Defining the primitive construct.


void Inter::Primitive::define(void) {
    inter_construct *IC = Inter::Defn::create_construct(
        L"primitive (!%i+) (%c+) -> (%C+)",
        I"primitive", I"primitives");
    IC->usage_permissions = OUTSIDE_OF_PACKAGES;
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_READ_MTID, Inter::Primitive::read);
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_VERIFY_MTID, Inter::Primitive::verify);
    METHOD_ADD(IC, CONSTRUCT_WRITE_MTID, Inter::Primitive::write);


define CAT_PRIM_IFLD 3
define VAL_PRIM_CAT 1
define REF_PRIM_CAT 2
define LAB_PRIM_CAT 3
define CODE_PRIM_CAT 4
void Inter::Primitive::read(inter_construct *IC, inter_bookmark *IBM, inter_line_parse *ilp, inter_error_location *eloc, inter_error_message **E) {
    *E = Inter::Defn::vet_level(IBM, PRIMITIVE_IST, ilp->indent_level, eloc);
    if (*E) return;

    if (Inter::Annotations::exist(&(ilp->set))) { *E = Inter::Errors::plain(I"__annotations are not allowed", eloc); return; }

    inter_symbol *prim_name = Inter::Textual::new_symbol(eloc, Inter::Bookmarks::scope(IBM), ilp->mr.exp[0], E);
    if (*E) return;

    inter_tree_node *F = Inode::fill_1(IBM, PRIMITIVE_IST, Inter::SymbolsTables::id_from_IRS_and_symbol(IBM, prim_name), eloc, (inter_ti) ilp->indent_level);

    text_stream *in = ilp->mr.exp[1];
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    while (Regexp::match(&mr2, in, L" *(%i+) *(%c*)")) {
        inter_ti lcat = Inter::Primitive::category(eloc, mr2.exp[0], E);
        if (*E) return;
        if (lcat == 0) break;
        if (Inode::extend(F, (inter_ti) 1) == FALSE) internal_error("can't extend");
        F->[F->W.extent - 1] = lcat;
        Str::copy(in, mr2.exp[1]);

    inter_ti rcat = Inter::Primitive::category(eloc, ilp->mr.exp[2], E);
    if (*E) return;
    if (Inode::extend(F, (inter_ti) 1) == FALSE) internal_error("can't extend");
    F->[F->W.extent - 1] = rcat;

    *E = Inter::Defn::verify_construct(Inter::Bookmarks::package(IBM), F); if (*E) return;
    Inter::Bookmarks::insert(IBM, F);

inter_ti Inter::Primitive::category(inter_error_location *eloc, text_stream *T, inter_error_message **E) {
    *E = NULL;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"void")) return 0;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"val")) return VAL_PRIM_CAT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"ref")) return REF_PRIM_CAT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"lab")) return LAB_PRIM_CAT;
    if (Str::eq(T, I"code")) return CODE_PRIM_CAT;
    *E = Inter::Errors::quoted(I"no such category", T, eloc);
    return VAL_PRIM_CAT;

void Inter::Primitive::write_category(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_ti cat) {
    switch (cat) {
        case VAL_PRIM_CAT: WRITE("val"); break;
        case REF_PRIM_CAT: WRITE("ref"); break;
        case LAB_PRIM_CAT: WRITE("lab"); break;
        case CODE_PRIM_CAT: WRITE("code"); break;
        case 0: WRITE("void"); break;
        default: internal_error("bad category");

void Inter::Primitive::verify(inter_construct *IC, inter_tree_node *P, inter_package *owner, inter_error_message **E) {
    if (P->W.extent < MIN_EXTENT_PRIM_IFR) { *E = Inode::error(P, I"primitive extent wrong", NULL); return; }
    *E = Inter::Verify::defn(owner, P, DEFN_PRIM_IFLD); if (*E) return;
    inter_symbol *prim_name = Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_id(Inode::globals(P), P->[DEFN_PRIM_IFLD]);
    if ((prim_name == NULL) || (Str::get_first_char(prim_name->symbol_name) != '!'))
        { *E = Inode::error(P, I"primitive not beginning with '!'", NULL); return; }
    int voids = 0, args = 0;
    for (int i=CAT_PRIM_IFLD; i<P->W.extent-1; i++) {
        if (P->[i] == 0) voids++;
    if ((voids > 1) || ((voids == 1) && (args > 1)))
        { *E = Inode::error(P, I"if used on the left, 'void' must be the only argument", NULL); return; }

void Inter::Primitive::write(inter_construct *IC, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree_node *P, inter_error_message **E) {
    inter_symbol *prim_name = Inter::SymbolsTables::symbol_from_frame_data(P, DEFN_PRIM_IFLD);
    if (prim_name) {
        WRITE("primitive %S", prim_name->symbol_name);
        int cats = 0;
        for (int i=CAT_PRIM_IFLD; i<P->W.extent-1; i++) {
            WRITE(" ");
            Inter::Primitive::write_category(OUT, P->[i]);
        if (cats == 0) WRITE(" void");
        WRITE(" -> ");
        Inter::Primitive::write_category(OUT, P->[P->W.extent-1]);
    } else { *E = Inode::error(P, I"cannot write primitive", NULL); return; }

int Inter::Primitive::arity(inter_symbol *prim) {
    if (prim == NULL) return 0;
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(prim);
    if (D == NULL) return 0;
    return D->W.extent - CAT_PRIM_IFLD - 1;

inter_ti Inter::Primitive::operand_category(inter_symbol *prim, int i) {
    if (prim == NULL) return 0;
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(prim);
    if (D == NULL) return 0;
    return D->[CAT_PRIM_IFLD + i];

inter_ti Inter::Primitive::result_category(inter_symbol *prim) {
    if (prim == NULL) return 0;
    inter_tree_node *D = Inter::Symbols::definition(prim);
    if (D == NULL) return 0;
    return D->[D->W.extent - 1];