A plugin which constructs the fundamental spatial model used by IF, to represent containment, support, carrying, wearing, and incorporation.

§1. The "spatial model" is the aspect of the IF model world which represents containment, support, carrying, wearing, and incorporation; say, a button which is part of a shirt which is in a tumble-drier which is in a room called the Laundry, where there's also a man carrying a box of washing powder and wearing a dressing gown. That's quite a lot of concepts, but note that it doesn't include the geographical model (directions, the map, regions, and so on), which are formally separated from the spatial model and are therefore managed by other plugins.

This is the largest and most complicated of the plugins. It has two basic tasks: to infer the spatial structure from context and rather vague indications of kinds and forms of containment; and then to compile an Inform 6 representation of the result, which is quite a messy business.

§2. Every inference subject contains a pointer to its own unique copy of the following structure, though it will only be relevant for instances of "room" and "thing" — the raw materials of our model world. The fundamental spatial data we will keep for each object is its "progenitor", which may be NULL, representing the object which immediately contains, carries, wears, supports or incorporates it.

typedef struct spatial_data {
     fundamental spatial information about an object's location
    struct instance *progenitor;
    struct parse_node *progenitor_set_at;
    int part_flag;  is this a component part of something else?
    int here_flag;  was this declared simply as being "here"?

     temporary storage needed when compiling spatial data to I6 code
    struct instance *object_tree_parent;  in/on/worn by/carried by tree structure
    struct instance *object_tree_child;
    struct instance *object_tree_sibling;
    struct instance *incorp_tree_parent;  part-of tree structure
    struct instance *incorp_tree_child;
    struct instance *incorp_tree_sibling;
    int I6_definition_depth;  i.e., how many arrows -> appear in its I6 header

} spatial_data;

§3. Here, first, are the special kinds of inference needed to store these vague indications of spatial structure:

define IS_ROOM_INF 50  is O a room?
define CONTAINS_THINGS_INF 51  does O contain things?
define PARENTAGE_INF 52  where is O located?
define PARENTAGE_HERE_INF 53  located vaguely as "here"?
define PARENTAGE_NOWHERE_INF 54  located vaguely as "nowhere"?
define PART_OF_INF 55  is O a part of another object?

§4. The Spatial plugin also needs to know about a considerable number of special kinds and properties:

kind *K_room = NULL;
kind *K_thing = NULL;
kind *K_container = NULL;
kind *K_supporter = NULL;
kind *K_person = NULL;
kind *K_players_holdall = NULL;
property *P_initial_appearance = NULL;
property *P_wearable = NULL;
property *P_fixed_in_place = NULL;

property *P_component_parent = NULL;
property *P_component_child = NULL;
property *P_component_sibling = NULL;
property *P_worn = NULL;
property *P_mark_as_room = NULL;
property *P_mark_as_thing = NULL;
property *P_container = NULL;
property *P_supporter = NULL;
property *P_matching_key = NULL;

§5. We will also need constants to talk about the inference subjects which correspond to four of the special kinds — ordinarily that would be redundant, since you can get the subject as a function of the kind, but there's a tricky timing issue to get around (see below).

inference_subject *infs_room = NULL;
inference_subject *infs_thing = NULL;
inference_subject *infs_supporter = NULL;
inference_subject *infs_person = NULL;

§6. Initialisation.

void PL::Spatial::start(void) {
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_CREATE_INFERENCES, PL::Spatial::create_inference_subjects);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_NEW_BASE_KIND_NOTIFY, PL::Spatial::spatial_new_base_kind_notify);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_ACT_ON_SPECIAL_NPS, PL::Spatial::spatial_act_on_special_NPs);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_DEFAULT_APPEARANCE, PL::Spatial::spatial_default_appearance);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_INFERENCES_CONTRADICT, PL::Spatial::spatial_inferences_contradict);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_EXPLAIN_CONTRADICTION, PL::Spatial::spatial_explain_contradiction);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_LOG_INFERENCE_TYPE, PL::Spatial::spatial_log_inference_type);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_NAME_TO_EARLY_INFS, PL::Spatial::spatial_name_to_early_infs);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_NEW_SUBJECT_NOTIFY, PL::Spatial::spatial_new_subject_notify);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_NEW_PROPERTY_NOTIFY, PL::Spatial::spatial_new_property_notify);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_PARSE_COMPOSITE_NQS, PL::Spatial::spatial_parse_composite_NQs);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_SET_KIND_NOTIFY, PL::Spatial::spatial_set_kind_notify);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_SET_SUBKIND_NOTIFY, PL::Spatial::spatial_set_subkind_notify);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_ADD_TO_WORLD_INDEX, PL::Spatial::spatial_add_to_World_index);
    PLUGIN_REGISTER(PLUGIN_INTERVENE_IN_ASSERTION, PL::Spatial::spatial_intervene_in_assertion);

§7. In talking about some of the fundamental spatial domains we potentially have a vicious circle, because

We break the deadlock at (a) by specifying the domains of the built-in relations using inference subject structures created in advance of the kinds they will one day infer about. These amount to promisory notes that we will make them correspond to the actual kinds later on, at some point after stage (d) when they exist.

void PL::Spatial::create_inference_subjects(void) {
    infs_room =      InferenceSubjects::new_fundamental(global_constants, "room(early)");
    infs_thing =     InferenceSubjects::new_fundamental(global_constants, "thing(early)");
    infs_supporter = InferenceSubjects::new_fundamental(global_constants, "supporter(early)");
    infs_person =    InferenceSubjects::new_fundamental(global_constants, "person(early)");

§8. And this is where those IOUs are redeemed. What happens is that, ordinarily, the machinery creating objects (and kinds) will allocate a new inference structure for each object, but it first invites plugins to choose an existing one instead. (The INFS structure is rewritten, but the important thing is that pointers to it remain consistent and valid.)

int PL::Spatial::spatial_name_to_early_infs(wording W, inference_subject **infs) {
    if (<notable-spatial-kinds>(W)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: if (K_room == NULL) *infs = infs_room; break;
            case 1: if (K_thing == NULL) *infs = infs_thing; break;
             container isn't an early case, surprisingly
            case 3: if (K_supporter == NULL) *infs = infs_supporter; break;
            case 4: if (K_person == NULL) *infs = infs_person; break;
    return FALSE;

§9. Here we initialise the data used by Spatial for each object:

spatial_data *PL::Spatial::new_data(inference_subject *subj) {
    spatial_data *sd = CREATE(spatial_data);
    sd->progenitor = NULL; sd->progenitor_set_at = NULL; sd->part_flag = FALSE;
    sd->object_tree_parent = NULL; sd->object_tree_child = NULL; sd->object_tree_sibling = NULL;
    sd->incorp_tree_child = NULL; sd->incorp_tree_sibling = NULL; sd->incorp_tree_parent = NULL;
    sd->I6_definition_depth = 0;
    sd->here_flag = FALSE;
    return sd;

§10. Special inferences. Four of these are quite simple inferences, but PARENTAGE_INF stores the object to which a spatial relationship is being inferred; and this means that multiple PARENTAGE_INFs can contradict each other.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_log_inference_type(int it) {
    switch(it) {
        case IS_ROOM_INF: LOG("IS_ROOM_INF"); return TRUE;
        case PARENTAGE_INF: LOG("PARENTAGE_INF"); return TRUE;
        case PART_OF_INF: LOG("PART_OF_INF"); return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int PL::Spatial::spatial_inferences_contradict(inference *A, inference *B, int similarity) {
    if ((World::Inferences::get_inference_type(A) == PARENTAGE_INF) &&
        (World::Inferences::get_reference_as_object(A) !=
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int PL::Spatial::spatial_explain_contradiction(inference *A, inference *B, int similarity,
    inference_subject *subj) {
    if ((World::Inferences::get_inference_type(A) == PARENTAGE_INF) &&
        (World::Inferences::get_reference_as_object(A) !=
            World::Inferences::get_reference_as_object(B))) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, World::Inferences::where_inferred(A));
        Problems::quote_source(2, World::Inferences::where_inferred(B));
        Problems::quote_subject(3, subj);
        Problems::quote_object(4, World::Inferences::get_reference_as_object(A));
        Problems::quote_object(5, World::Inferences::get_reference_as_object(B));
        StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_SpatialContradiction));
            "You wrote %1, but also %2: that seems to be saying that the same "
            "object (%3) must be in two different places (%4 and %5). This "
            "looks like a contradiction. %P"
            "This sometimes happens as a result of a sentence like 'Every person "
            "carries a bag', when Inform doesn't know 'bag' as the name of any "
            "kind - so that it makes only a single thing called 'bag', and then "
            "the sentence looks as if it says everyone is carrying the same bag.");
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. Special kinds. These are kind names to do with spatial layout which Inform provides special support for; it recognises the Englishs name when defined by the Standard Rules. (So there is no need to translate this to other languages.)

<notable-spatial-kinds> ::=
    room |
    thing |
    container |
    supporter |
    person |
    player's holdall


int PL::Spatial::spatial_new_base_kind_notify(kind *new_base, text_stream *name, wording W) {
    if (<notable-spatial-kinds>(W)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: K_room = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 1: K_thing = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 2: K_container = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 3: K_supporter = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 4: K_person = new_base; return TRUE;
            case 5: K_players_holdall = new_base; return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int PL::Spatial::spatial_new_subject_notify(inference_subject *subj) {
    ATTACH_PLUGIN_DATA_TO_SUBJECT(spatial, subj, PL::Spatial::new_data);
    return FALSE;

§13. When the rest of Inform makes something a room, for instance in response to an explicit sentence like "The Hall of Mirrors is a room.", we take notice; if it turns out to be news, we infer IS_ROOM_INF with certainty.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_set_kind_notify(instance *I, kind *k) {
    kind *kw = Instances::to_kind(I);
    if ((!(Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(kw, K_room))) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(k, K_room)))
        World::Inferences::draw(IS_ROOM_INF, Instances::as_subject(I), CERTAIN_CE,
            NULL, NULL);
    return FALSE;

§14. Nothing in the core Inform language prevents room from being made a kind of vehicle, and so on, but this would cause mayhem in the model world. So:

int PL::Spatial::spatial_set_subkind_notify(kind *sub, kind *super) {
    if ((sub == K_thing) && (super != K_object)) {
        if (problem_count == 0)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ThingAdrift),
                "'thing' is not allowed to be a kind of anything (other than "
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform uses rooms "
                "and things to model the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    if ((sub == K_room) && (super != K_object)) {
        if (problem_count == 0)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RoomAdrift),
                "'room' is not allowed to be a kind of anything (other than "
                "because it's too fundamental to the way Inform uses rooms "
                "and things to model the physical world.");
        return TRUE;
    if (((sub == K_container) && (super == K_supporter)) ||
        ((sub == K_supporter) && (super == K_container))) {
        if (problem_count == 0)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ContainerAdrift),
                "'container' and 'supporter' are not allowed to be kinds "
                "of each other",
                "because they're too fundamental to the way Inform models the "
                "physical world. Both are kinds of 'thing', but they are "
                "different, and no object is allowed to belong to both at once.");
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§15. This tests whether an object is an instance of "room":

int PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(instance *I) {
    if ((Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(spatial_plugin)) && (K_room) && (I) &&
        (Instances::of_kind(I, K_room)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§16. This is where we give Inform the numbers it needs to write the "a world with 5 rooms and 27 things"-style text in a successful report on its run.

void PL::Spatial::get_world_size(int *rooms, int *things) {
    instance *I;
    *rooms = 0; *things = 0;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_room) (*rooms)++;
    LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES(I, K_thing) (*things)++;

§17. Special properties. These are property names to do with spatial layout which Inform provides special support for; it recognises the English names when they are defined by the Standard Rules. (So there is no need to translate this to other languages.)

"Matching key" has to appear in here because it both has a traditional I6 name and is used as relation storage. If we didn't care about it being called with_key in the I6 source code, we wouldn't need to do anything special with it at all.

<notable-spatial-properties> ::=
    initial appearance |
    wearable |
    fixed in place |
    matching key


int PL::Spatial::spatial_new_property_notify(property *prn) {
    if (<notable-spatial-properties>(prn->name)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: P_initial_appearance = prn; break;
            case 1: P_wearable = prn; break;
            case 2: P_fixed_in_place = prn; break;
            case 3: P_matching_key = prn;
                Properties::set_translation(P_matching_key, L"with_key");
    return FALSE;

§19. Default appearances. Spatial gets to decide here what raw text following a new object will be taken to mean: for scenery it will be the "description" (i.e., the text produced on examining), for any other thing it will be the "initial appearance".

int PL::Spatial::spatial_default_appearance(inference_subject *infs, parse_node *txt) {
    if (InferenceSubjects::is_within(infs, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_object))) {
        property *set_prn = P_description;
        if (InferenceSubjects::is_within(infs, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_thing))) {
            instance *I = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs);
            if ((I) && (PL::Backdrops::object_is_scenery(I))) {
                inference *inf;
                KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, infs, PROPERTY_INF) {
                    property *prn = World::Inferences::get_property(inf);
                    if (((prn) && (World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf) > 0)) &&
                        (prn == P_description)) {
                        Produce a problem for doubly described scenery19.1;
                        return TRUE;
            } else set_prn = P_initial_appearance;
        Properties::Valued::assert(set_prn, infs, txt, CERTAIN_CE);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§19.1. A lone string as a sentence is a description for a room, but an initial description for an object. Only now can we know which, since we have only just decided whether I is a room or not. We therefore draw the necessary inference.

Produce a problem for doubly described scenery19.1 =

        "is scenery, which means that it cannot sensibly have any 'initial "
        "appearance' property - being scenery, it isn't announced when the "
        "player first sees it. That means the quoted text about it has to "
        "be read as its 'description' instead, seen when the player examines "
        "it. But the source text writes out its description, too",
        "which means we have a subtle little contradiction here.");

§20. Composite noun-quantifiers. "Nothing" is conspicuously absent from the possibilities below. It gets special treatment elsewhere since it can also double as a value (the "not an object" pseudo-value).

<spatial-specifying-nouns> ::=
    _something/anything *** |               ==> { -, K_thing }
    _somewhere/anywhere *** |               ==> { -, K_room }
    _someone/anyone/somebody/anybody *** |  ==> { -, K_person }
    _everything *** |                       ==> { -, K_thing, <<quantifier:q>> = for_all_quantifier }
    _everywhere *** |                       ==> { -, K_room, <<quantifier:q>> = for_all_quantifier }
    _everyone/everybody *** |               ==> { -, K_person, <<quantifier:q>> = for_all_quantifier }
    _nowhere *** |                          ==> { -, K_room, <<quantifier:q>> = not_exists_quantifier }
    _nobody/no-one *** |                    ==> { -, K_person, <<quantifier:q>> = not_exists_quantifier }
    _no _one ***                            ==> { -, K_person, <<quantifier:q>> = not_exists_quantifier }

§21. Words like "something" or "everywhere" combine a common noun — thing, and implicitly room — with a determiner — one thing, all rooms. When we detect them, we set both quantifier_used and some_kind appropriately. None can be recognised if the basic kinds are not created yet, which we check for by inspecting K_thing. (Note that the S-parser may indeed be asked to parse "something" before this point, as when it scans the domains of adjective definitions, but that it's okay that it produces a null result.)

With the "some-" words, no quantifier is set because the meaning here is the exists_quantifier. Since this is the default behaviour for unquantified descriptions anyway — "a door is in the Great Hall" means that such a door exists — we needn't set the variable.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_parse_composite_NQs(wording *W, wording *DW,
    quantifier **quant, kind **some_kind) {
    if (K_thing) {
        <<quantifier:q>> = NULL;
        if (<spatial-specifying-nouns>(*W)) {
            *W = Wordings::from(*W, Wordings::first_wn(GET_RW(<spatial-specifying-nouns>, 1)));
            *quant = <<quantifier:q>>; *some_kind = <<rp>>;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22. Nowhere. This means the same as "nothing", in a noun context, but we annotate a parse node using this wording in order to produce better problem messages if need be.

<notable-spatial-noun-phrases> ::=


int PL::Spatial::spatial_act_on_special_NPs(parse_node *p) {
    if ((<notable-spatial-noun-phrases>(Node::get_text(p))) &&
        (Word::unexpectedly_upper_case(Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(p))) == FALSE) &&
        (K_room)) {
        Refiner::give_spec_to_noun(p, Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant());
        Annotations::write_int(p, nowhere_ANNOT, TRUE);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§24. Now in fact this often does get picked up:

int PL::Spatial::spatial_intervene_in_assertion(parse_node *px, parse_node *py) {
    if (Annotations::read_int(py, nowhere_ANNOT)) {
        inference_subject *left_subject = Node::get_subject(px);
        if (left_subject) {
            if (KindSubjects::to_kind(left_subject))
                    "seems to be said to be 'nowhere' in some way",
                    "which doesn't make sense. An individual thing can be 'nowhere', "
                    "but here we're talking about a whole kind, and it's not allowed "
                    "to talk about general locations of a whole kind of things at once.");
            else Assert::true_about(
                Propositions::Abstract::to_put_nowhere(), left_subject, prevailing_mood);
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§25. Here. A sentence like "The sonic screwdriver is here." is not copular, but instead expresses a relationship — "here" is not a value but a relation to an unstated object. That object is the room we're currently talking about, which sounds easy to work out, but isn't: we don't yet know which of the objects being talked about will eventually turn out to be rooms. As a result, "here" needs delicate handling, and its own inference type.

The fact that rooms cannot be "here" is useful, because it means Inform can with certainty read

The washing machine is here. The shirt is in the machine.

as creating a container called "washing machine", not a room.


void PL::Spatial::infer_presence_here(instance *I) {
    inference_subject *infs = Instances::as_subject(I);
    inference *inf;
            "can only be said to be 'here' once",
            "in a single assertion sentence. This avoids potential confusion, "
            "since 'here' can mean different things in different sentences.");

    World::Inferences::draw(PARENTAGE_HERE_INF, infs, CERTAIN_CE,
        Anaphora::get_current_subject(), NULL);
    World::Inferences::draw(IS_ROOM_INF, infs, IMPOSSIBLE_CE, NULL, NULL);

§27. Similarly:

void PL::Spatial::infer_presence_nowhere(instance *I) {
        Instances::as_subject(I), CERTAIN_CE, NULL, NULL);
    World::Inferences::draw(IS_ROOM_INF, Instances::as_subject(I), IMPOSSIBLE_CE,
        NULL, NULL);

§28. Completing the model, stages I and II. That's enough preliminaries; time to get on with adding a sense of space to the model world.

int PL::Spatial::IF_complete_model(int stage) {
    switch(stage) {
        case 1: PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_I(); break;
        case 2: PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_II(); break;
        case 3: PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_III(); break;
        case 4: PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_IV(); break;
    return FALSE;

§29. Recall that as we begin stage I of model creation, all objects are, of course, created, and they have kinds associated with them if the source text has said explicitly what kind they have: but that is not good enough. It often happens that the source implicitly specifies a kind, and we need to take note. If X is in Y, then Y might be a room, or a region, or a container, and we might need to look at other sentences — say, establishing that Y is the destination of a map connection — to see which.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_I(void) {
    instance *I;
        Perform kind determination for this object29.1;
    return FALSE;

§29.1. Our main problem in what follows is caused by "in" being so ambiguous, or perhaps it might be said that the real problem is that we choose to distinguish between rooms and containers on a world-modelling level — when it could well be argued that they are linguistically the same thing.

It means that Inform is often reading code such as:

The croquet ball is in the Boxed Set.

and not being sure whether "Boxed Set" is a container or a room.

In the following determination, we use two sources of information. One is explicit data given by the source text or unambiguously implied in it, like so —

The Boxed Set is a container. The spoon is on the low table.

which tell us the Boxed Set is certainly a container and the table certainly a supporter. This information about an object is the "designer choice" about its kind.

The other source of information comes from less definite sentences using words like "in", and from the spatial context in which the object appears. This is the "geography choice" for its kind.

Perform kind determination for this object29.1 =

    current_sentence = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);

    kind *designers_choice = NULL;
    Determine the designer choice29.1.1;

    kind *geography_choice = NULL;
    inference *geography_inference = NULL;
    int geography_certainty = UNKNOWN_CE;
    Determine the geography choice29.1.2;

    if ((geography_choice) &&
        (Kinds::eq(geography_choice, designers_choice) == FALSE))
        Attempt to reconcile the two choices29.1.3;

    if (Kinds::eq(Instances::to_kind(I), K_object))
        Propositions::Abstract::assert_kind_of_instance(I, K_thing);

§29.1.1. By this point, any explicit information is reflected in the hierarchy of kinds. We look out for four specialised kinds of thing, but failing that, we simply take its broadest kind — usually "thing", "room", "direction" or "region".

Determine the designer choice29.1.1 =

    kind *f = NULL;
    inference_subject *infs;
    for (infs = KindSubjects::from_kind(Instances::to_kind(I));
        infs; infs = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs)) {
        kind *K = KindSubjects::to_kind(infs);
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K)) {
            f = K;
            if ((Kinds::eq(f, K_container)) ||
                (Kinds::eq(f, K_supporter)) ||
                (Kinds::eq(f, K_door)) ||
                (Kinds::eq(f, K_person)))
                designers_choice = f;
    if (designers_choice == NULL) designers_choice = f;

§29.1.2. If there is any positive information that this is a room, that's the geography choice; otherwise it's whichever of room or container is more probably suggested by inferences.

Determine the geography choice29.1.2 =

    inference *inf;
    KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), CONTAINS_THINGS_INF)
        if (World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf) > geography_certainty) {
            geography_choice = K_container;
            geography_certainty = World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf);
            geography_inference = inf;
    KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), IS_ROOM_INF)
        if ((World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf) > UNKNOWN_CE) ||
            (World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf) > geography_certainty)) {
            geography_choice = K_room;
            geography_certainty = World::Inferences::get_certainty(inf);
            geography_inference = inf;

§29.1.3. Since the designer choice is the one currently in force, we have basically three choices here: impose the geography choice instead; do nothing; or issue a problem message. The case where we do nothing is if geography suggests something is a room, when it's actually a door: this is because sentences like "East is the Marble Portal" can suggest the "Marble Portal" is a room when it's legitimately a door.

Attempt to reconcile the two choices29.1.3 =

    parse_node *sentence_setting_kind = Instances::get_kind_set_sentence(I);
    if ((designers_choice == NULL) ||
        ((geography_certainty == CERTAIN_CE) &&
            (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object_of_kind(geography_choice, designers_choice))))
        Accept the geography choice, since it only refines what we already know29.1.3.1
    else if ((geography_certainty == CERTAIN_CE) &&
            (!((Kinds::eq(designers_choice, K_door)) &&
                (Kinds::eq(geography_choice, K_room)))))
        Issue a problem message, since the choices are irreconcilable29.1.3.2;

§ Accept the geography choice, since it only refines what we already know29.1.3.1 =

    LOGIF(KIND_CHANGES, "Accepting geography choice of kind of $O as %u\n",
        I, geography_choice);
    Propositions::Abstract::assert_kind_of_instance(I, geography_choice);

§ Issue a problem message, since the choices are irreconcilable29.1.3.2 =

    LOG("Choices: designer %u, geography %u.\n", designers_choice, geography_choice);
    parse_node *decider = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
    if (sentence_setting_kind) decider = sentence_setting_kind;
    if (Kinds::eq(designers_choice, K_person))
        Issue a problem message for implied containment by a person29.
    else if ((Kinds::eq(designers_choice, K_supporter)) &&
                (Kinds::eq(geography_choice, K_container)))
        Issue a problem message for simultaneous containment and support29.
        Issue a more generic problem message for irreconcilable kinds29.;

§ Issue a problem message for implied containment by a person29. =

        World::Inferences::where_inferred(geography_inference), I,
        "cannot contain or support things like something inanimate",
        "which is what you are implying. Instead, people must carry or wear them: "
        "so 'The briefcase is in Daphne.' is disallowed, but 'The briefcase is "
        "carried by Daphne.' is fine, or indeed 'Daphne carries the briefcase.'");

§ A notorious problem message for a notorious limitation of the traditional Inform spatial model:

Issue a problem message for simultaneous containment and support29. =

        decider, World::Inferences::where_inferred(geography_inference), I,
        "cannot both contain things and support things",
        "which is what you're implying here. If you need both, the easiest way is "
        "to make it either a supporter with a container attached or vice versa. "
        "For instance: 'A desk is here. On the desk is a newspaper. An openable "
        "container called the drawer is part of the desk. In the drawer is a "

§ Issue a more generic problem message for irreconcilable kinds29. =

        World::Inferences::where_inferred(geography_inference), I,
        "would need to have two different and incompatible kinds to make both "
        "sentences true",
        "and this is a contradiction.");

§30. Stage II at last. Now the kinds are all known, and it's time to work out the spatial arrangements. Inform's spatial model assigns every instance object a unique "progenitor", which may be NULL, representing the object which immediately contains, carries, wears, supports or incorporates it.

Clearly if we know every object's progenitor, then we know the whole spatial layout — it's all just elaboration from there. (See Stage III below.) But since other plugins can decide on this, not just Spatial, we had better provide access routines to read and write:

instance *PL::Spatial::progenitor(instance *I) {
    if (I == NULL) return NULL;
    if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(spatial_plugin) == FALSE) return NULL;
    return SPATIAL_DATA(I)->progenitor;

void PL::Spatial::set_progenitor(instance *of, instance *to, inference *reason) {
    if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(spatial_plugin) == FALSE)
        internal_error("spatial plugin inactive");
    if (to == NULL) internal_error("set progenitor of nothing");
    SPATIAL_DATA(of)->progenitor = to;
    SPATIAL_DATA(of)->progenitor_set_at =

§31. This is used for error recovery only.

void PL::Spatial::void_progenitor(instance *of) {
    if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(spatial_plugin) == FALSE)
        internal_error("spatial plugin inactive");
    SPATIAL_DATA(of)->progenitor = NULL;
    SPATIAL_DATA(of)->progenitor_set_at = NULL;

§32. We need to establish what the rooms are before we worry about objects which are "here"; rooms are never "here", so there's no circularity in that, and we solve this problem by determining the kind of non-here objects before the kind of here-objects.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_II(void) {
    Set the here flag for all those objects whose parentage is only thus known32.1;
    instance *I;
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->here_flag == FALSE)
            Position this object spatially32.3;
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->here_flag)
            Position this object spatially32.3;
    Issue problem messages if non-physical objects are spatially enclosed32.2;
    return FALSE;

§32.1. Set the here flag for all those objects whose parentage is only thus known32.1 =

    instance *I;
        SPATIAL_DATA(I)->here_flag = FALSE;
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), PARENTAGE_HERE_INF)
            SPATIAL_DATA(I)->here_flag = TRUE;

§32.2. Issue problem messages if non-physical objects are spatially enclosed32.2 =

    instance *I;
        if ((PL::Spatial::progenitor(I)) &&
            (Instances::of_kind(I, K_thing) == FALSE) &&
            (Instances::of_kind(I, K_room) == FALSE) &&
            (PL::Regions::object_is_a_region(I) == FALSE)) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, Instances::get_creating_sentence(I));
            Problems::quote_object(2, I);
            Problems::quote_object(3, PL::Spatial::progenitor(I));
            Problems::quote_kind(4, Instances::to_kind(I));
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonThingInModel));
                "In the sentence %1, you create an object '%2' which you then seem "
                "to place in or on or as part of '%3', but the kind of '%2' is %4. "
                "Since %4 is not a kind of thing, it follows that %2 is not a thing, "
                "so it doesn't represent something physical and can't be put in spatial "
                "relationships like this. (For the same reason that you can't put "
                "'southeast', the direction, inside a kitchen cupboard.)");

§32.3. At last we come to it: determining the progenitor, and part-flag, for the object under investigation.

Position this object spatially32.3 =

    inference *parent_setting_inference = NULL;
    Find the inference which will decide the progenitor32.3.1;
    if (parent_setting_inference) {
        instance *whereabouts =
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->here_flag) Find the whereabouts of something here32.3.2;
        if (whereabouts) {
            PL::Spatial::set_progenitor(I, whereabouts, parent_setting_inference);
            LOGIF(OBJECT_TREE, "Progenitor of $O is $O\n", I, whereabouts);
    Determine whether the object in question is a component part32.3.3;

§32.3.1. Find the inference which will decide the progenitor32.3.1 =

    inference *inf;
        Make this the determining inference32.3.1.1;
    POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), PARENTAGE_HERE_INF)
        Make this the determining inference32.3.1.1;
    POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), PARENTAGE_INF)
        Make this the determining inference32.3.1.1;

§ Make this the determining inference32.3.1.1 =

    if (parent_setting_inference) {
            "can only be given its position once",
            "in a single assertion sentence.");
    parent_setting_inference = inf;

§32.3.2. Find the whereabouts of something here32.3.2 =

    if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(whereabouts) == FALSE) whereabouts = NULL;
    if (whereabouts == NULL) {
        parse_node *here_sentence =
        Set the whereabouts to the last discussed room prior to this inference being drawn32.3.2.1;
        if (whereabouts == NULL) {
            current_sentence = here_sentence;
                "was described as being 'here', and there doesn't seem to be any "
                "location being talked about at this point in the source text",
                "so there's nowhere you can call 'here'.");

§ This runs through the source text from the beginning up to the "here" sentence, setting whereabouts to any rooms it finds along the way, so that when it finishes this will be set to the most recently mentioned.

Set the whereabouts to the last discussed room prior to this inference being drawn32.3.2.1 =

    SyntaxTree::traverse_up_to_ip(Task::syntax_tree(), here_sentence,
        PL::Spatial::seek_room, (void **) &whereabouts);

§32.3.3. Determine whether the object in question is a component part32.3.3 =

    inference *inf;
    POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), PART_OF_INF) {
        if ((PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) || (PL::Map::object_is_a_door(I))) {
                "was set up as being part of something else, which doors and rooms "
                "are not allowed to be",
                "because they are part of the fixed map of the world - if they were "
                "parts of something else, they might move around. (Of course, it's "
                "easy to make a door look as if it's part of something to the player - "
                "describing it as part of a wall, or bulkhead, or cottage, say - "
                "and if there really is an entrance that needs to move around - say, "
                "the hatchway on a tank - it's probably best to make it an enterable "
        SPATIAL_DATA(I)->part_flag = TRUE;


void PL::Spatial::seek_room(parse_node *sent, void **v_I) {
    instance **I = (instance **) v_I;
    inference_subject *isub = Node::get_interpretation_of_subject(sent);
    instance *sub = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(isub);
    if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(sub)) *I = sub;

§34. Completing the model, stages III and IV. By the beginning of Stage III, the progenitor of every object is known, and so is whether it is a part. It's time to start work on compiling the I6 representation of all this, but unfortunately that will need to be quite a bit more complicated. So we're going to do this in two stages, the first of which is to construct a pair of object trees as an intermediate state.

We have a main object tree, in fact a forest (i.e., it's probably disconnected), to represent containment, support, carrying and wearing; and a secondary tree for incorporation only. In this source code, we'll use the language of family trees (parent, children, siblings) rather than horticulture (branches, leaves, grafting). Both trees must be well-founded, and must be such that each object is the parent of all its children. But the trees aren't independent of each other: an object is not allowed to have a parent in both trees at once. If it has a parent in either one, then that parent is required to be its progenitor.

§35. The following logs the more interesting tree:

void PL::Spatial::log_object_tree(void) {
    instance *I;
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_parent == NULL)
            PL::Spatial::log_object_tree_recursively(I, 0);

void PL::Spatial::log_object_tree_recursively(instance *I, int depth) {
    int i = depth;
    while (i>0) { LOG("  "); i--; }
    LOG("$O\n", I);
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child)
        PL::Spatial::log_object_tree_recursively(SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child, depth+1);
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling)
        PL::Spatial::log_object_tree_recursively(SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling, depth);

§36. The initial state of both trees is total disconnection. They are then produced using only two operations, which we'll call "adoption" and "parting".

The adoption routine is the equivalent of the Inform 6 statement "move X to Y", and moves X and its children to become the youngest child of Y. The tree is grown entirely from its root by repeated use of this one operation.

void PL::Spatial::adopt_object(instance *orphan, instance *foster) {
    LOGIF(OBJECT_TREE, "Grafting $O to be child of $O\n", orphan, foster);
    if (orphan == NULL) internal_error("orphan is null in adoption");
    if (foster == NULL) internal_error("foster is null in adoption");

    instance *former_parent = SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->object_tree_parent;
    if (former_parent) Remove the object from the main object tree36.2;
    Adopt the object into the main object tree36.3;

§36.1. "Parting" is the operation of being removed from the main tree and placed in the incorporation tree instead, but with the same parent.

void PL::Spatial::part_object(instance *orphan) {
    LOGIF(OBJECT_TREE, "Parting $O\n", orphan);
    if (orphan == NULL) internal_error("new part is null in parting");

    instance *former_parent = SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->object_tree_parent;
    if (former_parent == NULL) internal_error("new part is without parent");

    Remove the object from the main object tree36.2;
    Adopt the object into the incorporation tree36.1.1;

§36.2. Remove the object from the main object tree36.2 =

    if (SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->object_tree_child == orphan) {
        SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->object_tree_child =
    } else {
        instance *elder = SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->object_tree_child;
        while (elder) {
            if (SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling == orphan)
                SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling =
            elder = SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling;
    SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->object_tree_parent = NULL;
    SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->object_tree_sibling = NULL;

§36.3. Adopt the object into the main object tree36.3 =

    if (SPATIAL_DATA(foster)->object_tree_child == NULL) {
        SPATIAL_DATA(foster)->object_tree_child = orphan;
    } else {
        instance *elder = SPATIAL_DATA(foster)->object_tree_child;
        while (SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling)
            elder = SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling;
        SPATIAL_DATA(elder)->object_tree_sibling = orphan;
    SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->object_tree_parent = foster;

§36.1.1. Adopt the object into the incorporation tree36.1.1 =

    if (SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->incorp_tree_child == NULL) {
        SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->incorp_tree_child = orphan;
    } else {
        instance *existing_part = SPATIAL_DATA(former_parent)->incorp_tree_child;
        while (SPATIAL_DATA(existing_part)->incorp_tree_sibling)
            existing_part = SPATIAL_DATA(existing_part)->incorp_tree_sibling;
        SPATIAL_DATA(existing_part)->incorp_tree_sibling = orphan;
    SPATIAL_DATA(orphan)->incorp_tree_parent = former_parent;

§37. What will we use the trees for? Well, one use is to tell other plugins which depend on Spatial whether or not one object spatially contains another:

int PL::Spatial::encloses(instance *I1, instance *I2) {
    while (I1) {
        I1 = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I1);
        if (I1 == I2) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§38. But the main use for the trees is, as noted above, to form a convenient intermediate state between the mass of progenitor data and the messy Inform 6 code it turns into. Here goes:

int PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_III(void) {
    int well_founded = TRUE;
    Define the Rucksack Class constant38.1;
    Check the well-foundedness of the hierarchy of the set of progenitors38.2;
    if (well_founded) Expand the progenitor data into the two object trees38.3;
    Assert the portability of any item carried or supported by a person38.4;
    Assert I6-level properties to express the spatial structure38.5;
    Set up the compilation sequence so that it traverses the main object tree38.6;
    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(OBJECT_TREE_DA)) PL::Spatial::log_object_tree();
    return FALSE;

§38.1. To enable the use of player's holdalls, we must declare a constant RUCKSACK_CLASS to tell some code in the template layer to use possessions with this I6 class as the rucksack pro tem. This is all a bit of a hack, to retrofit a degree of generality onto the original I6 library feature, and even then it isn't really fully general: only the player has the benefit of a "player's holdall" (hence the name), with other actors oblivious.

Define the Rucksack Class constant38.1 =

    if (K_players_holdall) {
        inter_name *iname = Hierarchy::find(RUCKSACK_CLASS_HL);
        Hierarchy::make_available(Emit::tree(), iname);
        Emit::named_iname_constant(iname, K_value, RTKinds::I6_classname(K_players_holdall));

§38.2. The following verifies, in a brute-force way, that there are no cycles in the directed graph formed by the objects and progeniture. (We're doing this now, rather than at Stage II above, because other plugins may also have changed progenitors at Stage II.)

Check the well-foundedness of the hierarchy of the set of progenitors38.2 =

    instance *I;
    int max_loop = NUMBER_CREATED(instance) + 1;
        int k;
        instance *I2;
        for (I2 = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I), k=0; (I2) && (k<max_loop);
            I2 = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I2), k++) {
            if (I2 == I) {
                Diagnose the ill-foundedness with a problem message38.2.1;
                PL::Spatial::void_progenitor(I);  thus cutting the cycle
                well_founded = FALSE;

§38.2.1. The cutest of all the object problem messages, really:

Diagnose the ill-foundedness with a problem message38.2.1 =

    Problems::quote_object(1, I);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_IllFounded));
    Problems::issue_problem_segment("The %1 seems to be containing itself: ");
    instance *I3 = I;
    while (TRUE) {
        wording IW = Instances::get_name(I3, FALSE);
        parse_node *creator = Diagrams::new_UNPARSED_NOUN(IW);
        Problems::quote_object(2, I3);
        Problems::quote_source(3, creator);
        Problems::issue_problem_segment("%2 (created by %3) ");
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I3)->part_flag) Problems::issue_problem_segment("part of ");
        else Problems::issue_problem_segment("in ");
        I3 = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I3);
        if (I3 == I) break;
    Problems::issue_problem_segment("%1... and so on. This is forbidden.");

§38.3. Intermediate states are always suspect in program design, and we might ask what's wrong with simply making the trees as we go along, rather than storing all of those progenitors and then converting them into the trees. We don't do that because (for reasons to do with "here" and with how work is shared among the plugins) the progenitors are determined in an undefined order; if we made the object tree as we went along, the spatial model would be perfectly correct, but siblings — say, the three things on the grass in the Croquet Lawn — would be compiled in the Inter code in some undefined order. This order matters because it affects the text produced by typical room descriptions: "You can also see a box, a ball and a peg here." might become "You can also see a ball, a box and a peg here."

Inform therefore needs a definite rule of ordering, and this rule is that siblings appear in their order of creation in the I7 source text, with the first created being the eldest child. Looping over the objects to add them to the trees in creation order achieves this nicely:

Expand the progenitor data into the two object trees38.3 =

    instance *I;
        if (PL::Spatial::progenitor(I))
            PL::Spatial::adopt_object(I, PL::Spatial::progenitor(I));
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->part_flag)

§38.4. As a brief aside: if something is carried by a living person, we can reasonably assume it's portable. (This is needed in particular to ensure that supporters which are initially carried don't pick up "fixed in place" in the absence of other information.)

Assert the portability of any item carried or supported by a person38.4 =

    instance *I;
        int portable = FALSE;
        instance *J = I;
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->part_flag == FALSE)
            for (J = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I); J; J = PL::Spatial::progenitor(J)) {
                if (SPATIAL_DATA(J)->part_flag) break;
                if (Instances::of_kind(J, K_person)) {
                    portable = TRUE;
        if (portable) {
                P_fixed_in_place, Instances::as_subject(I), FALSE, CERTAIN_CE);

§38.5. Assert I6-level properties to express the spatial structure38.5 =

    Assert an explicit default description value for the room kind38.5.1;
    Assert room and thing indicator properties38.5.2;
    Assert container and supporter indicator properties38.5.3;
    Assert incorporation tree properties38.5.4;

§38.5.1. We need to make sure that every room does have an I6 description value which can be written to (i.e., we need to avoid accidental use of the Z-machine's readable-only default properties feature); hence the following, which ensures that any room with no explicit description will inherit EMPTY_TEXT_VALUE as a value for description from the room class.

Assert an explicit default description value for the room kind38.5.1 =

    if (K_room) {
        inference *inf;
        int desc_seen = FALSE;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_room), PROPERTY_INF)
            if (World::Inferences::get_property(inf) == P_description)
                desc_seen = TRUE;
        if (desc_seen == FALSE) {
            WRITE_TO(val, "\"\"");
            Properties::Valued::assert(P_description, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_room),
                Rvalues::from_unescaped_wording(Feeds::feed_text(val)), LIKELY_CE);

§38.5.2. These I6-only properties exist for speed. They're implemented in I6 as attributes, which means that testing them is very fast and there is no memory overhead for their storage. That shaves a little time off route-finding in extensive maps.

Assert room and thing indicator properties38.5.2 =

    P_mark_as_room = Properties::EitherOr::new_nameless(L"mark_as_room");
    Properties::EitherOr::implement_as_attribute(P_mark_as_room, TRUE);
    P_mark_as_thing = Properties::EitherOr::new_nameless(L"mark_as_thing");
    Properties::EitherOr::implement_as_attribute(P_mark_as_thing, TRUE);
    instance *I;
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, K_room))
                P_mark_as_room, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, CERTAIN_CE);
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, K_thing))
                P_mark_as_thing, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, CERTAIN_CE);

§38.5.3. Assert container and supporter indicator properties38.5.3 =

    P_container = Properties::EitherOr::new_nameless(L"container");
    Properties::EitherOr::implement_as_attribute(P_container, TRUE);
    P_supporter = Properties::EitherOr::new_nameless(L"supporter");
    Properties::EitherOr::implement_as_attribute(P_supporter, TRUE);
    instance *I;
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, K_container))
                P_container, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, CERTAIN_CE);
        if (Instances::of_kind(I, K_supporter))
                P_supporter, Instances::as_subject(I), TRUE, CERTAIN_CE);

§38.5.4. The main spatial tree is expressed in the compiled I6 code in an implicit way, using the I6 object tree, but the incorporation tree is expressed using a triplet of I6-only properties:

Assert incorporation tree properties38.5.4 =

    P_component_parent =
        Properties::Valued::new_nameless(I"component_parent", K_object);
    P_component_child =
        Properties::Valued::new_nameless(I"component_child", K_object);
    P_component_sibling =
        Properties::Valued::new_nameless(I"component_sibling", K_object);

    if (K_thing) {
        parse_node *nothing_constant = Rvalues::new_nothing_object_constant();
        Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_parent, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_thing),
            nothing_constant, CERTAIN_CE);
        Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_child, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_thing),
            nothing_constant, CERTAIN_CE);
        Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_sibling, KindSubjects::from_kind(K_thing),
            nothing_constant, CERTAIN_CE);

    instance *I;
        instance *cp = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_parent;
        if (cp) Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_parent, Instances::as_subject(I),
            Rvalues::from_instance(cp), CERTAIN_CE);
        instance *cc = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_child;
        if (cc) Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_child, Instances::as_subject(I),
            Rvalues::from_instance(cc), CERTAIN_CE);
        instance *cs = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_sibling;
        if (cs) Properties::Valued::assert(P_component_sibling, Instances::as_subject(I),
            Rvalues::from_instance(cs), CERTAIN_CE);

§38.6. Because Inform 6 requires objects to be defined in a traversal order for the main spatial tree (only the main one because I6 has no concept of incorporation), we use the main tree to determine the compilation sequence for objects:

Set up the compilation sequence so that it traverses the main object tree38.6 =

    instance *I;
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_parent == NULL)
            PL::Spatial::add_to_object_sequence(I, 0);


void PL::Spatial::add_to_object_sequence(instance *I, int depth) {
    SPATIAL_DATA(I)->I6_definition_depth = depth;

    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child)
        PL::Spatial::add_to_object_sequence(SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child, depth+1);
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling)
        PL::Spatial::add_to_object_sequence(SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling, depth);

§40. The "definition depth" is the same thing as the depth in the main tree; 0 for a room, 1 for a player standing in that room, 2 for his hat, and so on.

int PL::Spatial::get_definition_depth(instance *I) {
    if (Plugins::Manage::plugged_in(spatial_plugin))
        return SPATIAL_DATA(I)->I6_definition_depth;
    return 0;

§41. At last, Stage IV. We're all done except for a little checking of the degenerate case where Inform is just binding up an existing story file, so that there's really no spatial model at all — the world is, or should be, empty.

int PL::Spatial::spatial_stage_IV(void) {
    if (Task::wraps_existing_storyfile()) {
        instance *I;
            if (PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) {
                StandardProblems::unlocated_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_RoomInIgnoredSource),
                    "This is supposed to be a source text which only contains "
                    "release instructions to bind up an existing story file "
                    "(for instance, one produced using Inform 6). That's because "
                    "the instruction 'Release along with an existing story file' "
                    "is present. So the source text must not contain rooms or "
                    "other game design - these would be ignored.");
    return FALSE;


void PL::Spatial::index_spatial_relationship(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I) {
    char *rel = NULL;
    instance *P = PL::Spatial::progenitor(I);
    if (P) {
         we could set rel to "in" here, but the index omits that for clarity
        if (Instances::of_kind(P, K_supporter)) rel = "on";
        if (Instances::of_kind(P, K_person)) rel = "carried";
        if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->part_flag) rel = "part";
        inference *inf;
        POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(I), PROPERTY_INF)
            if (World::Inferences::get_property(inf) == P_worn)
                rel = "worn";
    if (rel) WRITE("<i>%s</i> ", rel);

§43. If something is a part, we don't detail it on the World index page, since it already turns up under its owner.

int PL::Spatial::no_detail_index(instance *I) {
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_parent != NULL) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§44. In the World index, we recurse to show the contents and parts:

void PL::Spatial::index_object_further(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *I, int depth, int details) {
    if (depth > NUMBER_CREATED(instance) + 1) return;  to recover from errors
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_child != NULL) {
        instance *I2 = SPATIAL_DATA(I)->incorp_tree_child;
        while (I2 != NULL) {
            Data::Objects::index(OUT, I2, NULL, depth+1, details);
            I2 = SPATIAL_DATA(I2)->incorp_tree_sibling;
    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child)
        Data::Objects::index(OUT, SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_child, NULL, depth+1, details);
    if ((PL::Spatial::object_is_a_room(I)) &&
        (PL::Map::object_is_a_door(I) == FALSE)) {
        instance *I2;
            if ((PL::Map::object_is_a_door(I2)) && (PL::Spatial::progenitor(I2) != I)) {
                instance *A = NULL, *B = NULL;
                PL::Map::get_door_data(I2, &A, &B);
                if (A == I) Data::Objects::index(OUT, I2, NULL, depth+1, details);
                if (B == I) Data::Objects::index(OUT, I2, NULL, depth+1, details);
    PL::Player::index_object_further(OUT, I, depth, details);
    PL::Backdrops::index_object_further(OUT, I, depth, details, 0);

    if (SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling)
        Data::Objects::index(OUT, SPATIAL_DATA(I)->object_tree_sibling, NULL, depth, details);

§45. And also:

int PL::Spatial::spatial_add_to_World_index(OUTPUT_STREAM, instance *O) {
    if ((O) && (Instances::of_kind(O, K_thing))) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
        instance *P = PL::Spatial::progenitor(O);
        if (P) {
            WRITE("<i>initial location:</i> ");
            char *rel = "in";
            if (Instances::of_kind(P, K_supporter)) rel = "on";
            if (Instances::of_kind(P, K_person)) rel = "carried by";
            if (SPATIAL_DATA(O)->part_flag) rel = "part of";
            inference *inf;
            POSITIVE_KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, Instances::as_subject(O), PROPERTY_INF)
                if (World::Inferences::get_property(inf) == P_worn)
                    rel = "worn by";
            WRITE("%s ", rel);
            Instances::index_name(OUT, P);
            parse_node *at = SPATIAL_DATA(O)->progenitor_set_at;
            if (at) Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(at)));

    return FALSE;