To compile code to solve an equation involving numerical quantities.

§1. This section implements the {-primitive-definition:solve-equation} bracing for an inline invocation.

Nothing here will entirely make sense without first having read Equations (in assertions), but briefly: equations written in the source text have been turned into equation structures, and we are asked to solve the one held in eqn. It involves symbols (consider "F", "m" and "a" in the equation "F = ma"), each of which is an equation_symbol. And the structure of the equation has been turned into a tree where each node is an equation_node. The leaves in this tree are symbols or values; the other nodes represent operations to perform.

Before getting under way, a detail. When a named equation is used, a "where..." clause is sometimes given to make temporary assignments; what happens is that the S-parser temporarily sets the usage words of the equation to the relevant text...

void EquationSolver::set_usage_notes(equation *eqn, wording W) {
    eqn->usage_text = W;

§2. that, when we come to solve the equation (i.e., later on in the invocation compiler), we know where to find these temporary assignments. They are wiped out once this compilation is over.

void EquationSolver::compile_solution(wording W, equation *eqn) {
    if (Wordings::nonempty(eqn->usage_text))
        Equations::eqn_declare_variables_inner(eqn, eqn->usage_text, TRUE);
    EquationSolver::compile_solution_inner(W, eqn);
    eqn->usage_text = EMPTY_WORDING;

§3. With that dance out of the way, we can concentrate on the actual task. We have to compile code which assigns the correct value to the symbol specified by W, according to the equation eqn.

void EquationSolver::compile_solution_inner(wording W, equation *eqn) {
    equation_symbol *to_solve = NULL;

    Identify which symbol in the equation we are solving for3.1;
    Rearrange the equation so that this symbol is the entire LHS3.2;
    Identify the symbols in the equation with local variables3.3;

    WRITE_TO(C, "Solving %n for '$w'", eqn->eqn_iname, to_solve->name);
    EquationSolver::compile_enode(eqn, eqn->parsed_equation);

§3.1. Note the case sensitivity here.

Identify which symbol in the equation we are solving for3.1 =

    if (Wordings::length(W) == 1)
        for (equation_symbol *ev = eqn->symbol_list; ev; ev = ev->next)
            if (Wordings::match_cs(W, ev->name))
                to_solve = ev;

    if (to_solve == NULL) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, eqn->equation_text);
            "In %1, you asked to let %2 be given by the equation '%3', but '%2' isn't "
            "a symbol in that equation.");

    if (to_solve->var_const) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, eqn->equation_text);
        Problems::quote_spec(4, to_solve->var_const);
            "In %1, you asked to let %2 be given by the equation '%3', but '%2' isn't "
            "something which can vary freely in that equation - it's been set equal to %4.");

§3.2. By far the hardest part of the problem is to rearrange the equation so that the variable we want to find is the entire left hand side, but this is done for us by code in Equations (in assertions), so it looks easy here.

The surprising thing is the fresh round of typechecking: why do we do that? The answer is not that we doubt whether the equation is still valid — the rearranged equation should pass if and only if the original did, if we've implemented all of this correctly — but because the alterations made to the tree mean that the assignments of kinds at each node are now potentially incorrect. Re-typechecking will recalculate these.

Rearrange the equation so that this symbol is the entire LHS3.2 =

    if (Equations::eqn_rearrange(eqn, to_solve) == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, eqn->equation_text);
            "In %1, you asked to let %2 be given by the equation '%3', but I am unable "
            "to rearrange the equation in any simple way so that it sets '%2' equal to "
            "something else. Maybe you could write a more explicit equation? (You're "
            "certainly better at maths than I am; I can only make easy deductions.)");
    if (Equations::eqn_typecheck(eqn) == FALSE) return;

§3.3. Suppose we read a phrase such as

let PE be given by PE = mgh, where g = 9.801 m/ss;

We can only compile code to do this if we can identify values for the symbols. "g" is not a problem because a temporary assignment supplies this. For each symbol ev which isn't a constant, we must set ev->local_map to the corresponding local variable.

Identify the symbols in the equation with local variables3.3 =

    equation_symbol *ev;
    for (ev = eqn->symbol_list; ev; ev = ev->next)
        if (ev->var_const == NULL) {
            ev->local_map = LocalVariables::parse(Frames::current_stack_frame(), ev->name);
            ev->promote_local_to_real = FALSE;
            if (ev->local_map == NULL)
                Can't find an unset symbol among the local variables3.3.1
                Check that the kind of the local variable matches that of the symbol3.3.2;

§3.3.1. In the above example, finding "PE" should not be a problem: this is the to_solve symbol, and it must be a current local variable name since the "let" will have created it as such if it didn't already exist. But things can certainly go wrong with "m" and "h", which need to exist as local variables in the current stack frame.

Can't find an unset symbol among the local variables3.3.1 =

    if (ev == to_solve) internal_error("can't find 'let' variable to assign");
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
    Problems::quote_wording(3, eqn->equation_text);
    Problems::quote_wording(4, ev->name);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_EquationSymbolMissing));
        "In %1, you asked to let %2 be given by the equation '%3', but I can't see "
        "what to use for '%4'. The usual idea is to set the other variables in the "
        "equation using 'let': so adding 'let %4 be ...' before trying to find '%2' "
        "should work.");

§3.3.2. In the case of the symbol we are setting, the local variable might be one which has only just been created and thus has no value yet — not having set it, Inform hasn't given it a kind more explicit than "value". We can improve that by giving it the kind of the symbol it is to match.

In all other cases, the local variable already exists and has a fixed kind. This must exactly match that of the symbol. (Again, if we ever need implicit casting between quasinumerical kinds, we'll have to return to this.)

Check that the kind of the local variable matches that of the symbol3.3.2 =

    kind *K = LocalVariables::kind(ev->local_map);
    if (Kinds::eq(K, K_value)) {
        K = ev->var_kind;
        LocalVariables::set_kind(ev->local_map, K);
    if ((Kinds::eq(K, K_number)) &&
        (Kinds::eq(ev->var_kind, K_real_number))) {
        K = K_real_number;
        ev->promote_local_to_real = TRUE;
    if (Kinds::eq(K, ev->var_kind) == FALSE) {
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        Problems::quote_wording(3, eqn->equation_text);
        Problems::quote_wording(4, ev->name);
        Problems::quote_kind(5, K);
        Problems::quote_kind(6, ev->var_kind);
            "In %1, you asked to let %2 be given by the equation '%3', but in that "
            "equation '%4' is supposedly %6 - whereas right here, it seems to be %5. "
            "Perhaps two different quantities have ended up with the same symbol in "
            "the source text?");

§4. Actual compilation is simple, since the tree is set up for it.

void EquationSolver::compile_enode(equation *eqn, equation_node *tok) {
    int a = 0;
    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::is_real(tok->gK_before)) a = 1;
    int b = 0;
    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::is_real(tok->gK_after)) b = 1;
    int f = b - a;
    if (f == 1) Kinds::FloatingPoint::begin_flotation_emit(
    else if (f == -1) Kinds::FloatingPoint::begin_deflotation_emit(
    switch (tok->eqn_type) {
        case SYMBOL_EQN:
            if (tok->leaf_symbol->var_const)
            else if (tok->leaf_symbol->local_map) {
                if (tok->leaf_symbol->promote_local_to_real) {
                inter_symbol *tok_s =
                Produce::val_symbol(Emit::tree(), K_value, tok_s);
                if (tok->leaf_symbol->promote_local_to_real)
            else if (tok->leaf_symbol->function_notated) {
                inter_name *RS = PhraseRequests::simple_request(
                Produce::val_iname(Emit::tree(), K_value, RS);
            } else internal_error("uncompilable equation node");
        case CONSTANT_EQN:
        case OPERATION_EQN: Emit a single operation4.1; break;
        default: internal_error("forbidden enode found in parsed equation");
    if (f == 1) Kinds::FloatingPoint::end_flotation_emit(
    else if (f == -1) Kinds::FloatingPoint::end_deflotation_emit(

§4.1. And here we handle operation nodes:

Emit a single operation4.1 =

    equation_node *X = tok->enode_operands[0];
    kind *KX = Kinds::FloatingPoint::underlying(X->gK_after);
    equation_node *Y = tok->enode_operands[1];
    kind *KY = (Y)?(Kinds::FloatingPoint::underlying(Y->gK_after)):NULL;
    if (Kinds::FloatingPoint::is_real(X->gK_after)) {
        KX = K_real_number; KY = K_real_number;

    Kinds::Compile::perform_arithmetic_emit(tok->eqn_operation, eqn,
        NULL, X, KX, NULL, Y, KY);


void EquationSolver::issue_problem_on_root(equation *eqn, equation_node *tok) {
    Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
    Problems::quote_wording(2, eqn->equation_text);
    StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_HardIntegerRoot));
        "In %1, you asked me to solve the equation '%2', but that would have "
        "involved taking a tricky root of a whole number. Using real numbers "
        "that would be easy, but with whole numbers I'm unable to get there.");