The possible command text following a command verb, or referring to a single concept or object, is gathered into a "command grammar".

§1. Command grammars, or CGs, are used in six excitingly different ways:

define CG_IS_COMMAND        1   for player-typed commands starting with a given verb
define CG_IS_TOKEN          2   for defining a square-bracketed token used in commands
define CG_IS_SUBJECT        3   for ways the player can refer to an object or kind
define CG_IS_VALUE          4   for ways the player can refer to a non-object value
define CG_IS_CONSULT        5   for topics of conversation, as used in commands like ASK or CONSULT
define CG_IS_PROPERTY_NAME  6   for ways to refer to property values used adjectivally

§2. Fixed maxima are generally a bad idea in a compiler (what seems excessive in one decade becomes limiting in the next), but in this plugin we have to make data tables in formats which can be handled by the Inform 6 compiler. And that does have two maxima which cannot easily be avoided, so we need to respect those here as well.

MAX_ALIASED_COMMANDS is harmless enough: it's the maximum number of command verbs which can be synonymous with a single other one, as for example if CONSUME were synonymous with EAT. Few command verbs need more than four or five, and many need none at all.

MAX_LINES_PER_GRAMMAR is potentially more biting, since it puts a limit on the number of different command syntaxes which any one command verb can have. (It applies only to CG_IS_COMMAND grammars: the rest are unlimited.) Skilled Inform 7 writers can get around this with named tokens, but still, in an ideal world we would not impose a limit here.


§3. Many of the fields here are relevant only when the CG takes a given cg_is form, so this is not as bloated a structure as it looks.

typedef struct command_grammar {
    int cg_is;  one of the CG_IS_* values above
    struct parse_node *where_cg_created;  for problem message reports

    struct determination_type cg_type;

    struct cg_line *first_line;  linked list in creation order
    struct cg_line *sorted_first_line;  and in logical applicability order
    int slashed;  slashing has been done
    int determined;  determination has been done

    struct wording command;  CG_IS_COMMAND: what command verb this belongs to
    struct wording aliased_command[MAX_ALIASED_COMMANDS];  ...and other commands synonymous
    int no_aliased_commands;  ...and how many of them there are

    struct wording token_name;  CG_IS_TOKEN: name of this token

    struct inference_subject *subj_understood;  CG_IS_SUBJECT: what this provides names for

    struct kind *kind_understood;  CG_IS_VALUE: for which type it names an instance of

    struct property *prn_understood;  CG_IS_PROPERTY_NAME: which prn this names

    struct cg_compilation_data compilation_data;
} command_grammar;

§4. We begin as usual with a constructor and some debug log tracing.

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::cg_new(int cg_is) {
    command_grammar *cg;
    cg = CREATE(command_grammar);
    cg->command = EMPTY_WORDING;
    cg->first_line = NULL;
    cg->cg_type = DeterminationTypes::new();
    cg->cg_is = cg_is;
    cg->token_name = EMPTY_WORDING;
    cg->no_aliased_commands = 0;
    cg->sorted_first_line = NULL;
    cg->subj_understood = NULL;
    cg->kind_understood = NULL;
    cg->prn_understood = NULL;
    cg->where_cg_created = current_sentence;
    cg->slashed = FALSE;
    cg->determined = FALSE;
    cg->compilation_data = RTCommandGrammars::new_compilation_data(cg);
    return cg;

void CommandGrammars::log(command_grammar *cg) {
    LOG("<CG%d:", cg->allocation_id);
    switch(cg->cg_is) {
        case CG_IS_COMMAND:
            if (Wordings::empty(cg->command)) LOG("command=no-verb verb");
            else LOG("command=%W", cg->command);
        case CG_IS_TOKEN: LOG("token=%W", cg->token_name); break;
        case CG_IS_SUBJECT: LOG("subject=$j", cg->subj_understood); break;
        case CG_IS_VALUE: LOG("value=%u", cg->kind_understood); break;
        case CG_IS_CONSULT: LOG("consult"); break;
        case CG_IS_PROPERTY_NAME: LOG("property=$Y", cg->prn_understood); break;
        default: LOG("<unknown>"); break;

§5. The CG_IS_COMMAND form. These are the CGs for which CGs were invented, really. Each different imperative verb a player can type has a CG of the possible syntaxes the player's command can take after that start.

However, such a CG can also handle a number of "aliases", which are verbs synonymous to the main one. For instance, the Standard Rules create a CG for the command PULL but also give it one alias, DRAG.

Command verbs are of course recognised by their wording, or rather, spelling. (We cannot have two different CGs for the verb MARK as understood in two different senses, say for marking work and for daubing on a wall.) A special case is the empty command verb, the one with no letters at all, which is traditionally called the "no verb verb".1 All other verbs are "genuinely verbal".

wording CommandGrammars::get_verb_text(command_grammar *cg) {
    return cg->command;

int CommandGrammars::cg_is_genuinely_verbal(command_grammar *cg) {
    if ((cg->cg_is == CG_IS_COMMAND) && (Wordings::nonempty(cg->command)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6. Here we find the CG associated with command W, or return null if none exists (i.e. because no grammar has been created for it). Note that if W is the EMPTY_WORDING, then this function returns the "no verb verb".

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::for_command_verb(wording W) {
    command_grammar *cg;
    LOOP_OVER(cg, command_grammar)
        if (cg->cg_is == CG_IS_COMMAND) {
            if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
                if (Wordings::empty(cg->command)) return cg;
            } else {
                if (Wordings::match(cg->command, W)) return cg;
                for (int i=0; i<cg->no_aliased_commands; i++)
                    if (Wordings::match(cg->aliased_command[i], W))
                        return cg;
    return NULL;

§7. This does the same, but creating the CG if it does not already exist, so that it is guaranteed to return a non-NULL pointer:

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::for_command_verb_creating(wording W) {
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::for_command_verb(W);
    if (cg) return cg;
    cg = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_COMMAND);
    cg->command = W;
    if (Wordings::empty(W)) {
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "CG%d is the no verb verb\n", cg->allocation_id);
        global_compilation_settings.no_verb_verb_exists = TRUE;
    } else {
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "CG%d is the command verb %W\n", cg->allocation_id, W);
    return cg;

§8. We now have functions to add or remove command verbs from a given CG as aliases. Note that these cannot be called on the no verb verb.

void CommandGrammars::add_alias(command_grammar *cg, wording W) {
    if (cg == NULL) internal_error("add alias to null CG");
    if (cg->cg_is != CG_IS_COMMAND) internal_error("add alias to non-command CG");
    if (cg->no_aliased_commands == MAX_ALIASED_COMMANDS) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TooManyAliases),
            "this 'understand the command ... as ...' makes too many aliases "
            "for the same command",
            "exceeding the limit of 32.");
    } else {
        cg->aliased_command[cg->no_aliased_commands++] = W;
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Adding alias '%W' to CG%d '%W'\n", W,
            cg->allocation_id, cg->command);

§9. Removing is trickier, since we might be detaching the main command verb, and that means that one of the aliases must become the new main verb; or, in the worst case, there might be no commands left, and in that case we need to empty the CG of grammar lines so that it can either be ignored or re-used.

void CommandGrammars::remove_command(command_grammar *cg, wording W) {
    if (cg == NULL)
        internal_error("tried to detach alias command from null CG");
    if (cg->cg_is != CG_IS_COMMAND)
        internal_error("tried to detach alias command from non-command CG");
    LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detaching verb '%W' from grammar\n", W);
    if (cg == NULL) return;
    if (Wordings::match(cg->command, W)) {
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detached verb is the head-verb\n");
        if (cg->no_aliased_commands == 0) {
            cg->first_line = NULL;
            LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Which had no aliases: clearing grammar to NULL\n");
        } else {
            cg->command = cg->aliased_command[--(cg->no_aliased_commands)];
            LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Which had aliases: making new head-verb '%W'\n",
    } else {
        LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "Detached verb is one of the aliases\n");
        for (int i=0; i<cg->no_aliased_commands; i++) {
            if (Wordings::match(cg->aliased_command[i], W)) {
                for (int j=i; j<cg->no_aliased_commands-1; j++)
                    cg->aliased_command[j] = cg->aliased_command[j+1];

§10. This is needed when the designer asks to make actions inaccessible to commands from the player, with a line like "Understand nothing as the dropping action":

void CommandGrammars::remove_action(command_grammar *cg, action_name *an) {
    if (cg->cg_is == CG_IS_COMMAND)
        CGLines::list_remove(cg, an);

§11. The CG_IS_TOKEN form. These are like text substitutions in reverse. For instance, we could define a token "[suitable colour]", which matches any colour name typed by the player.

Tokens are identified solely by their textual names. There is one and only one token called "[suitable colour]".

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::new_named_token(wording W) {
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::named_token_by_name(W);
    if (cg == NULL) {
        cg = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_TOKEN);
        cg->token_name = W;
    return cg;

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::named_token_by_name(wording W) {
    command_grammar *cg;
    LOOP_OVER(cg, command_grammar)
        if ((cg->cg_is == CG_IS_TOKEN) && (Wordings::match(W, cg->token_name)))
            return cg;
    return NULL;

§12. A slight variation is provided by those which are defined by Inter functions.

void CommandGrammars::new_translated_token(wording W, parse_node *id) {
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::named_token_by_name(W);
    if (cg) {
            "this grammar token has already been translated",
            "so there must be some duplication somewhere.");
    cg = CommandGrammars::new_named_token(W);
    RTCommandGrammars::set_CG_IS_TOKEN_identifier(cg, Node::get_text(id));

§13. The CG_IS_SUBJECT form. Any inference subject can in theory be given a CG, used to parse unusual forms of its name. If the source reads:

Understand "frog" as the Brazilian leaping toad.

then "frog" is added to the CG for the toad's inference subject.

The toad is of course an object, and in fact although there are many other inference subjects in Inform, this system is used only for objects and their kinds.2

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::for_subject(inference_subject *subj) {
    if (PARSING_DATA_FOR_SUBJ(subj)->understand_as_this_subject != NULL)
        return PARSING_DATA_FOR_SUBJ(subj)->understand_as_this_subject;
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_SUBJECT);
    PARSING_DATA_FOR_SUBJ(subj)->understand_as_this_subject = cg;
    cg->subj_understood = subj;
    return cg;

§14. The CG_IS_VALUE form. This is used to store names for, say, particular numbers, or enumeration values. The following examples both involve CG_IS_VALUE grammars:

Understand "deuce" as 2.
Colour is a kind of value. Red, blue and green are colours.
Understand "scarlet" as red.

Note however that a CG_IS_VALUE grammar is associated with a kind: unlike the case of CG_IS_SUBJECT, there isn't a different one for each individual value. There is just one grammar holding all possible fancy names for different numbers, for example; the CG_IS_VALUE grammar for K_number.

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::for_kind(kind *K) {
    if (K == NULL) internal_error("cannot get CG for null kind");
    if (CommandGrammars::get_parsing_grammar(K) != NULL)
        return CommandGrammars::get_parsing_grammar(K);
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_VALUE);
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) internal_error("cannot set CG for K_object");
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K))
        internal_error("object kinds should not have a CG_IS_VALUE grammar");
    K->construct->understand_as_values = cg;
    cg->kind_understood = K;
    return cg;

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::get_parsing_grammar(kind *K) {
    if (K == NULL) return NULL;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) internal_error("cannot get CG for K_object");
    return K->construct->understand_as_values;

§15. The CG_IS_CONSULT form. Consultation grammars3 are used to handle topics of conversation and other free-form textual parts of commands typed by the player: the player can legally type ASK JETHRO ABOUT ... and put almost anything after ABOUT, and we need ways to parse that material.

The model here is rather different. Because the topic being discussed could be almost anything — maybe Jethro knows about WHEAT PRICES, the HARVEST and QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS (he has hidden depths) — there is no obvious data structure in Inform to attach such a grammar to. Instead, code wishing to create a new consultation should first call CommandGrammars::prepare_consultation_cg, then access the current one being made using CommandGrammars::get_consultation_cg. Note that exactly one consultation can be made at a time.

command_grammar *consultation_gv = NULL;

void CommandGrammars::prepare_consultation_cg(void) {
    consultation_gv = NULL;

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::get_consultation_cg(void) {
    if (consultation_gv == NULL) consultation_gv = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_CONSULT);
    return consultation_gv;

§16. The CG_IS_PROPERTY_NAME form. A few properties can be recognised by adjectives in the player's commands. For example, we might allow OPEN or CLOSED in connection with doors. If so, we may want to allow synonyms or other ways to express this, and so a property value used adjectivally like this can be given a CG.

command_grammar *CommandGrammars::for_prn(property *prn) {
    if (EitherOrProperties::get_parsing_grammar(prn) != NULL)
        return EitherOrProperties::get_parsing_grammar(prn);
    command_grammar *cg = CommandGrammars::cg_new(CG_IS_PROPERTY_NAME);
    EitherOrProperties::set_parsing_grammar(prn, cg);
    cg->prn_understood = prn;
    return cg;

§17. The list of grammar lines. Every CG has a list of CGLs: indeed, this list is the point of the grammar. Here we test this for emptiness, and provide for adding to it. In general removals are not possible, but see CommandGrammars::remove_action above.

int CommandGrammars::is_empty(command_grammar *cg) {
    if ((cg == NULL) || (cg->first_line == NULL)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void CommandGrammars::add_line(command_grammar *cg, cg_line *cgl) {
    LOGIF(GRAMMAR, "$G + line: $g\n", cg, cgl);
    if ((cg->cg_is == CG_IS_COMMAND) &&
        (CGLines::list_length(cg) >= MAX_LINES_PER_GRAMMAR)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_TooManyGrammarLines),
            "this command verb now has too many Understand possibilities",
            "that is, there are too many 'Understand \"whatever ...\" as ...' "
            "which share the same initial word 'whatever'. The best way to "
            "get around this is to try to consolidate some of those lines "
            "together, perhaps by using slashes to combine alternative "
            "wordings, or by defining new grammar tokens [in square brackets].");
    } else {
        CGLines::list_add(cg, cgl);

§18. As noted above, some CGs are used to refer to objects or values: others not. This returns the kind if so, or NULL if not.

kind *CommandGrammars::get_kind_matched(command_grammar *cg) {
    return DeterminationTypes::get_single_kind(&(cg->cg_type));

§19. Slashing and determining. CGs are created and then gradually accumulate grammar lines in response to the stream of "Understand... as..." sentences. Once all of that is done, we have to make sense of it all, which we do in two phases: "slashing" and "determining".

Slashing is really a grammar-line based activity, so we do no more than pass the buck down to Command Grammar Lines.

void CommandGrammars::prepare(void) {
    command_grammar *cg;
    Log::new_stage(I"Slashing command grammar");
    LOOP_OVER(cg, command_grammar)
        if ((cg->slashed == FALSE) && (cg->first_line)) {
            LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Slashing $G\n", cg);
            cg->slashed = TRUE;
    Log::new_stage(I"Determining command grammar");
    LOOP_OVER(cg, command_grammar)
        CommandGrammars::determine(cg, 0);

§20. Determining is more involved, and is also recursive. What we are doing is trying to work values a CG can produce, in terms of what value it refers to — if any. For CG_IS_COMMAND grammars, for example, it will be NULL, but for CG_IS_VALUE, it might for example be a description meaning "any value with kind K_number.

Determination is hierarchical. To determine a CG we determine each of its lines, and they in turn determine each of their tokens. But some of those tokens will themselves be defined by CG_IS_TOKEN grammars, and determining those recurses back here.

parse_node *CommandGrammars::determine(command_grammar *cg, int depth) {
    current_sentence = cg->where_cg_created;
    If this CG produces a value we have determined already, return that20.1;
    If recursion went impossibly deep, the CG grammar must be ill-founded20.2;

    LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Determining $G\n", cg);
        CGLines::cgl_determine(cgl, cg, depth);
    parse_node *spec_union = NULL;
    Take the union of the single-term results of each line20.3;

    Cache the answer so that we need not determine it again20.4;
    return spec_union;

§20.1. If this CG produces a value we have determined already, return that20.1 =

    if (cg->determined) return DeterminationTypes::get_single_term(&(cg->cg_type));

§20.2. If recursion went impossibly deep, the CG grammar must be ill-founded20.2 =

    if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(command_grammar)) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_GrammarIllFounded),
            "grammar tokens are not allowed to be defined in terms of themselves",
            "either directly or indirectly.");
        return NULL;

§20.3. The "union" referred to below is the widest possible description which matches the single term of the determination type of each CGL in the list.

Take the union of the single-term results of each line20.3 =

    LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Taking union on $G\n", cg);
    int first_flag = TRUE;
        parse_node *spec_of_line = DeterminationTypes::get_single_term(&(cgl->cgl_type));
        if (first_flag) {  initially no expectations: spec_union is meaningless
            spec_union = spec_of_line;  so we set it to the first result
            first_flag = FALSE;
        } else {
            if ((spec_union == NULL) && (spec_of_line == NULL))
                continue;  we expected to find no result, and did: so no problem

            if ((spec_union) && (spec_of_line)) {
                if (Dash::compatible_with_description(spec_union, spec_of_line) == ALWAYS_MATCH) {
                    spec_union = spec_of_line;  here spec_of_line was a wider type
                if (Dash::compatible_with_description(spec_of_line, spec_union) == ALWAYS_MATCH) {
                    continue;  here spec_union was already wide enough
            It is now evident that the lines have incompatible determination types20.3.1;
            break;  to prevent the problem being repeated for the same grammar
    LOGIF(GRAMMAR_CONSTRUCTION, "Result is $P\n", spec_union);

§20.3.1. In some CGs, it doesn't matter if the lines do different things: for example, in the CG_IS_COMMAND for the command verb TAKE, "inventory" (void determination type) and "[things]" (single term determination type) can happily co-exist.

CG_IS_VALUE and CG_IS_SUBJECT are also exceptions because they include grammars associated with kinds, in which different CGLs may describe different specific values of that kind. For example, the one for the kind K_number might have one CGL describing the number 17, and another describing 22. There's no good way to take the union of those numbers.

It is now evident that the lines have incompatible determination types20.3.1 =

    if ((cg->cg_is == CG_IS_CONSULT) ||
        (cg->cg_is == CG_IS_SUBJECT) ||
        (cg->cg_is == CG_IS_COMMAND) ||
        (cg->cg_is == CG_IS_VALUE)) continue;
    current_sentence = cgl->where_grammar_specified;
    LOG("Offending CGL is $g in $G\n", cgl, cg);
    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_MixedOutcome),
        "grammar tokens must have the same outcome whatever the way they are reached",
        "so writing a line like 'Understand \"within\" or \"next to [something]\" "
        "as \"[my token]\" must be wrong: one way it produces a thing, the other "
        "way it doesn't.");
    spec_union = NULL;

§20.4. Cache the answer so that we need not determine it again20.4 =

    cg->determined = TRUE;
    DeterminationTypes::set_single_term(&(cg->cg_type), spec_union);

§21. Sorting. The list of lines in a CG needs to be sorted into order before compilation, to ensure that the player's commands are interpreted correctly whatever order in which the designer wrote the "Understand... as..." sentences setting it up.

Note that some grammars are compiled more than once, but that we only want to sort once, so:

void CommandGrammars::sort_command_grammar(command_grammar *cg) {
    if (cg->sorted_first_line == NULL)
        cg->sorted_first_line = CGLines::list_sort(cg);