The standard hierarchy of inter code generated by Inform.

§1. Status. The Inter specification allows great flexibility in how packages are used to structure a program, and requires very little.

The Inform compiler, however, uses this flexibility in a systematic way, as follows.

§2. Global area and main. Inform opens with a version number, then declares package types (as needed below), issues pragmas for I6 compiler memory settings, then declares primitives for the standard Inform set: it always declares the same set of primitives on every run.

As required, the rest of the program is in the main package, which has type _plain.

§3. Compilation modules. Inform divides up its material into compilation modules, as follows. Each one becomes an inter package of type _module, and is a subpackage of main.

§4. Except for the template module, which is necessarily more free-form, each module package then contains some or all of a standard set of subpackages (and nothing else). Suppose the module name is M. The range of possible subpackages is:


§5. Function packages. All functions compiled by Inform 7 are expressed in inter code by packages of type _function. The only externally visible symbol is call, which is what is invoked. For example:

    symbol X --> /main/kinds/kind_6/gpr_fn/call
            inv X

invokes the function defined by the package:


(Inform conventionally uses names ending in _fn for function packages.) Functions assimilated from template files are almost exactly similar, except that rather than call the call symbol has the name of the original template function. For example, RELATION_TY_Distinguish is assimilated as:


It is possible for function packages to avoid defining any actual code, by defining call as an alias for a routine which we'll simply have to assume will be present at eventual compile time. For example:

    package print_fn _function
        symbol public misc call `REAL_NUMBER_TY_Say`

More often, however, and always for functions derived from Inform 7 source text, the package contains a code subpackage, and then defines call to be that code package:

    package gpr_fn _function
        package code_block_1 _code
        constant call K_phrase_nothing____nothing = code_block_1

In fact, though, the package can be much more elaborate. If the code needs to manipulate or refer to data not expressible in single words, such as lists or texts, then it will probably need to create and subsequently destroy a stack frame. The mechanism will then be:

    package gpr_fn _function
        package code_block_1 _code
        constant kernel K_phrase_nothing____nothing = code_block_1
        package code_block_2 _code
        constant call K_phrase_nothing____nothing = code_block_2

The "shell" routine of code, the one receiving the call, creates a stack fram and then calls the "kernel" routine, which does the actual work; when that returns to the "shell", the stack frame is disposed of again.

Function packages will also contain definitions of any static data they need: for example, if an Inform 7 phrase contains a reference to the constant { 1 , 2 , 3 } then a function package for it will define a constant with a name such as block_constant_1. In short, as far as possible, function packages are self-contained.