To make sure certain symbol names translate into globally unique target symbols.

§1. Inter frequently contains multiple symbols with different meanings but the same name: for example, the active part of a function package is referred to with the symbol call, so Inter trees tend to be full of symbols called that.

This overlap of names is not convenient when we eventually generate code from the Inter tree: we want different meanings to produce different "translated" names. (Recall that a symbol has a "translated" name as well as its real name; the "translated" name is the identifier used for it in the code we generated.)

So the following gives unique translated names to symbols marked with the MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF bit. So for example

    call        TRUE                --
    call        TRUE                --
    example     FALSE               --
    call        TRUE                --

will become

    call        FALSE               call_U1
    call        FALSE               call_U2
    example     FALSE               --
    call        FALSE               call_U3

Only the translation changes, not the name itself, which remains call.

Note that this operation is done at the end of linking because these call symbols (or whatever) may occur in multiple compilation units; it would be no good to uniquely number them within each kit, for example, because then each kit would have its own call_U1, causing a collision.

void MakeIdentifiersUniqueStage::create_pipeline_stage(void) {
        MakeIdentifiersUniqueStage::run_pipeline_stage, NO_STAGE_ARG, FALSE);

int MakeIdentifiersUniqueStage::run_pipeline_stage(pipeline_step *step) {
    inter_tree *I = step->ephemera.tree;
    dictionary *D = Dictionaries::new(16, FALSE);
    InterTree::traverse(I, MakeIdentifiersUniqueStage::visitor, D, NULL, 0);
    return TRUE;

§2. The dictionary efficiently connects names such as call to an integer count for each one, but foundation does not provide dictionaries from texts to integers, only to structures allocated by the memory manager: so we must use the following.

typedef struct uniqueness_count {
    int count;
} uniqueness_count;

§3. Note that if S is equated to some other symbol, then its translated name will never matter, because identifiers in the eventual code will come from the symbol S is equated to. So we needn't bother to have a unique translation in that case.

void MakeIdentifiersUniqueStage::visitor(inter_tree *I, inter_tree_node *P, void *state) {
    dictionary *D = (dictionary *) state;
    if (P->W.instruction[ID_IFLD] == PACKAGE_IST) {
        inter_package *Q = InterPackage::at_this_head(P);
        inter_symbols_table *ST = InterPackage::scope(Q);
            if ((Wiring::is_wired(S) == FALSE) &&
                (InterSymbol::get_flag(S, MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF))) {
                Give this symbol a unique translation3.1;
                InterSymbol::clear_flag(S, MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF);

§3.1. Give this symbol a unique translation3.1 =

    text_stream *N = S->symbol_name;
    uniqueness_count *U = NULL;
    if (Dictionaries::find(D, N)) {
        U = (uniqueness_count *) Dictionaries::read_value(D, N);
    } else {
        U = CREATE(uniqueness_count);
        U->count = 0;
        Dictionaries::create(D, N);
        Dictionaries::write_value(D, N, (void *) U);
    WRITE_TO(T, "%S_U%d", N, U->count);
    InterSymbol::set_translate(S, T);