To construct verb-phrase subtrees for assertion sentences.

§1. Seeking verbs. The nonterminal <sentence> has to find the verb in a sentence, and find its noun phrases, with no contextual knowledge at all. In a sentence with only one plausible verb, this is not difficult: the verb in "Anna is a sailor" must be "is". But suppose we have:

The Fisher-Price carry cot is a container.

Is the verb "carry" or "is"? A human reader will more likely judge that a particular make of cot is being said to be a container (thus "is"), rather than that, say, a progressive rock band called "The Fisher-Price" are carrying copies of their new EP of remixed lullabies, "cot is a container".

But a human has to know a great deal about culture and society to make this sort of judgement. How is <sentence> to do it? One answer might be to recognise "the Fisher-Price carry cot" as something already known, having been defined in an earlier sentence. But Inform does not require such pre-declarations — indeed, the above sentence is a legal way to create the cot from nothing.

Instead, <sentence> has to use heuristic rules about what is most likely, and the algorithm below is the product of a very great deal of experimentation.

§2. There are two variant forms: <sentence> and <sentence-without-occurrences>. Inform actually uses the latter, detecting adverbs of occurrence like "for the third time" lower down in the compiler.1 Either way, VerbPhrases::seek does the work.2

<sentence> internal {
    int rv = VerbPhrases::seek(W, X, XP, 0, TRUE);
    Trace diagram2.1;
    return rv;

<sentence-without-occurrences> internal {
    int rv = VerbPhrases::seek(W, X, XP, 0, FALSE);
    Trace diagram2.1;
    return rv;

§2.1. Trace diagram2.1 =

    if (VerbPhrases::tracing(RESULTS_VP_TRACE)) {
        if (rv) {
            LOG("Sentence subtree:\n"); LOG_INDENT;
            for (parse_node *N = *XP; N; N = N->next) LOG("$T", N);
        } else LOG("No verb found\n");


enum SEEK_VP_TRACE from 1
int VerbPhrases::tracing(int A) {
    return FALSE;

§4. The following shows two simple sentences parsed with tracing on:

Seek verb in: beth is a sailor
    viability map of 'beth is a sailor':
    -- is[1] -- -- 
    Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (beth) be(0) (a sailor)
    be(0) + had by + ___ : failed for lack of 'had by'
    be(0) + carried by + ___ : failed for lack of 'carried by'
    be(0) + known by + ___ : failed for lack of 'known by'
    be(0) + having + ___ : failed for lack of 'having'
    be(0) + carrying + ___ : failed for lack of 'carrying'
    be(0) + knowing + ___ : failed for lack of 'knowing'
    be(0) + on + ___ : failed for lack of 'on'
    be(0) + under + ___ : failed for lack of 'under'
    Accepted as be(0) + ___ + ___
Seek succeeded
Sentence subtree:
    VERB_NT'is' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve}
    UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'sailor' {indefinite 'a' n/m/f nom/acc s}
Seek verb in: a ming vase is carried by anna
    viability map of 'a ming vase is carried by anna':
    -- -- -- is[1] carried[1] -- -- 
    Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (a ming vase) be(0) (carried by anna)
    be(0) + had by + ___ : failed for lack of 'had by'
    Accepted as be(0) + carried by + ___
Seek succeeded
Sentence subtree:
    VERB_NT'is carried by' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: carried by}
    UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {indefinite 'a' n/m/f nom/acc s}
    RELATIONSHIP_NT'is carried by' {meaning: carries}

§5. The following function is only recursive to at most one level. It's used either to parse a whole sentence, or is called from within itself to deal with the object phrase part of an existential sentence where the SP is defective. In the latter case, the call parameter existential_OP_edge will be the word number of the last word which can be safely considered as a possible preposition.

For example, here is a case where recursion occurs and succeeds:

Seek verb in: there is a ming vase which is on the table
    viability map of 'there is a ming vase which is on the table':
    -- is[1] -- -- -- -- is[1] on[1] -- -- 
    Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (there) be(0) (a ming vase which is on the table)
        Seek verb in: a ming vase which is on the table | 
            viability map of 'a ming vase which is on the table':
            -- -- -- -- is[1] -- -- -- 
            Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (a ming vase which) be(0) (on the table)
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + had by + ___ : failed for lack of 'had by'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + carried by + ___ : failed for lack of 'carried by'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + known by + ___ : failed for lack of 'known by'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + having + ___ : failed for lack of 'having'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + carrying + ___ : failed for lack of 'carrying'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            be(0) + knowing + ___ : failed for lack of 'knowing'
            Trimmed to: (a ming vase) be(0) (on the table)
            Accepted as be(0) + on + ___
        Seek succeeded
Seek succeeded
Sentence subtree:
    VERB_NT'is on' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: on}
    UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {indefinite 'a' n/m/f nom/acc s}
    RELATIONSHIP_NT'is on' {meaning: carries}
        UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}

And here is a case where recursion is tried but does not provide the solution, so that we have to soldier on regardless:

Seek verb in: there is a ming vase on the table called the table of having
    viability map of 'there is a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
    -- is[1] -- -- -- on[1] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
    Found usage, pass 1 tier 2: (there) be(0) (a ming vase on the table called the table of having)
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + had by + ___ : failed for lack of 'had by'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + carried by + ___ : failed for lack of 'carried by'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + known by + ___ : failed for lack of 'known by'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + having + ___ : failed for lack of 'having'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + carrying + ___ : failed for lack of 'carrying'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    be(0) + knowing + ___ : failed for lack of 'knowing'
        Seek verb in: a ming vase on the table | called the table of having
            viability map of 'a ming vase on the table called the table of having':
            -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Seek failed
    Accepted as be(0) + on + ___
Seek succeeded
Sentence subtree:
    VERB_NT'is' {verb 'be' 3p s act IS_TENSE +ve} {prep1: on} {existential}
    UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {indefinite 'a' n/m/f nom/acc s}
    RELATIONSHIP_NT'is' {meaning: carries}
            UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}
            UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table of having' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}
int VerbPhrases::seek(wording W, int *X, void **XP, int existential_OP_edge,
    int detect_occurrences) {
    if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE)) {
        if (existential_OP_edge > 0) {
            LOG("Seek verb in: %W | %W\n",
                Wordings::up_to(W, existential_OP_edge),
                Wordings::from(W, existential_OP_edge+1));
        } else {
            LOG("Seek verb in: %W\n", W); LOG_INDENT;
    int rv = VerbPhrases::seek_inner(W, X, XP, existential_OP_edge, detect_occurrences);
    if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE)) {
        LOG_OUTDENT; if (rv) LOG("Seek succeeded\n"); else LOG("Seek failed\n");
    return rv;

int VerbPhrases::seek_inner(wording W, int *X, void **XP, int existential_OP_edge,
    int detect_occurrences) {
    int viable[VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE];
    Calculate the viability map5.2;
    if (VerbPhrases::tracing(VIABILITY_VP_TRACE)) Log the viability map5.3;
    Seek verb usages5.4;
    return FALSE;

§5.1. The "viability map" assigns a score to each word in the sentence. Here are some example viability maps:

viability map of 'anna is a know all':
-- is[1] -- know[1] -- 
viability map of 'the soldier knows that ( this is true ) they do not carry rifles':
-- -- knows[1] -- -- -- is[2] -- -- -- do[3] not[3] carry[3] -- 
viability map of 'the solomon islands does not have an air force ( this is true )':
-- -- -- does[3] not[3] have[3] -- -- -- -- -- is[2] -- -- 
viability map of 'velma is not a thinker':
-- is[1] -- -- -- 

The scoring system is:

The viability map contains occasional false positives (i.e., words having positive score which should be zero), but never has false zeroes.

The following does not impose a size limit on sentences; it is only that parsing is less efficient on sentences longer than this number of words. A sentence whose primary verb does not appear in its first hundred words is a rarity.


§5.2. Rule (c) is there so that we do not trip up on auxiliary verbs such as "does" or "have" in "does not have".

The copular verb "to be" is exempt so that something like "Velma is not a thinker" can be parsed as "(Velma) is (not a thinker)", allowing "not a thinker" to be a noun phrase — if "thinker" is an either/or property with a single possible antonym — "doer", let's say — then we want to construe this sentence as if it read "Velma is a doer".

Calculate the viability map5.2 =

    for (int i=0; (i<=Wordings::length(W)) && (i<VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE); i++) viable[i] = 0;
    int bl = 0;
        if (pos == existential_OP_edge) break;
        if ((Lexer::word(pos) == OPENBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(pos) == OPENBRACE_V)) bl++;
        if ((Lexer::word(pos) == CLOSEBRACKET_V) || (Lexer::word(pos) == CLOSEBRACE_V)) bl--;
        int i = pos - Wordings::first_wn(W);
        if (i >= VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE) break;
        if (NTI::test_vocabulary(Lexer::word(pos), <nonimperative-verb>) == FALSE) {
            viable[i] = 0;
        } else {
            if (bl == 0) viable[i] = 1; else viable[i] = 2;
            int pos_to = -(<negated-noncopular-verb-present>(Wordings::from(W, pos)));
            if (pos_to > pos) {
                while (pos_to >= pos) {
                    if (i < VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE) viable[i] = 3;
                    pos++, i++;
            if (((viable[i] == 1) || (viable[i] == 2)) && (existential_OP_edge > 0)) {
                wording S = Wordings::up_to(W, pos - 1);
                if (<pre-verb-rc-marker>(S) == FALSE) viable[i] = 0;

§5.3. Log the viability map5.3 =

    LOG("viability map of '%W':\n", W);
        int i = pos - Wordings::first_wn(W);
        if (i >= VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE) break;
        if (viable[i]) LOG("%W[%d] ", Wordings::one_word(pos), viable[i]);
        else LOG("-- ");

§5.4. We are in fact interested only in word positions with viability 1 or 2, and in practice viability 2 positions are very unlikely to be correct, so we will first make every effort to match a verb at a viability 1 position. (Why do we allow viability 2 matches at all? Really just so that we can report them as problems.)

Seek verb usages5.4 =

    for (int viability_level = 1; viability_level <= 2; viability_level++)
        Seek verb usages at this viability level5.4.1;

§5.4.1. Within that constraint, we check in two passes. On pass 1, we skip over any verb usage which might be part of a relative clause, in that it's preceded by a relative clause marker; on pass 2, should we ever get that far, this restriction is lifted. Thus for example in the sentence

A man who does not carry an octopus is happy.

we would skip over the words of "does not carry" on pass 1 because they are preceded by "who". The reason we go on to pass 2 is not that relative clauses are ever allowed here: they aren't. It's that we might have misunderstood the relative clause marker. For example, in

Telling it that is gossipy behaviour.

the "that" doesn't introduce a relative clause; "telling it that" is a well-formed noun phrase.

Within each pass, we try each priority tier in turn (except the priority 0 tier, which is never allowed). Within each tier, we look for the leftmost position of the current viability at which a verb usage occurs, and if two such occur at the same position, we take the longer (or if they are of equal length, the earliest defined).

Seek verb usages at this viability level5.4.1 =

    for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
        for (verb_usage_tier *tier = first_search_tier; tier; tier = tier->next_tier)
            if (tier->priority != 0)
                LOOP_THROUGH_WORDING(pos, W) {
                    int j = pos - Wordings::first_wn(W);
                    if ((j >= VIABILITY_MAP_SIZE) || (viable[j] == viability_level))
                        Seek verb usage at position pos5.4.1.1;

§ At this point TW is the tail of the wording: its first word is what we think might be the verb. For example, given

The coral snake is in the green bucket.

we might have TW being "is in the green bucket".

Seek verb usage at position pos5.4.1.1 =

    wording TW = Wordings::from(W, pos);
    for (verb_usage *vu = tier->tier_contents; vu; vu = vu->next_within_tier)
        Consider whether this usage is being made at this position5.;

§ We must test whether our verb usage appears at the front of TW, thougn for efficiency's sake we first test whether the verb has a meaning. (There are potentially a great many meaningless verbs, because of the way adaptive text is handled in Inform.)

Consider whether this usage is being made at this position5. =

    verb *vi = VerbUsages::get_verb(vu);
    int i = -1;
    int certainty = UNKNOWN_CE, pre_certainty = UNKNOWN_CE, post_certainty = UNKNOWN_CE;
    for (verb_form *vf = vi->first_form; vf; vf = vf->next_form) {
        verb_meaning *vm = &(vf->list_of_senses->vm);
        if (VerbMeanings::is_meaningless(vm) == FALSE) {
            if (i < 0) {
                i = VerbUsages::parse_against_verb(TW, vu);
                if (!((i>Wordings::first_wn(TW)) && (i<=Wordings::last_wn(TW)))) break;
                Reject a match with verb in the wrong position5.;
                Now we definitely have the verb usage at the front5.;
            Check whether the rest of the verb form pans out5.;

§ A further complication is that we will reject this usage if it occurs somewhere forbidden: for example, if a verb form is only allowed in an SVO configuration, we will ignore it if TW is the whole of W, because then the verb would begin at the first word of the sentence. Conversely, if it is only allowed in an imperative VO configuration, it's required to be there.

In Inform, for example, "to carry" is an SVO verb, so we will match "Peter carries the flash cards" but not "Carries Peter"; and "to test" is a VOO verb, so we will match "Test me with flash cards" but not "Peter tests me with flash cards".

Reject a match with verb in the wrong position5. =

    if ((vf->form_structures & (VO_FS_BIT + VOO_FS_BIT)) == 0) {
        if (pos == Wordings::first_wn(W)) break;
    if ((vf->form_structures & (SVO_FS_BIT + SVOO_FS_BIT)) == 0) {
        if (pos > Wordings::first_wn(W)) break;

§ So now we know that the verb definitely appears. We form ISW as the wording for the subject phrase and IOW the object phrase. Adverbs of certainty are removed from these.

Now we definitely have the verb usage at the front5. =

    ISW = Wordings::up_to(W, pos-1);
    IOW = Wordings::from(W, i);
    if (<pre-verb-certainty>(ISW)) {
        pre_certainty = <<r>>;
        ISW = GET_RW(<pre-verb-certainty>, 1);
    if (<post-verb-certainty>(IOW)) {
        post_certainty = <<r>>;
        IOW = GET_RW(<post-verb-certainty>, 1);
    certainty = pre_certainty;
    if (certainty == UNKNOWN_CE) certainty = post_certainty;
    if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
        LOG("Found usage, pass %d tier %d: (%W) $w (%W)\n",
            pass, tier->priority, ISW, vi, IOW);

§ If the verb form is, say, "place in ... with ...", and we have detected the verb as "places" in the sentence "Henry places the cherry on the cake", we still must reject this usage because it's missing the essential prepositions "in" and "with". (It would, however, pass if the verb form were "place... on...".)

Check whether the rest of the verb form pans out5. =

    wording SW = ISW, OW = IOW, O2W = EMPTY_WORDING;
    wording VW = Wordings::up_to(TW, Wordings::first_wn(OW) - 1);

    If we have recursed in an existential sentence, trim any which5.;

    preposition *prep1 = vf->preposition, *req1 = prep1;
    preposition *prep2 = vf->second_clause_preposition, *req2 = prep2;

    int last_preposition_position = Wordings::last_wn(OW);
    int existential = FALSE, structures = vf->form_structures;

    A copular verb with a defective SP is existential5.;
    Check whether we do indeed have these required prepositions in place5.;

     we couldn't check for this before, since we need to skip past the prepositions too
    if ((pass == 1) && (<pre-verb-rc-marker>(SW))) { pos = Wordings::first_wn(OW) - 1; continue; }

    Check whether any sense of this verb form will accept this usage and succeed if so5.;

§ This is also where we detect whether we have an existential sentence such as "There is a man in the Dining Room." If so, we will have to allow for the preposition "in" to be divided from the verb "is". But we will first check (by using our one level of recursion) whether the tail of the sentence makes sense in its own right. In this example it doesn't, but for "There is a man who is in the Dining Room" (note the additional "is"), it would.

A copular verb with a defective SP is existential5. =

    if ((existential_OP_edge == 0) && (vi == copular_verb) && (req2 == NULL) &&
        (<np-existential>(SW))) {
        if (<phrase-with-calling>(OW))
            last_preposition_position = Wordings::last_wn(GET_RW(<phrase-with-calling>, 1));
        int rv = VerbPhrases::seek(OW, X, XP, last_preposition_position, detect_occurrences);
        if (rv) return rv;
        existential = TRUE; structures = SVOO_FS_BIT; req1 = NULL; req2 = prep1;

§ And that explains the following. If we have recursed on "There is a man who is in the Dining Room" then we are currently looking at "a man who is in the Dining Room", and have set the SW wording to "a man who". We want to trim away that "who" from the end of the SW.

If we have recursed in an existential sentence, trim any which5. =

    if (existential_OP_edge > 0)  i.e., if we have recursed
        if (<pre-verb-rc-marker>(SW)) {  there is indeed a "which" at the end of SW
            SW = GET_RW(<pre-verb-rc-marker>, 1);  so trim it off
            if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
                LOG("Trimmed to: (%W) $w (%W)\n", SW, vi, OW);

§ This part at least is boringly straightforward.

Check whether we do indeed have these required prepositions in place5. =

    int usage_succeeds = TRUE;
    if (req1) {
        usage_succeeds = FALSE;
        if (!((req1->allow_unexpected_upper_case == FALSE) &&
            if (WordAssemblages::is_at(&(req1->prep_text),
                    Wordings::first_wn(OW), Wordings::last_wn(TW))) {
                OW = Wordings::from(OW,
                    Wordings::first_wn(OW) + WordAssemblages::length(&(req1->prep_text)));
                VW = Wordings::up_to(TW, Wordings::first_wn(OW) - 1);
                usage_succeeds = TRUE;
        if (usage_succeeds == FALSE) {
            if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
                LOG("$w + $p + $p : failed for lack of '$p'\n",
                    vi, prep1, prep2, req1);

    if (req2) {
        usage_succeeds = FALSE;
        int found = -1;
        for (int j=Wordings::first_wn(OW) + 1; j < last_preposition_position; j++) {
            wording TOW = Wordings::from(OW, j);
            if (WordAssemblages::is_at(&(req2->prep_text),
                Wordings::first_wn(TOW), Wordings::last_wn(TOW))) {
                found = j; break;
        if (found >= 0) {
            if (existential) SW = Wordings::up_to(OW, found-1);
            else O2W = Wordings::up_to(OW, found-1);
            OW = Wordings::from(OW, found + WordAssemblages::length(&(req2->prep_text)));
            usage_succeeds = TRUE;
        if (usage_succeeds == FALSE) {
            if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
                LOG("$w + $p + $p : failed for lack of '$p'\n",
                    vi, prep1, prep2, req2);

§ Now we're getting somewhere. The verb and any prepositions required by this form are all in place, and we know this would be a meaningful sentence. So we start building the diagram tree for the sentence at last, with the node representing the verb.

Check whether any sense of this verb form will accept this usage and succeed if so5. =

    parse_node *VP_PN = Node::new(VERB_NT);
    if (certainty != UNKNOWN_CE)
        Annotations::write_int(VP_PN, verbal_certainty_ANNOT, certainty);
    if (vu) Node::set_verb(VP_PN, vu);
    Node::set_preposition(VP_PN, prep1);
    Node::set_second_preposition(VP_PN, prep2);

    Node::set_text(VP_PN, VW);
    if (existential) Annotations::write_int(VP_PN, sentence_is_existential_ANNOT, TRUE);
    if ((pre_certainty != UNKNOWN_CE) && (post_certainty != UNKNOWN_CE))
        Annotations::write_int(VP_PN, linguistic_error_here_ANNOT, TwoLikelihoods_LINERROR);
    if (detect_occurrences) {
        time_period *tp = Occurrence::parse(OW);
        if (tp) {
            OW = Occurrence::unused_wording(tp);
            Node::set_occurrence(VP_PN, tp);
    wording NPs[MAX_NPS_IN_VP];
    NPs[0] = SW; NPs[1] = OW; NPs[2] = O2W;
    VP_PN = VerbPhrases::accept(vf, VP_PN, NPs);
    if (VP_PN) {
        *XP = VP_PN;
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
            LOG("Accepted as $w + $p + $p\n", vi, prep1, prep2);
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SEEK_VP_TRACE))
            LOG("Rejected as $w + $p + $p\n", vi, prep1, prep2);

§6. This routine completes the sentence diagram by adding further nodes to represent the subject and object phrases. How this is done depends on the sense of the verb: for example, in Inform, "X is an activity" produces a rather different subtree to "Peter is a man". What happens is that each possible sense of the verb form (in this case "is" with no prepositions) is tried in turn: each one is asked, in effect, do you want this sentence?

This is where, at last, special sentence meaning functions come into their own: they are called with the task ACCEPT_SMFT to see if they are willing to accept this sentence, whose noun phrases are stored in the NPs array. If they do want it, they should build the necessary diagram and return TRUE.

For example, the special meaning of "to mean" occurring in:

Use American dialect means ...

will only accept a subject phrase beginning with the word "use". The power to say no to ACCEPT_SMFT thus enables us to minimise confusions between special and regular meanings.

If all the special meanings decline, we can fall back on a regular meaning, if there is one.

define MAX_NPS_IN_VP 3
parse_node *VerbPhrases::accept(verb_form *vf, parse_node *VP_PN, wording *NPs) {
    verb_meaning *vm = NULL;
    for (verb_sense *vs = (vf)?vf->list_of_senses:NULL; vs; vs = vs->next_sense) {
        vm = &(vs->vm);
        special_meaning_holder *sm = VerbMeanings::get_special_meaning(vm);
        if (sm) {
            wording SNPs[MAX_NPS_IN_VP];
            if (VerbMeanings::get_reversal_status_of_smf(vm)) {
                SNPs[0] = NPs[1]; SNPs[1] = NPs[0]; SNPs[2] = NPs[2];
            } else {
                SNPs[0] = NPs[0]; SNPs[1] = NPs[1]; SNPs[2] = NPs[2];
            if (SpecialMeanings::call(sm, ACCEPT_SMFT, VP_PN, SNPs)) {
                Node::set_special_meaning(VP_PN, sm);
                return VP_PN;
    if ((VerbMeanings::get_regular_meaning(vm)) &&
        (Wordings::nonempty(NPs[0])) &&
        (Wordings::nonempty(NPs[1])) &&
        (Wordings::empty(NPs[2])) &&
        (VerbPhrases::default_verb(ACCEPT_SMFT, VP_PN, vm, NPs))) return VP_PN;
    return NULL;

§7. In effect, this is the sentence meaning function for all regular meanings. For example, "Darcy is proud" and "Darcy wears the hat" will both end up here. It is only ever called for task ACCEPT_SMFT, and it always accepts.

int VerbPhrases::default_verb(int task, parse_node *V, verb_meaning *vm, wording *NPs) {
    wording SW = (NPs)?(NPs[0]):EMPTY_WORDING;
    wording OW = (NPs)?(NPs[1]):EMPTY_WORDING;
    switch (task) {
        case ACCEPT_SMFT: {
            verb_usage *vu = Node::get_verb(V);
            verb *vsave = permitted_verb;
            permitted_verb = VerbUsages::get_verb(vu);

            if (<np-as-object>(OW) == FALSE) internal_error("<np-as-object> failed");
            parse_node *O_PN = <<rp>>;

            if (<np-as-subject>(SW) == FALSE) internal_error("<np-as-subject> failed");
            parse_node *S_PN = <<rp>>;

            V->next = S_PN;
            V->next->next = O_PN;
            Insert a relationship subtree for the OP of a non-copular verb7.1;

            permitted_verb = vsave;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7.1. See About Sentence Diagrams: the OP for a non-copular verb becomes a RELATIONSHIP_NT subtree, with relation reversed so that it is given from the point of view of the object, not the subject.

For example, in "Darcy wears the hat", the OP "the hat" becomes a RELATIONSHIP_NT subtree with the relation "is worn by" — from the hat's point of view, it is being worn.

Insert a relationship subtree for the OP of a non-copular verb7.1 =

    VERB_MEANING_LINGUISTICS_TYPE *meaning = VerbMeanings::get_regular_meaning(vm);
    if (meaning != VERB_MEANING_EQUALITY)
        V->next->next = Diagrams::new_RELATIONSHIP(
            Node::get_text(V), VerbMeanings::reverse_VMT(meaning), O_PN);

§8. Sidekick nonterminals. We will want to spot adverbs of certainty adjacent to the verb itself; English allows these either side, so "A man is usually happy" and "Peter certainly is happy" are both possible. Note that these adverbs can divide a verb from its preposition(s): consider "The rain in Spain lies mainly in the plain", where "mainly" divides "lies" from "in".

<pre-verb-certainty> ::=
    ... <certainty>					==> { R[1], - }

<post-verb-certainty> ::=
    <certainty> ...					==> { R[1], - }

§9. Relative clauses ("a woman who is on the stage") are detected by the presence of a marker word before the verb (in this example, "who"). Of course, such a word doesn't always mean we have a relative clause, so we will need to be a little careful using this nonterminal.

<rc-marker> ::=

<pre-verb-rc-marker> ::=
    ... <rc-marker>

§10. The following is used only in the reconstruction of existential sentences such as "There is a cat called Puss in Boots", where we want to prevent the "in" being considered a preposition — it is part of a calling-name.

<phrase-with-calling> ::=
    ... called ...

§11. Corrective surgery. The following iterates until all possible surgeries have been done.

void VerbPhrases::corrective_surgery(parse_node *p) {
    int permit_of = (Node::get_special_meaning(p))?FALSE:TRUE;
    int rv = TRUE;
    while (rv) rv = VerbPhrases::corrective_surgery_r(p, permit_of, 0);

int VerbPhrases::corrective_surgery_r(parse_node *p, int permit_of, node_type_t par) {
    int n = 1;
    for (; p; p=p->next) {
        if ((permit_of) && ((par != CALLED_NT) || (n != 2)) &&
            (VerbPhrases::perform_of_surgery(p))) return TRUE;
        if (VerbPhrases::perform_location_surgery(p)) return TRUE;
        if (VerbPhrases::perform_called_surgery(p)) return TRUE;
        if ((p->down) &&
            (VerbPhrases::corrective_surgery_r(p->down, permit_of, Node::get_type(p))))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§12. "Of surgery" is needed to break nounphrases including the word "of".

<np-x-of-y> ::=
    of ...


int VerbPhrases::perform_of_surgery(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == UNPARSED_NOUN_NT) {
        wording W = Node::get_text(p);
        int a = Wordings::first_wn(W)+1, b = Wordings::last_wn(W)-1;
        for (int i = a; i <= b; i++)
            if (<np-x-of-y>(Wordings::from(W, i))) {
                wording PW = Wordings::up_to(W, i-1);
                wording OW = GET_RW(<np-x-of-y>, 1);
                if (VerbPhrases::allow_of_surgery(PW, OW)) {
                    Node::set_type(p, X_OF_Y_NT);
                    p->down = <<rp>>;
                    p->down->next = <<rp>>;
                    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int VerbPhrases::allow_of_surgery(wording PW, wording OW) {
    return TRUE;

§14. "Location surgery" is needed to make sentences like the second one here work:

Anna is on the table and under the Ming Vase.

It performs a transformation on the tree like so:

Location surgery on:
RELATIONSHIP_NT'is on' {meaning: carries}
        UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}
        RELATIONSHIP_NT'under the ming vase' {meaning: carries-reversed}
            UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}
Results in:
    RELATIONSHIP_NT'is on' {meaning: carries}
        UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'table' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}
    RELATIONSHIP_NT'under the ming vase' {meaning: carries-reversed}
        UNPARSED_NOUN_NT'ming vase' {definite 'the' n/m/f s/p nom/acc}

Looks easy, doesn't it? You will implement it wrongly the first six times you try.

int VerbPhrases::perform_location_surgery(parse_node *p) {
    parse_node *old_and, *old_np1, *old_loc2;
    if ((Node::get_type(p) == RELATIONSHIP_NT) &&
        (p->down) && (Node::get_type(p->down) == AND_NT) &&
        (p->down->down) && (p->down->down->next) &&
        (Node::get_type(p->down->down->next) == RELATIONSHIP_NT)) {
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SURGERY_VP_TRACE)) LOG("Location surgery on:\n$T", p);
        wording AW = Node::get_text(p->down);
        old_and = p->down;
        old_np1 = old_and->down;
        old_loc2 = old_and->down->next;
        Node::copy(old_and, p);  making this the new first location node
        Node::set_type_and_clear_annotations(p, AND_NT);  and this is new AND
        Node::set_text(p, AW);
        p->down = old_and;
        old_and->down = old_np1;
        old_and->next = old_loc2;
        old_np1->next = NULL;
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SURGERY_VP_TRACE)) LOG("Results in:\n$T", p);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§15. Called surgery. The following case is now, I believe, impossible, but once happened on phrases like "north of a room called the Hot and Cold Room" where a CALLED_NT and a RELATIONSHIP_NT had ended up the wrong way round. The code is retained in case needed again in future.

int VerbPhrases::perform_called_surgery(parse_node *p) {
    if ((Node::get_type(p) == CALLED_NT) &&
        (p->down) && (Node::get_type(p->down) == RELATIONSHIP_NT) && (p->down->down)) {
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SURGERY_VP_TRACE)) LOG("Called surgery on:\n$T", p);
        parse_node *x_pn = p->down->down->next;  "north" in the example
        parse_node *name_pn = p->down->next;  "hot and cold room" in the example
        Node::set_type(p, RELATIONSHIP_NT);
        Node::set_type(p->down, CALLED_NT);
        p->down->next = x_pn;
        p->down->down->next = name_pn;
        if (VerbPhrases::tracing(SURGERY_VP_TRACE)) LOG("Results in:\n$T", p);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;