The titling line and rubric, use options and a few other preliminaries before the Standard Rules get properly started.

§1. Title. Every Inform 7 extension begins with a standard titling line and a rubric text, and the Standard Rules are no exception:

Version [[Version Number]] of the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson begins here.

"The Standard Rules, included in every project, define phrases, actions and
activities for interactive fiction."

Part One - Preamble

§2. Verbs. This continues the built-in verbs (i.e. those with meaning built in to the Inform compiler), adding those which are relevant only to IF.

Note the plus notation, added in May 2016, which marks for a second object phrase, and is thus only useful for built-in meanings.

The verb to begin when means the built-in scene-begins-when meaning.
The verb to end when means the built-in scene-ends-when meaning.
The verb to end + when means the built-in scene-ends-when meaning.

§3. Verbs used as imperatives: "Understand ... as ...", for example.

The verb to understand + as in the imperative means the built-in understand-as meaning.
The verb to release along with in the imperative means the built-in release-along-with meaning.
The verb to index map with in the imperative means the built-in index-map-with meaning.

§4. Use Options. In fact, many of the definitions below are handled slightly differently in the srules template files, to avoid the need for conditional compilatipn (and thus to enable the template to be assimilated just once); but we continue to give them the traditional constant names, for the sake of any third-party extensions using these.

Use command line echoing translates as (- Constant ECHO_COMMANDS; -).
Use full-length room descriptions translates as (- #IFNDEF I7_LOOKMODE; Constant I7_LOOKMODE = 2; #ENDIF; -).
Use abbreviated room descriptions translates as (- #IFNDEF I7_LOOKMODE; Constant I7_LOOKMODE = 3; #ENDIF; -).
Use scoring translates as (- #IFNDEF USE_SCORING; Constant USE_SCORING = 1; #ENDIF; -).
Use no scoring translates as (- #IFNDEF USE_SCORING; Constant USE_SCORING = 0; #ENDIF; -).
Use manual pronouns translates as (- Constant MANUAL_PRONOUNS; -).
Use undo prevention translates as (- Constant PREVENT_UNDO; -).
Use VERBOSE room descriptions translates as (- Constant DEFAULT_VERBOSE_DESCRIPTIONS; -).
Use BRIEF room descriptions translates as (- Constant DEFAULT_BRIEF_DESCRIPTIONS; -).
Use SUPERBRIEF room descriptions translates as (- Constant DEFAULT_SUPERBRIEF_DESCRIPTIONS; -).

§5. This setting is to do with the command parser's handling of multiple objects. Essentially it means that "take all" can pick up at most 100 items.

Use maximum things understood at once of at least 100 translates as
    (- Constant MATCH_LIST_WORDS = {N}; -).
Use maximum things understood at once of at least 100.