To register and deregister meanings for excerpts of text as nouns, adjectives, imperative phrases and other usages.

§1. Excerpt meanings. We now define the excerpt_meaning data structure, which holds a single entry in this what amounts to a dictionary. The text to be matched is specified as a sequence of at least one, and at most 32, tokens: these can either be pointers to specific vocabulary, or can be null, which implies that arbitrary non-empty text can appear in the given position. It is forbidden for the token list to contain two nulls in a row.

For instance, the token list:

    drink # milk #

matches "drink more milk today and every day", but not "drink milk". The sharp symbol # is printed in place of a null token, both here and in the debugging log.

Each excerpt meaning also comes with a hash code, which is automatically generated from its token list, and a pointer to some structure.

typedef struct excerpt_meaning {
    unsigned int meaning_code;  what kind of meaning: a single MC, not a bitmap
    struct general_pointer data;  data structure being referred to
    int no_em_tokens;  length of token list
    struct vocabulary_entry *em_tokens[MAX_TOKENS_PER_EXCERPT_MEANING];  token list
    int excerpt_hash;  hash code generated from the token list
} excerpt_meaning;

§2. Meaning codes. These assign a context to a meaning, and so decide how the data pointer for an excerpt meaning is to interpreted. For instance, "Persian carpet" might have a meaning with code NOUN_MC.

Meaning codes are used in other contexts in Inform besides this one. There are up to 31 of them and each is a distinct power of two; there is no significance to their ordering. Integers are assumed at least 32 bits wide and can therefore hold a bitmap representing any subset of these meaning codes; using only 31 bits avoids any potential nuisance over the sign bit.

For instance, PROPERTY_MC + TABLE_MC might mean "either a property name or a table name". But the meaning_code field of an excerpt_meaning is always a pure power of 2, i.e., a single bit.

define MISCELLANEOUS_MC            0x00000001  a grab-bag of other possible nouns
define NOUN_MC                 0x00000002  e.g., upright chair
define ADJECTIVE_MC                0x00000004  e.g., invisible

§3. Annotating words. Each word in the vocabulary collected up by words will be annotated with an object of the following class:

typedef struct vocabulary_lexicon_data {
    #ifdef KINDS_MODULE
    struct kind *one_word_kind;  ditto as a kind with single-word name
    struct parse_node *start_list;  meanings starting with this
    struct parse_node *end_list;  meanings ending with this
    struct parse_node *middle_list;  meanings with this inside but at neither end
    struct parse_node *subset_list;  meanings allowing subsets which include this
    int subset_list_length;  number of meanings in the subset list
    int scanned_already;  used only for diagnostics
} vocabulary_lexicon_data;

§4. With the following initialiser:

define VOCABULARY_MEANING_INITIALISER_WORDS_CALLBACK ExcerptMeanings::new_vocabulary_attachment
vocabulary_lexicon_data ExcerptMeanings::new_vocabulary_attachment(vocabulary_entry *ve) {
    #ifdef KINDS_MODULE
    if (Kinds::Textual::parse_variable(ve)) ve->flags |= KIND_FAST_MC;
    if ((ve->flags) & NUMBER_MC) Cardinals::mark_as_cardinal(ve);
    if ((ve->flags) & ORDINAL_MC) Cardinals::mark_as_ordinal(ve);

    vocabulary_lexicon_data ld;
    ld.start_list = NULL; ld.end_list = NULL; ld.middle_list = NULL;
    ld.subset_list = NULL; ld.subset_list_length = 0;
    ld.scanned_already = FALSE;
    #ifdef KINDS_MODULE
    ld.one_word_kind = NULL;
    return ld;

§5. Creating EMs. The following makes a skeletal EM structure, with no token list or hash code as yet.

excerpt_meaning *ExcerptMeanings::new(unsigned int mc, general_pointer data) {
    excerpt_meaning *em = CREATE(excerpt_meaning);
    em->meaning_code = mc;
    em->data = data;
    em->no_em_tokens = 0;
    em->excerpt_hash = 0;
    return em;

§6. Debugging log. First to log a general bitmap made up from meaning codes:

void ExcerptMeanings::log(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *vem) {
    excerpt_meaning *em = (excerpt_meaning *) vem;
    if (em == NULL) { WRITE("<null-em>"); return; }
    for (int i=0; i<em->no_em_tokens; i++) {
        if (i>0) WRITE(" ");
        if (em->em_tokens[i] == NULL) { WRITE("#"); continue; }
        WRITE("%V", em->em_tokens[i]);
    WRITE(" = ");
    NodeType::log(OUT, (int) em->meaning_code);

void ExcerptMeanings::log_all(void) {
    int i = 0;
    excerpt_meaning *em;
    LOOP_OVER(em, excerpt_meaning)
        LOG("%02d: %08x $M\n", i++, (pointer_sized_int) em, em);

§7. Hashing excerpts. For excerpts (w1, w2), we need a form of hash function which makes it easy to test whether the words in one excerpt can all be found in another, or to be more exact whether

\(\) \lbrace I_j\mid w_1\leq j\leq w_2\rbrace \subseteq \lbrace I_j\mid w_3\leq j\leq w_4\rbrace \(\)

where \(I_n\) is the identity of word \(n\). As with all hash algorithms, we do not need to guarantee a positive match, only a negative, so we can throw away a lot of information. And we also want a hash function which makes it easy to test whether an excerpt contains any of the literals.

§8. There are two sources of text which we might want to hash in this way: first, actual excerpts found in the source text. These are not very expensive to calculate, but every ounce of speed helps here, so we cache the most recent.

The hash generated this way is an arbitrary bitmap of bits 1 to 30, with bits 31 and 32 left clear.

int cached_hash_w1 = -2, cached_hash_w2 = -2, cached_value;

int ExcerptMeanings::hash_code(wording W) {
    if (Wordings::empty(W)) return 0;
    int w1 = Wordings::first_wn(W), w2 = Wordings::last_wn(W);
    int i, h = 0; vocabulary_entry *v;
    if ((w1 == cached_hash_w1) && (w2 == cached_hash_w2)) return cached_value;
    for (i=w1; i<=w2; i++) {
        v = Lexer::word(i);
        if (v) Allow this vocabulary entry to contribute to the excerpt's hash code8.2;
    return h;

§8.1. Second, when a new excerpt meaning is to be registered, we want to hash code its token list. But only some of the tokens are vocabulary entries, while others instead represent gaps where arbitrary text can appear (referred to with a null pointer). Note that we simply ignore that gaps when hashing, that is, we produce the same hash as we would if the gaps were not there at all.

The hash generated this way is an arbitrary bitmap of bits 1 to 31, with bit 32 left clear. Bit 31 is set, as a special case, for excerpts in the context of text substitutions which begin with a word known to exist, and with differing meanings, in two differently cased forms: this is how "[the noun]" is distinguished from "[The noun]". (The lower 30 bits have the same meaning as in the first case above.)

void ExcerptMeanings::hash_code_from_token_list(excerpt_meaning *em) {
    int i, h = 0;
    if (em->no_em_tokens == 0) internal_error("Empty text when registering");
    if ((em->no_em_tokens >= 1) && (em->em_tokens[0])) {
        vocabulary_entry *lcf = Vocabulary::get_lower_case_form(em->em_tokens[0]);
        if (lcf) {
            h = h | CAPITALISED_VARIANT_FORM;
            em->em_tokens[0] = lcf;
    for (i=0; i<em->no_em_tokens; i++) {
        vocabulary_entry *v = em->em_tokens[i];
        if (v) Allow this vocabulary entry to contribute to the excerpt's hash code8.2;
    em->excerpt_hash = h;

§8.2. Now each vocabulary entry v, i.e., each distinct word identity, itself has a hash code to identify it. These are stored in v->hash and, except for literals, are more or less evenly distributed in about the range 0 to 1000.

The contribution made by a single word's individual hash to the bitmap hash for the whole excerpt is as follows.

Allow this vocabulary entry to contribute to the excerpt's hash code8.2 =

    if ((v->flags) & NUMBER_MC)    h = h | 1;
    else if ((v->flags) & TEXT_MC) h = h | 2;
    else if ((v->flags) & I6_MC)   h = h | 4;
    else                           h = h | (8 << ((v->hash) % 27));

§9. To sum up: the excerpt hash is a bitmap indicating what categories of words are present in the excerpt. It ignores "gaps" in token lists, and it ignores the order of the words and repetitions. The three least significant bits indicate whether numbers, text or I6 verbatims are present, and the next 27 bits indicate the presence of other words: e.g., bit 4 indicates that a word with hash code 0, 27, 54, ..., is present, and so on. Bit 31, which is used only for token lists of excerpt meanings, marks that an excerpt is a variant form whose first word must be capitalised in order for it to match. Bit 32 is always left blank (for superstitious reasons to do with the sign bit and differences between platforms in handling signed bit shifts).

The result is not a tremendously good hashing number, since it generally produces a sparse bitmap, so that the variety is not as great as might be thought. But it is optimised for the trickiest parsing cases where the rewards of saving unnecessary tests are greatest.

§10. EM Listing. We are clearly not going to store the excerpt meanings in a hash table keyed by the hash values of excerpts — with hash values as large as \(2^{31}-1\), that would be practically impossible.

Instead we key using the actual words. Each vocabulary entry has four linked lists of EMs: its subset list, its start list, its middle list, and its end list.

Since no token lists of two or more consecutive #s cannot exist, this exhausts the possibilities.

Outside of subset mode, we will then test a given excerpt (w1, w2) in the source text against all possible meanings by checking the start list for w1, the end list for w2 and the middle list for every one of (w1+1, w2-1). Because of this:

parse_node *blank_says_p = NULL;
void ExcerptMeanings::register_em(unsigned int meaning_code, excerpt_meaning *em) {
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    PreformCache::warn_of_changes();  the existence of new meanings jeopardises any cached parsing results

    Compute the new excerpt's hash code from its token list10.1;
    Watermark each word in the token list with the meaning code being applied10.2;

        "Logging meaning: $M with hash %08x, mc=%d, %d tokens\n",
        em, em->excerpt_hash, meaning_code, em->no_em_tokens);

    if (meaning_code & SUBSET_PARSING_BITMAP) {
        Place the new meaning under the subset list for each non-article word10.3;
    else if ((em->no_em_tokens == 1) && (em->em_tokens[0] == NULL) &&
        (EM_ALLOW_BLANK_TEST_LEXICON_CALLBACK(meaning_code))) {
        Place the new meaning under the say-blank list10.4;
    else if (em->em_tokens[0]) {
        Place the new meaning under the start list of the first word10.5;
    } else if (em->em_tokens[em->no_em_tokens-1]) {
        Place the new meaning under the end list of the last word10.6;
    } else {
        int i;
        for (i=1; i<em->no_em_tokens-1; i++)
            if (em->em_tokens[i]) { Place the new meaning under the middle list of word i10.7; break; }
        if (i >= em->no_em_tokens-1) internal_error("registered meaning of two or more #s");

§10.1. See above.

Compute the new excerpt's hash code from its token list10.1 =


§10.2. Another important optimisation is to flag each word in the meaning with the given meaning code — this is why vocabulary flags and excerpt meaning codes share the same numbering space. If we register "Table of Surgical Instruments" as a table name, the word "surgical", for instance, picks up the TABLE_MC bit in its flags bitmap.

The advantage of this is that if we want to see whether (w1, w2) might be a table name, we can take a bitwise AND of the flags for each word in the range; if the result doesn't have the TABLE_MC bit set, then at least one of the words never occurs in a table name, so the answer must be "no". This produces rapid, definite negatives with only a few false positives.

Watermark each word in the token list with the meaning code being applied10.2 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<em->no_em_tokens; i++)
        if (em->em_tokens[i])
            ((em->em_tokens[i])->flags) |= meaning_code;

§10.3. Note that articles (a, an, the, some) are excluded: this means we don't waste time trying to see if the excerpt "the" might be a reference to the object "Gregory the Great".

Place the new meaning under the subset list for each non-article word10.3 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<em->no_em_tokens; i++) {
        vocabulary_entry *v = em->em_tokens[i];
        if (v == NULL) {
            LOG("Logging meaning: $M with hash %08x\n", em, em->excerpt_hash);
            internal_error("# in registration of subset meaning");
        if (NTI::test_vocabulary(v, <article>)) continue;
        parse_node *p = ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(em);
        p->next_alternative = v->means.subset_list;
        v->means.subset_list = p;

§10.4. To register #, which is what "To say (N - a number)" and similar constructions translate to.

Place the new meaning under the say-blank list10.4 =

    parse_node *p = ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(em);
    if (blank_says_p) {
        parse_node *p2 = blank_says_p;
        while (p2->next_alternative) p2 = p2->next_alternative;
        p2->next_alternative = p;
    else blank_says_p = p;
        "The blank list with $M is now:\n$T", em, blank_says_p);

§10.5. Place the new meaning under the start list of the first word10.5 =

    parse_node *p = ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(em);
    p->next_alternative = em->em_tokens[0]->means.start_list;
    em->em_tokens[0]->means.start_list = p;

§10.6. ...and similarly...

Place the new meaning under the end list of the last word10.6 =

    parse_node *p = ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(em);
    p->next_alternative = em->em_tokens[em->no_em_tokens-1]->means.end_list;
    em->em_tokens[em->no_em_tokens-1]->means.end_list = p;

§10.7. ...and similarly again:

Place the new meaning under the middle list of word i10.7 =

    parse_node *p = ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(em);
    p->next_alternative = em->em_tokens[i]->means.middle_list;
    em->em_tokens[i]->means.middle_list = p;

§11. Parse nodes are only created from excerpt meanings for storage inside the excerpt parser, so these never live on into trees.

parse_node *ExcerptMeanings::new_em_pnode(excerpt_meaning *em) {
    parse_node *pn = Node::new(em->meaning_code);
    Node::set_meaning(pn, em);
    return pn;

§12. Registration. The following is the main routine used throughout Inform to register new meanings.

excerpt_meaning *ExcerptMeanings::register(
    unsigned int meaning_code, wording W, general_pointer data) {
    if (Wordings::empty(W)) internal_error("tried to register empty excerpt meaning");

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    if (meaning_code == NOUN_MC)
            NTI::mark_word(i, <s-object-instance>);
    if (meaning_code == KIND_SLOW_MC)
            NTI::mark_word(i, <k-kind>);

    excerpt_meaning *em = ExcerptMeanings::new(meaning_code, data);

    Unless this is parametrised, skip any initial article12.1;

        Detect use of upper case on the first word of this new text substitution12.2;

    Build the token list for the new EM12.3;

    ExcerptMeanings::register_em(meaning_code, em);

    return em;

§12.1. Articles are preserved at the front of phrase definitions, mainly because text substitutions need to distinguish (for instance) "say [the X]" from "say [an X]".

Unless this is parametrised, skip any initial article12.1 =

    if ((meaning_code & PARAMETRISED_PARSING_BITMAP) == 0)
        if (NTI::test_word(Wordings::first_wn(W), <article>)) {
            W = Wordings::trim_first_word(W);
            if (Wordings::empty(W))
                internal_error("registered a meaning which was only an article");

§12.2. Because an open bracket fails isupper, the following looks at the first letter of the first word only if it's not a blank. If it finds upper case, as it would when reading the "T" in:

To say The Portrait: ...

then it makes a new upper-case version of the word "the", i.e., "The", with a distinct lexical identity; and places this distinguished identity as the new first token. This ensures that we end up with a different token list from the one in:

To say the Portrait: ...

(These are the only circumstances in which phrase parsing has any case sensitivity.)

Detect use of upper case on the first word of this new text substitution12.2 =

    wchar_t *tx = Lexer::word_raw_text(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    if ((tx[0]) && ((isupper(tx[0])) || (tx[1] == 0))) {
        vocabulary_entry *ucf = Vocabulary::make_case_sensitive(Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W)));
        if (!Characters::isupper(tx[0])) ucf = Vocabulary::get_lower_case_form(ucf);
        Lexer::set_word(Wordings::first_wn(W), ucf);
            "Allowing initial capitalised word %w: meaning_code = %08x\n",
                tx, meaning_code);

§12.3. We read the text in something like:

award (P - a number) points

and transcribe it into the token list, collapsing bracketed parts into # tokens denoting gaps, to result in something like:

    award # points

with a token count of 3.

Build the token list for the new EM12.3 =

    int tc = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < Wordings::length(W); i++) {
            Complain of excessive length of the new excerpt12.3.3;
        if (compare_word(Wordings::first_wn(W) + i, OPENBRACKET_V)) {
            em->em_tokens[tc++] = NULL;
            Skip over bracketed token description12.3.1;
        } else em->em_tokens[tc++] = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W) + i);
    em->no_em_tokens = tc;

§12.3.1. This is all a little defensive, but syntax bugs higher up tend to find their way down to this plughole:

Skip over bracketed token description12.3.1 =

    int bl = 1; i++;
    while (bl > 0) {
        if (i >= Wordings::length(W))  {
            LOG("Bad meaning: <%W>\n", W);
            internal_error("Bracket mismatch when registering");
        if (compare_word(Wordings::first_wn(W) + i, OPENBRACKET_V)) bl++;
        if (compare_word(Wordings::first_wn(W) + i, CLOSEBRACKET_V)) bl--;
    if ((i < Wordings::length(W)) && (compare_word(Wordings::first_wn(W) + i, OPENBRACKET_V))) {
        LOG("Bad meaning: <%W>\n", W);
        internal_error("Two consecutive bracketed tokens when registering");

§12.3.2. In practice, nobody ever hits this message except deliberately. It has a tendency to fire twice or more on the same source text because of registering multiple inflected forms of the same text; but it's not worth going to any trouble to prevent this.

(At present, this is actually the only lexicon error.)

enum TooLongName_LEXICONERROR from 1

§12.3.3. Complain of excessive length of the new excerpt12.3.3 =

    ExcerptMeanings::problem_handler(TooLongName_LEXICONERROR, EMPTY_WORDING, NULL, 0);

§13. Errors. Some tools using this module will want to push simple error messages out to the command line; others will want to translate them into elaborate problem texts in HTML. So the client is allowed to define PROBLEM_LEXICON_CALLBACK to some routine of her own, gazumping this one.

void ExcerptMeanings::problem_handler(int err_no, wording W, void *ref, int k) {
    PROBLEM_LEXICON_CALLBACK(err_no, W, ref, k);
    WRITE_TO(text, "%+W", W);
    switch (err_no) {
        case TooLongName_LEXICONERROR:
            Errors::nowhere("noun too long");