How we shall test it.

§1. Adjectives.

void Unit::test_adjectives(text_stream *arg) {
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            PRINT("%W --> ", W);
            PRINT("comparative: %W, ", Grading::make_comparative(W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL)));
            PRINT("superlative: %W, ", Grading::make_superlative(W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL)));
            PRINT("quiddity: %W\n", Grading::make_quiddity(W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL)));

§2. Articles.

void Unit::test_articles(text_stream *arg) {
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            WRITE_TO(T, "%W", W);
            ArticleInflection::preface_by_article(AT, T, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL));
            PRINT("%S --> %S\n", T, AT);

§3. Declensions.

void Unit::test_declensions(text_stream *arg) {
    vocabulary_entry *m_V = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"m");
    vocabulary_entry *f_V = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"f");
    vocabulary_entry *n_V = Vocabulary::entry_for_text(L"n");
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        wording PW = Feeds::feed_text(I"der");
        int gen = NEUTER_GENDER;
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            if (Lexer::word(i) == m_V) { gen = MASCULINE_GENDER; continue; }
            if (Lexer::word(i) == f_V) { gen = FEMININE_GENDER; continue; }
            if (Lexer::word(i) == n_V) { gen = NEUTER_GENDER; continue; }
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            declension D = Declensions::of_noun(W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL), gen, SINGULAR_NUMBER);
            declension AD = Declensions::of_article(PW, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL), gen, SINGULAR_NUMBER);
            PRINT("%W --> ", W);
            Declensions::writer(STDOUT, &D, &AD);
            D = Declensions::of_noun(W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL), gen, PLURAL_NUMBER);
            AD = Declensions::of_article(PW, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL), gen, PLURAL_NUMBER);
            PRINT("pl --> ");
            Declensions::writer(STDOUT, &D, &AD);

§4. Participles.

void Unit::test_participles(text_stream *arg) {
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            PRINT("%W --> %W\n", W, PastParticiples::pasturise_wording(W));

§5. Plurals. (ASAGIG stands for "as sure as geese is geese".)

void Unit::test_plurals(text_stream *arg) {
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            WRITE_TO(G, "%W", W);
            Pluralisation::regular(ASAGIG, G, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL));
            PRINT("%S --> %S\n", G, ASAGIG);

§6. Verbs.

void Unit::test_verbs(text_stream *arg) {
    filename *F = Filenames::from_text(arg);
    source_file *sf = TextFromFiles::feed_into_lexer(F, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER);
    if (sf == NULL) PRINT("File has failed to open\n");
    else {
        int c = 0;
        LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(i, sf->text_read) {
            if (Lexer::word(i) == PARBREAK_V) continue;
            wording W = Wordings::one_word(i);
            if (c++ < 10) {
                PRINT("Verb %W -->\n", W);
                Conjugation::test(T, W, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL));
                Regexp::replace(T, L"%^", L"\n", REP_REPEATING);
                PRINT("%S\n", T);
            } else {
                Conjugation::test_participle(STDOUT, W);