_as_phrase))
        Index some text extracted from the first line of the otherwise anonymous rule25.4;
    Index a link to the first line of the rule's definition25.5;
    if (use_numbered_rules) Index the small type rule numbering25.6;
    Index any applicability conditions25.7;
    Index any response texts in the rule25.3;
    return no_responses_indexed;

§25.1. Index the italicised text to do with the rule25.1 =

    WRITE("<i>%+W", R->italicised_text);
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if (rc.scene_context) {
        WRITE(" during ");
        wording SW = PL::Scenes::get_name(rc.scene_context);
        WRITE("%+W", SW);



Index the rule name along with Javascript buttons25.2 =

    HTML::begin_colour(OUT, I"800000");
    WRITE("%+W", R->name);

    WRITE_TO(S, "%+W", R->name);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);
    WRITE("&nbsp;<i>name</i> ");

    WRITE_TO(S, "The %W is not listed in the %W rulebook.\n", R->name, owner->primary_name);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, S);

    int l, c;
    for (l=0, c=0; l<26; l++)
        if (R->lettered_responses[l]) {
    if (c > 0) {
        Index::extra_link_with(OUT, 1000000+R->allocation_id, "responses");
        WRITE("%d", c);

§25.3. Index any response texts in the rule25.3 =

    int l, c;
    for (l=0, c=0; l<26; l++)
        if (R->lettered_responses[l]) {
            if (c == 0) Index::extra_div_open_nested(OUT, 1000000+R->allocation_id, 2);
            else HTML_TAG("br");
            Strings::index_response(OUT, R, l, R->lettered_responses[l]);
    if (c > 0) Index::extra_div_close_nested(OUT);
    no_responses_indexed = c;

§25.4. Index some text extracted from the first line of the otherwise anonymous rule25.4 =

    parse_node *pn = R->defn_as_phrase->declaration_node->down;
    if ((pn) && (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(pn)))) {
        WRITE("(%+W", Node::get_text(pn));
        if (pn->next) WRITE("; ...");

§25.5. Index a link to the first line of the rule's definition25.5 =

    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {
        parse_node *pn = R->defn_as_phrase->declaration_node;
        if ((pn) && (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(pn))))
            Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(pn)));

§25.6. Index the small type rule numbering25.6 =

    WRITE(" ");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"smaller\"");
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) WRITE("%d", R->defn_as_phrase->allocation_id);
    else WRITE("primitive");

§25.7. Index any applicability conditions25.7 =

    applicability_condition *acl;
    for (acl = R->first_applicability_condition; acl; acl = acl->next_applicability_condition) {
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(acl->where_imposed)));
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W", Node::get_text(acl->where_imposed));

§26. Actor testing. With some rules (those which have I7 definitions and which are action based), it's possible to change the way that applicability testing is done. Since this can only affect rules we compile ourselves, we ignore all of these calls for rules with I6 definitions, i.e., where defn_as_phrase is NULL.

void Rules::set_always_test_actor(rule *R) {
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {
        ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(R->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);

void Rules::set_never_test_actor(rule *R) {
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {
        ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(R->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);

void Rules::set_marked_for_anyone(rule *R, int to) {
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {
        ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(R->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);
        Phrases::Context::set_marked_for_anyone(phrcd, to);

void Rules::suppress_action_testing(rule *R) {
    if (R->defn_as_phrase) {
        ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd = &(R->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);

void Rules::copy_actor_test_flags(rule *R_to, rule *R_from) {
    if ((R_from == NULL) || (R_to == NULL)) internal_error("improper catf");

    ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd_from = NULL;
    if (R_from->defn_as_phrase) phrcd_from = &(R_from->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);
    ph_runtime_context_data *phrcd_to = NULL;
    if (R_to->defn_as_phrase) phrcd_to = &(R_to->defn_as_phrase->runtime_context_data);

    if (phrcd_to) {
        if ((phrcd_from == NULL) ||
            ((Phrases::Context::get_marked_for_anyone(phrcd_from)) &&
                (Phrases::Context::get_marked_for_anyone(phrcd_to) == FALSE))) {

int Rules::rule_is_named(rule *R) {
    if (R == NULL) return FALSE;
    return R->explicitly_named;

response_message *Rules::rule_defines_response(rule *R, int code) {
    if (R == NULL) return NULL;
    if (code < 0) return NULL;
    return R->lettered_responses[code];

void Rules::check_response_usages(void) {
    rule *R;
    LOOP_OVER(R, rule) {
        for (int l=0; l<26; l++) {
            if ((R->lettered_responses_used[l]) &&
                (R->lettered_responses[l] == NULL)) {
                int c = 0;
                for (int l=0; l<26; l++)
                    if (R->lettered_responses[l]) {
                        if (c > 1) WRITE_TO(offers, ", ");
                        WRITE_TO(offers, "%c", 'A'+l);
                PUT_TO(letter, 'A'+l);
                Problems::quote_source(1, R->lettered_responses_used[l]);
                Problems::quote_wording(2, R->name);
                Problems::quote_stream(3, letter);
                if (c == 0) Problems::quote_text(4, "no lettered responses at all");
                else Problems::quote_stream(4, offers);
                StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NoSuchResponse));
                    "You wrote %1, but the '%2' doesn't have a response "
                    "lettered '%3'. (It has %4.)");

void Rules::now_rule_defines_response(rule *R, int code, response_message *resp) {
    if (R == NULL) internal_error("null rule defines response");
    R->lettered_responses[code] = resp;

void Rules::now_rule_needs_response(rule *R, int code, wording W) {
    if (R == NULL) internal_error("null rule uses response");
    R->lettered_responses_used[code] = current_sentence;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) R->lettered_responses_value[code] = W;

wording Rules::get_response_value(rule *R, int code) {
    if (R == NULL) internal_error("null rule uses response");
    return R->lettered_responses_value[code];

parse_node *Rules::get_response_sentence(rule *R, int code) {
    if (R == NULL) internal_error("null rule uses response");
    return R->lettered_responses_used[code];

ph_stack_frame *Rules::stack_frame(rule *R) {
    if ((R == NULL) || (R->defn_as_phrase == NULL)) return NULL;
    return &(R->defn_as_phrase->stack_frame);

package_request *Rules::package(rule *R) {
    return R->rule_package;