Here is how bytecode to create ready-initialised arrays of Inter data is emitted.

§1. Introduction. This section provides an API for the rest of the runtime and imperative modules to use when creating arrays of data in Inter memory. It's easy to use:

Unlike the API for emitting functions, this one is re-enterable: that is, a second array can independently be started while the first is still going on, provided that the second is completed before the first is resumes.

§2. Begin. Call exactly one of these functions. In each case the kind K is only weakly enforced; it's fine to store arbitrary data with K being NULL.

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    return save;

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_late(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, LATE_IANN, 1);
    return save;

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_byte(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, BYTEARRAY_IANN, 1);
    return save;

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_table(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, TABLEARRAY_IANN, 1);
    return save;

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_string(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, STRINGARRAY_IANN, 1);
    return save;

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_late_verb(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, FALSE);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, VERBARRAY_IANN, 1);
    Produce::annotate_iname_i(name, LATE_IANN, 1);
    return save;

§3. Sum constants are not really arrays at all, but for difficult reasons to do with linking we store them as such for now. The idea is that we want a constant like CONST1 + CONST2 + CONST3, in circumstances where we don't know those values right now — they may be defined in external kits of Inter code. We therefore cannot fold those into a constant value yet.

Instead we store this as if it were an array of three entries, with references to symbols to be defined externally.

packaging_state EmitArrays::begin_sum_constant(inter_name *name, kind *K) {
    packaging_state save = Packaging::enter_home_of(name);
    EmitArrays::begin_inner(name, K, TRUE);
    return save;

§4. Fill. Next call the following functions to add entries to the array. It's fine to mix and match the different sorts of entry: we're not trying to make something which would be a typesafe list in I7, so they can be absolutely any data,

void EmitArrays::numeric_entry(inter_ti N) {
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(LITERAL_IVAL, N);

void EmitArrays::iname_entry(inter_name *iname) {
    inter_symbol *alias;
    if (iname == NULL) alias = Emit::get_veneer_symbol(NOTHING_VSYMB);
    else alias = InterNames::to_symbol(iname);
    inter_ti v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
    Emit::symbol_to_value_pair(&v1, &v2, alias);
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(v1, v2);

void EmitArrays::null_entry(void) {

void EmitArrays::text_entry(text_stream *content) {
    inter_ti v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
    Produce::text_value(Emit::tree(), &v1, &v2, content);
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(v1, v2);

void EmitArrays::dword_entry(text_stream *content) {
    inter_ti v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
    Produce::dword_value(Emit::tree(), &v1, &v2, content);
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(v1, v2);

void EmitArrays::plural_dword_entry(text_stream *content) {
    inter_ti v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
    Produce::plural_dword_value(Emit::tree(), &v1, &v2, content);
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(v1, v2);

void EmitArrays::generic_entry(inter_ti v1, inter_ti v2) {
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(v1, v2);

§5. Dividers are really just commentary points inside Inter arrays, to make the code when printed out as plain text look more comprehensible. They make no difference to compiled code.

void EmitArrays::divider(text_stream *divider_text) {
    inter_ti S = Inter::Warehouse::create_text(Emit::warehouse(), Emit::package());
    Str::copy(Inter::Warehouse::get_text(Emit::warehouse(), S), divider_text);
    EmitArrays::entry_inner(DIVIDER_IVAL, S);

§6. End. And then call this to conclude:

void EmitArrays::end(packaging_state save) {
    Packaging::exit(Emit::tree(), save);

§7. Implementation. The rest of this section is not part of the public API, and shouldn't be called.

The implementation would be easy if it weren't for the re-enterability, which means we have to store an arbitrary number of half-finished arrays in memory. We do this with a stack of these objects, one for each such array:

typedef struct nascent_array {
    struct inter_symbol *array_name_symbol;
    struct kind *entry_kind;
    inter_ti array_form;
    int space_used;
    int capacity;
    inter_ti *entry_storage;
} nascent_array;

lifo_stack *emission_array_stack = NULL;  of nascent_array

nascent_array *EmitArrays::current(void) {
    if (emission_array_stack)
        return TOP_OF_LIFO_STACK(nascent_array, emission_array_stack);
    return NULL;

§8. Until 2021, Inform went to some trouble to re-use these objects in memory. The memory saving was not worth the complexity and now we simply throw them away after each use.

nascent_array *EmitArrays::push_new(void) {
    if (emission_array_stack == NULL)
        emission_array_stack = NEW_LIFO_STACK(nascent_array);
    nascent_array *A = CREATE(nascent_array);
    A->capacity = 0;
    A->space_used = 0;
    A->entry_kind = NULL;
    A->array_name_symbol = NULL;
    A->array_form = CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST;
    A->entry_storage = NULL;
    PUSH_TO_LIFO_STACK(A, nascent_array, emission_array_stack);
    return A;

nascent_array *EmitArrays::pull(void) {
    if (emission_array_stack)
        return PULL_FROM_LIFO_STACK(nascent_array, emission_array_stack);
    internal_error("no array stack");
    return NULL;

§9. The various ways an array can begin all merge into this function:

void EmitArrays::begin_inner(inter_name *N, kind *K, int const_sum) {
    inter_symbol *symb = Produce::define_symbol(N);
    nascent_array *current_A = EmitArrays::push_new();
    current_A->entry_kind = K?K:K_value;
    current_A->array_name_symbol = symb;
    if (const_sum) current_A->array_form = CONSTANT_SUM_LIST;

§10. And the various ways to add an entry merge into this one:

void EmitArrays::entry_inner(inter_ti v1, inter_ti v2) {
    nascent_array *current_A = EmitArrays::current();
    if (current_A == NULL) internal_error("no nascent array");
    int N = current_A->space_used;
    if (N >= current_A->capacity) Quadruple the available storage10.1;
    current_A->entry_storage[current_A->space_used++] = v1;
    current_A->entry_storage[current_A->space_used++] = v2;

§10.1. Quadruple the available storage10.1 =

    int M = 4*(N+1);
    if (current_A->capacity == 0) M = 16;
    inter_ti *old_storage = current_A->entry_storage;
    current_A->entry_storage = Memory::calloc(M, sizeof(inter_ti), EMIT_ARRAY_MREASON);
    for (int i=0; i<current_A->capacity; i++)
        current_A->entry_storage[i] = old_storage[i];
    if (old_storage) Memory::I7_array_free(old_storage, EMIT_ARRAY_MREASON,
        current_A->capacity, sizeof(inter_ti));
    current_A->capacity = M;

§11. There is just one way to end. This is the only point at which any Inter bytecode is actually emitted, in a single burst, and that ensures that one array is completely emitted before another one is.

void EmitArrays::end_inner(void) {
    nascent_array *current_A = EmitArrays::pull();
    if (current_A == NULL) internal_error("no nascent array");
    inter_symbol *con_s = current_A->array_name_symbol;
    kind *K = current_A->entry_kind;
    inter_ti CID = 0;
    if (K) {
        inter_symbol *con_kind = NULL;
        if (current_A->array_form == CONSTANT_INDIRECT_LIST)
            con_kind = Produce::kind_to_symbol(Kinds::unary_con(CON_list_of, K));
            con_kind = Produce::kind_to_symbol(K);
        CID = Emit::symbol_id(con_kind);
    } else {
        CID = Emit::symbol_id(unchecked_interk);
    inter_tree_node *array_in_progress =
        Inode::fill_3(Emit::at(), CONSTANT_IST, Emit::symbol_id(con_s), CID,
            current_A->array_form, NULL, Emit::baseline());
    int pos = array_in_progress->W.extent;
    if (Inode::extend(array_in_progress, (unsigned int) (current_A->space_used)) == FALSE)
        internal_error("can't extend frame");
    for (int i=0; i<current_A->space_used; i++)
        array_in_progress->[pos++] = current_A->entry_storage[i];
        Emit::package(), array_in_progress));
    Inter::Bookmarks::insert(Emit::at(), array_in_progress);