Once the assertions have all been read and reduced to inferences, we try to complete our model world.

§1. Introduction. World-building has five stages, written with Roman numerals I to V in this source code. The logic in this section is all quite simple, but plugins are allowed to intervene at each of the five stages, bringing domain-specific wisdom to the process.

define WORLD_STAGE_I     1   Deduce kinds for object instances
define WORLD_STAGE_II    2   First chance to add further properties or relationships
define WORLD_STAGE_III   3   Second chance to add further properties or relationships
define WORLD_STAGE_IV    4   Perform mutual consistency checks
define WORLD_STAGE_V     5   Post-game: only implementation details can be added
int current_model_world_stage = 0;  not yet building the world model

void World::ask_plugins_at_stage(int S) {
    if (S != current_model_world_stage + 1) internal_error("Stage mistimed");
    current_model_world_stage = S;

int World::current_building_stage(void) {
    return current_model_world_stage;

§2. Stage I. Deducing the kind of any object whose kind is not known. The core compiler has already done the best it can, but then it lacks domain-specific understanding. So the only business done is by plugins, which understand certain kinds and relationships better.

Some instances change their kinds in Stage I, and this can result in further creations by assembly sentences like "A handle is part of every door". Because of that, Stage I takes place at the end of traverse 2 of the source text and, uniquely, gets the opportunity to add fresh sentences to the source — thus extending the traverse. But by the end of Stage I, all kinds are fixed, and no further instances can be created.

void World::deduce_object_instance_kinds(void) {

§3. Stages II and III. This is an opportunity for plugins to add further properties or relationships on the basis of contextual understanding. Two stages, and thus two opportunities, are provided here to avoid timing issues where one plugin has to act earlier than another.

If a plugin is going to change the compilation order of the objects (as the spatial-model plugin does), it must do so during Stage III, not Stage II.

void World::stages_II_and_III(void) {
    inference_subject *infs;
    LOOP_OVER(infs, inference_subject) {
    LOOP_OVER(infs, inference_subject)

§4. Stage IV. This is for consistency checks or to store away useful data, but where nothing in the model may be changed — no properties or relationships may be added.

void World::stage_IV(void) {
    inference_subject *infs;
    LOOP_OVER(infs, inference_subject) {
        Check that properties are permitted4.1;
        Check that properties are not contradictory4.2;

§4.1. These two checks may seem a little odd. After all, we've been throwing out impossible inferences with problem messages all along, while reading the source text. Why not perform these checks then, too?

The answer is that both depend not only on the subject of the inferences made, but also on what that subject inherits from. Suppose we are told:

The cup is in the Yellow Cupboard. The Cupboard is lighted.

When we make the "lighted" inference, we know for certain what subject it's about — the Yellow Cupboard — but not where this lives in the inference-subject hierarchy, because that depends on the kind of the Cupboard. Is it a room, or a container? We don't yet know (and won't until Stage I of model-completion), so we aren't in a position to judge whether or not it's permitted to have the property "lighted". This is why the check is postponed until after Stage I, and it seems natural to perform it here in Stage IV, so that we also catch any accidents due to bugs in plugins which add inconsistent properties.

A nameless property added in Stages II and III does not need permission.

Check that properties are permitted4.1 =

    inference *inf;
    KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, infs, property_inf) {
        property *prn = PropertyInferences::get_property(inf);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(prn->name))
            if (PropertyPermissions::find(infs, prn, TRUE) == NULL)
                    infs, inf, "is not allowed to exist",
                    "because you haven't said it is. What properties something can "
                    "have depends on what kind of thing it is: see the Index for "

§4.2. The following contradiction checks do not apply to properties added in Stages II and III, since those are often Inter hacks added for run-time convenience, and don't have to follow the I7 rules.

Check that properties are not contradictory4.2 =

    inference *narrow;
    KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(narrow, infs, property_inf) {
        if (Inferences::during_stage(narrow) == 0) {
            property *prn = PropertyInferences::get_property(narrow);
            int sign = 1;
            if (Inferences::get_certainty(narrow) < 0) sign = -1;
            Look for clashes concerning this property from wider inferences4.2.1;
            if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) &&
                (EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn))) {
                prn = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn);
                sign = -sign;
                Look for clashes concerning this property from wider inferences4.2.1;

§4.2.1. Look for clashes concerning this property from wider inferences4.2.1 =

    inference_subject *boss = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs);
    while (boss) {
        inference *wide;
        KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(wide, boss, property_inf)
            if (Inferences::during_stage(wide) == 0)
                if (prn == PropertyInferences::get_property(wide))
                    Check that these differently scoped inferences do not clash4.2.1.1;
        boss = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(boss);

§ It's never a problem when a vague fact about something general is contradicted by a fact about something specific; the problem comes with something like this:

A door is always open. The Marble Portal is a closed door.

Here the "wide" property inference, for the "door" kind, is CERTAIN_CE rather than LIKELY_CE, and so we can't allow the "narrow" inference, about the Portal, to stand.

Check that these differently scoped inferences do not clash4.2.1.1 =

    int abcw = Inferences::get_certainty(wide); if (abcw < 0) abcw = -abcw;
    if (abcw == CERTAIN_CE) {
        int clash = FALSE;
        int wide_sign = 1; if (Inferences::get_certainty(wide) < 0) wide_sign = -1;
        if (Properties::is_either_or(prn) == FALSE) {
            parse_node *narrow_val = PropertyInferences::get_value(narrow);
            parse_node *wide_val = PropertyInferences::get_value(wide);
            if (Rvalues::compare_CONSTANT(narrow_val, wide_val) == FALSE) {
                LOG("Clash of $P and $P\n  $I\n  $I\n",
                    narrow_val, wide_val, narrow, wide);
                clash = TRUE;
        if (sign != wide_sign) clash = (clash)?FALSE:TRUE;
        if (clash) {
            int abcn = Inferences::get_certainty(narrow); if (abcn < 0) abcn = -abcn;
            if (abcn == CERTAIN_CE)
                 Issue a problem message for clash with wider inference4.

§ Issue a problem message for clash with wider inference4. =

    LOG("Checking infs $j compatible with infs $j for property $Y:\n  $I\n  $I\n",
        infs, boss, prn, narrow, wide);
        Inferences::where_inferred(narrow), Inferences::where_inferred(wide), infs,
        "therefore has to have two contradictory states of the same property at once",
        "which is impossible. When a kind's definition says that something is 'always' "
        "true, there is no way to override that for particular things of the kind.");

§5. Stage V. A final chance to add properties which may assist the run-time implementation of whatever a plugin is concerned with, but which is not allowed to make changes to the model as it would be understood by the author.

For example, the Instance Counting (in runtime) plugin adds low-level properties to improve run-time performance, but they have no names and cannot be referred to or accessed by code written in Inform 7; they exist at the level of Inter only.

void World::stage_V(void) {