A plugin which maintains run-time-accessible linked lists of instances of kinds, in order to speed up loops; and instance counts within kinds, in order to speed up relation storage; and the object-kind hierarchy, in order to speed up run-time checking of the type safety of property usage.

§1. Every subject contains a pointer to its own unique copy of the following structure, but it only has relevance if the subject represents an object:

define COUNTING_DATA(subj) PLUGIN_DATA_ON_SUBJECT(counting, subj)
typedef struct counting_data {
    struct property *instance_count_prop;  the (I6 only) IK-Count property for this kind
    struct property *instance_link_prop;  the (I6 only) IK-Link property for this kind
    int has_instances;  are there any instances of this kind?
} counting_data;

§2. In addition to these I6 properties, two for each kind, there's a single additional property called vector which is needed as run-time storage for route-finding through relations on objects.

property *P_vector = NULL;
property *P_KD_Count = NULL;  see below

§3. Plugin startup.

void PL::Counting::start(void) {
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_SUBJECT_NOTIFY_PLUG, PL::Counting::counting_new_subject_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(COMPLETE_MODEL_PLUG, PL::Counting::counting_complete_model);
    PluginManager::plug(PRODUCTION_LINE_PLUG, PL::Counting::production_line);

int PL::Counting::production_line(int stage, int debugging, stopwatch_timer *sequence_timer) {
    if (stage == INTER1_CSEQ) {
    return FALSE;

§4. Initialising. Counting data is actually relevant only for kinds, and remains blank for instances.

int PL::Counting::counting_new_subject_notify(inference_subject *subj) {
    ATTACH_PLUGIN_DATA_TO_SUBJECT(counting, subj, PL::Counting::new_data(subj));
    return FALSE;

counting_data *PL::Counting::new_data(inference_subject *subj) {
    counting_data *cd = CREATE(counting_data);
    cd->instance_count_prop = NULL;
    cd->instance_link_prop = NULL;
    cd->has_instances = FALSE;
    return cd;

§5. Computing instance counts. We're going to store these temporarily in an array which must be allocated dynamically in memory, and this will make lookups quite fiddly, so we use the following macro to specify the integer lvalue for the instance count of instance I within kind k. This depends on both: for example, the red car might be thing number 17 but vehicle number 2, and will be door number \(-1\), since it isn't a door. The first instance in a kind is numbered 0.

    kind_instance_counts[(I)->allocation_id*max_kind_instance_count +
int *kind_instance_counts = NULL;
int max_kind_instance_count = 0;

void PL::Counting::make_instance_counts(void) {
    Allocate the instance count array in memory5.1;
    Compute the instance count array5.2;

§5.1. Allocate the instance count array in memory5.1 =

    max_kind_instance_count = NUMBER_CREATED(inference_subject);
    kind_instance_counts =
        Memory::calloc(max_kind_instance_count*max_kind_instance_count, sizeof(int),

§5.2. The following is quadratic in the number of objects, but this has never been a problem in practice; the number seldom exceeds a few hundred.

Compute the instance count array5.2 =

    instance *I;
    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K))
            LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object)
                INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K) = -1;

        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            int ix_count = 0;
                INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K) = ix_count++;

§6. Instance counts are actually useful to several other plugins, so we provide:

int PL::Counting::instance_count(instance *I, kind *K) {
    if (kind_instance_counts == NULL) internal_error("instance counts not available");
    if (K == NULL) internal_error("instance counts available only for objects");
    return INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K);

§7. Instance sequences. At run-time we're going to want to loop through objects in order of their definition in the I6 code, which is not the same as their creation order in I7. (This is so that an optimised and an unoptimised loop to perform the same search will not only iterate through the same set of objects, but in the same order.)

The following abstracts the linked list in compilation sequence. Note that it excludes instances which have been "diverted", which is mainly used to get rid of the selfobj object in cases where the source text creates an explicit player.

instance *PL::Counting::next_instance_of(instance *I, kind *k) {
    if (k == NULL) return NULL;
    int resuming = TRUE;
    if (I == NULL) { I = FIRST_IN_INSTANCE_ORDERING; resuming = FALSE; }
    while (I) {
        if (resuming) I = NEXT_IN_INSTANCE_ORDERING(I);
        resuming = TRUE;
        if (I == NULL) break;
        if (InferenceSubjects::aliased_but_diverted(Instances::as_subject(I)))
            continue;  selfobj may not count
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, k)) return I;
    return NULL;

§8. For compilation purposes, it's useful to express this as a specification:

parse_node *PL::Counting::next_instance_of_as_value(instance *I, kind *k) {
    instance *next = PL::Counting::next_instance_of(I, k);
    if (next) return Rvalues::from_instance(next);
    return Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant();

§9. Inform 6 representation. The main purpose of this plugin is to trade memory for speed at run-time. Inform source text is rich in implied searches through kinds ("if a red door is open, ...") and we need these to be as fast as possible; iterating through all objects would be dangerously slow, so we need a way at run-time to iterate through the instances of a single kind (in this example, doors).

For each kind we will store a linked list of instances. The first instance need only be defined as a constant, and need not be stored in a memory word, since Inform always compiles code which knows which kind it's looping over.

inter_name *PL::Counting::first_instance(kind *K) {
    kind_constructor *con = Kinds::get_construct(K);
    inter_name *iname = Kinds::Constructors::first_instance_iname(con);
    if (iname == NULL) {
        iname = Hierarchy::derive_iname_in(FIRST_INSTANCE_HL, RTKinds::iname(K), Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
        Kinds::Constructors::set_first_instance_iname(con, iname);
    return iname;

inter_name *PL::Counting::next_instance(kind *K) {
    kind_constructor *con = Kinds::get_construct(K);
    inter_name *iname = Kinds::Constructors::next_instance_iname(con);
    if (iname == NULL) {
        iname = Hierarchy::derive_iname_in(NEXT_INSTANCE_HL, RTKinds::iname(K), Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
        Kinds::Constructors::set_next_instance_iname(con, iname);
    return iname;

inter_name *PL::Counting::instance_count_iname(kind *K) {
    int N = RTKinds::I6_classnumber(K);
    if (N == 1) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_1_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 2) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_2_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 3) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_3_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 4) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_4_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 5) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_5_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 6) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_6_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 7) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_7_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 8) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_8_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 9) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_9_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    if (N == 10) return Hierarchy::make_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_10_HL, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));
    return Hierarchy::derive_iname_in(COUNT_INSTANCE_HL, RTKinds::iname(K), Kinds::Behaviour::package(K));

void PL::Counting::counting_compile_model_tables(void) {
    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            inter_name *iname = PL::Counting::first_instance(K);
            instance *next = PL::Counting::next_instance_of(NULL, K);
            if (next) {
                Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_object, RTInstances::emitted_iname(next));
            } else {
                Emit::iname_constant(iname, K_object, NULL);

§10. Counting kinds of object, not very quickly:

int PL::Counting::kind_of_object_count(kind *K) {
    int c = 0;
    if (K == NULL) return 0;
    kind *IK;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(IK)) {
            if (Kinds::eq(IK, K)) return c;
    return 0;

§11. So now the compiler can define the start of a linked list of instances for a given kind, but how can it define the inductive step? The answer is that every instance of kind number 4 (say) provides an I6 property IK4_Link whose value is the next instance, or else nothing if it's the last.

A further property, IK4_Count, holds the instance count; this is used for efficient access to various-to-various relation storage at run-time. If we have a relation of various doors to various rooms, say, we want to store a bitmap only \(D\times R\) in size, but then to access this quickly given a specific door and room, we need to convert these quickly to their indices; this is what IK4_Count does.

We create these properties, and assert these property values, during stage IV of model completion:

int PL::Counting::counting_complete_model(int stage) {
    if (stage == WORLD_STAGE_I) {
        Create and assert zero values of the vector property11.1;
    if (stage == WORLD_STAGE_V) {
        Create the two instance properties for each kind of object11.2;
        Assert values of the two instance properties for each instance11.3;
    return FALSE;

§11.1. The vector property exists only at the I6 level, and provides workspace for the relation-route-finding code at run time.

Create and assert zero values of the vector property11.1 =

    P_vector = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"vector", K_number);
    parse_node *zero = Rvalues::from_int(0, EMPTY_WORDING);
    instance *I;
            Instances::as_subject(I), zero, CERTAIN_CE);

§11.2. Create the two instance properties for each kind of object11.2 =

    kind *K;
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
            inter_name *count_iname = PL::Counting::instance_count_iname(K);

            COUNTING_DATA(subj)->instance_count_prop =
                ValueProperties::new_nameless_using(K_number, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K), count_iname);

            inter_name *next_iname = PL::Counting::next_instance(K);
            COUNTING_DATA(subj)->instance_link_prop =
                ValueProperties::new_nameless_using(K_object, Kinds::Behaviour::package(K), next_iname);
    P_KD_Count = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"KD_Count", K_number);

§11.3. Assert values of the two instance properties for each instance11.3 =

    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        Fill in the special IK0-Count property11.3.1;
        inference_subject *infs;
        for (infs = KindSubjects::from_kind(Instances::to_kind(I));
            infs; infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs)) {
            kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(infs);
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
                inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
                COUNTING_DATA(subj)->has_instances = TRUE;
                Fill in this IK-Count property11.3.2;
                Fill in this IK-Link property11.3.3;

§11.3.1. As noted above, KD_Count is a special case. This looks as if it should be the instance count of "kind" itself, but that would be useless, since no instance object can ever have kind "kind" — instances aren't kinds.

Instead it holds the kind number of its own (direct) kind. For example, if the instance object is the red door, its KD_Count value will be 4, meaning that its kind is kind number 4, which according to the KindHierarchy array is K4_door. Again, this is needed for rapid checking at run-time that property usage is legal.

Fill in the special IK0-Count property11.3.1 =

    int ic = PL::Counting::kind_of_object_count(Instances::to_kind(I));
    parse_node *the_count = Rvalues::from_int(ic, EMPTY_WORDING);
        P_KD_Count, Instances::as_subject(I), the_count, CERTAIN_CE);

§11.3.2. And otherwise, for every kind that the instance belongs to (directly or indirectly) it gets the relevant instance count as a property value. For example, the red door might have IK4_Count set to 3 — it's door number 3, let's suppose — and IK2_Count set to 19 — it's thing number 19. It doesn't have an IK7_Count property at all, since it isn't a backdrop (kind number 7), and so on for all other kinds.

Fill in this IK-Count property11.3.2 =

    int ic = INSTANCE_COUNT(I, K);
    parse_node *the_count = Rvalues::from_int(ic, EMPTY_WORDING);
        Instances::as_subject(I), the_count, CERTAIN_CE);

§11.3.3. The IK-Link property is never set for kind 0, so there's no special case. It records the next instance in compilation order:

Fill in this IK-Link property11.3.3 =

        Instances::as_subject(I), PL::Counting::next_instance_of_as_value(I, K), CERTAIN_CE);


inter_name *PL::Counting::instance_count_property_symbol(kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
        inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
        property *P = COUNTING_DATA(subj)->instance_count_prop;
        if (P) return RTProperties::iname(P);
    return NULL;

§13. Loop optimisation. Lastly, then, the coup de grace: here's where we define loop schemas to perform loops through kinds quickly at run-time. We start from the First constants, and use the Link constants to progress; we stop at nothing.

int PL::Counting::optimise_loop(i6_schema *sch, kind *K) {
    if (PluginManager::active(counting_plugin) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    inference_subject *subj = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
    if (COUNTING_DATA(subj)->has_instances == FALSE)  (to avoid writing misleading code)
            "for (*1=nothing: false: )");
    else {
        inter_name *first_iname = PL::Counting::first_instance(K);
        inter_name *next_iname = PL::Counting::next_instance(K);
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(sch, "for (*1=%n: *1: *1=*1.%n)", first_iname, next_iname);
    return TRUE;