One individual meaning which an adjective can have.

§1. An adjective can have a long list of meanings in different contexts:

typedef struct adjective_meaning_data {
    struct adjective_meaning *possible_meanings;  list of definitions in order given
    struct adjective_meaning *sorted_meanings;  the same list sorted into logical order
} adjective_meaning_data;

§2. Adjectives are simpler than verbs, since they define unary rather than binary predicates. The word "open" applies to only one term — logically, we regard it as open(x), whereas a verb like "suspects" would appear in formulae as suspects(x, y).

But they are nevertheless complicated enough to have multiple meanings. For instance, two of the senses of "empty" in the Standard Rules are:

Definition: a text is empty rather than non-empty if it is "".

Definition: a table name is empty rather than non-empty if the number of filled rows in it is 0.

(Which also defines two of the senses of "non-empty", another adjective.) The clause empty(x) can be fully understood only when we know what kind of value x has; for a text, the first sense applies, and for a table name, the second.

§3. Each individual sense of an adjective has its own adjective_meaning structure, which we define next. It consists of some logistical data to keep its place in the linked lists (see above), some data to specify its domain (see below), some indexing data which is not very important, and then the crucial part: its "detailed meaning".

The general model is that adjective meanings come in different "kinds", for which specific code is scattered across Inform. In each case, the detailed_meaning points to an appropriate data structure, and specialised routines are called to create and use the adjective.

We can also specify that the meaning implied by this pointer is to be understood reversely: that the adjective is the negation of the one specified. This enables "non-empty" for texts (say) to be defined identically with "empty" for texts, but with the meaning_parity flag set to FALSE rather than TRUE.

define CONDITION_KADJ 1  defined by a condition in I7 source text
define PHRASE_KADJ 2  defined by an explicit but nameless rule
define I6_ROUTINE_KADJ 3  defined by a named I6 routine
define I6_CONDITION_KADJ 4  defined by an explicit I6 schema
define MEASUREMENT_KADJ 5  defined by numerical comparison with a property value
define ENUMERATIVE_KADJ 6  defined by a property like "colour" with named values
define EORP_KADJ 7  defined by an either/or property like "closed"
typedef struct adjective_meaning {
    struct wording adjective_index_text;  text to use in the Phrasebook index
    struct parse_node *defined_at;  from what sentence this came (if it did)

    struct adjective *owning_adjective;  of which this is a definition
    struct adjective_meaning *next_meaning;  next in order of definition
    struct adjective_meaning *next_sorted;  next in logically sorted order

    struct wording domain_text;  domain to which defn applies
    struct inference_subject *domain_infs;  what domain the defn applies to
    int setting_domain;  are we currently working this out?
    struct kind *domain_kind;  what kind of values
    int problems_thrown;  complaining about the domain of this adjective

    int meaning_parity;  meaning understood positively?
    struct adjective_meaning *am_negated_from;  if explicitly constructed as such

    int adjective_form;  one of the *_KADJ constants: see below
    general_pointer detailed_meaning;  to the relevant structure
    int task_via_support_routine[NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS + 1];
    struct i6_schema i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS + 1];  where TRUE
    struct i6_schema i6s_for_runtime_task[NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS + 1];  where TRUE
    int am_ready_flag;  optional flag to mark whether schemas prepared yet

    int defined_already;  temporary workspace used when compiling support routines

} adjective_meaning;

§4. What are adjectives for? Since an adjective is a unary predicate, it can be thought of as an assignment from its domain set to the set of two possibilities: true, false. Thus one sense of "open" maps doors to true if they are currently open, false if they are closed.

There are altogether five things we might want to do with an adjective:

We do not need to test whether it is false, since we need only test whether it is true and negate the result.

Adjectives for which all five of these operations can be carried out are the exception rather than the rule. "Open" is an example:

[1] if the marble door is open, ...

[2] The marble door is open.

[3] The marble door is not open.

[4] now the marble door is open;

[5] now the marble door is not open;

Every adjective in practice supports (1), testing for truth, but this is not required by the code below. Many adjectives — properly speaking, many senses of an adjective — only support testing: "empty" in the sense of texts, for instance.

Of the five possibilities, (1), (4) and (5) happen at run-time. These are called "tasks" and are identified by the following constants. While in theory an adjective's handling code can compile anything it likes to carry out these tasks, in practice most are defined by providing an I6 schema, which is why the adjective_meaning structure contains these — see below.

define TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK 1  test if currently true
define NOW_ADJECTIVE_TRUE_TASK 2  assert now true
define NOW_ADJECTIVE_FALSE_TASK 3  assert now false

§5. For indexing (only) we need to run through the definitions of a given adjectival phrase in sorted order, so:

    for (am = Adjectives::Meanings::get_sorted_definition_list(aph); am; am=am->next_sorted)

§6. Symbols.

typedef struct adjective_compilation_data {
    struct inter_name *aph_iname;
    struct package_request *aph_package;
} adjective_compilation_data;


define ADJECTIVE_COMPILATION_LINGUISTICS_CALLBACK Adjectives::Meanings::initialise
void Adjectives::Meanings::initialise(adjective *adj) {
    adj->adjective_compilation.aph_package = Hierarchy::package(CompilationUnits::current(), ADJECTIVES_HAP);
    adj->adjective_compilation.aph_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(ADJECTIVE_HL, adj->adjective_compilation.aph_package);

typedef struct adjective_iname_holder {
    struct adjective *aph_held;
    int task_code;
    int weak_ID_of_domain;
    struct inter_name *iname_held;
} adjective_iname_holder;

inter_name *Adjectives::Meanings::iname(adjective *aph, int task, int weak_id) {
    adjective_iname_holder *aih;
    LOOP_OVER(aih, adjective_iname_holder)
        if ((aih->aph_held == aph) && (aih->task_code == task) && (aih->weak_ID_of_domain == weak_id))
            return aih->iname_held;
    aih = CREATE(adjective_iname_holder);
    aih->aph_held = aph;
    aih->task_code = task;
    aih->weak_ID_of_domain = weak_id;
    package_request *PR = Hierarchy::package_within(ADJECTIVE_TASKS_HAP, aph->adjective_compilation.aph_package);
    aih->iname_held = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(TASK_FN_HL, PR);
    return aih->iname_held;

§8. The block of definitions.

define ADJECTIVE_MEANING_LINGUISTICS_CALLBACK Adjectives::Meanings::new_block
void Adjectives::Meanings::new_block(adjective *adj) {
    adj->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings = NULL;
    adj->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings = NULL;

§9. The following assigns a new meaning to a given word range: we find the appropriate APH (creating if necessary) and then add the new meaning to the end of its unsorted meaning list.

We eventually need to sort this list of definitions into logical priority order — so that a definition applying to just Count Dracula precedes one applying to men, which in turn precedes one applying to things. (Priority order is irrelevant when two senses apply to domains with no overlap, as in the case of texts and table names.) It's convenient and costs little memory to keep the sorted list as a second linked list.

adjective *Adjectives::Meanings::declare(adjective_meaning *am,
    wording W, int route) {
    adjective *aph = Adjectives::declare(W, NULL);
    adjective_meaning *aml = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings;
    if (aml == NULL) aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings = am;
    else {
        while (aml->next_meaning) aml = aml->next_meaning;
        aml->next_meaning = am;
    am->next_meaning = NULL;
    am->owning_adjective = aph;
    return aph;

§10. Once declared, an AM stays with the same APH for the whole of Inform's run, and it can only be declared once. So every AM belongs to one and only one APH, which we can read off as follows:

adjective *Adjectives::Meanings::get_aph_from_am(adjective_meaning *am) {
    return am->owning_adjective;

§11. And here we log the unsorted meaning list.

void Adjectives::Meanings::log_meanings(adjective *aph) {
    adjective_meaning *am;
    int n;
    if (aph == NULL) { LOG("<null-APH>\n"); return; }
    for (n=1, am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; n++, am = am->next_meaning)
        LOG("%d: %W (domain:$j) (dk:%u)\n", n, am->adjective_index_text,
            am->domain_infs, am->domain_kind);

§12. Checking an adjective's applicability. If the source tries to apply the word "open", say, to a given value or object \(X\), when does that make sense?

We can only find out by checking every possible meaning of "open" to see if it can accommodate the kind of value of \(X\). But this time we use weak checking, and make it weaker still since a null kind is taken to mean "any object", either in the AM's definition — which can happen if we are very early in Inform's run — or because the caller doesn't actually know the kind of value of \(X\). (In other words, adjectives tend to assume they apply to objects rather than other values.) This means we will accept some logically impossible outcomes — we would say that it's acceptable to apply "open" to an animal, say — but that is actually a good thing. It means that "list of open things" or "something open" are allowed. Source text such as:

The labrador puppy is an open animal.

will successfully parse, but then result in higher-level problem messages. The following does compile:

now the labrador puppy is open;

but results in a run-time problem message when it executes.

It makes no difference what order we check the AMs in, so we can use the unsorted list, which is helpful since we may need to call this routine early in the run when sorting cannot yet be done.

int Adjectives::Meanings::applicable_to(adjective *aph,
    kind *K) {
    if (aph) {
        adjective_meaning *am;
        for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; am = am->next_meaning) {
            if (am->domain_infs == NULL) {
                if (am->setting_domain) Issue a problem for a circularity12.1;
                am->setting_domain = TRUE;
                Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, TRUE);
                am->setting_domain = FALSE;
            kind *am_kind = Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am);
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(am_kind)) {
                if (K == NULL) return TRUE;
                if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) return TRUE;
            } else {
                if ((K) && (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K) == FALSE) &&
                    (Kinds::compatible(K, am_kind) == ALWAYS_MATCH))
                    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§12.1. Issue a problem for a circularity12.1 =

    if (problem_count == 0) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, Clusters::get_form(aph->adjective_names, FALSE));
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjectiveCircular));
            "In the sentence %1, it looks as if the definition of the adjective "
            "'%2' may be circular.");
    return FALSE;

§13. Broad applicability tests. Does a given APH have any interpretation as an enumerated property value, or an either/or property? If so we return the earliest known.

instance *Adjectives::Meanings::has_ENUMERATIVE_meaning(adjective *aph) {
    adjective_meaning *am;
    for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; am = am->next_meaning)
        if (am->adjective_form == ENUMERATIVE_KADJ)
            return RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(am->detailed_meaning);
    return NULL;

property *Adjectives::Meanings::has_EORP_meaning(adjective *aph, int *sense) {
    if (aph)
        for (adjective_meaning *am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; am = am->next_meaning)
            if (am->adjective_form == EORP_KADJ) {
                if (sense) *sense = am->meaning_parity;
                return RETRIEVE_POINTER_property(am->detailed_meaning);
    return NULL;

§14. Asserting the initial state. All that domain-checking machinery means we can begin to use an adjective.

Suppose an assertion sentence in the source text claims that, in the initial state of things, what the adjective tests is true. For example:

The ormolu clock is fixed in place.

The S-parser, finding that this sentence is syntactically reasonable, identifies "fixed in place" as an adjective, and stores a pointer to its APH structure, but goes no further. Later on, the A-parser, working through sentences like this, works out that the adjective is to be applied to the instance "ormolu clock", whose kind is "thing"; and that the sentence asserts a truth, not a falsity. It then calls the following routine, with parity equal to TRUE.

What happens is that the list of definitions for "fixed in place" is strictly checked in logical precedence order, and that Adjectives::Meanings::assert is eventually called on the logically narrowest definition which the "ormolu clock" matches. (That will probably be the definition for the "fixed in place" either/or property for things, unless someone has given the adjective some special meaning unique to the clock.)

The following routine therefore acts as a junction-box, deciding which sense of the adjective is to be applied. We return TRUE if we were able to find a definition which could be asserted and which the clock matched, and FALSE if there was no definition which applied, or if none of those which did could be asserted for it.

int Adjectives::Meanings::assert(adjective *aph, kind *kind_domain,
    inference_subject *infs_to_assert_on, parse_node *val_to_assert_on, int parity) {
    adjective_meaning *am;
    for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings; am; am = am->next_sorted) {
        if (Adjectives::Meanings::domain_weak_match(kind_domain,
            Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am)) == FALSE) continue;
        if (Adjectives::Meanings::domain_subj_compare(infs_to_assert_on, am) == FALSE) continue;
        if (Adjectives::Meanings::assert_single(am, infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§15. Sorting lists of meanings. After meanings have been declared, a typical APH will have a disordered "possible meaning" list and an empty "sorted meaning" list. The following sorts the possibles list into the sorted list.

void Adjectives::Meanings::sort(adjective *aph) {
    if (aph == NULL) internal_error("tried to sort meanings for null APH");
    aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings =

§16. And voil\`a, the result can be read here:

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::get_sorted_definition_list(adjective *aph) {
    return aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings;

§17. Occasionally we just want one meaning:

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::first_meaning(adjective *aph) {
    return aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings;

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::list_sort(adjective_meaning *unsorted_head) {
    adjective_meaning *sorted_head = NULL;
    adjective_meaning *am, *am2;
    for (am = unsorted_head; am; am = am->next_meaning)
        if (am->domain_infs == NULL)
            Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, TRUE);
    for (am = unsorted_head; am; am = am->next_meaning) {
        if (sorted_head == NULL) {
            sorted_head = am;
            am->next_sorted = NULL;
        } else {
            adjective_meaning *lastdef = NULL;
            for (am2 = sorted_head; am2; am2 = am2->next_sorted) {
                if (Adjectives::Meanings::compare(am, am2) == 1) {
                    if (lastdef == NULL) {
                        sorted_head = am;
                        am->next_sorted = am2;
                    } else {
                        lastdef->next_sorted = am;
                        am->next_sorted = am2;
                if (am2->next_sorted == NULL) {
                    am2->next_sorted = am;
                    am->next_sorted = NULL;
                lastdef = am2;
    return sorted_head;

§18. Individual meanings. So you want to define a new meaning for an adjective? Here's the procedure:

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::new(int form, general_pointer details, wording W) {
    adjective_meaning *am = CREATE(adjective_meaning);
    am->defined_at = current_sentence;
    am->adjective_index_text = W;
    am->owning_adjective = NULL;
    am->next_meaning = NULL;
    am->next_sorted = NULL;
    am->domain_text = EMPTY_WORDING;
    am->domain_infs = NULL; am->domain_kind = NULL; am->setting_domain = FALSE;
    am->adjective_form = form;
    am->detailed_meaning = details;
    am->defined_already = FALSE;
    am->problems_thrown = 0;
    am->meaning_parity = TRUE;
    am->am_ready_flag = FALSE;
    for (int i=1; i<=NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS; i++) {
        am->task_via_support_routine[i] = NOT_APPLICABLE;
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(&(am->i6s_for_runtime_task[i]), "");
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(&(am->i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[i]), "");
    am->am_negated_from = NULL;
    return am;

§19. Negating an AM. If you want to define an adjective as the logical negation of an existing one, take any AM which has been through stages (1) to (4) and then apply Adjectives::Meanings::negate to create a new AM. Then use Adjectives::Meanings::declare to associate this with a (presumably different) name, but there's no need to specify its I6 schemas or its domain — those are inherited.

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::negate(adjective_meaning *am) {
    adjective_meaning *neg = CREATE(adjective_meaning);
    neg->defined_at = current_sentence;
    neg->adjective_index_text = am->adjective_index_text;
    neg->owning_adjective = NULL;
    neg->next_meaning = NULL;
    neg->next_sorted = NULL;
    neg->domain_text = am->domain_text;
    neg->domain_infs = am->domain_infs; neg->domain_kind = am->domain_kind;
    neg->adjective_form = am->adjective_form;
    neg->detailed_meaning = am->detailed_meaning;
    neg->defined_already = FALSE;
    neg->problems_thrown = 0;
    neg->am_ready_flag = FALSE;
    neg->meaning_parity = (am->meaning_parity)?FALSE:TRUE;
    for (int i=1; i<=NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS; i++) {
        int j = i;
        neg->task_via_support_routine[j] = am->task_via_support_routine[i];
        neg->i6s_for_runtime_task[j] = am->i6s_for_runtime_task[i];
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(&(neg->i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[j]), "");
    neg->am_negated_from = am;
    return neg;

int Adjectives::Meanings::get_form(adjective_meaning *am) {
    if (am == NULL) return -1;
    return am->adjective_form;

§20. The domain of validity. Every AM has a clearly defined range of values or objects to which it applies. For example, "odd" for numbers has domain_infs equal to "number", while the sense of "odd" created by

Mrs Elspeth Spong can be odd, eccentric or mildly dotty.

would have domain_infs equal to Mrs Spong herself.

§21. In comparing and testing domains, we use two different levels of matching: weak and strong.

Strong checking makes an exact match, but weak checking blurs the definitions so that two domains are counted as equal if they are close enough that run-time type checking can be used to tell them apart.

In general, any two base kinds are different even in weak checking — "scene" and "number", for instance. On the other hand, "list of scenes" weakly matches "list of numbers", and "container" weakly matches "animal". As this last example shows, two domains can be completely disjoint and still make a weak match.

int Adjectives::Meanings::domain_weak_match(kind *K1, kind *K2) {
    if (Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(K1) == Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(K2))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22. Whereas the following makes a strict check of whether a given subject is within the domain of an adjective meaning.

int Adjectives::Meanings::domain_subj_compare(inference_subject *infs, adjective_meaning *am) {
    instance *I = InferenceSubjects::as_object_instance(infs);
    if (I == NULL) return TRUE;
    if (am->domain_infs == Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K_object)) return TRUE;
    while (infs) {
        if (am->domain_infs == infs) return TRUE;
        infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs);
    return FALSE;

§23. Specifying the domain of a new AM. In principle the domain should be set as soon as the AM is created, but in practice some AMs — those coming from properties — might need to be created very early in Inform's run, at a time when objects and kinds of object do not exist. For those cases, an alternative is to give a word range — "a number", say, or "a container" — and if necessary this is left until later on in the run to parse. (For "a number", it wouldn't be necessary; for "a container", it would.)

The inclusion of domain_kind may seem redundant here; surely the INFS is sufficient? But it isn't, because "list of numbers" — say — has the same INFS as "list of texts" or a list of anything else, so that if we recorded the domain only as an INFS then we couldn't define adjectives over specific constructed kinds.

To set the domain, call exactly one of the following three routines:

void Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_text(adjective_meaning *am, wording W) {
    am->domain_infs = NULL; am->domain_kind = NULL;
    am->domain_text = W;
    Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, TRUE);

void Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_instance(adjective_meaning *am,
    instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) {
        am->domain_infs = Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K_object);
        am->domain_kind = K_object;
    } else {
        am->domain_infs = Instances::as_subject(I);
        am->domain_kind = Kinds::weaken(Instances::to_kind(I), K_object);
    am->domain_text = EMPTY_WORDING;

§24. Note that we round up the kind to "object" if it's more specialised than that — say, if it's "door" — because run-time rather than compile-time disambiguation is used when applying adjectives to objects.

void Adjectives::Meanings::set_domain_from_kind(adjective_meaning *am, kind *K) {
    if ((K == NULL) || (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K))) K = K_object;
    am->domain_infs = Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K);
    am->domain_kind = K;
    am->domain_text = EMPTY_WORDING;

§25. And we can read the main domain thus:

kind *Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(adjective_meaning *am) {
    if (am->domain_infs == NULL) return NULL;
    return am->domain_kind;

kind *Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain_forcing(adjective_meaning *am) {
    Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, TRUE);
    if (am->domain_infs == NULL) return NULL;
    return am->domain_kind;

§26. In the case where the domain is declared as a word range, the following routine eventually converts it to the correct form. In effect, this is a lazy evaluation trick — the routine is called just before the domain is actually needed.

void Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(adjective_meaning *am, int early) {
    if (am->domain_infs) return;
    current_sentence = am->defined_at;
    if (Wordings::empty(am->domain_text)) internal_error("undeclared domain kind for AM");
    parse_node *supplied = NULL;
    if (<s-type-expression>(am->domain_text))
        supplied = <<rp>>;
    if (supplied == NULL) Reject domain of adjective26.1;
    Reject domain of adjective unless a kind of value or description of objects26.4;
    kind *K = NULL;
    if (ParseTreeUsage::is_condition(supplied)) {
        if (Specifications::to_kind(supplied))
            K = Specifications::to_kind(supplied);
        else K = K_object;
        Reject domain of adjective if it is a set of objects which may vary in play26.5;
    } else if (ParseTreeUsage::is_rvalue(supplied))
        K = Rvalues::to_kind(supplied);
    if (K == NULL) Reject domain of adjective26.1;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_kind_of_kind(K)) Reject domain as vague26.2;
    if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(K, K_understanding))) Reject domain as topic26.3;
    Set the domain INFS as needed26.6;

§26.1. Note that we throw only one problem message per AM, as otherwise duplication can't be avoided.

Reject domain of adjective26.1 =

    if ((early) || (am->problems_thrown++ > 0)) return;
    current_sentence = am->defined_at;
    StandardProblems::adjective_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainUnknown),
        am->adjective_index_text, am->domain_text,
        "this isn't a thing, a kind of thing or a kind of value",
        "and indeed doesn't have any meaning I can make sense of.");

§26.2. Reject domain as vague26.2 =

    if ((early) || (am->problems_thrown++ > 0)) return;
    current_sentence = am->defined_at;
    StandardProblems::adjective_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainVague),
        am->adjective_index_text, am->domain_text,
        "this isn't allowed as the domain of a definition",
        "since it potentially describes many different kinds, not just one.");

§26.3. Reject domain as topic26.3 =

    if ((early) || (am->problems_thrown++ > 0)) return;
    current_sentence = am->defined_at;
    StandardProblems::adjective_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainTopic),
        am->adjective_index_text, am->domain_text,
        "this isn't allowed as the domain of a definition",
        "because 'topic' doesn't behave the way other kinds of value do when "
        "it comes to making comparisons.");

§26.4. Similarly:

Reject domain of adjective unless a kind of value or description of objects26.4 =

    if ((Node::is(supplied, CONSTANT_NT)) &&
        (Specifications::is_description_like(supplied) == FALSE) &&
        (Rvalues::to_instance(supplied) == NULL)) {
        if ((early) || (am->problems_thrown++ > 0)) return;
        current_sentence = am->defined_at;
        StandardProblems::adjective_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainSurreal),
            am->adjective_index_text, am->domain_text,
            "this isn't allowed as the domain of a definition",
            "since adjectives like this can be applied only to specific things, "
            "kinds of things or kinds of values: so 'Definition: a door is ajar "
            "if...' is fine, because a door is a kind of thing, and 'Definition: "
            "a number is prime if ...' is fine too, but 'Definition: 5 is prime "
            "if ...' is not allowed.");

§26.5. And a final possible objection:

Reject domain of adjective if it is a set of objects which may vary in play26.5 =

    if (Descriptions::is_qualified(supplied)) {
        if (am->problems_thrown++ > 0) return;
        current_sentence = am->defined_at;
        StandardProblems::adjective_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainSlippery),
            am->adjective_index_text, am->domain_text,
            "this is slippery",
            "because it can change during play. Definitions can only be "
            "made in cases where it's clear for any given value or object "
            "what definition will apply. For instance, 'Definition: a "
            "door is shiny if ...' is fine, but 'Definition: an open "
            "door is shiny if ...' is not allowed - Inform wouldn't know "
            "whether or not to apply it to the Big Blue Door (say), since "
            "it would only apply some of the time.");

§26.6. Set the domain INFS as needed26.6 =

    instance *I = Rvalues::to_object_instance(supplied);
    if (I) supplied = Rvalues::from_instance(I);
    else if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K))
        supplied = Specifications::from_kind(K);
    am->domain_infs = InferenceSubjects::from_specification(supplied);
    am->domain_kind = K;

§27. Comparing domains of validity. In order to sort AMs into logical precedence order, we rely on the following routine, which like strcmp returns a positive number to favour the first term, a negative to favour the second, and zero if they are equally good. Note that zero is only in fact returned when the two AMs compared are one and the same — we want to ensure that there is one and only one possible sorted state for any given list of AMs.

Suppose the adjectives \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) have domain sets \(D_1\) and \(D_2\). Then:

Those are the only possibilities; the range of possible domains is set up so that there can never be an interesting Venn diagram of overlaps between them.

Unlike our weak domain tests above, this is a strict test.

int Adjectives::Meanings::compare(adjective_meaning *am1, adjective_meaning *am2) {
    if (am1 == am2) return 0;
    if ((am1->domain_infs) && (am2->domain_infs == NULL)) return 1;
    if ((am1->domain_infs == NULL) && (am2->domain_infs)) return -1;

    if (InferenceSubjects::is_strictly_within(am1->domain_infs, am2->domain_infs)) return 1;
    if (InferenceSubjects::is_strictly_within(am2->domain_infs, am1->domain_infs)) return -1;

    kind *K1 = InferenceSubjects::as_nonobject_kind(am1->domain_infs);
    kind *K2 = InferenceSubjects::as_nonobject_kind(am2->domain_infs);
    if ((K1) && (K2)) {
        int c1 = Kinds::compatible(K1, K2);
        int c2 = Kinds::compatible(K2, K1);
        if ((c1 == ALWAYS_MATCH) && (c2 != ALWAYS_MATCH)) return 1;
        if ((c1 != ALWAYS_MATCH) && (c2 == ALWAYS_MATCH)) return -1;
    if (am1->domain_infs == am2->domain_infs)
        Worry about definitions of the same adjective on the same domain27.1;

    return am2->allocation_id - am1->allocation_id;

§27.1. In general, it's an error to define the same adjective on the same domain twice, except for a redefinition in the source text of a definition in an extension. (We exclude enumerative adjectives because they are defined internally by a method which involves occasional duplication but where the duplicates are all mutually consistent; these do not arise from the author's source text.)

Worry about definitions of the same adjective on the same domain27.1 =

    if ((Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(am1->defined_at))) &&
        (Wordings::nonempty(Node::get_text(am2->defined_at))) &&
        (am1->adjective_form != ENUMERATIVE_KADJ) &&
        (am2->adjective_form != ENUMERATIVE_KADJ)) {
        inform_extension *ef1 =
        inform_extension *ef2 =
        if ((ef1 == ef2) || ((ef1) && (ef2))) {
            current_sentence = am1->defined_at;
            Problems::quote_wording_as_source(1, am1->adjective_index_text);
            Problems::quote_wording_as_source(2, am2->adjective_index_text);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_AdjDomainDuplicated));
                "The definitions %1 and %2 both try to cover the same situation: "
                "the same adjective applied to the exact same range. %P"
                "It's okay to override a definition in an extension with another "
                "one in the main source text, but it's not okay to define the same "
                "adjective twice over the same domain in the same file.");
        if (ef1 == NULL) return 1;
        if (ef2 == NULL) return -1;

§28. Testing and asserting in play. Now for testing, making true and making false in play. We won't be there when the story file is played, of course, so what we have to do is to compile code to perform the test or force the state.

In fact what we do is to supply an I6 schema, which for this purpose is simply the text of I6 code in which the escape *1 represents the value to which the adjective is applied. In the example of "open" for containers, we might choose:

    if the sack is open, ...  -->   (Adj_53_t1_v61(*1))
    now the sack is open; ...  -->   Adj_53_t2_v61(*1)
    now the sack is not open; ...  -->   Adj_53_t3_v61(*1)

These schemas call an I6 routine called a "support routine". The names here are schematic: "open" on this run was APH number 53, the run-time tasks to perform were task 1, task 2 and task 3, and the sense of the adjective was the one applying to domain 61 — which in this example run was the weak ID of "object". In other words, these are routines to "test open in the sense of objects", "now open in the sense of objects", and "now not open in the sense of objects".

If we make a choice like that, then we say that the task is provided "via a support routine". We need not do so: for instance,

    if the Entire Game is happening, ...  -->  (scene_status->(*1 - 1)==1)

is an example where the sense of "happening" for scenes can be tested directly using a schema, without calling a support routine. And clearly support routines only put off the problem, because we will also have to compile the routine itself. So why use them? The answer is that in complicated situations where run-time type checking is needed, they avoid duplication of code, and can make repeated use of the *1 value without repeating any side-effects produced by the calculation of this value. They also make the code simpler for human eyes to read.

§29. When an AM has been declared, the provider can choose to set an I6 schema for it, for any of the tasks, immediately; or can wait and do it later; or can choose not to do it, and instead provide code which generates a suitable schema on the fly. If at whatever stage the provider does set an I6 schema for a task, it should call the following.

Note that any AM working on objects always has to go via a support routine — this is because, thanks to weak domain-checking, there may be run-time type-checking code to apply. In other cases, the provider can choose to go via a support routine or not.

i6_schema *Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(adjective_meaning *am,
    int T, int via_support) {
    kind *K = Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am);
    if (K == NULL) K = K_object;
    if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)) via_support = TRUE;
    am->task_via_support_routine[T] = via_support;
    return &(am->i6s_for_runtime_task[T]);

§30. When Inform's code-generator needs to compile one of the tasks, then, it calls the following to obtain the correct I6 schema.

Note that the task_via_support_routine values are not flags: they can be TRUE (allowed, done via support routine), FALSE (allowed, done directly) or NOT_APPLICABLE (the task certainly can't be done). If none of the applicable meanings for the adjective are able to perform the task at run-time, we return NULL as our schema, and the code-generator will use that to issue a suitable problem message.

i6_schema *Adjectives::Meanings::get_i6_schema(adjective *aph,
    kind *kind_domain, int T) {
    adjective_meaning *am;
    if (kind_domain == NULL) kind_domain = K_object;
    for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings; am; am = am->next_sorted) {
        kind *am_kind = Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am);
        if (am_kind == NULL) Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, FALSE);
        if (Adjectives::Meanings::domain_weak_match(kind_domain, am_kind) == FALSE) continue;
        Adjectives::Meanings::compiling_soon(am, T);
        switch (am->task_via_support_routine[T]) {
            case FALSE: return &(am->i6s_for_runtime_task[T]);
            case TRUE:
                if (Calculus::Schemas::empty(&(am->i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[T])))
                    Construct a schema for this adjective, using the standard routine naming30.1;
                return &(am->i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[T]);
    return NULL;

§30.1. Where the following is complicated by the need to respect negations; it may be that the original adjective has a support routine defined, but that the negation does not, and so must use those of the original.

Construct a schema for this adjective, using the standard routine naming30.1 =

    int task = T; char *negation_operator = "";
    adjective *use_aph = aph;
    if (am->am_negated_from) {
        use_aph = am->am_negated_from->owning_adjective;
        switch (T) {
            case TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK: negation_operator = "~~"; break;
    inter_name *iname = Adjectives::Meanings::iname(use_aph, task, Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(am_kind));
    Calculus::Schemas::modify(&(am->i6s_to_transfer_to_SR[T]), "*=-(%s%n(*1))",
        negation_operator, iname);

§31. The following is needed when making sense of the I6-to-I7 escape sequence (+ adj +), where adj is the name of an adjective. Since I6 is typeless, there's no good way to choose which sense of the adjective is meant, so we don't know which routine to expand out. The convention is: a meaning for objects, if there is one; otherwise the first-declared meaning.

int Adjectives::Meanings::write_adjective_test_routine(value_holster *VH,
    adjective *aph) {
    i6_schema *sch;
    int weak_id = Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(K_object);
    sch = Adjectives::Meanings::get_i6_schema(aph, NULL,
    if (sch == NULL) {
        if (aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings == NULL) return FALSE;
        kind *am_kind =
        if (am_kind == NULL) return FALSE;
        weak_id = Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(am_kind);
    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Adjectives::Meanings::iname(aph, TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK, weak_id));
    return TRUE;

§32. The following instructs an AM to use a support routine to handle a given task.

void Adjectives::Meanings::pass_task_to_support_routine(adjective_meaning *am,
    int T) {
    Adjectives::Meanings::set_i6_schema(am, T, TRUE);

§33. Some kinds of adjective find it useful to do some preparation work just before first compilation, but only once. For those, the ready flag is available:

int Adjectives::Meanings::get_ready_flag(adjective_meaning *am) {
    return am->am_ready_flag;
void Adjectives::Meanings::set_ready_flag(adjective_meaning *am) {
    am->am_ready_flag = TRUE;

§34. Support routines. Using these is only passing the buck: and the buck stops here.

The following utility is used to loop through the sorted meaning list, skipping over any which have been dealt with already.

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::list_next_domain_kind(adjective_meaning *am, kind **K, int T) {
    while ((am) && ((am->defined_already) || (Adjectives::Meanings::compilation_possible(am, T) == FALSE)))
        am = am->next_sorted;
    if (am == NULL) return NULL;
    *K = Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am);
    return am->next_sorted;

§35. And this is where we do the iteration. The idea is that one adjective definition routine is defined (for each task number) which covers all of the weakly-domain-equal definitions for the same adjective. Thus one routine might handle "detailed" for rulebooks, and another might handle "detailed" for all of its meanings associated with objects — possibly many AMs.

void Adjectives::Meanings::compile_support_code(void) {
    Ensure, just in case, that domains exist and are sorted on35.1;
    int T;
    for (T=1; T<=NO_ADJECTIVE_TASKS; T++) {
        adjective *aph;
        LOOP_OVER(aph, adjective) {
            adjective_meaning *am;
            for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; am = am->next_meaning)
                am->defined_already = FALSE;
            for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings; am; ) {
                kind *K = NULL;
                am = Adjectives::Meanings::list_next_domain_kind(am, &K, T);
                if (K)
                    Compile adjective definition for this atomic kind of value35.2;

§35.1. It's unlikely that we have got this far without the domains for the AMs having been established, but certainly possible. We need the domains to be known in order to sort.

Ensure, just in case, that domains exist and are sorted on35.1 =

    adjective *aph;
    LOOP_OVER(aph, adjective) {
        adjective_meaning *am;
        for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.possible_meanings; am; am = am->next_meaning) {
            Adjectives::Meanings::set_definition_domain(am, FALSE);
            am->defined_already = FALSE;

§35.2. The following is a standard way to compile a one-off routine.

Compile adjective definition for this atomic kind of value35.2 =

    wording W = Adjectives::get_nominative_singular(aph);
    LOGIF(VARIABLE_CREATIONS, "Compiling support code for %W applying to %u, task %d\n",
        W, K, T);

    inter_name *iname = Adjectives::Meanings::iname(aph, T, Kinds::RunTime::weak_id(K));
    packaging_state save = Routines::begin(iname);
    Add an it-variable to represent the value or object in the domain35.2.1;

    WRITE_TO(C, "meaning of \"");
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) WRITE_TO(C, "%~W", W);
    else WRITE_TO(C, "<nameless>");
    WRITE_TO(C, "\"");

    if (problem_count == 0) {
        local_variable *it_lv = LocalVariables::it_variable();
        inter_symbol *it_s = LocalVariables::declare_this(it_lv, FALSE, 8);
        Adjectives::Meanings::list_compile(aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings, Frames::current_stack_frame(), K, T, it_s);


§35.2.1. The stack frame has just one call parameter: the value \(x\) which might, or might not, be such that adjective(\(x\)) is true. We allow this to be called "it", though it can also have a calling name in some cases (see below).

Clearly it ought to have the kind which defines the domain — so it's a rulebook if the domain is all rulebooks, and so on — but it doesn't always do so. The exception is that it is bogusly given the kind "number" if the adjective is being defined only by I6 routines. This is done to avoid compiling very inefficient code from the Standard Rules. For instance, the SR reads, in slightly simplified form:

Definition: a text is empty if I6 routine |"TEXT\_TY\_Empty"| says so.

rather than the more obvious:

Definition: a text is empty if it is not |""|.

Both of these definitions work. But if the routine defining "empty" for text is allowed to act on a text variable, Inform needs to compile code which acts on block values held on the memory heap at run-time. That means it needs to compile a memory heap; and that costs 8K or so of storage, making large Z-machine games which don't need text alteration or lists impossible to fit into the 64K array space limit. (There's also a benefit even if we do need a heap; the adjective can act on a direct pointer to the structure, and no time is wasted allocating memory and copying the block value first.)

Add an it-variable to represent the value or object in the domain35.2.1 =

    kind *add_K = K_number;
    adjective_meaning *am;
    for (am = aph->adjective_meanings.sorted_meanings; am; am = am->next_sorted)
        if ((am->adjective_form != I6_ROUTINE_KADJ) &&
            (Adjectives::Meanings::domain_weak_match(K, Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am))))
            add_K = K;

    LocalVariables::add_pronoun(Frames::current_stack_frame(), EMPTY_WORDING, add_K);

§36. We run through possible meanings of the APH which share the current weak domain, and compile code which performs the stronger part of the domain test at run-time. In practice, at present the only weak domain which might have multiple definitions is "object", but that may change.

void Adjectives::Meanings::list_compile(adjective_meaning *list_head,
    ph_stack_frame *phsf, kind *K, int T, inter_symbol *t0_s) {
    adjective_meaning *am;
    for (am = list_head; am; am = am->next_sorted)
        if ((Adjectives::Meanings::compilation_possible(am, T)) &&
            (Adjectives::Meanings::domain_weak_match(K, Adjectives::Meanings::get_domain(am)))) {
            current_sentence = am->defined_at;
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                InferenceSubjects::emit_element_of_condition(am->domain_infs, t0_s);
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), RETURN_BIP);
                        if ((am->meaning_parity == FALSE) && (T == TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK)) {
                            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NOT_BIP);
                        Adjectives::Meanings::emit_meaning(am, T, phsf);
                        am->defined_already = TRUE;
                        if ((am->meaning_parity == FALSE) && (T == TEST_ADJECTIVE_TASK)) {

§37. Kinds of adjectives. This is where inweb's use of C rather than C++ or Python as a base language becomes a little embarrassing: we really want to have seven or eight subclasses of an "adjective" class, and provide a group of methods. Instead we simulate this with the following clumsy code. (More elegant code using pointers to functions would trip up inweb's structure-element usage checking.)

To define a new kind of adjective, first allocate it a new *_KADJ constant (see above). Then declare functions to handle the following methods.

§38. 1. *_KADJ_parse. This enables the kind of adjective to claim a definition which the user has explicitly written, like so:

Definition: A ... (called ...) is ... if ...

In place of the ellipses are the adjective name, domain name, condition text and (optionally) also the calling name. The routine should return a pointer to the AM it creates, if it does want to claim the definition; and NULL if it doesn't want it. sense is either \(1\), meaning that "if" was used (the condition has positive sense); or \(-1\), meaning that it was "unless" (a negative sense); or \(0\), meaning that instead of a condition, a rule was supplied. (Most kinds of adjective will only claim if the sense is \(1\); some never claim at all.)

adjective_meaning *Adjectives::Meanings::parse(parse_node *q,
    int sense, wording AW, wording DNW, wording CONW, wording CALLW) {
    adjective_meaning *am = NULL;
    if (am == NULL) am = Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Instances::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Properties::Measurement::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Phrases::RawCondition::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Phrases::RawPhrasal::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Phrases::Phrasal::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) am = Phrases::Condition::ADJ_parse(q, sense, AW, DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    return am;

§39. 2. *_KADJ_compiling_soon. This warns the adjective that it will shortly be needed in compilation, that is, that code will soon be compiled which uses it. This advance warning is an opportunity to compile a schema for the adjective at the last minute, but there is no obligation. There is also no return value.

void Adjectives::Meanings::compiling_soon(adjective_meaning *am, int T) {
    switch (am->adjective_form) {
        case CONDITION_KADJ: Phrases::Condition::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case I6_CONDITION_KADJ: Phrases::RawCondition::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case I6_ROUTINE_KADJ: Phrases::RawPhrasal::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case PHRASE_KADJ: Phrases::Phrasal::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case MEASUREMENT_KADJ: Properties::Measurement::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_measurement_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case ENUMERATIVE_KADJ: Instances::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;
        case EORP_KADJ: Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_compiling_soon(am,
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_property(am->detailed_meaning), T); break;

§40. 3. *_KADJ_compile. We should now either compile code which, in the given stack frame and writing code to the given file handle, carries out the given task for the adjective, and return TRUE; or return FALSE to tell Inform that the task is impossible.

Note that if an adjective has defined a schema to handle the task, then its *_KADJ_compile is not needed and not consulted.

int Adjectives::Meanings::emit_meaning(adjective_meaning *am, int T, ph_stack_frame *phsf) {
    return Adjectives::Meanings::compile_inner(am, T, TRUE, phsf);

int Adjectives::Meanings::compilation_possible(adjective_meaning *am, int T) {
    return Adjectives::Meanings::compile_inner(am, T, FALSE, NULL);

int Adjectives::Meanings::compile_inner(adjective_meaning *am, int T, int emit_flag, ph_stack_frame *phsf) {
    Adjectives::Meanings::compiling_soon(am, T);
    Use the I6 schema instead to compile the task, if one exists40.1;
    switch (am->adjective_form) {
        case CONDITION_KADJ: return Phrases::Condition::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case I6_ROUTINE_KADJ: return Phrases::RawPhrasal::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case I6_CONDITION_KADJ: return Phrases::RawCondition::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case PHRASE_KADJ: return Phrases::Phrasal::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case MEASUREMENT_KADJ: return Properties::Measurement::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_measurement_definition(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case ENUMERATIVE_KADJ: return Instances::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
        case EORP_KADJ: return Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_compile(
            RETRIEVE_POINTER_property(am->detailed_meaning), T, emit_flag, phsf);
    internal_error("unknown KADJ code");
    return FALSE;

§40.1. We expand the I6 schema, placing the "it" variable — a nameless call parameter which is always local variable number 0 for this stack frame — into *1.

Use the I6 schema instead to compile the task, if one exists40.1 =

    if (Calculus::Schemas::empty(&(am->i6s_for_runtime_task[T])) == FALSE) {
        if (emit_flag) {
            parse_node *it_var = Lvalues::new_LOCAL_VARIABLE(EMPTY_WORDING,
            pcalc_term it_term = Calculus::Terms::new_constant(it_var);
            Calculus::Schemas::emit_expand_from_terms(&(am->i6s_for_runtime_task[T]), &it_term, NULL, FALSE);
        return TRUE;

§41. 4. *_KADJ_assert. We should now either take action to ensure that the adjective will hold (or not hold, according to parity) for the given object or value; or return FALSE to tell Inform that this cannot be asserted, which will trigger a problem message.

int Adjectives::Meanings::assert_single(adjective_meaning *am, inference_subject *infs_to_assert_on,
    parse_node *val_to_assert_on, int parity) {
    if (am->meaning_parity == FALSE) {
        am = am->am_negated_from; parity = (parity)?FALSE:TRUE;
    switch (am->adjective_form) {
        case CONDITION_KADJ: return Phrases::Condition::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case I6_CONDITION_KADJ: return Phrases::RawCondition::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case I6_ROUTINE_KADJ: return Phrases::RawPhrasal::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case PHRASE_KADJ: return Phrases::Phrasal::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case MEASUREMENT_KADJ: return Properties::Measurement::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case ENUMERATIVE_KADJ: return Instances::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, val_to_assert_on, parity);
        case EORP_KADJ: return Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_assert(
            infs_to_assert_on, NULL, parity);
    internal_error("unknown KADJ code");
    return FALSE;

§42. 5. *_KADJ_index. This should print a description of the adjective to the index, for use in the Phrasebook lexicon. Note that it is only needed where the AM has been constructed positively, that is, it is not needed if the AM was made as a negation of something else.

Note also that if the AM was defined with any indexing text then that will be printed if the routine does nothing better.

void Adjectives::Meanings::print_to_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, adjective_meaning *am) {
    int rv;
    Index the domain of validity of the AM42.1;
    if (am->am_negated_from) {
        wording W = Adjectives::get_nominative_singular(am->am_negated_from->owning_adjective);
        WRITE(" opposite of </i>%+W<i>", W);
    } else {
        switch (am->adjective_form) {
            case CONDITION_KADJ: rv = Phrases::Condition::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case I6_CONDITION_KADJ: rv = Phrases::RawCondition::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case I6_ROUTINE_KADJ: rv = Phrases::RawPhrasal::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case PHRASE_KADJ: rv = Phrases::Phrasal::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_definition(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case MEASUREMENT_KADJ: rv = Properties::Measurement::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_measurement_definition(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case ENUMERATIVE_KADJ: rv = Instances::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_instance(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            case EORP_KADJ: rv = Properties::EitherOr::ADJ_index(OUT,
                RETRIEVE_POINTER_property(am->detailed_meaning)); break;
            default: rv = FALSE; break;
        if ((rv == FALSE) && (Wordings::nonempty(am->adjective_index_text)))
            WRITE("%+W", am->adjective_index_text);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(am->adjective_index_text))
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(am->adjective_index_text));

§42.1. This is supposed to imitate dictionaries, distinguishing meanings by concisely showing their usage. Thus "empty" would have indexed entries prefaced "(of a rulebook)", "(of an activity)", and so on.

Index the domain of validity of the AM42.1 =

    if (am->domain_infs)
        WRITE("(of </i>%+W<i>) ", InferenceSubjects::get_name_text(am->domain_infs));

§43. Parsing for adaptive text.

<adaptive-adjective> internal {
    if (Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()) == DefaultLanguage::get(NULL)) return FALSE;
    adjective *aph;
    LOOP_OVER(aph, adjective) {
        wording AW = Clusters::get_form_general(aph->adjective_names, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()), 1, -1);
        if (Wordings::match(AW, W)) {
            ==> { FALSE, aph};
            return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal };

§44. Compiling to:

void Adjectives::Meanings::agreements(void) {
    if (Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()) == DefaultLanguage::get(NULL)) return;
    adjective *aph;
    LOOP_OVER(aph, adjective) {
        wording PW = Clusters::get_form_general(aph->adjective_names, Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()), 1, -1);
        if (Wordings::empty(PW)) continue;

        packaging_state save = Routines::begin(aph->adjective_compilation.aph_iname);
        inter_symbol *o_s = LocalVariables::add_named_call_as_symbol(I"o");
        inter_symbol *force_plural_s = LocalVariables::add_named_call_as_symbol(I"force_plural");
        inter_symbol *gna_s = LocalVariables::add_internal_local_as_symbol(I"gna");

        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IFELSE_BIP);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), EQ_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, o_s);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                    Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                    Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 6);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                    Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(GETGNAOFOBJECT_HL);
                    Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), iname);
                        Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, o_s);

        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
            Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, force_plural_s);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IFELSE_BIP);
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), NE_BIP);
                        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PRIOR_NAMED_LIST_GENDER_HL));
                        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, (inter_ti) -1);
                        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                            Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PLUS_BIP);
                                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 3);
                                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PRIOR_NAMED_LIST_GENDER_HL));
                        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
                            Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 3);

        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
            Produce::ref_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), MODULO_BIP);
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 6);

        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), SWITCH_BIP);
            Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, gna_s);
                for (int gna=0; gna<6; gna++) {
                    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), CASE_BIP);
                        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, (inter_ti) gna);
                            Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
                                int number_sought = 1, gender_sought = NEUTER_GENDER;
                                if (gna%3 == 0) gender_sought = MASCULINE_GENDER;
                                if (gna%3 == 1) gender_sought = FEMININE_GENDER;
                                if (gna >= 3) number_sought = 2;
                                wording AW = Clusters::get_form_general(aph->adjective_names,
                                    Projects::get_language_of_play(Task::project()), number_sought, gender_sought);
                                if (Wordings::nonempty(AW)) WRITE_TO(T, "%W", AW);
                                else WRITE_TO(T, "%W", PW);
                                Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), T);


void Adjectives::Meanings::emit(adjective *aph) {
    Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), aph->adjective_compilation.aph_iname);
        Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PRIOR_NAMED_NOUN_HL));
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), GE_BIP);
            Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, Hierarchy::find(PRIOR_NAMED_LIST_HL));
            Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 2);
    Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), STORE_BIP);
        Produce::ref_iname(Emit::tree(), K_number, Hierarchy::find(SAY__P_HL));
        Produce::val(Emit::tree(), K_number, LITERAL_IVAL, 1);