Defining the Provenance construct.

§1. Definition. The Provenance construct is a marker in the bytecode which indicates the source location that generated that bytecode.

void ProvenanceInstruction::define_construct(void) {
    inter_construct *IC = InterInstruction::create_construct(PROVENANCE_IST, I"provenance");
    InterInstruction::specify_syntax(IC, I"provenance ANY");
    InterInstruction::data_extent_always(IC, 2);
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_VERIFY_MTID, ProvenanceInstruction::verify);
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_READ_MTID, ProvenanceInstruction::read);
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_WRITE_MTID, ProvenanceInstruction::write);
    InterInstruction::allow_in_depth_range(IC, 0, INFINITELY_DEEP);
    InterInstruction::permit(IC, OUTSIDE_OF_PACKAGES_ICUP);
    InterInstruction::permit(IC, INSIDE_PLAIN_PACKAGE_ICUP);
    InterInstruction::permit(IC, INSIDE_CODE_PACKAGE_ICUP);

§2. Instructions. In bytecode, the frame of a provenance instruction is laid out with the compulsory words — see Inter Nodes.

If ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD is zero, the instruction means "Following bytecode is not from any specific source location." The line number is ignored in this case.

inter_error_message *ProvenanceInstruction::new(inter_bookmark *IBM,
    inter_symbol *origin, inter_ti line_number,
    inter_ti level, inter_error_location *eloc) {
    inter_tree_node *P;
    if (origin) {
        inter_ti OID = InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol(InterBookmark::tree(IBM), NULL, origin);
        P = Inode::new_with_2_data_fields(IBM, PROVENANCE_IST,
            /* ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD: */ OID,
            /* LINE_PROVENANCE_IFLD: */   line_number,
            eloc, level);
    } else {
        P = Inode::new_with_2_data_fields(IBM, PROVENANCE_IST,
            /* ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD: */ 0,
            /* LINE_PROVENANCE_IFLD: */   0,
            eloc, level);
    inter_error_message *E = VerifyingInter::instruction(InterBookmark::package(IBM), P);
    if (E) return E;
    NodePlacement::move_to_moving_bookmark(P, IBM);
    return NULL;

inter_error_message *ProvenanceInstruction::new_from_provenance(inter_bookmark *IBM,
    text_provenance prov,
    inter_ti level, inter_error_location *eloc) {
    inter_symbol *origin = Origins::filename_to_origin(
        InterBookmark::tree(IBM), prov.textual_filename);
    return ProvenanceInstruction::new(IBM, origin,
        (inter_ti) prov.line_number, level, eloc);

§3. Rather than using transposition, this instruction has its own way to migrate. The advantage of doing it this way is that it maintains the position that each tree has exactly one origin instruction for each distinct filename. There are probably ways to speed this up, but it seems to work well in practice.

void ProvenanceInstruction::migrate(inter_tree_node *P, inter_tree *I) {
    text_provenance prov = ProvenanceInstruction::provenance(P);
    inter_symbol *new_origin = Origins::filename_to_origin(I, prov.textual_filename);
    if (new_origin)
        P->W.instruction[ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD] =
            InterSymbolsTable::id_from_symbol(I, NULL, new_origin);

§4. Verification consists only of checking that the origin, if given, was a symbol defined by an origin instruction.

void ProvenanceInstruction::verify(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P,
    inter_package *owner, inter_error_message **E) {
    inter_symbol *origin = ProvenanceInstruction::origin(P);
    if (origin) {
        inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(origin);
        if ((D == NULL) || (Inode::isnt(D, ORIGIN_IST))) {
            *E = Inode::error(P, I"symbol is not a valid origin", NULL);

§5. Creating from textual Inter syntax.

void ProvenanceInstruction::read(inter_construct *IC, inter_bookmark *IBM,
    inter_line_parse *ilp, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_error_message **E) {
    text_stream *textual = ilp->mr.exp[0];
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, textual, L"@(%C+) (%d+)")) {
        inter_tree *I = InterBookmark::tree(IBM);
        inter_symbol *origin =
            InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name(InterTree::global_scope(I), mr.exp[0]);
        if (origin == NULL) *E = InterErrors::plain(I"not an origin", eloc);
        else {
            inter_ti line_number = (inter_ti) Str::atoi(mr.exp[1], 0);
            *E = ProvenanceInstruction::new(IBM, origin, line_number,
                (inter_ti) ilp->indent_level, eloc);
    } else if (Str::eq(textual, I"-")) {
        *E = ProvenanceInstruction::new(IBM, NULL, 0,
            (inter_ti) ilp->indent_level, eloc);
    } else {
        *E = InterErrors::plain(I"bad provenance syntax", eloc);

§6. Writing to textual Inter syntax.

void ProvenanceInstruction::write(inter_construct *IC, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *P) {
    WRITE("provenance ");
    inter_symbol *origin = ProvenanceInstruction::origin(P);
    if (origin) {
        WRITE("@%S %d", InterSymbol::identifier(origin),
            (int) P->W.instruction[LINE_PROVENANCE_IFLD]);
    } else {

§7. Access functions.

inter_symbol *ProvenanceInstruction::origin(inter_tree_node *P) {
    if (P == NULL) return NULL;
    if (Inode::isnt(P, PROVENANCE_IST)) return NULL;
    if (P->W.instruction[ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD] == 0) return NULL;
    return InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_ID(
        InterTree::global_scope(Inode::tree(P)), P->W.instruction[ORIGIN_PROVENANCE_IFLD]);

text_provenance ProvenanceInstruction::provenance(inter_tree_node *P) {
    inter_symbol *origin = ProvenanceInstruction::origin(P);
    if (origin == NULL) return Provenance::nowhere();
    inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(origin);
    return Provenance::at_file_and_line(
        (int) P->W.instruction[LINE_PROVENANCE_IFLD]);