How dialogue beat programs are stored and interpreted.

§1. D-code. Each dialogue beat contains a program which lays out the structure of its lines and choices. This program is stored in a simple bytecode which we'll call "D-code", for the sake of giving it a name, though it is very rudimentary and would not even be Turing-complete except for the ability to apply conditions and state changes by "now" and "if" side-effects.

A program consists of a sequence of 0 or more two-word instructions terminated by the word 0. Each instruction has an opcode word followed by an operand word. The opcode word is encoded as 100*I + D, where I is an instruction code ranging from 1 upwards, and D is the depth within the dialogue tree, ranging from 0 upwards. Finding 0 in the opcode word position therefore unambiguously marks the end, since I cannot be 0 even though D can.

Depth levels correspond to the tree structure in the original dialogue. This is not quite the same as the number of tab stops in the source code because Inform regroups choice nodes under decision nodes (one for each decision to be taken), which are implicit in the source text, and therefore don't appear in the tab indentation. This effectively pushes all choice nodes out by 1 in depth, compared to the tab indentation level, each time a nested decision is reached.

D begins at 0, is never negative, and is never more than 1 greater than the previous instruction. The Inform compiler never generates D values greater than about 25 (see Dialogue Nodes (in if)), so there is no danger of D reaching 100 and corrupting the I value.

There are only three instruction codes:

LINE_DCODEI means a dialogue line, and the operand then represents the enumerated value for the dialogue line.

CHOICE_DCODEI similarly represents a choice. All such instructions are immediate children of a DECISION_DCODEI instruction.

DECISION_DCODEI is a decision point, and the operand is the "decision type", one of the *_DCODEDT values. All immediate children of a DECISION_DCODEI instruction are CHOICE_DCODEIs.

Constant LINE_DCODEI = 1;
Constant CHOICE_DCODEI = 2;

Constant BLANK_DCODEDT = 1;
Constant FLOW_DCODEDT = 4;

§2. Containment. This enables us to implement the test for whether a given line or choice occurs in a beat, because we need only look to see whether it occurs as operand in the instructions for the beat's program.

DirectorTestContainment(dl, db, DIALOGUE_LINE_TY, DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY) tests whether the line dl occurs in the beat db, returning true or false.

DirectorTestContainment(dc, db, DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY, DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY) tests whether the choice dc occurs in the beat db, returning true or false.

[ DirectorTestContainment X db tX tb program pc instruction wanted;
    if (tb ~= DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY) { print "*** Not a db ***"; rfalse; }
    if (tX ~= DIALOGUE_LINE_TY or DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY) { print "*** Not a dl/dc ***"; rfalse; }
    if ((db < 1) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse;
    if (tX == DIALOGUE_LINE_TY) {
        if ((X < 1) || (X > NO_DIALOGUE_LINES)) rfalse;
        wanted = LINE_DCODEI;
    } else {
        if ((X < 1) || (X > NO_DIALOGUE_CHOICES)) rfalse;
        wanted = CHOICE_DCODEI;
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(db);
    pc = 0;
    instruction = (program-->pc)/100;
    while (instruction) {
        if ((instruction == wanted) && (program-->(pc+1) == X)) rtrue;
        pc = pc + 2;
        instruction = (program-->pc)/100;

[ DirectorBeatOpeningLine db program pc instruction;
    if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) "*** no beat ***";
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(db);
    pc = 0;
    instruction = (program-->pc)/100;
    while (instruction) {
        if (instruction == LINE_DCODEI) return program-->(pc+1);
        pc = pc + 2;
        instruction = (program-->pc)/100;
    "*** no line ***";

§3. Disassembly. Purely for debugging purposes:

[ DirectorDisassemble db pc which depth i program operand;
    if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) return;
    print (PrintDialogueBeatName) db;
    print " (";
    if (DirectorBeatAvailable(db)) print "available"; else print "unavailable";
    print ", ";
    if (DirectorBeatRelevant(db)) print "relevant"; else print "irrelevant";
    print ", ";
    if (DirectorBeatAccessible(db, player)) print "accessible"; else print "inaccessible";
    print ", ";
    if (GProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, performed)) print "performed"; else print "unperformed";
    print ", ";
    if (GProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, recurring)) print "recurring"; else print "non-recurring";
    print ", ";
    if (GProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, spontaneous)) print "spontaneous"; else print "unspontaneous";
    print "):^";
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(db);
    if (program) {
        pc = 0;
        while (program-->pc) {
            which = (program-->pc)/100;
            depth = (program-->pc)%100;
            operand = (program-->(pc+1));
            for (i=0: i<depth: i++) print "  ";
            DirectorDisassembleInstruction(which, operand);
            pc = pc + 2;
[ DirectorDisassembleInstruction which operand;
    switch (which) {
        LINE_DCODEI: print "LINE ", (PrintDialogueLineName) operand, "^";
        CHOICE_DCODEI: print "CHOICE ", (PrintDialogueChoiceName) operand, "^";
        DECISION_DCODEI: print "DECISION of type ", operand, "^";
        default: print "*** Unimplemented ***^";

§4. The D-stack. The interpreter for D-code has to perform beats (and therefore their programs) in a way which can easily nest, since one beat can call for another to be performed and then continue. Moreover, it also sometimes calls itself to interpret just a subtree from a full program. Either way, it needs to keep its state on a stack so that it can safely interrupt what it's doing, call itself, and then resume where it left off. The stack consists of a suite of arrays, as follows:

DirectorStackBeat holds the beat whose program is being interpreted.

DirectorStackPC holds the current PC ("program counter"), which counts in words from the start of the program, which is position 0. It therefore increases by 2 to advance by one instruction.

DirectorStackMin holds the minimum instruction level for the subtree being interpreted. If the whole tree is being interpreted, this is 0.

DirectorStackStart is a flag which is true if and only if the current subtree was the entire tree, so that execution began from PC 0.

DirectorStackDecisionPC holds the PC position of the last instruction node of DECISION_DCODEI type, that is, the last decision; or -1 if no decision node has been reached in this subtree yet.

DirectorStackLastPC holds the PC position before the most recent instruction was executed, or 0 if none has yet been executed.

DirectorStackChoices holds a valid Inform list, which in turn holds the set of choices in the current decision. If no decision has been reached in the execution of the subtree, the list is empty.

DirectorStackLastSpeaker holds the identity of the last person/object to be the speaker in a line which was actually performed (and note that not all LINE_DCODEI instructions result in a performance). It is nothing if no line has been performed in (this performance of) the current beat, except perhaps for narration.

DirectorStackLastInterlocutor similarly holds the identity of the interlocutor for that line. It is nothing if no line has been performed in (this performance of) the current beat, except perhaps for narration, or if the most recently performed line had no interlocutor.


Global director_sp = 0;
Array DirectorStackStart --> MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING;
Array DirectorStackDecisionPC --> MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING;
Array DirectorStackChoices --> MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING;
Array DirectorStackLastSpeaker --> MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING;
Array DirectorStackLastInterlocutor --> MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING;

§5. Reading the current choice list. The stack begins empty, except that we arrange for there always to be a valid Inform list in DirectorStackChoices-->0, so that if the phrase "current choice list" is used at a time when no dialogue has ever run, it will still produce an empty list in a typesafe way.

[ DirectorCurrentChoiceList i L;
    if (director_sp == 0) {
        if (DirectorStackChoices-->0 == 0) {
            DirectorStackChoices-->0 = BlkValueCreate(LIST_OF_TY);
            BlkValueWrite(DirectorStackChoices-->0, LIST_ITEM_KOV_F, DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY);
        return DirectorStackChoices-->0;
    return DirectorStackChoices-->(director_sp-1);

§6. Tracing the stack. For debugging only, of course.

[ DirectorTraceStack j program pc instruction depth;
    if (director_sp > 0) {
        print "[";
        for (j=0: j<director_sp: j++) {
            if (j > 0) print " --> ";
            if (DirectorStackStart-->j) print "$";
            print (PrintDialogueBeatName) DirectorStackBeat-->j;
            pc = DirectorStackPC-->j;
            if (pc == -1) print "+return";
            else {
                program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(DirectorStackBeat-->j);
                instruction = (program-->pc)/100;
                depth = (program-->pc)%100;
                if (DirectorStackDecisionPC-->j >= 0)
                    print "[*", DirectorStackDecisionPC-->j, "]";
                print "+", pc, " ", "L", depth, "/", DirectorStackMin-->j, " ";
                DirectorDisassembleInstruction(instruction, program-->(pc+1));
            if (LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(DirectorStackChoices-->j) > 0) {
                print " {";
                print "}";
        print "]^";
    } else {
        print "[Director stack empty]^";

§7. Pushing and popping. Two functions exist to create a new "subtree stack frame", pushing, or to destroy an existing one, popping the stack.

DirectorPush must specify the beat, the minimum instruction level to execute (by default 0), and the initial pc (position in the program) to execute from (by default 0). Within such a subtree, the D-code interpreter will run from the PC position until it hits an instruction of too low a level, or until it hits the end of the program. Thus, it can execute either the entire dialogue tree, or any well-formed subtree of it.

[ DirectorPush db min pc start_flag;
    if (director_sp >= MAX_BEAT_PERFORMANCE_NESTING)
        "*** Director stack overflow: too many open beats ***";
    DirectorStackBeat-->director_sp = db;
    DirectorStackDecisionPC-->director_sp = -1;
    DirectorStackLastPC-->director_sp = 0;
    DirectorStackPC-->director_sp = pc;
    DirectorStackMin-->director_sp = min;
    if (pc == 0) DirectorStackStart-->director_sp = true;
    else DirectorStackStart-->director_sp = false;
    DirectorStackLastSpeaker-->director_sp = nothing;
    DirectorStackLastInterlocutor-->director_sp = nothing;
    if (DirectorStackChoices-->director_sp == 0) {
        DirectorStackChoices-->director_sp = BlkValueCreate(LIST_OF_TY);
        BlkValueWrite(DirectorStackChoices-->director_sp, LIST_ITEM_KOV_F, DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY);
    } else {
        LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(DirectorStackChoices-->director_sp, 0);
    if (debug_dialogue >= 2) { print "-- Push to: "; DirectorTraceStack(); }

[ DirectorPop;
    if (debug_dialogue >= 2) { print "-- Pop to: "; DirectorTraceStack(); }

§8. Flow operations. DirectorAgain implements the flow marker <-; DirectorStop implements -> stop. Both involve popping, either back to the last decision point (which means adjusting the PC as well) or to the last time a new beat began.

[ DirectorAgain;
    while (director_sp > 0) {
        if (debug_dialogue >= 2) { print "-- again at: "; DirectorTraceStack(); }
        if (DirectorStackDecisionPC-->(director_sp-1) >= 0) {
            DirectorStackPC-->(director_sp-1) = DirectorStackDecisionPC-->(director_sp-1);

[ DirectorStop enough;
    while (director_sp > 0) {
        enough = false;
        if (DirectorStackStart-->(director_sp-1)) enough = true;
        if (enough) break;

§9. Main interpreter loop. Calling DirectorRun() lets the interpreter rip, running until the end of the current subtree, or some catastrophe happened, or we need to wait for the player to enter a command into the command parser. (In the latter case we can resume where we left off with just by calling DirectorRun() again.)

Note that this loop should never hit a CHOICE_DCODEI instruction, because those are always underneath DECISION_DCODEI instructions — which it does hit.

[ DirectorRun program pc last_pc instruction operand depth next_instruction sc;
    while (true) {
        There must be a program
        if (director_sp == 0) return;

        The story must not have finished
        if (deadflag) { director_sp = 0; return; }

        If there are choices to be made, we have to wait for the command
        input loop and some sort of action to be generated, so return for now
        if (LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(DirectorStackChoices-->(director_sp-1)) > 0) return;

        If the beat is tied to a scene and the scene has itself finished for
        unrelated reasons, end the beat now
        sc = DirectorBeatGetScene(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1));
        if ((sc) && (scene_status-->(sc - 1) == 0)) { DirectorStop(); return; }

        pc = DirectorStackPC-->(director_sp-1);
        if (pc == -1) { DirectorPop(); return; }
        last_pc = pc;
        DirectorStackLastPC-->(director_sp-1) = last_pc;

        Fetch and decode the next instruction
        program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1));
        instruction = (program-->pc)/100;
        depth = (program-->pc)%100;
        operand = program-->(pc+1);

        if (instruction == 0) { DirectorPop(); return; }
        if (depth < DirectorStackMin-->(director_sp-1)) { DirectorPop(); return; }

        Advance the PC to the next instruction to be read after this one, or
        to -1 if there is no next instruction in the current subtree
        pc = pc + 2;
        while ((program-->pc)%100 > depth) pc = pc + 2;
        if (program-->pc == 0) pc = -1;
        else if (((program-->pc)%100) < DirectorStackMin-->(director_sp-1)) pc = -1;

        if (debug_dialogue >= 2) {
            print "-- Instruction (";
            if (pc >= 0) print "next is ", pc; else print "last";
            print "): "; DirectorTraceStack();

        Store the next PC position
        DirectorStackPC-->(director_sp-1) = pc;

        switch (instruction) {
                DirectorStackDecisionPC-->(director_sp-1) = last_pc;
                print "*** Encountered CHOICE_DCODEI ***^";
            default: "*** Bad D-code instruction ***";

§10. The line instruction. This tries to perform the given line, and if it succeeds, then executes the subtree beneath it; the first node of which will be the next instruction in the program if and only if that has depth greater by 1 than the current node.

[ DirectorExecuteLine dl last_pc program depth next_instruction;
    if (director_sp == 0) rfalse;
    last_pc = DirectorStackLastPC-->(director_sp-1);
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1));
    depth = (program-->last_pc)%100;
    if (DirectorPerformLine(dl)) {
        next_instruction = program-->(last_pc+2);
        if ((next_instruction) && (next_instruction % 100 == depth+1)) {
            DirectorPush(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1), depth+1, last_pc+2);

§11. The decision instruction. The immediate children of the instruction will all be choice instructions, and the first task is to obtain them. If there are none, there's nothing to decide and we silently return.

We deal with TEXTUAL_DCODEDT and FLOW_DCODEDT decisions immediately, and empty the choices list as soon as we can. Perhaps surprisingly, we do nothing at all about a PARSED_COMMAND_DCODEDT. This function call nevertheless has an effect because it leaves the choices list on the stack, where it will cause the D-code interpreter to halt waiting for a command, to be re-entered later on when actions are processed.

[ DirectorExecuteDecision decision dc count n spc list;
    if (director_sp == 0) return;
    list = DirectorStackChoices-->(director_sp-1);
    count = LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(list);
    if (debug_dialogue >= 2) {
        if (count == 0) {
            print "-- no available options^";
        } else if (decision == 2 or 3) {
            print "-- available options: "; LIST_OF_TY_Say(list); print "^";
    if (count == 0) return;

    switch (decision) {
            if (OFFERING_A_DIALOGUE_CHOICE == 0) "*** no activity ***";
            else {
                BeginActivity(OFFERING_A_DIALOGUE_CHOICE, list);
                if ((ForActivity(OFFERING_A_DIALOGUE_CHOICE, list)) &&
                    (RulebookFailed())) rfalse;
                EndActivity(OFFERING_A_DIALOGUE_CHOICE, list);
            n = DirectorPickANumber(count);
            dc = LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(list, n);
            LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(list, 0);
            style bold;
            style roman;
            print "^";
            say__p = 1;
            dc = LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(list, 1);
            LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(list, 0);
        default: "*** unimplemented dtd ***";

§12. Listing choices for a decision. This finds all of the unperformed or recurring choices which are currently available to a given decision node, making them the content of an Inform list.

[ DirectorListChoices list program depth dc pc fn;
    LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(list, 0);
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1));
    pc = DirectorStackLastPC-->(director_sp-1);
    depth = (program-->pc)%100;
    pc = pc + 2;
    while ((program-->pc)%100 > depth) {
        if (((program-->pc)%100 == depth+1) && ((program-->pc)/100 == CHOICE_DCODEI)) {
            dc = program-->(pc+1);
            if (((GProperty(DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY, dc, performed) == 0) ||
                    (GProperty(DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY, dc, recurring))) &&
                LIST_OF_TY_InsertItem(list, dc);
        pc = pc + 2;
    return list;

§13. Dealing with action choices. At various stages in action processing, the main story loop calls the following three functions, which in turn call DirectorDetectActionChoice. That looks for a match of the current action against one of the choices in the list on the stack: it then re-enters the D-code interpreter if it makes a match, and eventually comes back with true to halt action processing. If it makes no match, it returns false.

Note that if we do make a match, and try to resume dialogue, we may still not be able to complete it and empty the D-stack, because it may pause again for a further action choice. But that's okay, because action processing is nested too, even if the VM stack does for a while have a surprising state.

[ DirectorBeforeAction;  return DirectorDetectActionChoice(BEFORE_DSEL);     ];
[ DirectorInsteadAction; return DirectorDetectActionChoice(INSTEAD_OF_DSEL); ];
[ DirectorAfterAction;   return DirectorDetectActionChoice(AFTER_DSEL);      ];

[ DirectorDetectActionChoice stage N list was dc i fn chose suppress_otherwise;
    if (director_sp == 0) rfalse;
    list = DirectorStackChoices-->(director_sp-1);
    N = LIST_OF_TY_GetLength(list);
    if (N == 0) rfalse;

    if (debug_dialogue >= 2) { print "-- found: "; DirectorTraceStack(); }

    for (i=1: i<=N: i++) {
        dc = LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(list, i);
        if ((DirectorChoiceType(dc) == OTHERWISE_DSEL) && (suppress_otherwise == false)) {
            chose = dc; break;
        } else {
            fn = DirectorChoiceRawContent(dc);
            if ((fn) && (fn())) {
                if (DirectorChoiceType(dc) == stage) {
                    chose = dc; break;
                } else {
                    suppress_otherwise = true;
    if (debug_dialogue >= 2) {
        if (chose) {
            print "-- selected ", (PrintDialogueChoiceName) chose, " at stage ", stage, "^";
        } else {
            print "-- no selection at stage ", stage, "^";
    if (chose == false) {
        if (debug_dialogue >= 2) { print "-- gave up: "; DirectorTraceStack(); }

    LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(list, 0);
    while (director_sp > 0) {
        was = director_sp;
        if (debug_dialogue) {
            print "-- Resuming ", (PrintDialogueBeatName) DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1), "^";
        if (was == director_sp) break;

§14. Exercising a choice. By whatever means, then, a choice dc has been made in either the textual or action-based sense, and the following function runs the D-code interpreter on the subtree underneath it:

[ DirectorExerciseChoice dc program pc spc;
    WriteGProperty(DIALOGUE_CHOICE_TY, dc, performed, 1);
    program = DirectorBeatGetProgram(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1));
    pc = DirectorStackLastPC-->(director_sp-1);
    spc = pc + 2;
    while (((program-->spc)/100 ~= CHOICE_DCODEI) || (program-->(spc+1) ~= dc)) spc = spc + 2;
    spc = spc + 2;
    DirectorPush(DirectorStackBeat-->(director_sp-1), (program-->pc) % 100 + 2, spc);

§15. Numerical choice at the keyboard. This crude function prompts the player for a number from 1 to max, waits for this to be typed at the keyboard, then returns the choice made.

[ DirectorPickANumber max i j wa wl sign base digit_count n digit;
    for (::) {
        print ">";
        if (location == nothing || parent(player) == nothing) KeyboardPrimitive(buffer2, parse2);
        else KeyboardPrimitive(buffer2, parse2, DrawStatusLine);
        #Iftrue CHARSIZE == 1;
        j = parse2->1;
        wa = buffer2 + parse2->5;
        wl = parse2->4;
        j = parse2-->0;
        wa = buffer2 + parse2-->3;
        wl = parse2-->2;
        if (j) { at least one word entered
            sign = 1; base = 10; digit_count = 0;
            if (wa->0 ~= '-' or '$' or '0' or '1' or '2' or '3' or '4'
                or '5' or '6' or '7' or '8' or '9')
                jump Retry;
            if (wa->0 == '-') { sign = -1; wl--; wa++; }
            if (wl == 0) jump Retry;
            n = 0;
            while (wl > 0) {
                if (wa->0 >= 'a') digit = wa->0 - 'a' + 10;
                else digit = wa->0 - '0';
                switch (base) {
                    2:  if (digit_count == 17) jump Retry;
                        #Iftrue WORDSIZE == 2;
                        if (digit_count == 6) jump Retry;
                        if (digit_count == 5) {
                            if (n > 3276) jump Retry;
                            if (n == 3276) {
                                if (sign == 1 && digit > 7) jump Retry;
                                if (sign == -1 && digit > 8) jump Retry;
                        #Ifnot; i.e., if (WORDSIZE == 4)
                        if (digit_count == 11) jump Retry;
                        if (digit_count == 10) {
                            if (n > 214748364) jump Retry;
                            if (n == 214748364) {
                                if (sign == 1 && digit > 7) jump Retry;
                                if (sign == -1 && digit > 8) jump Retry;
                    16: if (digit_count == 5) jump Retry;
                if (digit >= 0 && digit < base) n = base*n + digit;
                else jump Retry;
                wl--; wa++;
            n = n*sign;
            if ((n < 1) || (n > max)) jump Retry;
            return n;
        print "(Please type an option in the range 1 to ", max, " and press return.)^^";