A plugin to support rules like "At 12:03AM: ...".

§1. This plugin makes a special set of rules for timed events; the :timedrules test group may be useful in testing it.

Each such rule has a time at which it should spontaneously happen. This is ordinarily a time of day, such as "At 9:00 AM: ...", represented by a number from 0 to 1439, measuring minutes since midnight. These negative values have special significance:

define NOT_A_TIMED_EVENT -1  as for the vast majority of rules
define NO_FIXED_TIME -2  for phrases like "When the clock strikes: ..."
define NOT_AN_EVENT -3  not even syntactically
void TimedRules::start(void) {
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_RULE_DEFN_NOTIFY_PLUG, TimedRules::new_rule_defn_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(INLINE_ANNOTATION_PLUG, TimedRules::inline_annotation);
    PluginManager::plug(PRODUCTION_LINE_PLUG, TimedRules::production_line);

int TimedRules::production_line(int stage, int debugging, stopwatch_timer *sequence_timer) {
    if (stage == INTER5_CSEQ) {
    return FALSE;

§2. Event rules are recognised by the initial word "At":

<event-rule-preamble> ::=
    at <clock-time> |         ==> { pass 1 }
    at the time when ... |    ==> { NO_FIXED_TIME, - }
    at the time that ... |    ==> Issue PM_AtTimeThat problem2.1
    at ...                    ==> Issue PM_AtWithoutTime problem2.2

§2.1. Issue PM_AtTimeThat problem2.1 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AtTimeThat),
        "this seems to use 'that' where it should use 'when'",
        "assuming it's trying to apply a rule to an event. (The convention is that any "
        "rule beginning 'At' is a timed one. The time can either be a fixed time, as in "
        "'At 11:10 AM: ...', or the time when some named event takes place, as in 'At the "
        "time when the clock chimes: ...'.)");

§2.2. Issue PM_AtWithoutTime problem2.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AtWithoutTime),
        "'at' what time? No description of a time is given",
        "which means that this rule can never have effect. (The convention is that any "
        "rule beginning 'At' is a timed one. The time can either be a fixed time, as in "
        "'At 11:10 AM: ...', or the time when some named event takes place, as in 'At the "
        "time when the clock chimes: ...'.)");


int TimedRules::new_rule_defn_notify(imperative_defn *id, rule_family_data *rfd) {
    CREATE_PLUGIN_RFD_DATA(timed_rules, rfd, TimedRules::new_rfd_data);
    wording W = rfd->usage_preamble;
    if (<event-rule-preamble>(W)) {
        int t = <<r>>;
        rfd->usage_preamble = EMPTY_WORDING;
        rfd->not_in_rulebook = TRUE;
        RFD_PLUGIN_DATA(timed_rules, rfd)->event_time = t;
        if (t == NO_FIXED_TIME) {
            wording EW = GET_RW(<event-rule-preamble>, 1);
            EW = Articles::remove_the(EW);
            RFD_PLUGIN_DATA(timed_rules, rfd)->event_name = EW;
            rfd->constant_name = EW;
    return FALSE;

§4. The above therefore attaches one of these to each set of rule data:

typedef struct timed_rules_rfd_data {
    int event_time;  0 to 1339, or one of the special values above
    struct wording event_name;  if one is given
    struct linked_list *uses_as_event;  of parse_node
} timed_rules_rfd_data;

timed_rules_rfd_data *TimedRules::new_rfd_data(rule_family_data *rfd) {
    timed_rules_rfd_data *trfd = CREATE(timed_rules_rfd_data);
    trfd->event_time = NOT_A_TIMED_EVENT;
    trfd->event_name = EMPTY_WORDING;
    trfd->uses_as_event = NEW_LINKED_LIST(parse_node);
    return trfd;

§5. And that data can be read back with:

linked_list *TimedRules::get_uses_as_event(imperative_defn *id) {
    if (id->family != rule_idf) return NULL;
    rule_family_data *rfd = RETRIEVE_POINTER_rule_family_data(id->family_specific_data);
    return RFD_PLUGIN_DATA(timed_rules, rfd)->uses_as_event;

int TimedRules::get_timing_of_event(imperative_defn *id) {
    if (id->family != rule_idf) return NOT_A_TIMED_EVENT;
    rule_family_data *rfd = RETRIEVE_POINTER_rule_family_data(id->family_specific_data);
    return RFD_PLUGIN_DATA(timed_rules, rfd)->event_time;

wording TimedRules::get_wording_of_event(imperative_defn *id) {
    if (id->family != rule_idf) return EMPTY_WORDING;
    rule_family_data *rfd = RETRIEVE_POINTER_rule_family_data(id->family_specific_data);
    return RFD_PLUGIN_DATA(timed_rules, rfd)->event_name;

§6. When a rule has no explicit timing, it needs to be triggered by a phrase like "spawn fresh zombies in 4 turns from now". Here, "spawn fresh zombies" is the name of the rule. But this has the same kind as any other rule, so the Dash typechecker is not able to make sure "spawn fresh zombies" is indeed timed, and not some other rule.

We fix this by defining the trigger phrase to use the inline annotation {-mark-event-used:R} on the rule R. That in turn results in the following being called:

int TimedRules::inline_annotation(int annot, parse_node *supplied) {
    if (annot == mark_event_used_ISINC) {
        if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_construction(supplied, CON_rule)) {
            rule *R = Rvalues::to_rule(supplied);
            imperative_defn *id = Rules::get_imperative_definition(R);
            if (id) {
                int t = TimedRules::get_timing_of_event(id);
                if (t == NO_FIXED_TIME) {
                    linked_list *L = TimedRules::get_uses_as_event(id);
                    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(current_sentence, parse_node, L);
                } else Not an event rule6.1;
            } else Not an event rule6.1;
        } else Not an event rule6.1;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6.1. Not an event rule6.1 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(supplied));
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonconstantEvent));
        "You wrote %1, but '%2' isn't the name of any timed event that I know of. "
        "(These need to be set up in a special way, like so - 'At the time when stuff "
        "happens: ...' creates a timed event called 'stuff happens'.)");

§7. An interesting case where the Problem is arguably only a warning and arguably shouldn't block compilation. Then again...

void TimedRules::check_for_unused(void) {
    imperative_defn *id;
    LOOP_OVER(id, imperative_defn)
        if (TimedRules::get_timing_of_event(id) == NO_FIXED_TIME)
            if (LinkedLists::len(TimedRules::get_uses_as_event(id)) == 0) {
                current_sentence = id->at;
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_UnusedTimedEvent),
                    "this sets up a timed event which is never used",
                    "since you never use any of the phrases which could cause it. (A timed "
                    "event is just a name, and it needs other instructions elsewhere before "
                    "it can have any effect.)");