How static data, variables and constants are expressed in textual inter programs.

§1. Data packages. To recap: a file of textual inter has a brief global section at the top, and is then a hierarchiy of package definitions. Each package begins with a symbols table, but then has contents which depend on its type. This section covers the possible contents for a data package, that is, one whose type is not _code. Note that, in particular, the main package is always a data package, so there must be at least one in the program.

"Data" is a slightly loose phrase for what data packages contain: it includes metadata, and indeed almost anything other than actual executable code. Data packages, unlike code packages, can also contain other packages (of either sort).

§2. Kinds and values. Inter is a very loosely typed language, in the sense that it is possible to require that values conform to particular data types. As in Inform, data types are called "kinds" in this context (which usefully distinguishes them from "types" of packages, a completely different concept).

No kinds are built in: all must be declared before use. However, these declarations are able to say something about them, so they aren't entirely abstract. The syntax is:


The NAME, like all names, goes into the owning package's symbol table; other packages wanting to use this kind will have to have an external symbol pointing to this definition.

CONTENT must be one of the following:

For example:

    constant C_egtable_col1 K_column_of_number = { 1, 4, 9, 16 }
    kind k_list_of_bool list of k_boolean
    kind K_grammatical_tense enum

§3. In the remainder of this specification, VALUE means either the name of a defined constant (see below), or else a literal.

A literal int32, int16, int8, or int2 can be written as any of the following:

For example, -231, 0x21BC and 0b1001001 are all valid. If the literal supplied is too large to fit into the kind, an error is thrown.

A literal list is writtem in braces: { V1, V2, ..., Vn }, where V1, V2 and so on must all be acceptable literals for the entry kind of the list. For example, { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }. The same notation is also accepted for a struct, a column or a table. For example:

    constant C_egtable_col1 K_column_of_number = { 1, 4, 9, 16 }
    constant C_egtable_col2 K_column_of_colour = { I_green, undef, I_red }
    constant C_egtable K_table = { C_egtable_col1, C_egtable_col2 }

A list-like notation can also be used for a "calculated literal". This is a single value, but which we may not be able to evaluate at inter generation time. For example, if we do not yet know the value of X, we can write sum{ X, 1 } to mean X+1. A present, addition is the only operation catered for in this way.

A literal text is written in double quotes, "like so". All characters within such text must have Unicode values of 32 or above, except for tab (9), writtem \t, and newline (10), written \n. In addition, \" denotes a literal double-quote, and \\ a literal backslash, but these are the only backslash notations at present allowed.

There are then a number of notations which look like texts, prefixed by indicative characters.

r"text" makes a literal real number: the text is required to take the same form as a literal real number in Inform 6. The result is valid for use in an int32, where it is interpreted as a float. For example, r"$+1.027E+5".

dw"text" is meaningful only for interactive fiction, and represents the command parser dictionary entry for the word text. This is equivalent to the Inform 6 constant 'text//'. dwp"text" is the same, but pluralised, equivalent to Inform 6 'text//p'. Again, these can be stored in an int32.

&"text" makes a literal value called a "glob". This is not a respectful term, and nor does it deserve one. A glob is a raw Inform 6 expression, which can't (easily) be compiled for any other target, but is simply copied literally through. Its kind is unchecked, so it can be used absolutely anywhere.

^"text" is not really a value at all, and is called a "divider". This is really a form of comment used in the middle of long lists. Thus the list { 1, 2, ^"predictable start", 3721, -11706 } is actually a list of four values but which should be compiled on two lines with the comment in between:

    1, 2, ! predictable start
    3721, -11706

(As unnecessary as this feature seems, it does make the code produced by Inform look a lot more readable when it finally reaches Inform 6.)

The literal undef can be used to mean "this is not a value".

Convention. It is intended that Inform will never make use of globs, but at present about 30 globs persist in typical inter produced by Inform. None of these are generated by Inform 7 as such: they all arise from the oddball expressions in the template code which the code generator can't

Inform generates undef values to represent missing entries in tables, but otherwise makes no use of them.

§4. Kinds have "default values": if some piece of storage has to hold a value of kind K, but that value is not specified, then the default is used. For example, the default int32 is zero.

This can be controlled using defaultvalue KIND = VALUE. For example,

    defaultvalue K_boolean = 0

§5. Enumerations and instances. As noted above, some kinds marked as enum are enumerated. This means that they can have only a finite number of possible values, each of which is represented in textual inter by a different name.

These values are called "instances" and must also be declared. For example:

    kind K_grammatical_tense enum
    instance I_present_tense K_grammatical_tense
    instance I_past_tense K_grammatical_tense

It is also possible to specify numerical values to be used at run-time:

    instance I_present_tense K_grammatical_tense = 1

If so, then such values must all be different (for all instances of that kind). Enum values must fit into an int16.

Enumerations, but no other kinds, may have "subkinds", as in this example:

    kind K_object enum
    kind K1_room <= K_object

This creates a new enum kind K1_room. Values of this are a subset of the values for its parent, K_object: thus, an instance of K1_room is automatically also an instance of K_object. This new subkind can itself have subkinds, and so on.

§6. Properties of instances. A "property" is a named value attached to all instances of a given kind, and must be created before use with:

    property NAME KIND

which declares that NAME is a property whose value has the given KIND; however, it doesn't say which kind(s) can have this property, so we also have to give one or more "permissions", in the form

    permission NAME KIND

And once that is done, actual values can be assigned with:

    propertyvalue NAME OWNER = VALUE

where OWNER can either be the name of a whole kind, in which case this sets the default value of the property for instances of that kind, or else the name of a specific instance, in which case this sets just the property of a single thing. In either case, it is an error to do this unless the necessary permission has been established.

The given value is just the initial state; at run-time, it can be changed to another value (of the same kind).

For example:

    kind K_object enum
    kind K_text text
    property P_printed_name K_text
    permission P_printed_name K_object
    propertyvalue P_printed_name K_object = "something"
    instance I_ball K_object
    propertyvalue P_printed_name I_ball = "beach ball"

§7. Constants. A constant definition assigns a name to a given value: where that name is used, it evaluates to this value. The syntax is:

    constant NAME KIND = VALUE

where the value given must itself be a constant or literal, and must conform to the given kind. As always, this is conformance only in the very weak system of type checking used by Inter: if either the value or the constant has an unchecked kind, then the test is automatically passed.

For example,

    kind K_number int32
    constant favourite_prime K_number = 16339

Constants can have any kind, including enumerated ones, but if so then that does not make them instances. For example,

    kind K_colour enum
    instance C_red K_colour
    instance C_green K_colour
    constant C_favourite K_colour = C_green

does not make C_favourite a new possible colour: it's only a synonym for the existing C_green.

§8. If a constant needs to refer to a function, we seem to run into the limitation that there's no notation for literal functions. In fact there is, though: that's what code packages are. For example,

    kind K_number int32
    kind K_number_to_number K_number -> K_number
    package R_101_B _code
    constant R_101 K_number_to_number = R_101_B

defines the constant R_101. Note that R_101_B is not a value, because package names are not values; but R_101 on the other hand is a value, and can be stored and used at run-time like any other value.

§9. Global variables. Variables are like properties, except that each exists only as a single value, not attached to any instance in particular: it makes no sense to ask who the owner is. Variables must be declared as:

    variable NAME KIND = VALUE

The given value is just the initial state; at run-time, it can be changed to
another value (of the same kind). For example,

variable V_score K_number = 10

§10. Metadata. This provides important semantic markup, even though it has no direct effect on the code generated. Metadata is specified by constant definitions, but where the symbol name begins with the magic character ^. For example:

    constant ^name = "blue book"

Metadata constants compile to nothing, and cannot be equated to symbols in other packages, nor vice versa.

§11. Append and Link. Two rather ugly constructs are currently needed in order to implement very low-level features of Inform 7, at points in I7's design where the normally subterranean presence of Inform 6 pokes up above the surface:

append NAME "RAW I6 CODE" tells Inter to add the given raw code to whatever it compiles as the definition (in I6) of whatever the symbol NAME refers to. For example, the I7 source text:

Include (- has door, -) when defining a door.

results in the following inter being generated:

    append K4_door " has door, \n"

link STAGE "SEGMENT" "PART" "CONTENT" "OTHER" tells Inter that it needs to make an alteration to the Inform 6 code inside the I6T template file SEGMENT, at heading PART; the STAGE must be one of early, before, instead or after. For example:

    link after "Output.i6t" "I6 Inclusions" "\n[ LITTLE_USED_DO_NOTHING_R; rfalse; ];\n" ""

§12. Nop. The "nop" statement has no textual representation. It does nothing, and exists only as a convenience used by Inform when it needs to write simultaneously to multiple positions within the same node's child list — the idea being that a nop statement acts as a divider. For example, by placing the A write position just before a nop N, and the B write position just after, Inform will generate A1, A2, A3, ..., N, B1, B2, ..., rather than (say) A1, B1, A2, A3, B2, ... The extra N is simply ignored in code generation, so it causes no problems to have it.