A plugin to provide a geographical model, linking rooms and doors together in oppositely-paired directions.

§1. Introduction. The map is a complicated data structure, both because it amounts to a ternary relation (though being implemented by many binary ones) and because of an ambiguity: a map connection from a room R can lead to another room S, to a door, or to nothing. Doors come in two sorts, one and two-sided, and checking the physical realism of all this means we need to produce many quite specific problem messages.

void Map::start(void) {
    PluginManager::plug(MAKE_SPECIAL_MEANINGS_PLUG, Map::make_special_meanings);
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_ASSERTION_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::look_for_direction_creation);
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_BASE_KIND_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::new_base_kind_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_SUBJECT_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::new_subject_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(SET_KIND_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::set_kind_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(SET_SUBKIND_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::set_subkind_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(ACT_ON_SPECIAL_NPS_PLUG, Map::act_on_special_NPs);
    PluginManager::plug(COMPLETE_MODEL_PLUG, Map::complete_model);
    PluginManager::plug(NEW_PROPERTY_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::new_property_notify);
    PluginManager::plug(INFERENCE_DRAWN_NOTIFY_PLUG, Map::inference_drawn);
    PluginManager::plug(INTERVENE_IN_ASSERTION_PLUG, Map::intervene_in_assertion);
    PluginManager::plug(PRODUCTION_LINE_PLUG, Map::production_line);

int Map::production_line(int stage, int debugging, stopwatch_timer *sequence_timer) {
    if (stage == INTER1_CSEQ) {
    return FALSE;

§2. This special sentence is used as a hint in making map documents; it has no effect on the world model itself, and so is dealt with elsewhere, in Map Configuration (in index).

int Map::make_special_meanings(void) {
    SpecialMeanings::declare(MappingHints::index_map_with_SMF, I"index-map-with", 4);
    return FALSE;

§3. Though it isn't implemented as a special meaning, we do look by hand early in Inform's run for sentences in the form "X is a direction", so that they can be "noticed". We need to do that in order to make sense of subsequent sentences using directions to imply relations, as in "East of Eden is the Land of Nod."

parse_node *directions_noticed[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
binary_predicate *direction_relations_noticed[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
int no_directions_noticed = 0;

int Map::no_directions(void) {
    return no_directions_noticed;

int Map::look_for_direction_creation(parse_node *pn) {
    if (Node::get_type(pn) != SENTENCE_NT) return FALSE;
    if ((pn->down == NULL) || (pn->down->next == NULL) || (pn->down->next->next == NULL))
        return FALSE;
    if (Node::get_type(pn->down) != VERB_NT) return FALSE;
    if (Node::get_type(pn->down->next) != UNPARSED_NOUN_NT) return FALSE;
    if (Node::get_type(pn->down->next->next) != UNPARSED_NOUN_NT) return FALSE;
    current_sentence = pn;
    pn = pn->down->next;
    if (!((<notable-map-kinds>(Node::get_text(pn->next))) && (<<r>> == 0))) return FALSE;
    if (no_directions_noticed >= MAX_DIRECTIONS) {
        StandardProblems::limit_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TooManyDirections),
            "different directions", MAX_DIRECTIONS);
        return FALSE;
    direction_relations_noticed[no_directions_noticed] =
    directions_noticed[no_directions_noticed++] = pn;
    return FALSE;

§4. The direction inference. While we could probably represent map knowledge using relation inferences in connection with the "mapped D of" relations, it's altogether easier and makes for more legible code if we use a special inference family of our own:

inference_family *direction_inf = NULL;  where do map connections from O lead?


void Map::create_inference(void) {
    direction_inf = Inferences::new_family(I"direction_inf");
    METHOD_ADD(direction_inf, LOG_DETAILS_INF_MTID, Map::log_direction_inf);
    METHOD_ADD(direction_inf, COMPARE_INF_MTID, Map::cmp_direction_inf);

typedef struct direction_inference_data {
    struct inference_subject *to;
    struct inference_subject *dir;
} direction_inference_data;

inference *Map::new_direction_inference(inference_subject *infs_from,
    inference_subject *infs_to, instance *o_dir) {
    direction_inference_data *data = CREATE(direction_inference_data);
    data->to = infs_to;
    data->dir = (o_dir)?(Instances::as_subject(o_dir)):NULL;
    return Inferences::create_inference(direction_inf,
        STORE_POINTER_direction_inference_data(data), prevailing_mood);

void Map::infer_direction(inference_subject *infs_from, inference_subject *infs_to,
    instance *o_dir) {
    inference *i = Map::new_direction_inference(infs_from, infs_to, o_dir);
    Inferences::join_inference(i, infs_from);

void Map::log_direction_inf(inference_family *f, inference *inf) {
    direction_inference_data *data = RETRIEVE_POINTER_direction_inference_data(inf->data);
    LOG("-to:$j -dir:$j", data->to, data->dir);

§6. Inferences about different directions from a location are different topics; but different destinations in the same direction are different in content.

int Map::cmp_direction_inf(inference_family *f, inference *i1, inference *i2) {
    direction_inference_data *data1 = RETRIEVE_POINTER_direction_inference_data(i1->data);
    direction_inference_data *data2 = RETRIEVE_POINTER_direction_inference_data(i2->data);

    int c = Inferences::measure_infs(data1->dir) - Inferences::measure_infs(data2->dir);
    if (c > 0) return CI_DIFFER_IN_TOPIC; if (c < 0) return -CI_DIFFER_IN_TOPIC;
    c = Inferences::measure_infs(data1->to) - Inferences::measure_infs(data2->to);
    if (c > 0) return CI_DIFFER_IN_CONTENT; if (c < 0) return -CI_DIFFER_IN_CONTENT;

    c = Inferences::measure_inf(i1) - Inferences::measure_inf(i2);
    if (c > 0) return CI_DIFFER_IN_COPY_ONLY; if (c < 0) return -CI_DIFFER_IN_COPY_ONLY;
    return CI_IDENTICAL;

void Map::get_map_references(inference *i,
    inference_subject **infs1, inference_subject **infs2) {
    if ((i == NULL) || (i->family != direction_inf))
        internal_error("not a direction inf");
    direction_inference_data *data = RETRIEVE_POINTER_direction_inference_data(i->data);
    if (infs1) *infs1 = data->to; if (infs2) *infs2 = data->dir;

§7. Special kinds. It's obvious why the kinds direction and door are special.

kind *K_direction = NULL;
kind *K_door = NULL;

§8. These are recognised by the English name when defined by the Standard Rules. (So there is no need to translate this to other languages.)

<notable-map-kinds> ::=
    direction |


int Map::new_base_kind_notify(kind *new_base, text_stream *name, wording W) {
    if (<notable-map-kinds>(W)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: K_direction = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 1: K_door = new_base; return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


int Map::object_is_a_direction(instance *I) {
    if ((K_direction) && (I) && (Instances::of_kind(I, K_direction))) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. Direction needs to be an abstract object, not a thing or a room, so:

int Map::set_subkind_notify(kind *sub, kind *super) {
    if ((sub == K_direction) && (super != K_object)) {
        if (problem_count == 0)
                "'direction' is not allowed to be a kind of anything (other than "
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform maps out the "
                "geography of the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    if (super == K_direction) {
        if (problem_count == 0)
                "'direction' is not allowed to have more specific kinds",
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform maps out the "
                "geography of the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    if ((K_backdrop) && (sub == K_door) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(super, K_backdrop))) {
                "'door' is not allowed to be a kind of 'backdrop'",
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform maps out the "
                "geography of the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    if ((K_backdrop) && (sub == K_backdrop) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(super, K_door))) {
                "'backdrop' is not allowed to be a kind of 'door'",
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform maps out the "
                "geography of the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§12. Spotting directions and doors.

int Map::subject_is_a_direction(inference_subject *infs) {
    if (K_direction == NULL) return FALSE;  in particular, if plugin inactive
    return InferenceSubjects::is_within(infs, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_direction));

int Map::instance_is_a_direction(instance *I) {
    if ((PluginManager::active(map_plugin)) && (K_direction) && (I) &&
        (Instances::of_kind(I, K_direction)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


int Map::subject_is_a_door(inference_subject *infs) {
    return Map::instance_is_a_door(

int Map::instance_is_a_door(instance *I) {
    if ((PluginManager::active(map_plugin)) && (K_door) && (I) &&
        (Instances::of_kind(I, K_door)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§14. Directions and their numbers. Directions play a special role because sentences like "east of the treehouse is the garden" are parsed differently from sentences like "the nearby place property of the treehouse is the garden".

For reasons to do with creating direction mapping relations, the lengths of direction names are capped, though very, very few Inform users have ever realised this:


§15. When a new direction comes into existence (i.e., not when the underlying instance I is created, but when its kind is realised to be "direction"), we will assign it a number:

int registered_directions = 0;  next direction number to be free

int Map::number_of_directions(void) {
    return registered_directions;

§16. "Up" and "down" are not really special among possible direction instances, but they have linguistic features not shared by lateral directions. "Above the garden is the treehouse", for instance, does not directly refer to either direction, but implies both.

instance *I_up = NULL;
instance *I_down = NULL;

§17. These are recognised by their English names when defined by the Standard Rules. (So there is no need to translate this to other languages.)

<notable-map-directions> ::=
    up |


int Map::set_kind_notify(instance *I, kind *k) {
    kind *kw = Instances::to_kind(I);
    if ((!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(kw, K_direction))) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(k, K_direction))) {
        wording IW = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
        Vet the direction name for acceptability18.1;
        if (<notable-map-directions>(IW)) {
            switch (<<r>>) {
                case 0: I_up = I; break;
                case 1: I_down = I; break;
        Assign the object a direction number and a mapped-D-of relation18.2;
    return FALSE;

§18.1. Vet the direction name for acceptability18.1 =

    if (Wordings::empty(IW)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NamelessDirection),
            "nameless directions are not allowed",
            "so writing something like 'There is a direction.' is forbidden.");
        return TRUE;
    if (Wordings::length(IW) > MAX_WORDS_IN_DIRECTION) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DirectionTooLong),
            "although direction names can be really quite long in today's Inform",
            "they can't be as long as that.");
        return TRUE;

§18.2. Assign the object a direction number and a mapped-D-of relation18.2 =


§19. Map data on instances. The following structure weighs several hundred bytes. If we expected very large numbers of instances then it might be worth economising here, but profiling suggests that it really isn't.

define MAP_EXIT(X, Y) MAP_DATA(X)->exits[Y]
typedef struct map_data {
     these are meaningful for doors only
    struct instance *map_connection_a;
    struct instance *map_connection_b;
    struct instance *map_direction_a;
    struct instance *map_direction_b;

     these are meaningful for directions only
    int direction_index;  counts 0, 1, 2, ..., in order of creation
    struct inter_name *direction_iname;  for the constant instance ref
    struct binary_predicate *direction_relation;  the corresponding "mapped D of" relation

     these are meaningful for rooms only
    struct instance *exits[MAX_DIRECTIONS];
    struct parse_node *exits_set_at[MAX_DIRECTIONS];

} map_data;


int Map::new_subject_notify(inference_subject *subj) {
    map_data *md = CREATE(map_data);
    md->map_connection_a = NULL; md->map_connection_b = NULL;
    md->map_direction_a = NULL; md->map_direction_b = NULL;

    md->direction_index = -1;
    md->direction_relation = NULL;
    md->direction_iname = NULL;

    for (int i=0; i<MAX_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
        md->exits_set_at[i] = NULL;
        md->exits[i] = NULL;

    return FALSE;

§21. Special properties. These are property names to do with mapping which Inform provides special support for. Two are visible to I7 authors, and the others are low-level properties needed for the run-time implementation.

property *P_other_side = NULL;  a value property for the other side of a door
property *P_opposite = NULL;  a value property for the reverse of a direction

property *P_door = NULL;  Inter only
property *P_door_dir = NULL;  Inter only
property *P_door_to = NULL;  Inter only
property *P_room_index = NULL;  Inter only: workspace for path-finding through the map
property *P_found_in = NULL;  Inter only: needed for multiply-present objects

§22. We recognise these by their English names when they are defined by the Standard Rules. (So there is no need to translate this to other languages.)

<notable-map-properties> ::=
    opposite |
    leading-through destination


int Map::new_property_notify(property *prn) {
    if (<notable-map-properties>(prn->name)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: P_opposite = prn; break;
            case 1: P_other_side = prn; break;
    return FALSE;

§24. The following is used also by Backdrops, since both plugins use a shared Inter-level property at run-time. But this function will work even if the map plugin is inactive; so you can still have backdrops without a map.

void Map::set_found_in(instance *I, parse_node *val) {
    if (P_found_in == NULL)
        P_found_in = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"found_in",
    if (PropertyInferences::value_of(
        Instances::as_subject(I), P_found_in))
            internal_error("rival found_in interpretations");
    ValueProperties::assert(P_found_in, Instances::as_subject(I), val, CERTAIN_CE);

§25. This utility returns the "opposite" property for a direction, which is always another direction: for example, the opposite of northwest is southeast.

instance *Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(instance *I) {
    parse_node *val = PropertyInferences::value_of(
        Instances::as_subject(I), P_opposite);
    if (val) return Rvalues::to_object_instance(val);
    return NULL;

§26. The exits array. The bulk of the map is stored in the arrays called exits, which hold the map connections fanning out from each room. The direction numbers carefully noted above are keys into these arrays.

It might look a little wasteful of I7's memory to expand the direction inferences, a nicely compact representation, into large and sparse arrays. But it's convenient, and profiling suggests that the memory overhead is not significant.

void Map::build_exits_array(void) {
    instance *I;
    int d = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(Instances::to_kind(I), K_direction)) {
            MAP_DATA(I)->direction_index = d++;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), direction_inf) {
            inference_subject *infs1, *infs2;
            Map::get_map_references(inf, &infs1, &infs2);
            instance *to = NULL, *dir = NULL;
            if (infs1) to = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs1);
            if (infs2) dir = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs2);
            if ((to) && (dir)) {
                int dn = MAP_DATA(dir)->direction_index;
                if ((dn >= 0) && (dn < MAX_DIRECTIONS)) {
                    MAP_EXIT(I, dn) = to;
                    MAP_DATA(I)->exits_set_at[dn] = Inferences::where_inferred(inf);

§27. Door connectivity. We've seen how most of the map is represented, in the exits arrays. The missing information has to do with doors. If east of the Carousel Room is the oak door, then Map_Storage reveals only that fact, and not what's on the other side of the door. This will eventually be compiled into the door_to property for the oak door object.

We would like to deduce from a sentence like

The other side of the iron door is the Black Holding Area.

that the "Black Holding Area" is a room; otherwise, if it has no map connections, Inform may well think it's just a thing. This is where that deduction is made:

int Map::inference_drawn(inference *I, inference_subject *subj) {
    property *prn = PropertyInferences::get_property(I);
    if ((prn) && (prn == P_other_side)) {
        parse_node *val = PropertyInferences::get_value(I);
        instance *I = Rvalues::to_object_instance(val);
        if (I) SpatialInferences::infer_is_room(Instances::as_subject(I), CERTAIN_CE);
    return FALSE;

§28. Linguistic extras. These NPs allow us to refer to the special directions "up" and "down":

<notable-map-noun-phrases> ::=
    below |


int Map::act_on_special_NPs(parse_node *p) {
    if (<notable-map-noun-phrases>(Node::get_text(p))) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0:
                if (I_down) {
                    Refiner::give_subject_to_noun(p, Instances::as_subject(I_down));
                    return TRUE;
            case 1:
                if (I_up) {
                    Refiner::give_subject_to_noun(p, Instances::as_subject(I_up));
                    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§30. Consider the sentences:

A dead end is a kind of room. The Pitch is a room. East is a dead end.

Inform would ordinarily read the third sentence as saying that the "east" object (a direction) has kind "dead end", and would throw a problem message.

What was actually meant, of course, is that a new instance of "dead end" exists to the east of the Pitch; in effect, we read it as:

Z is a dead end. East is Z.

where Z is a newly created and nameless object.

But we must be careful not to catch "East is a direction" in the same net because, of course, that does set its kind.

int Map::intervene_in_assertion(parse_node *px, parse_node *py) {
    if ((Node::get_type(px) == PROPER_NOUN_NT) &&
        (Node::get_type(py) == COMMON_NOUN_NT)) {
        inference_subject *left_object = Node::get_subject(px);
        inference_subject *right_kind = Node::get_subject(py);
        if ((Map::subject_is_a_direction(left_object)) &&
            (Map::subject_is_a_direction(right_kind) == FALSE)) {
            Assertions::Creator::convert_instance_to_nounphrase(py, NULL);
            return FALSE;
        if (Annotations::read_int(px, nowhere_ANNOT)) {
                "'nowhere' cannot be made specific",
                "and so cannot have specific properties or be of any given kind.");
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§31. The map-connector. Now we come to the code which creates map connections. This needs special treatment only so that asserting \(M(X, Y)\) also asserts \(M'(Y, X)\), where \(M'\) is the predicate for the opposite direction to \(M\); but since this is only a guess, it drops from CERTAIN_CE to merely LIKELY_CE.

However, the map-connector can also run in one-way mode, where it doesn't make this guess; so we begin with switching in and out.

int oneway_map_connections_only = FALSE;
void Map::enter_one_way_mode(void) { oneway_map_connections_only = TRUE; }
void Map::exit_one_way_mode(void) { oneway_map_connections_only = FALSE; }

§32. Note that, in order to make the conjectural reverse map direction, we need to look up the "opposite" property of the forward one. This relies on all directions having their opposites defined before any map is built, and is the reason for Inform's insistence that directions are always created in matched pairs.

void Map::connect(inference_subject *i_from, inference_subject *i_to,
    inference_subject *i_dir) {
    instance *go_from = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(i_from);
    instance *go_to = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(i_to);
    instance *forwards_dir = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(i_dir);
    if (Instances::of_kind(forwards_dir, K_direction) == FALSE)
        internal_error("unknown direction");
    instance *reverse_dir = Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(forwards_dir);
    if (go_from == NULL) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_object(2, forwards_dir);
        Problems::quote_object(3, go_to);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_WayFromUnclear));
            "On the basis of %1, I'm trying to make a map connection in the "
            "%2 direction to %3, but I can't make sense of where it goes from.");

    Map::oneway_map_connection(go_from, go_to, forwards_dir, CERTAIN_CE);
    if ((reverse_dir) && (go_to) && (oneway_map_connections_only == FALSE)) {
        if (Instances::of_kind(reverse_dir, K_direction) == FALSE) {
            Problems::quote_object(1, forwards_dir);
            Problems::quote_object(2, reverse_dir);
                "I'm trying to make a map connection in the %1 direction, "
                "which means there ought to be map connection back in the "
                "opposite direction. But the opposite of %1 seems to be %2, "
                "which doesn't make sense since %2 isn't a direction. (Maybe "
                "you forgot to say that it was?)");
        } else Map::oneway_map_connection(go_to, go_from, reverse_dir, LIKELY_CE);

void Map::oneway_map_connection(instance *go_from, instance *go_to,
    instance *forwards_dir, int certainty_level) {
    binary_predicate *bp = MapRelations::get_mapping_relation(forwards_dir);
    if (bp == NULL) internal_error("map connection in non-direction");
    int x = prevailing_mood;
    prevailing_mood = certainty_level;
        Propositions::Abstract::to_set_simple_relation(bp, go_to),
        Instances::as_subject(go_from), certainty_level);
    prevailing_mood = x;

§33. Model completion. And here begins the fun. It's not as easy to write down the requirements for the map as might be thought.

int Map::complete_model(int stage) {
    switch (stage) {
        case 2:
            Give each room a room-index property as workspace for route finding33.1;
            Ensure that map connections are room-to-room, room-to-door or door-to-room33.2;
            if (problem_count > 0) break;
            Ensure that every door has either one or two connections from it33.3;
            if (problem_count > 0) break;
            Ensure that no door has spurious other connections to it33.4;
            if (problem_count > 0) break;
            Ensure that no door uses both map connections and other side33.5;
            if (problem_count > 0) break;
            Ensure that no door is present in a room to which it does not connect33.6;
            if (problem_count > 0) break;
            Place any one-sided door inside the room which connects to it33.7;
            Assert found-in, door-to and door-dir properties for doors33.8;
        case 4: Map::build_exits_array(); break;
    return FALSE;

§33.1. Every room has a room_index property. It has no meaningful contents at the start of play, and we initialise to \(-1\) since this marks the route-finding cache as being broken. (Route-finding is one of the few really time-critical tasks at run-time, which is why we keep complicating the I7 code to accommodate it.)

Give each room a room-index property as workspace for route finding33.1 =

    P_room_index = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"room_index", K_number);
    parse_node *minus_one = Rvalues::from_int(-1, EMPTY_WORDING);

    instance *I;
        if (Spatial::object_is_a_room(I))
                Instances::as_subject(I), minus_one, CERTAIN_CE);

§33.2. The following code does little if the source is correct: it mostly checks that various mapping impossibilities do not occur.

Ensure that map connections are room-to-room, room-to-door or door-to-room33.2 =

    instance *I;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_object) {
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), direction_inf) {
            inference_subject *infs1;
            Map::get_map_references(inf, &infs1, NULL);
            instance *to = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs1);
            if ((Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) && (to) &&
                (Map::instance_is_a_door(to) == FALSE) &&
                (Spatial::object_is_a_room(to) == FALSE))
                    Inferences::where_inferred(inf), to,
                    "appears to be something which can be reached via a map "
                    "connection, but it seems to be neither a room nor a door",
                    "and these are the only possibilities allowed by Inform.");
            if ((Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) &&
                (Spatial::object_is_a_room(to) == FALSE))
                    "seems to be a door opening on something not a room",
                    "but a door must connect one or two rooms (and in particular is "
                    "not allowed to connect to another door).");

§33.3. Ensure that every door has either one or two connections from it33.3 =

    instance *I;
        if (Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) {
            int connections_in = 0;
            inference *inf;
            parse_node *where[3];
            where[0] = NULL; where[1] = NULL; where[2] = NULL;  to placate gcc
            inference *front_side_inf = NULL, *back_side_inf = NULL;
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), direction_inf) {
                inference_subject *infs1, *infs2;
                Map::get_map_references(inf, &infs1, &infs2);
                instance *to = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs1);
                instance *dir = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs2);
                if (to) {
                    if (connections_in == 0) {
                        MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a = to;
                        MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_a = dir;
                        where[0] = Inferences::where_inferred(inf);
                        front_side_inf = inf;
                    if (connections_in == 1) {
                        MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b = to;
                        MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_b = dir;
                        where[1] = Inferences::where_inferred(inf);
                        back_side_inf = inf;
                    if (connections_in == 2) {
                        where[2] = Inferences::where_inferred(inf);
            if ((front_side_inf) && (back_side_inf)) {
                if (front_side_inf->allocation_id > back_side_inf->allocation_id) {
                    instance *X = MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a;
                    MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a = MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b;
                    MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b = X;
                    X = MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_a;
                    MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_a = MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_b;
                    MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_b = X;
                    parse_node *PX = where[0]; where[0] = where[1]; where[1] = PX;
            if (connections_in == 0) Issue a problem message for a stranded door33.3.1;
            if (connections_in > 2) Issue a problem message for an overactive door33.3.2;

§33.3.1. Issue a problem message for a stranded door33.3.1 =

        "seems to be a door with no way in or out",
        "so either you didn't mean it to be a door or you haven't specified what's "
        "on each side. You could do this by writing something like 'The blue door is "
        "east of the Library and west of the Conservatory'.");

§33.3.2. Issue a problem message for an overactive door33.3.2 =

    Problems::quote_object(1, I);
    Problems::quote_source(2, where[0]);
    Problems::quote_source(3, where[1]);
    Problems::quote_source(4, where[2]);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DoorOverconnected));
        "%1 seems to be a door with three ways out (specified %2, %3 and %4), but "
        "you can only have one or two sides to a door in Inform: a one-sided "
        "door means a door which is only touchable and usable from one side, and an "
        "example might be a window through which one falls to the ground below. If "
        "you really need a three-sided cavity, best to make it a room in its own right.");

§33.4. Since map connections are not always reversible (only most of the time), we can't assume that having at most two ways out means there are at most two ways in. So we check here that any way in to a door corresponds to one of its ways out. (The reverse need not be true: it's possible for a door to lead to a room from which there's no way back.)

Ensure that no door has spurious other connections to it33.4 =

    instance *I;
        if (Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) {
            inference *inf;
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), direction_inf) {
                inference_subject *infs1;
                Map::get_map_references(inf, &infs1, NULL);
                instance *to = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs1);
                if (Map::instance_is_a_door(to)) {
                    instance *exit1 = MAP_DATA(to)->map_connection_a;
                    instance *exit2 = MAP_DATA(to)->map_connection_b;
                    if ((I != exit1) && (exit2 == NULL)) {
                        Problems::quote_object(1, I);
                        Problems::quote_object(2, to);
                        Problems::quote_object(3, exit1);
                            "%1, a room, seems to have a map connection which goes "
                            "through %2, a door: but that doesn't seem physically "
                            "possible, since %2 seems to connect to %3 in the same "
                            "direction. Something's twisty here.");
                    } else if ((I != exit1) && (I != exit2)) {
                        Problems::quote_object(1, I);
                        Problems::quote_object(2, to);
                        Problems::quote_object(3, exit1);
                        Problems::quote_object(4, exit2);
                            "%1, a room, seems to have a map connection which goes "
                            "through %2, a door: but that doesn't seem physically "
                            "possible, since the rooms on each side of %2 have "
                            "been established as %3 and %4.");

§33.5. Ensure that no door uses both map connections and other side33.5 =

    instance *I;
        if ((Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) &&
            (MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a) &&
            (MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b) &&
                Instances::as_subject(I), P_other_side)))
                    I, "seems to be a door whose connections have been given in both "
                    "of the alternative ways at once",
                    "by directly giving its map connections (the normal way to set up "
                    "a two-sided door) and also by saying what is through it (the normal "
                    "way to set up a one-sided door). As a door can't be both one- and "
                    "two-sided at once, I'm going to object to this.");

§33.6. The Spatial model requires that rooms are free-standing, that is, not in, on or part of anything else; but it knows nothing of doors. So if we are not careful, the source text could put a door on a shelf, or make it part of a robot, or something like that. (Testing showed, in fact, that some authors actually wanted to do this, though the result was a horribly inconsistent model at run-time.) This is where we apply the kill-joy rule in question:

Ensure that no door is present in a room to which it does not connect33.6 =

    instance *I;
        if ((Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) &&
            (Spatial::progenitor(I)) &&
            (Spatial::progenitor(I) != MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a) &&
            (Spatial::progenitor(I) != MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b))
                I, "seems to be a door which is present in a room to which it is not connected",
                "but this is not allowed. A door must be in one or both of the rooms it is "
                "between, but not in a third place altogether.");

§33.7. We don't need to do the following for two-sided doors since they will bypass the object tree and use I6's found_in to be present in both rooms connecting to them.

Place any one-sided door inside the room which connects to it33.7 =

    instance *I;
        if ((Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) &&
            (MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b == NULL) &&
            (Spatial::progenitor(I) == NULL))
            Spatial::set_progenitor(I, MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a, NULL);

§33.8. At this point we know that the doors are correctly plumbed in, and all we need to do is compile properties to implement them. See the DM4 for details of how to compile one and two-sided doors in I6. Alternatively, take it on trust that there is nothing surprising here.

Assert found-in, door-to and door-dir properties for doors33.8 =

    P_door = EitherOrProperties::new_nameless(I"door");
    P_door_dir = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"door_dir", K_value);
    P_door_to = ValueProperties::new_nameless(I"door_to", K_value);

    instance *I;
        if (Map::instance_is_a_door(I)) {
                P_door, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, CERTAIN_CE);
            instance *R1 = MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_a;
            instance *R2 = MAP_DATA(I)->map_connection_b;
            instance *D1 = MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_a;
            instance *D2 = MAP_DATA(I)->map_direction_b;
            if (R1 && R2) {
                Assert found-in for a two-sided door33.8.1;
                Assert door-dir for a two-sided door33.8.2;
                Assert door-to for a two-sided door33.8.3;
            } else if (R1) {
                Assert door-dir for a one-sided door33.8.4;

§33.8.1. Here found_in is a two-entry list.

Assert found-in for a two-sided door33.8.1 =

    parse_node *val = RTDoors::found_in_for_2_sided(I, R1, R2);
    Map::set_found_in(I, val);

§33.8.2. Here door_dir is a routine looking at the current location and returning always the way to the other room — the one we are not in.

Assert door-dir for a two-sided door33.8.2 =

    parse_node *val = RTDoors::door_dir_for_2_sided(I, R1, D1, D2);
    ValueProperties::assert(P_door_dir, Instances::as_subject(I), val, CERTAIN_CE);

§33.8.3. Here door_to is a routine looking at the current location and returning always the other room — the one we are not in.

Assert door-to for a two-sided door33.8.3 =

    parse_node *val = RTDoors::door_to_for_2_sided(I, R1, R2);
    ValueProperties::assert(P_door_to, Instances::as_subject(I), val, CERTAIN_CE);

§33.8.4. The reversal of direction here looks peculiar, but is correct. Suppose the Drainage Room contains a one-sided door called the iron grating, and the iron grating is east of the Drainage Room. To get through, the player will type EAST. But that means the iron grating has one exit, west to the Drainage Room; so Inform looks at this exit, reverses west to east, and compiles east into the door_dir property.

As for what lies beyond the iron grating, that's stored in the "other side" property for the door; "other side" is an alias for door_to, which is why we don't need to compile door_to here.

Assert door-dir for a one-sided door33.8.4 =

    instance *backwards = Map::get_value_of_opposite_property(D1);
    if (backwards)
        ValueProperties::assert(P_door_dir, Instances::as_subject(I),
            Rvalues::from_iname(RTInstances::value_iname(backwards)), CERTAIN_CE);