§1. A special Inter array holds enough details about the initial situation of the player for WorldModelKit to get things started.

void RTPlayer::InitialSituation(void) {
    RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(PLAYER_OBJECT_INIS_HL, 0);
    RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(START_OBJECT_INIS_HL, 1);
    RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(START_ROOM_INIS_HL, 2);
    RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(START_TIME_INIS_HL, 3);
    RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(DONE_INIS_HL, 4);

    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(INITIALSITUATION_HL);
    packaging_state save = Emit::named_array_begin(iname, K_value);
    if (start_object == NULL) Emit::array_numeric_entry(0);
    else Emit::array_iname_entry(RTInstances::iname(start_object));
    if (start_room == NULL) Emit::array_numeric_entry(0);
    else Emit::array_iname_entry(RTInstances::iname(start_room));
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);

void RTPlayer::InitialSituation_define(int id, int val) {
    inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(id);
    Emit::named_array_begin(iname, K_value);
    Emit::named_numeric_constant(iname, (inter_ti) val);
    Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);

§2. "Player" is set in an unusual way. That is, Inform does not compile

now the player is Mr Chasuble;

to something like player = O31_mr_chasuble, as it would do for a typical variable. It's very important that code compiled by Inform 7 doesn't do this, because if executed it would break the invariants for WorldModelKit variables about the current situation. The correct thing is always to call the function ChangePlayer instead:

void RTPlayer::player_schema(nonlocal_variable *nlv) {
    RTVariables::set_write_schema(nlv, I"ChangePlayer(*2)");