Compiling a code block of lines from an imperative definition.

§1. Blocks of code. As this section of code opens, we are looking at the parse tree for the body of a rule or phrase definition. A request has been made to compile (a version of) this into an Inter function; the stack frame for that has been sorted out, and the function begun. Now we must compile the actual code to go into the function; the test group :invocations exercises all of this.

Here is a typical example rule, taken from the Standard Rules:

Report an actor waiting (this is the standard report waiting rule):
    if the actor is the player:
        if the action is not silent:
            now the prior named object is nothing;
            say "Time [pass]." (A);
        say "[The actor] [wait]." (B).

In the parse tree, this now looks like so:

IMPERATIVE_NT'report an actor waiting ( this is the standard report waiting'
            INVOCATION_LIST_NT'if the actor is the player'
                    INVOCATION_LIST_NT'if the action is not silent'
                        INVOCATION_LIST_NT'now the prior named object is nothing'
                        CODE_BLOCK_NT'say "Time [pass]." ( a )'
                            INVOCATION_LIST_SAY_NT'"Time [pass]." ( a )'
                CODE_BLOCK_NT'say "[The actor] [wait]." ( b )'
                    INVOCATION_LIST_SAY_NT'"[The actor] [wait]." ( b )'

This diagram has been simplified to remove the child nodes of the INVOCATION_LIST_NT and INVOCATION_LIST_SAY_NT nodes; the point is to show the structure of the code blocks here.

We work recursively down through these blocks. Note that the entire definition always hangs from a single top-level CODE_BLOCK_NT.

void CompileBlocksAndLines::full_definition_body(int statement_count, parse_node *body,
    int allow_implied_newlines) {
    CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count, body, TRUE, allow_implied_newlines);

§2. See Nonterminals (in words) for an explanation of what it means for a nonterminal such as <s-value-uncached> to be "multiplicitous": briefly, though, it causes <s-value-uncached> to return all possible interpretations of the text as a list of nodes joined by ->next_alternative, rather than returning just the single most "likely" interpretation.

int CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(int statement_count, parse_node *block, int top_level,
    int allow_implied_newlines) {
    if (block) {
        if (Node::get_type(block) != CODE_BLOCK_NT) internal_error("not a code block");
        int saved_mult = <s-value-uncached>->multiplicitous;
        <s-value-uncached>->multiplicitous = TRUE;
        int block_size = 0, singleton = FALSE;
        for (parse_node *p = block->down; p; p = p->next) block_size++;
        if ((top_level == FALSE) && (block_size == 1)) singleton = TRUE;
        for (parse_node *p = block->down; p; p = p->next)
            statement_count =
                CompileBlocksAndLines::code_line(statement_count, p, singleton,
        <s-value-uncached>->multiplicitous = saved_mult;
    return statement_count;

§3. There's nothing special about singleton blocks except that we want to issue problem messages for something like this:

    if the player is in the Hall of Mirrors:
        let the court favourite be Moliere;
    if Louis is happy:

...where the "let" phrase can have no meaningful effect, since "court favourite" is destroyed immediately after its creation. So in order to check for that, we keep the following state variable:

int compiling_single_line_block = FALSE;
int CompileBlocksAndLines::compiling_single_line_block(void) {
    return compiling_single_line_block;

§4. Individual lines of code. So, then, this is called on each child node of a CODE_BLOCK_NT in turn:

int CompileBlocksAndLines::code_line(int statement_count, parse_node *p, int as_singleton,
    int allow_implied_newlines) {
    compiling_single_line_block = as_singleton;
    control_structure_phrase *csp = Node::get_control_structure_used(p);
    parse_node *to_compile = p;
    if (ControlStructures::opens_block(csp)) {
        to_compile = p->down;
    Compile a comment about this line4.1;
    int L = EmitCode::level();
    Compile the head4.2;
    Compile the midriff4.3;
    Compile the tail4.4;
    compiling_single_line_block = FALSE;
    return statement_count;

§4.1. Compile a comment about this line4.1 =

    if (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(to_compile))) {
        WRITE_TO(C, "[%d: ", statement_count);
        TranscodeText::comment(C, Node::get_text(to_compile));
        WRITE_TO(C, "]");

§4.2. Head code for lines. We divide the work of compiling the line into "head" code, "midriff" code and then "tail" code. For the head, there's usually nothing to do, except for "say" phrases:

Compile the head4.2 =

    if (csp == say_CSP) {
        current_sentence = to_compile;
        Compile a say head4.2.1;

§4.2.1. "Say" phrases are different, since their invocation lists can contain multiple things to do (rather than multiple alternatives for one thing to do). We also need to treat the last of those things differently to the others: if it means printing literal text ending in sentence-ending punctuation, we need to infer a newline.

Compile a say head4.2.1 =

    for (parse_node *say_node = p->down, *prev_sn = NULL;
        prev_sn = say_node, say_node = say_node->next) {
        parse_node *inv = InvocationLists::first_reading(say_node->down);
        if (inv) {
            if (prev_sn) {
                if ((Node::get_say_verb(inv)) ||
                    (Node::get_say_adjective(inv)) ||
                    ((IDTypeData::is_a_say_phrase(Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv))) &&
                    Annotations::write_int(prev_sn, suppress_newlines_ANNOT, TRUE);
     warn the paragraph breaker by setting the say__p flag that this will print
        EmitCode::ref_iname(K_number, Hierarchy::find(SAY__P_HL));

§4.3. Midriff code for lines. The midriff is more work, because several of the control structure phrases need bespoke handling:

Compile the midriff4.3 =

    if (Node::get_type(to_compile) == INVOCATION_LIST_SAY_NT) Compile a say term midriff4.3.1
    else if (csp == now_CSP) Compile a now midriff4.3.2
    else if (csp == if_CSP) Compile an if midriff4.3.4
    else if (csp == switch_CSP) Compile a switch midriff4.3.5
    else if ((csp != say_CSP) && (csp != instead_CSP)) {
        if (<named-rulebook-outcome>(Node::get_text(to_compile)))
            Compile a named rulebook outline midriff4.3.3
        else Compile a standard midriff4.3.6;

§4.3.1. Compile a say term midriff4.3.1 =

    int s = allow_implied_newlines;
    if (Annotations::read_int(to_compile, suppress_newlines_ANNOT))
        allow_implied_newlines = FALSE;
    CompileBlocksAndLines::evaluate_invocation(to_compile, TRUE, INTER_VOID_VHMODE,
    allow_implied_newlines = s;

§4.3.2. Compile a now midriff4.3.2 =

    current_sentence = to_compile;
    wording XW = Node::get_text(p->down);

§4.3.3. Compile a named rulebook outline midriff4.3.3 =

    current_sentence = to_compile;
    named_rulebook_outcome *nrbo = <<rp>>;
    id_body *being_compiled = Functions::defn_being_compiled();
    if (being_compiled) {
        if (ImperativeDefinitionFamilies::goes_in_rulebooks(being_compiled->head_of_defn)
            == FALSE) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(to_compile));
                "You wrote %1, but this is a rulebook outcome which can only be used within "
                "rulebooks which recognise it. You've used it in a definition which isn't "
                "for use in rulebooks at all, so it must be wrong here.");
    rulebook *rb = NULL;
    if (RuleFamily::outcome_restrictions_waived() == FALSE)
        rb = FocusAndOutcome::rulebook_not_supporting(nrbo, Functions::defn_being_compiled());
    if (rb) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(to_compile));
        Problems::quote_wording(3, rb->primary_name);
            "You wrote %1, but this is a rulebook outcome which can only be used within "
            "rulebooks which recognise it. You've used it in a rule which has to be listed "
            "in the '%3' rulebook, where '%2' doesn't have a meaning.");

§4.3.4. When an "if" node has two children, they are the condition to test and then the code block of what to execute if the condition is true:

        CODE_BLOCK_NT {control structure: IF}
            INVOCATION_LIST_NT'if ...' {colon_block_command} {indent: 1}

When it has three children, the extra block is what to execute if the condition is false:

        CODE_BLOCK_NT {control structure: IF}
            INVOCATION_LIST_NT'if ...' {colon_block_command} {indent: 1}
            CODE_BLOCK_NT'otherwise' {colon_block_command} {indent: 1} {control structure: O}

Compile an if midriff4.3.4 =

    if (p->down->next->next) EmitCode::inv(IFELSE_BIP);
    else EmitCode::inv(IF_BIP);
        current_sentence = to_compile;
        CompileBlocksAndLines::evaluate_invocation(to_compile, FALSE, INTER_VAL_VHMODE,

            statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count,
                p->down->next, FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);
        if (p->down->next->next) {
            statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count,
                p->down->next->next, FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);

§4.3.5. Switches, like switch in C, offer code to execute in different cases depending on the "switch value". How efficiently this can be done depends on the kind of that value.

The Inter VM offers an efficient way to provide switches for single-word values, using SWITCH_BIP. But that only works if equality between two values V1 and V2 can be tested by V1 == V2. For word-valued kinds like K_number, that's fine, but not for kinds whose values are stored in allocated blocks of memory, like K_text: V1 and V2 may be pointers to different blocks of data, so that V1 != V2, even though both blocks might hold the word "doubloon" so that the values are in fact equal.

So we have to provide two completely different implementations. The harder case, involving pointers to block values, is called "pointery"; the other one is the "non-pointery" case.

Compile a switch midriff4.3.5 =

    current_sentence = to_compile;
    CompileBlocksAndLines::evaluate_invocation(to_compile, FALSE, INTER_VOID_VHMODE,


    parse_node *switch_val = CodeBlocks::switch_value();
    kind *switch_kind = Specifications::to_kind(switch_val);
    if (switch_val == NULL) internal_error("no switch value");

    int downs = 0;
    local_variable *sw_lv = NULL;
    inter_symbol *sw_v = NULL;
    int pointery = FALSE;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::uses_block_values(switch_kind)) pointery = TRUE;

    LOG("Switch val is $T for kind %u pointery %d\n", switch_val, switch_kind, pointery);

    if (pointery) Begin a pointery switch4.3.5.2
    else Begin a non-pointery switch4.3.5.5;

    int c = 0;
    for (parse_node *ow_node = p->down->next->next; ow_node; ow_node = ow_node->next, c++) {
        current_sentence = ow_node;

        if (Node::get_control_structure_used(ow_node) == default_case_CSP) {
            if (pointery) Handle a pointery default4.3.5.3
            else Handle a non-pointery default4.3.5.6;
        } else {
            if (<s-type-expression-or-value>(Node::get_text(ow_node))) {
                parse_node *case_spec = <<rp>>;
                case_spec = NonlocalVariables::substitute_constants(case_spec);
                Node::set_evaluation(ow_node, case_spec);
                if (Dash::check_value(case_spec, NULL) != NEVER_MATCH)
                    Handle a general case4.3.5.1
                    Issue problem message for unknown case value4.3.5.9;
            } else {
                Issue problem message for unknown case value4.3.5.9;

    if (pointery) End a pointery switch4.3.5.4
    else End a non-pointery switch4.3.5.7;

    if (problem_count == 0) Test for duplicate cases4.3.5.8;

§ Handle a general case4.3.5.1 =

    kind *case_kind = Specifications::to_kind(case_spec);
    instance *I = Rvalues::to_object_instance(case_spec);
    if (I) case_kind = Instances::to_kind(I);
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "(h.3) switch kind is %u, case kind is %u\n", switch_kind, case_kind);
    if ((Node::get_kind_of_value(case_spec) == NULL) && (I == NULL)) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_kind(2, switch_kind);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CaseValueNonConstant));
            "The case %1 is required to be a constant value, rather than "
            "something which has different values at different times: "
            "specifically, it has to be %2.");
        case_spec = Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant();
    } else if (Kinds::compatible(case_kind, switch_kind) != ALWAYS_MATCH) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_kind(2, case_kind);
        Problems::quote_kind(3, switch_kind);
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CaseValueMismatch));
            "The case %1 has the wrong kind of value for the possibilities "
            "being chosen from: %2 instead of %3.");
        case_spec = Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant();
    } else {
        if (pointery) Handle a pointery case4.
        else Handle a non-pointery case4.;

§ Okay, so here's the code for a pointery switch. We generate something like this:

    sw_v = ... switch value ...
    if (Equals(sw_v, v1)) {
        ... case for v1 ...
    } else {
        if (Equals(sw_v, v2)) {
            ... case for v2 ...
        } else {
            ... default case ...

We begin by ensuring that the function has a scratch local variable called sw_v, and store the switch value in it. We need not use BlkValueCopy to make an independent copy, since sw_v will be read-only: we can just copy the address of the data into sw_v with a single STORE_BIP instruction, which is much faster.

Begin a pointery switch4.3.5.2 =

    sw_lv = LocalVariables::add_switch_value(K_value);
    sw_v = LocalVariables::declare(sw_lv);
        EmitCode::ref_symbol(K_value, sw_v);
        CompileValues::to_code_val_of_kind(switch_val, switch_kind);

§ Now we handle the switch case for what to do when sw_v is case_spec. The count of downs is how many times we have called Produce::down.

Handle a pointery case4. =

    int final_flag = FALSE;
    if (ow_node->next == NULL) final_flag = TRUE;

    if (final_flag) EmitCode::inv(IF_BIP);
    else EmitCode::inv(IFELSE_BIP);
        LocalVariables::set_kind(sw_lv, switch_kind);
        parse_node *sw_v = Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING, sw_lv);
        pcalc_prop *prop = Propositions::Abstract::to_set_relation(
            R_equality, NULL, sw_v, NULL, case_spec);
        CompilePropositions::to_test_as_condition(NULL, prop);
            statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count,
                ow_node, FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);
        if (final_flag == FALSE) {
    downs += 2;

§ There need not be a default switch case, but if there is, then:

Handle a pointery default4.3.5.3 =

    statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count, ow_node,
        FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);

§ End a pointery switch4.3.5.4 =

    while (downs-- > 0) EmitCode::up();

§ And now the more efficient case, using Inter's SWITCH_BIP, CASE_BIP and DEFAULT_BIP instructions.

Begin a non-pointery switch4.3.5.5 =

        CompileValues::to_code_val_of_kind(switch_val, switch_kind);

§ Handle a non-pointery case4. =

        CompileValues::to_code_val_of_kind(case_spec, switch_kind);
            statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count,
                ow_node, FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);

§ Handle a non-pointery default4.3.5.6 =

            statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count,
                ow_node, FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);

§ End a non-pointery switch4.3.5.7 =


§ In either implementation, we perform this check:

Test for duplicate cases4.3.5.8 =

    for (parse_node *A = p->down->next->next; A; A = A->next) {
        int dup = FALSE;
        for (parse_node *B = A->next; B; B = B->next)
            if (Rvalues::compare_CONSTANT(
                Node::get_evaluation(A), Node::get_evaluation(B)))
                    dup = TRUE;
        if (dup) {
            current_sentence = A;
            Problems::quote_source(1, A);
            Problems::quote_spec(2, Node::get_evaluation(A));
                "The case %1 occurs more than once in this 'if' switch.");

§4.3.6. Compile a standard midriff4.3.6 =

    current_sentence = to_compile;
    CompileBlocksAndLines::evaluate_invocation(to_compile, FALSE, INTER_VOID_VHMODE,

§4.4. Tail code for lines. Compile the tail4.4 =

    if (csp == if_CSP) Compile an if tail4.4.1
    else if (csp == switch_CSP) Compile a switch tail4.4.2
    else if (csp == say_CSP) Compile a say tail4.4.3
    else if (csp == instead_CSP) Compile an instead tail4.4.4
    else if (ControlStructures::opens_block(csp)) Compile a loop tail4.4.5;

§4.4.1. Compile an if tail4.4.1 =


§4.4.2. Compile a switch tail4.4.2 =


§ Issue problem message for unknown case value4.3.5.9 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CaseValueUnknown),
        "I don't recognise this case value",
        "that is, the value written after the '--'.");

§4.4.3. As will be seen, two sets of labels and counters are kept here: see the inline definitions for "say if" and similar.

Compile a say tail4.4.3 =

    statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count, p,
        FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);

    WRITE_TO(SAYL, ".");
    JumpLabels::write(SAYL, I"Say");

    JumpLabels::read_counter(I"Say", 1);

    WRITE_TO(SAYXL, ".");
    JumpLabels::write(SAYXL, I"SayX");

    JumpLabels::read_counter(I"SayX", 1);

§4.4.4. Compile an instead tail4.4.4 =


§4.4.5. Compile a loop tail4.4.5 =

    statement_count = CompileBlocksAndLines::code_block(statement_count, p->down->next,
        FALSE, allow_implied_newlines);
    while (EmitCode::level() > L) EmitCode::up();

§5. Nows.

void CompileBlocksAndLines::compile_a_now(wording XW) {
    parse_node *cs = NULL;
    if (<s-condition>(XW)) cs = <<rp>>; else cs = Specifications::new_UNKNOWN(XW);
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "Now cond is $T\n", cs);
    int rv = Dash::check_condition(cs);
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "After Dash, it's $T\n", cs);

    if (Node::is(cs, TEST_PROPOSITION_NT)) {
        if (rv != NEVER_MATCH) {
            pcalc_prop *prop = Specifications::to_proposition(cs);
            if (prop) CompilePropositions::to_make_true(prop);
    } else if (Specifications::is_condition(cs))
        Issue a problem message for the wrong sort of condition in a "now"5.1
    else if (rv != NEVER_MATCH) Issue a problem message for an unrecognised condition5.2;

§5.1. Issue a problem message for the wrong sort of condition in a "now"5.1 =

    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(cs));
    if (Node::is(cs, TEST_VALUE_NT)) {
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadNow1));
            "You wrote %1, but although '%2' is a condition which it is legal to test "
            "with 'if', 'when', and so forth, it is not something I can arrange to happen "
            "on request. Whether it is true or not depends on current circumstances: so "
            "to make it true, you will need to adjust those circumstances.");
    } else if (Node::is(cs, LOGICAL_AND_NT)) {
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadNow2));
            "You wrote %1, but 'now' does not work with the condition '%2' because it can "
            "only make one wish come true at a time: so it doesn't like the 'and'. Try "
            "rewriting as two 'now's in a row?");
    } else {
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadNow3));
            "You wrote %1, but '%2' isn't the sort of condition which can be made to be "
            "true, in the way that 'the ball is on the table' can be made true with a "
            "straightforward movement of one object (the ball).");

§5.2. Issue a problem message for an unrecognised condition5.2 =

    LOG("$T\n", current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(cs));
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible));
        "You wrote %1, but '%2' isn't a condition, so I can't see how to make it true "
        "from here on.");

§6. The evaluator. This function takes the text of a line from a phrase definition, parses it, type-checks it, and finally, all being well, compiles it.

void CompileBlocksAndLines::evaluate_invocation(parse_node *p, int already_parsed,
    int vhm, int allow_implied_newlines) {
    int initial_problem_count = problem_count;

    LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "\n-- -- Evaluating <%W> -- --\n", Node::get_text(p));

    LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "(a) Parsing:\n");
    if (already_parsed) {
        parse_node *inv = InvocationLists::first_reading(p->down);
        if ((inv) &&
            (Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv)) &&
            (IDTypeData::is_a_say_phrase(Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv))) &&
            (Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv)->type_data.as_say.say_control_structure == NO_SAY_CS)) {
    } else {

    if (initial_problem_count == problem_count) {
        LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "(b) Type checking:\n$E", p->down);

    if (initial_problem_count == problem_count) {
        LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "(c) Compilation:\n$E", p->down);
        value_holster VH = Holsters::new(vhm);
        CompileInvocations::list(&VH, p->down, Node::get_text(p), allow_implied_newlines);

    if (initial_problem_count == problem_count) {
        LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "-- -- Completed -- --\n");
    } else {
        LOGIF(EXPRESSIONS, "-- -- Failed -- --\n");

§7. Validating sequences of say invocations. Test substitutions result in "say" invocations with multiple things to do: here are examples, increasing in difficulty —

"Estates are worth at least [N]."
"Platinum is shinier than [if a Colony is in the Supply Pile]gold[otherwise]silver."
"The best defence is [one of]Lighthouse[or]Moat[or]having no money[at random]."

These imply 3, 5 and 9 individual invocations, respectively. The second and third examples involve "say control structures", which means that those invocations have to connect properly with each other: thus "[if...]" can be followed by "[otherwise]", but "[otherwise]" must not occur on its own, and so on. The final example is a so-called "segmented say phrase", or SSP.

These say control structures can even be nested, within limits:

define MAX_COMPLEX_SAY_DEPTH 32  and it would be terrible coding style to approach this

§8. The following function throws problem messages for each of the many ways these say control structures can be abused. On correct code, it also annotates nodes for SSP clauses in a way which will later help Compile Invocations Inline.

void CompileBlocksAndLines::verify_say_node_list(parse_node *say_node_list) {
    int problem_issued = FALSE;
    int it_was_not_worth_adding = TextSubstitutions::is_it_worth_adding();

    int SSP_sp = 0;
    int SSP_stack_otherwised[MAX_COMPLEX_SAY_DEPTH];
    parse_node *SSP_invocations[MAX_COMPLEX_SAY_DEPTH];
    int say_if_nesting = 0;

    for (parse_node *say_node = say_node_list; say_node; say_node = say_node->next) {
        parse_node *invl = say_node->down;
        if (invl) {
            parse_node *inv;
            LOOP_THROUGH_INVOCATION_LIST(inv, invl) {
                id_body *idb = Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv);
                if ((Node::get_phrase_invoked(inv)) &&
                    This is a say invocation8.1;
    if (SSP_sp > 0) {
        if ((SSP_sp == 1) && (SSP_stack[0] == -1)) {
             an if without an end if, which uniquely is legal
        } else {
            Issue a problem message for an SSP without end8.2;
    if (it_was_not_worth_adding) TextSubstitutions::it_is_not_worth_adding();
    else TextSubstitutions::it_is_worth_adding();

§8.1. This is a say invocation8.1 =

    int say_cs, ssp_tok, ssp_ctok, ssp_pos;
    IDTypeData::get_say_data(&(idb->type_data.as_say), &say_cs, &ssp_tok, &ssp_ctok, &ssp_pos);

    if (ssp_pos == SSP_START) This starts a complex SSP8.1.1;
    if (ssp_pos == SSP_MIDDLE) This is a middle term in a complex SSP8.1.2;
    if (ssp_pos == SSP_END) This ends a complex SSP8.1.3;

    if (say_cs == IF_SAY_CS) This is a say if8.1.4;
    if ((say_cs == OTHERWISE_SAY_CS) || (say_cs == OTHERWISE_IF_SAY_CS))
        This is a say otherwise8.1.5;
    if (say_cs == END_IF_SAY_CS) This is a say end if8.1.6;

§8.1.1. This starts a complex SSP8.1.1 =

    if (SSP_sp >= MAX_COMPLEX_SAY_DEPTH) {
        Issue a problem message for an overcomplex SSP8.1.1.1;
    } else {
        SSP_invocations[SSP_sp] = inv;
        SSP_stack_otherwised[SSP_sp] = FALSE;
        SSP_stack[SSP_sp++] = ssp_tok;

§8.1.2. This is a middle term in a complex SSP8.1.2 =

    if ((SSP_sp > 0) && (SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1] != -1) &&
        (compare_words(SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1], ssp_tok))) {
        Annotations::write_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT,
            Annotations::read_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT)+1);
        Annotations::write_int(inv, ssp_segment_count_ANNOT,
            Annotations::read_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT));
    } else Issue a problem message for middle without start8.1.2.1;

§8.1.3. This ends a complex SSP8.1.3 =

    if ((SSP_sp > 0) && (SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1] != -1) &&
        (compare_words(SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1], ssp_tok))) {
        Annotations::write_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT,
            Annotations::read_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT)+1);
        Annotations::write_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_closing_segment_wn_ANNOT, ssp_ctok);
        Annotations::write_int(inv, ssp_segment_count_ANNOT,
            Annotations::read_int(SSP_invocations[SSP_sp-1], ssp_segment_count_ANNOT));
    } else Issue a problem message for end without start8.1.3.1;

§8.1.4. This is a say if8.1.4 =

    if (say_if_nesting == 0) {
        SSP_invocations[SSP_sp] = NULL;
        SSP_stack_otherwised[SSP_sp] = FALSE;
        SSP_stack[SSP_sp++] = -1;
    } else Issue a problem message for nested say if8.1.4.1;

§8.1.5. This is a say otherwise8.1.5 =

    if (say_if_nesting == 0)
        Issue a problem message for say otherwise without say if8.1.5.1
    else if (SSP_sp > 0) {
        if (SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1] != -1)
            Issue a problem message for say otherwise interleaved with another construction8.1.5.2;
        if (SSP_stack_otherwised[SSP_sp-1])
            Issue a problem message for two say otherwises8.1.5.3
        if (say_cs == OTHERWISE_SAY_CS) SSP_stack_otherwised[SSP_sp-1] = TRUE;

§8.1.6. This is a say end if8.1.6 =

    if (say_if_nesting == 0)
        Issue a problem message for say end if without say if8.1.6.1
    else if ((SSP_sp > 0) && (SSP_stack[SSP_sp-1] != -1))
        Issue a problem message for say end if interleaved with another construction8.1.6.2
    else {

§ Issue a problem message for middle without start8.1.2.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(inv));
            "In the text at %1, the text substitution '[%2]' ought to occur as the "
            "middle part of its construction, but it appears to be on its own.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for end without start8.1.3.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(inv));
            "In the text at %1, the text substitution '[%2]' ought to occur as the "
            "ending part of its construction, but it appears to be on its own.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for nested say if8.1.4.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
            "a second '[if ...]' text substitution occurs inside an existing one",
            "which makes this text too complicated. While a single text can contain "
            "more than one '[if ...]', this can only happen if the old if is finished "
            "with an '[end if]' or the new one is written '[otherwise if]'. If you "
            "need more complicated variety than this allows, the best approach is "
            "to define a new text substitution of your own ('To say fiddly details: "
            "...') and then use it in this text by including the '[fiddly details]'.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for an overcomplex SSP8.1.1.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
            "this is too complex a text substitution",
            "and needs to be simplified. You might find it helpful to define a new text "
            "substitution of your own ('To say fiddly details: ...') and then use it "
            "in this text by including the '[fiddly details]'.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for say otherwise without say if8.1.5.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
            "an '[otherwise]' text substitution occurs where there appears to be no "
            "[if ...]",
            "which doesn't make sense - there is nothing for it to be otherwise to.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for say otherwise interleaved with another construction8.1.5.2 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(inv));
            "In the text at %1, the '[%2]' ought to occur inside an [if ...], but is cut "
            "off because it has been interleaved with a complicated say construction.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for two say otherwises8.1.5.3 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
            "there's already an (unconditional) \"[otherwise]\" or \"[else]\" in this "
            "text substitution",
            "so it doesn't make sense to follow that with a further one.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for say end if without say if8.1.6.1 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
            "an '[end if]' text substitution occurs where there appears to be no "
            "[if ...]",
            "which doesn't make sense - there is nothing for it to end.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§ Issue a problem message for say end if interleaved with another construction8.1.6.2 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(inv));
            "In the text at %1, the '[%2]' is cut off from its [if ...], because it "
            "has been interleaved with a complicated say construction.");
        problem_issued = TRUE;

§8.2. Issue a problem message for an SSP without end8.2 =

    if (problem_issued == FALSE) {
        parse_node *stinv = NULL;
        int i, ssp_tok = -1;
        for (i=0; i<SSP_sp; i++)
            if (SSP_invocations[i]) {
                stinv = SSP_invocations[i];
                ssp_tok = SSP_stack[i];
        if (stinv) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, Node::get_text(stinv));
                "In the text at %1, the text substitution '[%2]' seems to start a "
                "complicated say construction, but it doesn't have a matching end.");
            if (ssp_tok >= 0) CompileBlocksAndLines::add_say_construction_to_error(ssp_tok);
            problem_issued = TRUE;

§9. These just help to construct problem messages for complex say constructions:

void CompileBlocksAndLines::add_say_construction_to_error(int ssp_tok) {
    Problems::issue_problem_segment(" %P(The construction I'm thinking of is '");
    CompileBlocksAndLines::add_scte_list(ssp_tok, SSP_START);
    Problems::issue_problem_segment(" ... ");
    CompileBlocksAndLines::add_scte_list(ssp_tok, SSP_MIDDLE);
    Problems::issue_problem_segment(" ... ");
    CompileBlocksAndLines::add_scte_list(ssp_tok, SSP_END);

void CompileBlocksAndLines::add_scte_list(int ssp_tok, int list_pos) {
    id_body *idb; int ct = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(idb, id_body) {
        wording W;
        if (IDTypeData::ssp_matches(&(idb->type_data), ssp_tok, list_pos, &W)) {
            Problems::quote_wording(3, W);
            if (ct++ == 0) Problems::issue_problem_segment("[%3]");
            else Problems::issue_problem_segment("/[%3]");