Lexical clusters are sets of noun or adjective forms, perhaps multiple or in multiple languages, which have in common that they share a meaning.

§1. Cluster. A cluster is a linked list of declensions, annotated with lingistic roles. For example, the cluster of forms for the common noun "man" might be:

man (En, neuter singular), men (En, neuter plural), homme (Fr, masculine singular), hommes (Fr, masculine plural)

We will call each of these four an "individual form" of the cluster. Each of the four is in turn given a declension into cases, but for English or indeed French this doesn't really show. For German, it would be a different matter.

While this perhaps looks a little unstructured, that means that it doesn't impose many assumptions about the language. A similarly pragmatic view is taken by the XML frameworks used in the Lexical Markup Framework standard ISO 24613, which it would be fairly easy to convert our lexical_cluster objects to.

typedef struct lexical_cluster {
    struct linked_list *listed;  of individual_form
} lexical_cluster;

typedef struct individual_form {
    struct declension declined;  text of form
} individual_form;

§2. A cluster begins empty.

lexical_cluster *Clusters::new(void) {
    lexical_cluster *forms = CREATE(lexical_cluster);
    forms->listed = NEW_LINKED_LIST(individual_form);
    return forms;

§3. The following can add either a single form, or a form and its plural(s):

individual_form *Clusters::add_one(lexical_cluster *forms, wording W,
    NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE *nl, int gender, int number) {
    nl = DefaultLanguage::get(nl);
    individual_form *in = CREATE(individual_form);
    in->declined = Declensions::of_noun(W, nl, gender, number);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, forms->listed);
    return in;

linked_list *Clusters::add(lexical_cluster *forms, wording W,
    NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE *nl, int gender, int number, int pluralise) {
    linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(individual_form);
    individual_form *in = Clusters::add_one(forms, W, nl, gender, number);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, L);
    if ((pluralise) && (number == SINGULAR_NUMBER)) Add plural forms as well3.1;
    return L;

§3.1. The following makes all possible plurals and registers those too. (Note that every instance gets a plural form: even something palpably unique, like "the Koh-i-Noor diamond".) The plural dictionary supports multiple plurals, so there may be any number of forms registered: for instance, the kind "person" is registered with plurals "persons" and "people".

Add plural forms as well3.1 =

    plural_dictionary_entry *pde = NULL;
    int k = 0;
    do {
        wording PW = EMPTY_WORDING;
        pde = Pluralisation::make(W, &PW, pde, nl);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(PW)) {
            LOGIF(CONSTRUCTED_PLURALS, "(%d) Plural of <%W>: <%W>\n", k, W, PW);
            individual_form *in = Clusters::add_one(forms, PW, nl, gender, PLURAL_NUMBER);
            ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, L);
    } while (pde);

§4. The following is more suited to adjectives, or to words which are used adjectivally, such as past participles in French. This time we generate all possible gender and number agreements.

void Clusters::add_with_agreements(lexical_cluster *cl, wording W,
    nl = DefaultLanguage::get(nl);
    if (nl == DefaultLanguage::get(NULL))
        Clusters::add(cl, W, nl, NEUTER_GENDER, SINGULAR_NUMBER, FALSE);
        for (int form_number = 0; form_number < NO_KNOWN_NUMBERS; form_number++)
            for (int form_gender = 1; form_gender < NO_KNOWN_GENDERS; form_gender++)
                Generate agreement form and add to the declension4.1;

§4.1. We use tries to modify the base text, which is taken to be the neuter singular form, into the other five forms.

Generate agreement form and add to the declension4.1 =

    nonterminal *step1 = NULL, *step2 = NULL;
    switch (form_number) {
        case SINGULAR_NUMBER:
            switch (form_number) {
                case NEUTER_GENDER:
                case MASCULINE_GENDER:
                    step1 = <adjective-to-masculine-singular>; break;
                case FEMININE_GENDER:
                    step1 = <adjective-to-feminine-singular>; break;
        case PLURAL_NUMBER:
            switch (form_number) {
                case NEUTER_GENDER:
                    step1 = <adjective-to-plural>; break;
                case MASCULINE_GENDER:
                    step1 = <adjective-to-masculine-singular>;
                    step2 = <adjective-to-masculine-plural>; break;
                case FEMININE_GENDER:
                    step1 = <adjective-to-feminine-singular>;
                    step2 = <adjective-to-feminine-plural>; break;
    wording FW = EMPTY_WORDING;
    Process via the agreement trie in this pipeline4.1.1;
    Clusters::add(cl, FW, nl, form_gender, form_number, FALSE);

§4.1.1. Not much of a pipeline, really: we start with the base case and work through one or two tries.

Process via the agreement trie in this pipeline4.1.1 =

    word_assemblage wa = WordAssemblages::from_wording(W);
    if (step1)
        wa = Inflect::first_word(wa,
            PreformUtilities::define_trie(step1, TRIE_END,
    if (step2)
        wa = Inflect::first_word(wa,
            PreformUtilities::define_trie(step2, TRIE_END,
    FW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);

§5. Plural fixing. Less elegantly, we can force the plural of a form in a cluster to a given fixed text, overwriting it if it's already there. In practice this is done only when the built-in kinds are being given plural forms; some of these (those for kind constructors with optional wordings) have a peculiar format, and wouldn't pass through the pluralising tries intact.

void Clusters::set_plural_in_language(lexical_cluster *cl, wording W,
    individual_form *in;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, cl->listed)
        if (Clusters::get_number_of_form(in) == PLURAL_NUMBER) {
            in->declined = Declensions::of_noun(W, nl, NEUTER_GENDER, PLURAL_NUMBER);

§6. Searching declensions. These are always quite small, so there's no need for any efficient device to search them.

The first routine finds the earliest form with the correct number (singular or plural):

wording Clusters::get_form(lexical_cluster *cl, int plural_flag) {
    int number_sought = SINGULAR_NUMBER;
    if (plural_flag) number_sought = PLURAL_NUMBER;
    individual_form *in;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, cl->listed)
        if (Clusters::get_number_of_form(in) == number_sought)
            return Clusters::get_nominative_of_form(in);
    return EMPTY_WORDING;

§7. The following variant finds the earliest form in the language of play, falling back on English if there's none registered:

wording Clusters::get_form_in_language(lexical_cluster *cl, int plural_flag,
    int number_sought = SINGULAR_NUMBER;
    if (plural_flag) number_sought = PLURAL_NUMBER;
    individual_form *in;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, cl->listed)
        if ((Clusters::get_number_of_form(in) == number_sought) &&
            (Clusters::language_of_form(in) == nl))
            return Clusters::get_nominative_of_form(in);
    return Clusters::get_form(cl, plural_flag);

§8. A more specific search, which can optionally test for number and gender.

wording Clusters::get_form_general(lexical_cluster *cl,
    NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE *nl, int number_sought, int gender_sought) {
    individual_form *in;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(in, individual_form, cl->listed)
        if (((number_sought == -1) || (number_sought == Clusters::get_number_of_form(in))) &&
            ((gender_sought == -1) || (gender_sought == Clusters::get_gender_of_form(in))) &&
            (Clusters::language_of_form(in) == nl))
            return Clusters::get_nominative_of_form(in);
    return EMPTY_WORDING;

NATURAL_LANGUAGE_WORDS_TYPE *Clusters::language_of_form(individual_form *in) {
    return in->declined.within_language;

§9. All of which use:

wording Clusters::get_nominative_of_form(individual_form *in) {
    return Declensions::in_case(&(in->declined), NOMINATIVE_CASE);

lcon_ti Clusters::get_lcon_of_form(individual_form *in) {
    return in->declined.lcon_cased[NOMINATIVE_CASE];

int Clusters::get_number_of_form(individual_form *in) {
    return Lcon::get_number(in->declined.lcon_cased[NOMINATIVE_CASE]);

int Clusters::get_gender_of_form(individual_form *in) {
    return Lcon::get_gender(in->declined.lcon_cased[NOMINATIVE_CASE]);