In Inform even verbs are created with natural language sentences, but this process has to start somewhere.

§1. "Booting" is the traditional computing term for "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps": when a computer switches on it has no program to run, but to load in a program would require a program. The circularity is broken by having a minimal "boot" program wired into the hardware.

So too with Inform. The opening sentence of the Basic Inform extension, always the first sentence read in, is:

The verb to mean means the meaning relation.

(See Preamble (in basic_inform).) But this is circular: if we have not yet defined "to mean", how can we recognise "means" as the verb, or know what it means? We break this circularity by hard-wiring it, as follows.

void BootVerbs::make_built_in(void) {
    verb *to_mean;
    special_meaning_holder *meaning_of_mean;
    Create the special meanings1.3;
    Create the verbs to be and to mean1.5;
    Give meaning to mean1.6;

§1.1. "Regular" meanings involve relations between two values: for example, carrying and numerical greater-than are both regular meanings, of the verbs "to carry" and > respectively.

"Special" meanings are different. The noun phrases need not represent values, there need not be two of them, and the meaning can have internal significance to the Inform compiler. For example,

Black king chess piece translates into Unicode as 9818.

is one of three special meanings of "to translate into". The linguistics module decides which if any is meant in a given case by calling the "special meaning functions" to see if wants to accept the sentence in question.

§1.2. When the linguistics module looks for a primary verb, it may find multiple candidates: consider "fruit flies like a banana", where "flies" and "like" are both candidate verbs. We decide by (a) ranking verbs in tiers by "priority number", and failing that (b) choosing the leftmost. Priority 0 verbs are never considered, but otherwise low priority numbers beat higher. (See Verb Usages (in linguistics).)

Inform adopts the following convention for the priority of regular meanings:

As can be seen below, special meanings have priorities between 1 and 4. Note that "to mean" itself has both a special meaning (priority 3) and a regular meaning (priority 4). This is why the sentence:

The verb to mean means the meaning relation.

is not circular. It uses the special meaning of "mean" (priority 3) to create the regular one (4).

§1.3. So, then, here are the core module's special meanings. Just like regular meanings, which have names like "containment relation", special meanings have names. But as these names are only used in early boot sentences in the basic_inform extension, the user never sees them. They are required to be a single word, and are hyphenated.

Create the special meanings1.3 =

    SpecialMeanings::declare(RelationRequests::new_relation_SMF,			I"new-relation", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Rules::Placement::substitutes_for_SMF,			I"rule-substitutes-for", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Rules::Placement::does_nothing_SMF,			I"rule-does-nothing", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Rules::Placement::does_nothing_if_SMF,			I"rule-does-nothing-if", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Rules::Placement::does_nothing_unless_SMF,		I"rule-does-nothing-unless", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Translations::translates_into_unicode_as_SMF,	I"translates-into-unicode", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Translations::translates_into_Inter_as_SMF,	I"translates-into-i6", 1);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Translations::translates_into_language_as_SMF,	I"translates-into-language", 1);

    SpecialMeanings::declare(TestRequests::test_with_SMF,			        I"test-with", 1);

    SpecialMeanings::declare(NewVerbRequests::new_verb_SMF, 				I"new-verb", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Plurals::plural_SMF, 							I"new-plural", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(ActivityRequests::new_activity_SMF, 			I"new-activity", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(NewAdjectiveRequests::new_adjective_SMF,		I"new-adjective", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(NewPropertyRequests::either_SMF,				I"new-either-or", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(DefineByTable::defined_by_SMF,					I"defined-by-table", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Rules::Placement::listed_in_SMF,				I"rule-listed-in", 2);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(NewPropertyRequests::optional_either_SMF,		I"can-be", 2);

    meaning_of_mean = SpecialMeanings::declare(NewVerbRequests::verb_means_SMF, 	I"verb-means", 3);

    SpecialMeanings::declare(LPRequests::specifies_SMF, 					I"specifies-notation", 4);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(NewUseOptions::use_translates_as_SMF,			I"use-translates", 4);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(UseOptions::use_SMF,							I"use", 4);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Sentences::DLRs::include_in_SMF,				I"include-in", 4);
    SpecialMeanings::declare(Sentences::DLRs::omit_from_SMF,				I"omit-from", 4);

    #ifdef IF_MODULE

§1.4. We need the English infinitive forms of two verbs to get started. In each case we use the inflections module to conjugate them — i.e., to generate all the other forms, "is", "did not mean" and so on — and then hand them to the linguistics module to add to its stock of known verbs. (It starts out with none, so these are initially the only two.)

We need to create "to be" first because (a) it is the only copular verb in Inform, and there is no way to create a copular verb using Inform source text; and (b) because this enables us to conjugate forms of "mean" such as "X is meant by" — note the use of "is".

<bootstrap-verb> ::=
    be |

§1.5. Create the verbs to be and to mean1.5 =

    word_assemblage infinitive = PreformUtilities::wording(<bootstrap-verb>, 0);
    verb_conjugation *vc = Conjugation::conjugate(infinitive, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL));
    verb *to_be = Verbs::new_verb(vc, TRUE);  note that "to be" is created as copular
    vc->vc_conjugates = to_be;
    VerbUsages::register_all_usages_of_verb(to_be, FALSE, 2, NULL);

    infinitive = PreformUtilities::wording(<bootstrap-verb>, 1);
    vc = Conjugation::conjugate(infinitive, DefaultLanguage::get(NULL));
    to_mean = Verbs::new_verb(vc, FALSE);  but "to mean" is not
    vc->vc_conjugates = to_mean;
    VerbUsages::register_all_usages_of_verb(to_mean, FALSE, 3, NULL);

§1.6. Those two verbs are now part of our linguistic stock, but do not yet mean anything. We need to give the build-in "verb-means" meaning to "to mean":

Give meaning to mean1.6 =

    if ((to_mean == NULL) || (meaning_of_mean == NULL)) internal_error("could not make to mean");
    Verbs::add_form(to_mean, NULL, NULL, VerbMeanings::special(meaning_of_mean), SVO_FS_BIT);