Parallel to the World index of space is the Scenes index of time, and in this section we render it as HTML.

§1. The mapping of time is on the one hand simpler than the mapping of space since there is only one dimension, but on the other hand more complex since scenes can be multiply present at the same instant of time (whereas rooms cannot be multiply present at the same point in space). We resolve this with a notation which takes a little bit of on-screen explanation, but seems natural enough to learn in practice.

void PL::Scenes::Index::index(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    int nr = NUMBER_CREATED(scene);
    scene **sorted = Memory::calloc(nr, sizeof(scene *), INDEX_SORTING_MREASON);
    Sort the scenes1.1;

    Tabulate the scenes1.2;
    Show the legend for the scene table icons1.3;
    Give details of each scene in turn1.5;

    Memory::I7_array_free(sorted, INDEX_SORTING_MREASON, nr, sizeof(scene *));

void PL::Scenes::Index::index_rules(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    Rulebooks::index_scene(OUT);  rules in generic scene-ending rulebooks
    Show the generic scene-change rules1.4;

§1.1. As usual, we sort with the C library's qsort.

Sort the scenes1.1 =

    int i = 0;
    scene *sc;
    LOOP_OVER(sc, scene) sorted[i++] = sc;
    qsort(sorted, (size_t) nr, sizeof(scene *), PL::Scenes::Index::compare_scenes);

§1.2. The sorted ordering is used as-is later on, when we get to the details, but for the tabulation it's refined further. First we have the start-of-play scenes, in sorted order; then scenes with a condition for their beginning (end 0), in sorted order; then scenes that don't, and which haven't been covered as a result of one of the earlier ones, also in sorted order. (This third category is usually empty except for scenes the author has forgotten about and created but never made use of.)

Tabulate the scenes1.2 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc = sorted[i];
        if ((sc->start_of_play) || (sc == SC_entire_game))
            PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUT, sc, 0, START_OF_PLAY_END, NULL, sorted, nr);
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc = sorted[i];
        if ((sc->anchor_condition[0]) && (sc != SC_entire_game))
            PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUT, sc, 0, START_OF_PLAY_END, NULL, sorted, nr);
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc = sorted[i];
        if (sc->indexed == FALSE)
            PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUT, sc, 0, NEVER_HAPPENS_END, NULL, sorted, nr);

§1.3. Show the legend for the scene table icons1.3 =

    HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("Legend: ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "WPB", "Begins when play begins");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "WhenC", "can begin whenever some condition holds");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "Segue", "follows when a previous scene ends");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "Simul", "begins simultaneously");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "WNever", "never begins");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "ENever", "never ends");
    WRITE("; ");
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUT, "Recurring", "recurring (can happen more than once)");
    WRITE(". <i>Scene names are italicised when and if they appear for a second "
        "or subsequent time because the scene can begin in more than one way</i>.");

§1.4. Show the generic scene-change rules1.4 =

    Index::anchor(OUT, I"SRULES");
    WRITE("<b>General rules applying to scene changes</b>");
    Rulebooks::index_rules_box(OUT, "When a scene begins", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        built_in_rulebooks[WHEN_SCENE_BEGINS_RB], NULL, NULL, 1, FALSE);
    Rulebooks::index_rules_box(OUT, "When a scene ends", EMPTY_WORDING, NULL,
        built_in_rulebooks[WHEN_SCENE_ENDS_RB], NULL, NULL, 1, FALSE);

§1.5. Give details of each scene in turn1.5 =

    Index::anchor(OUT, I"SDETAILS");
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc = sorted[i];
        Give details of a specific scene1.5.1;

§1.5.1. The curious condition about end 1 here is to avoid printing "Ends: Never" in cases where fancier ends for the scene exist, so that the scene can, in fact, end.

Give details of a specific scene1.5.1 =

    Index the name and recurrence status of the scene1.5.1.1;
    if (sc == SC_entire_game) Explain the Entire Game scene1.5.1.2;

    int end;
    for (end=0; end<sc->no_ends; end++) {
        if ((end == 1) && (sc->no_ends > 2) &&
            (sc->anchor_condition[1]==NULL) && (sc->anchor_scene[1]==NULL))
        Index the conditions for this scene end to occur1.5.1.4;
        Index the rules which apply when this scene end occurs1.5.1.5;
        if (end == 0) Index the rules which apply during this scene1.5.1.3;

§ Index the name and recurrence status of the scene1.5.1.1 =

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "hanging");
    Index::anchor_numbered(OUT, sc->allocation_id);
    WRITE("<b>The <i>%+W</i> scene</b>", PL::Scenes::get_name(sc));
    Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(sc->scene_declared_at)));
    if (PropertyInferences::either_or_state(
        Instances::as_subject(sc->as_instance), P_recurring) > 0)

§ Explain the Entire Game scene1.5.1.2 =

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "tight");
    WRITE("The Entire Game scene is built-in. It is going on whenever play is "
        "going on. (It is recurring so that if the story ends, but then resumes, "
        "it too will end but then begin again.)");

§ Index the rules which apply during this scene1.5.1.3 =

    int rbc = 0;
    rulebook *rb;
    LOOP_OVER(rb, rulebook) {
        if (Rulebooks::is_empty(rb, Rulebooks::scene_context(sc)) == FALSE) {
            if (rbc++ == 0) {
                HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "hanging");
                WRITE("<i>During this scene:</i>");
            HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 2, "hanging");
            WRITE("<i>%+W</i>", rb->primary_name); HTML_CLOSE("p");
            int ignore_me = 0;
            Rulebooks::index(OUT, rb, "", Rulebooks::scene_context(sc), &ignore_me);

§ Index the conditions for this scene end to occur1.5.1.4 =

    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "hanging");
    WRITE("<i>%s ", (end==0)?"Begins":"Ends");
    if (end >= 2) WRITE("%+W ", sc->end_names[end]);
    WRITE("when:</i> ");
    int count = 0;
    Index the play-begins condition1.;
    Index the I7 condition for a scene to end1.;
    Index connections to other scene ends1.;
    if (count == 0) WRITE("<b>never</b>");

§ Index the play-begins condition1. =

    if ((end==0) && (sc->start_of_play)) {
        if (count > 0) {
            WRITE("<i>or when:</i> ");
        WRITE("<b>play begins</b>");

§ Index the I7 condition for a scene to end1. =

    if (sc->anchor_condition[end]) {
        if (count > 0) {
            WRITE("<i>or when:</i> ");
        WRITE("%+W", Node::get_text(sc->anchor_condition[end]));
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(sc->anchor_condition_set[end])));

§ Index connections to other scene ends1. =

    scene_connector *scon;
    for (scon = sc->anchor_scene[end]; scon; scon=scon->next) {
        if (count > 0) {
            WRITE("<i>or when:</i> ");
        wording NW = Instances::get_name(scon->connect_to->as_instance, FALSE);
        WRITE("<b>%+W</b> <i>%s</i>", NW, (scon->end==0)?"begins":"ends");
        if (scon->end >= 2) WRITE(" %+W", scon->connect_to->end_names[scon->end]);
        Index::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(scon->where_said)));

§ Index the rules which apply when this scene end occurs1.5.1.5 =

    if (Rulebooks::is_empty(sc->end_rulebook[end], Rulebooks::no_rule_context()) == FALSE) {
        HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, 1, "hanging");
        WRITE("<i>What happens:</i>"); HTML_CLOSE("p");
        int ignore_me = 0;
        Rulebooks::index(OUT, sc->end_rulebook[end], "", Rulebooks::no_rule_context(), &ignore_me);

§2. Table of Scenes. We finally return to the table of scenes. The following is recursive, and is called at the top level for each scene in turn which starts at the start of play (see above).

A scene entry can be arrived at in three ways: through one of its ends, in which case end is the number (0 for begins, 1 for standard ends, and so on), or through being already active at the start of play, or through being covered in the index even though it never happens in play. This means we need two additional end numbers. They are only ever used at the top level, that is, on the initial call when depth is 0.

void PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUTPUT_STREAM, scene *sc, int depth,
    int end, scene *sc_from, scene **sorted, int nr) {
    HTML::open_indented_p(OUT, depth+1, "tight");
    Indicate the route by which this scene was reached2.1;
    Name the scene in the table, italicised if we've seen it already2.2;
    if (sc->indexed == FALSE) {
        Show the never-ends icon if appropriate2.3;
        Show the recurring icon if appropriate2.4;
    if (sc->indexed) return;
    sc->indexed = TRUE;
    Indent to tabulate other scenes connected to the ends of this one2.5;

§2.1. Indicate the route by which this scene was reached2.1 =

    switch(end) {
        case 0: PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "Simul"); break;
        case 1: PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "Segue"); break;
        case START_OF_PLAY_END: break;
        case NEVER_HAPPENS_END: PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "WNever"); break;
            PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "Segue");
            WRITE("[ends %+W]&nbsp;", sc_from->end_names[end]); break;
    if ((sc->indexed == FALSE) || (depth == 0)) {
        if (sc == SC_entire_game) PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "WPB");
        else if (sc->anchor_condition[0]) PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "WhenC");
        if (sc->start_of_play) PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUT, "WPB");

§2.2. Name the scene in the table, italicised if we've seen it already2.2 =

    if (sc->indexed) WRITE("<i>");
    WRITE("%+W", Instances::get_name(sc->as_instance, FALSE));
    if (sc->indexed) WRITE("</i>");
    else Index::below_link_numbered(OUT, sc->allocation_id);

§2.3. Show the never-ends icon if appropriate2.3 =

    int ways_to_end = 0, e;
    for (e=1; e<sc->no_ends; e++) {
        if (sc->anchor_scene[e]) ways_to_end++;
        if (sc->anchor_condition[e]) ways_to_end++;
    if (ways_to_end == 0) PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_append(OUT, "ENever");

§2.4. Show the recurring icon if appropriate2.4 =

    inference_subject *subj = Instances::as_subject(sc->as_instance);
    if (PropertyInferences::either_or_state(subj, P_recurring) > UNKNOWN_CE)
        PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_append(OUT, "Recurring");

§2.5. And this is where the routine recurses, so that consequent scenes are tabulated underneath the present one, indented one step further in (since indentation is coupled to depth). First we recurse to scenes which end when this one does; then to scenes which begin when this one ends.

Indent to tabulate other scenes connected to the ends of this one2.5 =

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc2 = sorted[i];
        scene_connector *scon;
        for (scon = sc2->anchor_scene[0]; scon; scon=scon->next)
            if ((scon->connect_to == sc) && (scon->end >= 1))
                PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUT, sc2, depth + 1, scon->end, sc, sorted, nr);
    for (i=0; i<nr; i++) {
        scene *sc2 = sorted[i];
        scene_connector *scon;
        for (scon = sc2->anchor_scene[0]; scon; scon=scon->next)
            if ((scon->connect_to == sc) && (scon->end == 0))
                PL::Scenes::Index::index_from_scene(OUT, sc2, depth, scon->end, sc, sorted, nr);

§3. We have been using:

void PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *si) {
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_unspaced(OUT, si); WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;");

void PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_append(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *si) {
    WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;"); PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_unspaced(OUT, si);

void PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_legend(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *si, char *gloss) {
    PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_unspaced(OUT, si); WRITE("&nbsp;<i>%s</i>", gloss);

void PL::Scenes::Index::scene_icon_unspaced(OUTPUT_STREAM, char *si) {
    HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "border=0 src=inform:/scene_icons/%s.png", si);

§4. Lastly: the following is the criterion used for sorting the scenes into their indexing order. The Entire Game always comes first, and then come the rest in ascending alphabetical order.

int PL::Scenes::Index::compare_scenes(const void *ent1, const void *ent2) {
    const scene *sc1 = *((const scene **) ent1);
    const scene *sc2 = *((const scene **) ent2);
    if ((sc1 == SC_entire_game) && (sc2 != SC_entire_game)) return -1;
    if ((sc1 != SC_entire_game) && (sc2 == SC_entire_game)) return 1;
    wording SW1 = Instances::get_name(sc1->as_instance, FALSE);
    wording SW2 = Instances::get_name(sc2->as_instance, FALSE);
    return Wordings::strcmp(SW1, SW2);