To build and modify atoms, the syntactic pieces from which propositions are built up.

§1. Definitions.

§2. As the description in the Introduction showed, propositions are complicated data structures. Roughly speaking, they are made up of small independent pieces which can be combined in a variety of ways into larger assemblies. In this section, we look at the smallest pieces: some of these could be propositions in their own right, others are only structural items needed to form up the larger collections. But each individual piece, or "atom", is stored in a pcalc_prop structure.

The question of how these are joined together is left until the next section.

define MAX_ATOM_ARITY 2  for the moment, at any rate
typedef struct pcalc_prop {
    int element;  one of the constants below: always 1 or greater
    int arity;  1 for quantifiers and unary predicates; 2 for BPs; 0 otherwise
    struct general_pointer predicate;  indicates which predicate structure is meant
    struct pcalc_term terms[MAX_ATOM_ARITY];  terms to which the predicate applies
    struct kind *assert_kind;  KIND_ATOM: the kind of value of a variable
    int composited;  KIND_ATOM: arises from a composite determiner/noun like "somewhere"
    int unarticled;  KIND_ATOM: arises from an unarticled usage like "vehicle", not "a vehicle"
    struct wording calling_name;  CALLED_ATOM: text of the name this is called
    struct quantifier *quant;  QUANTIFIER_ATOM: which one
    int quantification_parameter;  QUANTIFIER_ATOM: e.g., the 3 in "all three"
    struct pcalc_prop *next;  next atom in the list for this proposition
} pcalc_prop;

§3. The Universe is filled with atoms, but they come in different kinds, called elements. For us, an "element" is the identifying number, stored in the element field, which tells Inform what kind of atom something is. The following is our Periodic Table of all possible elements:

define QUANTIFIER_ATOM 1  any generalised quantifier
define PREDICATE_ATOM 10  a property-based unary predicate, or any predicate of higher arity
define KIND_ATOM 11  a unary predicate \(K(x)\) associated with a kind \(K\)
define ISAKIND_ATOM 12  a unary predicate asserting that \(x\) is the world-object for a kind
define ISAVAR_ATOM 13  a unary predicate asserting that \(x\) is the SP for a global variable
define ISACONST_ATOM 14  a unary predicate asserting that \(x\) is the SP for a named constant
define EVERYWHERE_ATOM 15  a unary predicate asserting omnipresence
define NOWHERE_ATOM 16  a unary predicate asserting nonpresence
define HERE_ATOM 17  a unary predicate asserting presence "here"
define CALLED_ATOM 18  to keep track of "(called the intruder)"-style names
define NEGATION_OPEN_ATOM 20  logical negation \(\lnot\) applied to contents of group
define NEGATION_CLOSE_ATOM 30  end of logical negation \(\lnot\)
define DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM 21  logical negation \(\lnot\) applied to contents of group
define DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM 31  end of logical negation \(\lnot\)

§4. And as with columns in the Periodic Table, these elements come in what are called "groups", because it often happens that atoms of different elements behave similarly when the elements have something in common.


§5. The elements. Given an element, the following returns the group to which it belongs.

int Calculus::Atoms::element_get_group(int element) {
    if (element <= 0) return 0;
    if (element < STRUCTURAL_GROUP) return STRUCTURAL_GROUP;
    if (element < PREDICATES_GROUP) return PREDICATES_GROUP;
    return 0;

§6. Some atoms occur in pairs, which have to match like opening and closing parentheses. The following returns 0 for an element code which does not behave like this, or else returns the opposite number to any element code which does.

int Calculus::Atoms::element_get_match(int element) {
    switch (element) {
        default: return 0;

§7. Creating atoms. Every atom is created by the following routine:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::new(int element) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = CREATE(pcalc_prop);
    prop->next = NULL;
    prop->element = element;
    prop->assert_kind = NULL;
    prop->composited = FALSE;
    prop->unarticled = FALSE;
    prop->arity = 0;
    prop->predicate = NULL_GENERAL_POINTER;
    prop->quant = NULL;
    return prop;

§8. The STRUCTURAL group. Some convenient routines to handle atoms of specific elements now follow: first, QUANTIFIER atoms. These have arity 1, and the single term must always be a variable, the one which is being bound. The parameter is a number needed for some quantifier types to identify the range: for instance, it would be 7 in the case of \(V_{=7}\).

Tying specific variables to quantifiers seems to be out of fashion in modern computer science. Contemporary theorem-proving assistants mostly use de Bruijn's numbering scheme, in which numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., refer to variables being quantified in an indirect way. The advantage is that propositions are easier to construct, since the same numbers can be used in different subexpressions of the same proposition, and there's no worrying about clashes. But it all just moves the difficulty elsewhere, by making it less obvious how to pair up the numbers with variables at compilation time, and less obvious even how many variables are needed. So we stick to the old-fashioned way of imitating \(\forall x: P(x)\) rather than \(\forall 1. P\).

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::QUANTIFIER_new(quantifier *quant, int v, int parameter) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(QUANTIFIER_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = Calculus::Terms::new_variable(v);
    prop->quant = quant;
    prop->quantification_parameter = parameter;
    return prop;

§9. Quantifier atoms can be detected as follows:

int Calculus::Atoms::is_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

quantifier *Calculus::Atoms::get_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM)) return prop->quant;
    return NULL;

int Calculus::Atoms::get_quantification_parameter(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM))
        return prop->quantification_parameter;
    return 0;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_existence_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) &&
        (prop->quant == exists_quantifier))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_nonexistence_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) &&
        (prop->quant == not_exists_quantifier))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_forall_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) &&
        (prop->quant == for_all_quantifier))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_notall_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) &&
        (prop->quant == not_for_all_quantifier))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_for_all_x(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((Calculus::Atoms::is_forall_quantifier(prop)) && (prop->terms[0].variable == 0)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§10. See "Determiners and Quantifiers" for what a now-assertable quantifier is:

int Calculus::Atoms::is_now_assertable_quantifier(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (prop->element != QUANTIFIER_ATOM) return FALSE;
    return Quantifiers::is_now_assertable(prop->quant);

§11. The PREDICATES group. Next, unary predicates, beginning with the EVERYWHERE special case.

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::EVERYWHERE_new(pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(EVERYWHERE_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

§12. And NOWHERE:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::NOWHERE_new(pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(NOWHERE_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

§13. And HERE:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::HERE_new(pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(HERE_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

§14. And ISAKIND:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::ISAKIND_new(pcalc_term pt, kind *K) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(ISAKIND_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    prop->assert_kind = K;
    return prop;

§15. And ISAVAR:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::ISAVAR_new(pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(ISAVAR_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

§16. And ISACONST:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::ISACONST_new(pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(ISACONST_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

§17. CALLED atoms are interesting because they exist only for their side-effects: they have no effect at all on the logical status of a proposition (well, except that they should not be applied to free variables referred to nowhere else). They can therefore be added or removed freely. In the phrase

if a woman is in a lighted room (called the den), ...

we need to note that the value of the bound variable corresponding to the lighted room will need to be kept and to have a name ("the den"): this will probably mean the inclusion of a CALLED=den(y) atom.

The calling data for a CALLED atom is the textual name by which the variable will be called.

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::CALLED_new(wording W, pcalc_term pt, kind *K) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(CALLED_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    prop->calling_name = W;
    prop->assert_kind = K;
    return prop;

wording Calculus::Atoms::CALLED_get_name(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    return prop->calling_name;

§18. Now for a KIND atom. At first sight, it looks odd that a unary predicate for a kind is represented differently from other predicates. Isn't it a unary predicate just like any other? Well: it is, but then again, we want to compile propositions to reasonably efficient I6 code which determines whether or not they are true. We particularly want to look out for patterns like $$ \forall x : ... \land {\it container}(x) \land ... $$ since they allow us to consider \(x\) ranging over a smaller, and therefore more efficiently searchable, domain: most objects aren't containers. So KIND_ATOM atoms are useful in ways which other unary predicate atoms are not.

Once again, this atom has arity 1, but the term no longer has to be a variable; when Inform reads a sentence like

Viper Pit is a room.

the resulting proposition will include a KIND atom whose term is the constant value for the Viper Pit.

Any kind of value can be assigned, but the commonest case involves a kind of object, so a special routine exists just to create KIND atoms in that case.

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::KIND_new(kind *K, pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(KIND_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->assert_kind = K;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    return prop;

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::KIND_new_composited(kind *K, pcalc_term pt) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(KIND_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->assert_kind = K;
    prop->terms[0] = pt;
    prop->composited = TRUE;
    return prop;

kind *Calculus::Atoms::get_asserted_kind(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (prop) return prop->assert_kind;
    return NULL;

int Calculus::Atoms::is_composited(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->composited)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Calculus::Atoms::set_composited(pcalc_prop *prop, int state) {
    if (prop) prop->composited = state;

§19. Likewise:

int Calculus::Atoms::is_unarticled(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if ((prop) && (prop->unarticled)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Calculus::Atoms::set_unarticled(pcalc_prop *prop, int state) {
    if (prop) prop->unarticled = state;

§20. That just leaves the general sort of unary predicate. In principle we ought to be able to create \(U(t)\) for any term \(t\), but in practice we only ever need \(t=x\), that is, variable 0.

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::unary_PREDICATE_from_aph(adjective *aph, int negated) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(PREDICATE_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 1;
    prop->terms[0] = Calculus::Terms::new_variable(0);
    prop->predicate = STORE_POINTER_unary_predicate(
        UnaryPredicates::new(aph, (negated)?FALSE:TRUE));
    return prop;

unary_predicate *Calculus::Atoms::au_from_unary_PREDICATE(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    return RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(prop->predicate);

§21. And binary predicates are pretty well the same:

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::binary_PREDICATE_new(binary_predicate *bp,
    pcalc_term pt1, pcalc_term pt2) {
    pcalc_prop *prop = Calculus::Atoms::new(PREDICATE_ATOM);
    prop->arity = 2;
    prop->predicate = STORE_POINTER_binary_predicate(bp);
    prop->terms[0] = pt1; prop->terms[1] = pt2;
    return prop;

binary_predicate *Calculus::Atoms::is_binary_predicate(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (prop == NULL) return NULL;
    if (prop->element != PREDICATE_ATOM) return NULL;
    if (prop->arity != 2) return NULL;
    return RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(prop->predicate);

int Calculus::Atoms::is_equality_predicate(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    binary_predicate *bp = Calculus::Atoms::is_binary_predicate(prop);
    if (bp == R_equality) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§22. Given \(C\), return the proposition {\it is}(\(x\), \(C\)):

pcalc_prop *Calculus::Atoms::prop_x_is_constant(parse_node *spec) {
    return Calculus::Atoms::binary_PREDICATE_new(R_equality,
        Calculus::Terms::new_variable(0), Calculus::Terms::new_constant(spec));

§23. And conversely:

pcalc_term *Calculus::Atoms::is_x_equals(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (Calculus::Atoms::is_equality_predicate(prop) == FALSE) return NULL;
    if (prop->terms[0].variable != 0) return NULL;
    return &(prop->terms[1]);

§24. Validating atoms.

char *Calculus::Atoms::validate(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    int group;
    if (prop == NULL) return NULL;
    group = Calculus::Atoms::element_get_group(prop->element);
    if (group == 0) return "atom of undiscovered element";
    if (prop->arity > MAX_ATOM_ARITY) return "atom with overly large arity";
    if (prop->arity < 0) return "atom with negative arity";
    if (prop->arity == 0) {
        if (group == PREDICATES_GROUP) return "predicate without terms";
        if (prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) return "quantifier without variable";
    } else {
        if ((prop->element != PREDICATE_ATOM) && (prop->arity != 1))
            return "unary atom with other than one term";
        if ((group == OPEN_OPERATORS_GROUP) || (group == CLOSE_OPERATORS_GROUP))
            return "parentheses with terms";
    if ((prop->element == QUANTIFIER_ATOM) && (prop->terms[0].variable == -1))
        return "missing variable in quantification";
    return NULL;

§25. Debugging log. Logging atomic propositions divides into cases:

void Calculus::Atoms::log(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    Calculus::Atoms::write(DL, prop);
void Calculus::Atoms::write(text_stream *OUT, pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (prop == NULL) { WRITE("<null-atom>"); return; }
    switch(prop->element) {
        case PREDICATE_ATOM:
            switch(prop->arity) {
                case 1: Log some suitable textual name for this unary predicate25.1; break;
                case 2: Log some suitable textual name for this binary predicate25.2; break;
                default: WRITE("?exotic-predicate-arity=%d?", prop->arity); break;
        case QUANTIFIER_ATOM: {
            quantifier *quant = prop->quant;
            Quantifiers::log(OUT, quant, prop->quantification_parameter);
            WRITE(" "); Log a comma-separated list of terms for this atomic proposition25.3;
        case CALLED_ATOM: {
            wording W = Calculus::Atoms::CALLED_get_name(prop);
            WRITE("called='%W'", W);
            if (prop->assert_kind) {
                Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, prop->assert_kind);
        case KIND_ATOM:
            if (Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL) == FALSE) WRITE("kind=");
            Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, prop->assert_kind);
            if ((Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL) == FALSE) && (prop->composited)) WRITE("_c");
            if ((Streams::I6_escapes_enabled(DL) == FALSE) && (prop->unarticled)) WRITE("_u");
        case ISAKIND_ATOM: WRITE("is-a-kind"); break;
        case ISAVAR_ATOM: WRITE("is-a-var"); break;
        case ISACONST_ATOM: WRITE("is-a-const"); break;
        case EVERYWHERE_ATOM: WRITE("everywhere"); break;
        case NOWHERE_ATOM: WRITE("nowhere"); break;
        case HERE_ATOM: WRITE("here"); break;
        case NEGATION_OPEN_ATOM: WRITE("NOT["); break;
        case NEGATION_CLOSE_ATOM: WRITE("NOT]"); break;
        case DOMAIN_OPEN_ATOM: WRITE("IN["); break;
        case DOMAIN_CLOSE_ATOM: WRITE("IN]"); break;
        default: WRITE("?bad-atom?"); break;
    if (prop->arity > 0) {
        WRITE("("); Log a comma-separated list of terms for this atomic proposition25.3; WRITE(")");

§25.1. Log some suitable textual name for this unary predicate25.1 =

    unary_predicate *tr = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(prop->predicate);
    if (UnaryPredicates::get_parity(tr) == FALSE) WRITE("not-");
    Adjectives::write(OUT, UnaryPredicates::get_adj(tr));

§25.2. And more easily:

Log some suitable textual name for this binary predicate25.2 =

    binary_predicate *bp = RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(prop->predicate);
    if (bp == NULL) WRITE("?bad-bp?"); else WRITE("%S", BinaryPredicates::get_log_name(bp));

§25.3. Just a diagnostic way of printing the terms in an atomic proposition, by their index numbers. (They are numbered from 0 to \(A-1\), where \(A\) is the arity.)

Log a comma-separated list of terms for this atomic proposition25.3 =

    int t;
    for (t=0; t<prop->arity; t++) {
        if (t>0) WRITE(", ");
        Calculus::Terms::write(OUT, &(prop->terms[t]));