In this section we compile text with substitutions.

§1. Text containing substitutions, such as "You pick up [the noun] thoughtfully.", are compiled as routines rather than Z-machine strings. Each is stored in one of the following structures. Unlike literal text, a text routine might lead to problem messages when eventually compiled, so it is useful to record the current sentence when a text routine is created: this means a problem can be reported at the right place.

The easiest way to understand this section is to pretend that responses don't exist, and ignore them until they come up later.

typedef struct text_substitution {
    struct wording unsubstituted_text;  including the substitutions in squares
    int dont_need_after_all;  in case replaced as a response
    int tr_done_already;  has been compiled
    struct rule *responding_to_rule;
    int responding_to_marker;
    struct parse_node *sentence_using_this;  where this occurs in source
    int local_names_existed_at_usage_time;  remember in case of problems
    struct stack_frame *parked_stack_frame;  for cases where possible
    struct inter_name *ts_iname;  the I6 array for this
    struct inter_name *ts_routine_iname;  the routine to implement it
    int ts_sb_needed;  reference copy of small block needed as a constant?
    struct compilation_unit *belongs_to_module;
} text_substitution;

§2. We are only allowed to create new ones until the following is set:

int no_further_text_subs = FALSE;

§3. The following global variable records whether we are currently compiling a text routine, rather than some other routine, or free-standing objects.

int compiling_text_routines_mode = FALSE;  used for better problem messages

§4. Like literal texts, text substitutions aren't printed out in full when they first arise; we keep a note of them when we need them, and compile suitable routines later.

A problem with this is that a text substitution probably contains references to variables which exist now, but may not exist later when a routine to do the printing is being compiled. For example,

say "The dial reads [counter].";

may do quite different things at different points in the code, according to what counter currently means. So we need to take note of the current stack frame; and we mustn't optimise by compiling identical text substitutions to the same routines to print them.

text_substitution *TextSubstitutions::new_text_substitution(wording W,
    stack_frame *phsf, rule *R, int marker, package_request *P) {
    text_substitution *ts = CREATE(text_substitution);
    if (no_further_text_subs) Panic, because it is really too late4.1;
    ts->unsubstituted_text = Wordings::first_word(W);
    ts->sentence_using_this = current_sentence;
    ts->local_names_existed_at_usage_time = FALSE;
    if (R) {
        ts->parked_stack_frame = NULL;
    } else {
        stack_frame new_frame = Frames::new();
        ts->parked_stack_frame = Frames::boxed_frame(&new_frame);
        if (phsf) LocalVariableSlates::append(ts->parked_stack_frame, phsf);
    ts->responding_to_rule = R;
    ts->responding_to_marker = marker;
    ts->dont_need_after_all = FALSE;
    ts->tr_done_already = FALSE;
    ts->ts_sb_needed = FALSE;
    if ((Functions::defn_being_compiled()) &&
        (LocalVariableSlates::size(Frames::current_stack_frame()) > 0))
        ts->local_names_existed_at_usage_time = TRUE;
    package_request *PR = Hierarchy::package_within(LITERALS_HAP, P);
    ts->ts_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(TEXT_SUBSTITUTION_HL, PR);
    ts->ts_routine_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(TEXT_SUBSTITUTION_FN_HL, PR);
    ts->belongs_to_module = CompilationUnits::current();
    LOGIF(TEXT_SUBSTITUTIONS, "Requesting text routine %d %08x %W %08x\n",
        ts->allocation_id, (int) phsf, W, R);
    return ts;

§4.1. Timing is going to turn out to be a real problem in all of this code. If Inform finds that it needs a text substitution very late in its run — after it has compiled them and can't compile any more — there's nothing to do but panic.

Panic, because it is really too late4.1 =

    internal_error("Too late for further text substitutions");

§5. The template layer calls the following when that midnight hour chimes:

void TextSubstitutions::allow_no_further_text_subs(void) {
    no_further_text_subs = TRUE;

§6. For some years these were compiled to routines verbosely called text_routine_1 and so on, but no longer:

inter_name *TextSubstitutions::text_substitution_iname(text_substitution *ts) {
    ts->ts_sb_needed = TRUE;
    return ts->ts_iname;

§7. The following is called when we want to compile a usage of a text substitution; for instance, when compiling

say "The time is [time of day]. Hurry!";

we'll compile a call to a routine like TS_1(), and make a note to compile that routine later. This appearance of the routine name is called the "cue".

In a value context, though, things may differ if we are dealing with a text substitution referring to local variables. Consider for example:

    let X be 17;
    write "remember [X]" to the file of Memos;

This is a context where it's clear what it means to refer to the local variable X in the text. But this is less clear:

    let the cage be a random container in the Discount Cage Warehouse;
    now can't exit closed containers rule response (A) is "As bad as [a cage].";

The trouble is that the response text will be needed in stack frames other than this one, i.e., when the local variable cage has long since disappeared. The value of cage must be "captured", and we need the response text to be some kind of closure. In fact what we do is simpler — we expand the text and stored it as what it expands to now, not a method for expanding it later. (This avoids issues of garbage collection on the captured values.)

void TextSubstitutions::text_substitution_cue(value_holster *VH, wording W) {
    if (adopted_rule_for_compilation) {
    stack_frame *phsf = NULL;
    if (adopted_rule_for_compilation) {
        Write the actual cue7.1;
    } else {
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH)) {
            int downs = 0, captured = FALSE;
            if (VH->vhmode_wanted == INTER_VAL_VHMODE) {
                if (phsf == NULL) phsf = Frames::current_stack_frame();
                downs = LocalParking::park(phsf);
                phsf = Frames::boxed_frame(phsf);
                Produce::inv_call_iname(Emit::tree(), Hierarchy::find(TEXT_TY_EXPANDIFPERISHABLE_HL));
                captured = TRUE;
            text_substitution *ts = TextSubstitutions::new_text_substitution(W, phsf,
                adopted_rule_for_compilation, adopted_marker_for_compilation, Emit::current_enclosure());
            inter_name *tin = TextSubstitutions::text_substitution_iname(ts);
            if (VH->vhmode_wanted == INTER_DATA_VHMODE)
                Emit::holster(VH, tin);
                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, tin);
            if (captured) {
                while (downs > 0) { Produce::up(Emit::tree()); downs--; }

§7.1. Write the actual cue7.1 =

    text_substitution *ts = TextSubstitutions::new_text_substitution(W, phsf,
        adopted_rule_for_compilation, adopted_marker_for_compilation, Emit::current_enclosure());
        inter_name *N = RTKinds::new_block_constant_iname();
        packaging_state save = Emit::named_late_array_begin(N, K_value);
        if (N) Emit::holster(VH, N);
    } else {
        inter_name *tin = TextSubstitutions::text_substitution_iname(ts);
        if (Holsters::data_acceptable(VH)) {
            if (tin) Emit::holster(VH, tin);

§8. And the following clarifies problem messages arising from this point, since it often confuses newcomers:

text_substitution *current_ts_being_compiled = NULL;
int it_is_not_worth_adding = FALSE;  To suppress the "It may be worth adding..."

int TextSubstitutions::is_it_worth_adding(void) {
    return it_is_not_worth_adding;
void TextSubstitutions::it_is_worth_adding(void) {
    it_is_not_worth_adding = FALSE;
void TextSubstitutions::it_is_not_worth_adding(void) {
    it_is_not_worth_adding = TRUE;


define ENDING_MESSAGE_PROBLEMS_CALLBACK TextSubstitutions::append_text_substitution_proviso
void TextSubstitutions::append_text_substitution_proviso(void) {
    if (it_is_not_worth_adding) return;
    if (compiling_text_routines_mode == FALSE) return;
    if ((current_ts_being_compiled) &&
        (current_ts_being_compiled->local_names_existed_at_usage_time)) {
        Problems::quote_wording(9, current_ts_being_compiled->unsubstituted_text);
            " %PIt may be worth adding that this problem arose in text "
            "which both contains substitutions and is also being used as "
            "a value - being put into a variable, or used as one of the "
            "ingredients in a phrase other than 'say'. Because that means "
            "it needs to be used in places outside its immediate context, "
            "it is not allowed to refer to any 'let' values or phrase "
            "options - those are temporary things, long gone by the time it "
            "would need to be printed.");

§10. So much for the cues. As with text literals in the previous section, it's now time to redeem our promises and compile the TS_X routines. These routines can't be produced all at once, and are sometimes not needed at all: the responses mechanism makes this quite fiddly, and so do the existence of other constructs in Inform which, when compiled, may make new text substitutions. So compilation is handled by a coroutine. (I'm a little old-fashioned in calling this a coroutine: it achieves its task in instalments, effectively sharing time with other routines which in turn add to its task, until everybody is done.)

Basically, we compile as many text substitutions as we can out of those not yet done, returning the number we compile.

int TextSubstitutions::compilation_coroutine(void) {
    return TextSubstitutions::compile_as_needed(FALSE);

text_substitution *latest_ts_compiled = NULL;
int TextSubstitutions::compile_as_needed(int in_response_mode) {
    int N = 0;
    compiling_text_routines_mode = TRUE;
    while (TRUE) {
        text_substitution *ts;
        if (latest_ts_compiled == NULL) ts = FIRST_OBJECT(text_substitution);
        else ts = NEXT_OBJECT(latest_ts_compiled, text_substitution);
        if (ts == NULL) break;
        latest_ts_compiled = ts;
        int responding = FALSE;
        if (ts->responding_to_rule) responding = TRUE;
        if ((ts->dont_need_after_all == FALSE) && (responding == in_response_mode) &&
            (ts->tr_done_already == FALSE)) {

    compiling_text_routines_mode = FALSE;
    return N;

§11. We can now forget about the coroutine management, and just compile a single text substitution. The main thing is to copy over references to local variables from the stack frame creating this text substitution to the stack frame compiling it.

void TextSubstitutions::compile_single_substitution(text_substitution *ts) {
    LOGIF(TEXT_SUBSTITUTIONS, "Compiling text routine %d %08x %W\n",
        ts->allocation_id, (int) (ts->parked_stack_frame), ts->unsubstituted_text);

    current_ts_being_compiled = ts;
    ts->tr_done_already = TRUE;
    packaging_state save = Functions::begin(ts->ts_routine_iname);
    stack_frame *phsf = ts->parked_stack_frame;
    if ((ts->responding_to_rule) && (ts->responding_to_marker >= 0)) {
        response_message *resp = Rules::get_response(
            ts->responding_to_rule, ts->responding_to_marker);
        if (resp) phsf = Strings::frame_for_response(resp);
    if (phsf) LocalVariableSlates::append(Frames::current_stack_frame(), phsf);

    Compile a say-phrase11.1;

    int makes_local_references =
    if (makes_local_references) {
        Produce::push_code_position(Emit::tree(), Produce::begin_position(Emit::tree()), Inter::Bookmarks::snapshot(Packaging::at(Emit::tree())));

    if (ts->ts_sb_needed) {
        packaging_state save = Emit::named_array_begin(ts->ts_iname, K_value);
        if (makes_local_references)
    current_ts_being_compiled = NULL;

§11.1. Of course, if we used Inform's standard phrase mechanism exactly, then the whole thing would be circular, because that would once again generate a request for a new text substitution to be compiled later...

Compile a say-phrase11.1 =

    if (TargetVMs::debug_enabled(Task::vm())) {
        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IFDEBUG_BIP);
                Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), IF_BIP);
                    Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_number, Hierarchy::find(SUPPRESS_TEXT_SUBSTITUTION_HL));
                        Produce::inv_primitive(Emit::tree(), PRINT_BIP);
                            WRITE_TO(S, "%W", ts->unsubstituted_text);
                            Produce::val_text(Emit::tree(), S);

    parse_node *ts_code_block = Node::new(IMPERATIVE_NT);
    Node::set_unit(ts_code_block, ts->belongs_to_module);
    compilation_unit *cm = CompilationUnits::current();
    ts_code_block->next = Node::new(UNKNOWN_NT);
    Node::set_text(ts_code_block->next, ts->unsubstituted_text);
    Annotations::write_int(ts_code_block->next, from_text_substitution_ANNOT, TRUE);

    CompileBlocksAndLines::full_definition_body(0, ts_code_block->down, FALSE);


§12. See the "Responses" section for why, but we sometimes want to force the coroutine to go through the whole queue once, then go back to the start again — which would be very inefficient except that in this mode we aren't doing very much; most TSs will be passed quickly over.

void TextSubstitutions::compile_text_routines_in_response_mode(void) {
    latest_ts_compiled = NULL;
    latest_ts_compiled = NULL;