To define how equality behaves in the Inform language.

§1. Additional details.

void EqualityDetails::start(void) {
    METHOD_ADD(equality_bp_family, TYPECHECK_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::typecheck);
    METHOD_ADD(equality_bp_family, ASSERT_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::assert);
    METHOD_ADD(equality_bp_family, SCHEMA_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::schema);

    METHOD_ADD(empty_bp_family, TYPECHECK_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::typecheck_empty);
    METHOD_ADD(empty_bp_family, ASSERT_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::assert_empty);
    METHOD_ADD(empty_bp_family, SCHEMA_BPF_MTID, EqualityDetails::schema_empty);

§2. Typechecking. This is a very polymorphic relation, in that it can accept terms of almost any kind.

int EqualityDetails::typecheck(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        kind **kinds_of_terms, kind **kinds_required, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    LOGIF(MATCHING, "Typecheck %u '==' %u\n", kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1]);
    if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[0], K_understanding)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[1], K_text))) {
            LOGIF(MATCHING, "No!\n");
        StandardProblems::tcp_problem(_p_(PM_TextIsNotTopic), tck,
            "though they look the same, because both are written in double "
            "quotes, text values can't in fact be used as topics, so it's "
            "impossible to store this piece of text in that location.");
        return NEVER_MATCH;

    if (PluginCalls::typecheck_equality(kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1]))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    if ((Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(kinds_of_terms[0])) &&
        Apply rule for "is" applied to an object and a value2.1
    else if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[1], K_understanding)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[0], K_snippet)))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    else if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[0], K_understanding)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[1], K_snippet)))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    else if ((Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[1], K_text)) &&
            (Kinds::eq(kinds_of_terms[0], K_response)))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
        Allow comparison only where left domain and right domain are not disjoint2.2;
    return ALWAYS_MATCH;

§2.1. This case is only separated in order to provide a better problem message for a fairly common mistake:

Apply rule for "is" applied to an object and a value2.1 =

    property *prn = Properties::property_with_same_name_as(kinds_of_terms[1]);
    if (prn == NULL) {
        if (tck->log_to_I6_text)
            LOG("Comparison of object with %u value\n", kinds_of_terms[1]);
        Problems::quote_kind(4, kinds_of_terms[1]);
        StandardProblems::tcp_problem(_p_(PM_NonPropertyCompared), tck,
            "taken literally that says that an object is the same as a "
            "value. Maybe you intended to say that the object "
            "has a property - but right now %4 is not yet a property; if you "
            "want to use it as one, you'll need to say so. (You can turn a "
            "kind of value - say, 'colour' - into a property by writing - "
            "say - 'A thing has a colour.')");
        return NEVER_MATCH;

§2.2. With comparisons there is no restriction on the two kinds except that they must match each other; \({\it is}(t, s)\) is allowed if \(K(t)\subseteq K(s)\) or vice versa. So rules and rulebooks are comparable, for instance, but numbers and scenes are not.

Allow comparison only where left domain and right domain are not disjoint2.2 =

    if (EqualityDetails::both_terms_of_same_construction(kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1], CON_rule))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    if (EqualityDetails::both_terms_of_same_construction(kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1], CON_rulebook))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    if (EqualityDetails::both_terms_of_same_construction(kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1], CON_activity))
        return ALWAYS_MATCH;
    if ((Kinds::compatible(kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1]) == NEVER_MATCH) &&
        (Kinds::compatible(kinds_of_terms[1], kinds_of_terms[0]) == NEVER_MATCH)) {
        if (tck->log_to_I6_text)
            LOG("Unable to compare %u with %u\n", kinds_of_terms[0], kinds_of_terms[1]);


int EqualityDetails::both_terms_of_same_construction(kind *k0, kind *k1, kind_constructor *cons) {
    if ((Kinds::get_construct(k0) == cons) && (Kinds::get_construct(k1) == cons))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§4. The never-holding relation is simpler: anything can be hypothetically related to anything else (except of course that it always is not).

int EqualityDetails::typecheck_empty(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        kind **kinds_of_terms, kind **kinds_required, tc_problem_kit *tck) {
    return ALWAYS_MATCH;

§5. Assertion. In general values differ, and cannot be equated by fiat. But an exception is setting a global variable.

int EqualityDetails::assert(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        inference_subject *infs0, parse_node *spec0,
        inference_subject *infs1, parse_node *spec1) {
    if (Lvalues::is_actual_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(spec0)) {
        nonlocal_variable *q = Node::get_constant_nonlocal_variable(spec0);
        int allowed = TRUE;
        if ((prevailing_mood != UNKNOWN_CE) && (prevailing_mood != LIKELY_CE))
            allowed = FALSE;
        if ((NonlocalVariables::is_constant(q)) && (prevailing_mood == CERTAIN_CE))
            allowed = TRUE;
        if (allowed == FALSE)
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CantQualifyVariableValues),
                "a variable can only be given its value straightforwardly or "
                "qualified by 'usually'",
                "not with 'always', 'seldom' or 'never'.");
        else PropertyInferences::draw(
            NonlocalVariables::to_subject(q), P_variable_initial_value, spec1);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6. The never-holding relation cannot be asserted true:

int EqualityDetails::assert_empty(bp_family *self, binary_predicate *bp,
        inference_subject *infs0, parse_node *spec0,
        inference_subject *infs1, parse_node *spec1) {
    return FALSE;

§7. Compilation. Since we are compiling to I6, which is itself a C-level programming language, it looks at first as if we can compile is into == when testing equality and = when asserting it: thus

now the score is 10;

if the score is 10, ...

would compile to score = 10; and if (score == 10) ... respectively.

But there are three problems with this simplistic approach to "A is B".

Problem (a) is easily detected by looking at the kinds of value of A and B. To handle problems (b) and (c), we use a general framework in which the schema is a function of both the storage class of A and the kinds of value of both A and B.

int EqualityDetails::schema(bp_family *self, int task, binary_predicate *bp, annotated_i6_schema *asch) {
    kind *st[2];
    st[0] = Cinders::kind_of_term(asch->pt0);
    st[1] = Cinders::kind_of_term(asch->pt1);

    if ((Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(st[0])) &&
        (Properties::can_name_coincide_with_kind(st[1])) && (Properties::property_with_same_name_as(st[1])))
        Handle the case of setting a property of A separately7.1;

    if ((Kinds::eq(st[0], K_response)) && (Kinds::eq(st[1], K_text)))
        Handle the case of setting a response separately7.2;

    switch (task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            if ((st[0]) && (st[1]))
                Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "%S",
                    EqualitySchemas::interpret_equality(st[0], st[1]));
            else if (problem_count == 0) {
                LOG("$0 and $0; %u and %u\n", &(asch->pt0), &(asch->pt1), st[0], st[1]);
                StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible),
                    "that would involve comparing things which don't mean "
                    "anything to me",
                    "so I'm lost.");
            return TRUE;
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK: {
            node_type_t storage_class = Lvalues::get_storage_form(asch->pt0.constant);
            if ((storage_class == UNKNOWN_NT) &&
                (Kinds::get_construct(st[0]) == CON_property))
                storage_class = PROPERTY_VALUE_NT;
            Make a further check that kinds permit this assignment7.4;
            if (storage_class == UNKNOWN_NT) {
                Issue problem message for being unable to set equal7.5
                asch->schema = NULL;
            } else {
                Exceptional case of setting the "player" global variable7.3;
                Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "%s",
                    CompileLvalues::interpret_store(storage_class, st[0], st[1], 0));
                Add kind-checking code for run-time checking7.6;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7.1. So here is the exceptional case (a) mentioned above. Suppose we have:

if the lantern is bright, ...

where "bright" is one value of "luminance", which is both a kind of value and also a property. We then want to test if the luminance property of the lantern equals the constant value "bright"; and similarly for "now the lantern is bright".

Handle the case of setting a property of A separately7.1 =

    property *prn = Properties::property_with_same_name_as(st[1]);
    switch (task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "*1.%n == *2", RTProperties::iname(prn));
            return TRUE;
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "*1.%n = *2", RTProperties::iname(prn));
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7.2. Handle the case of setting a response separately7.2 =

    switch (task) {
        case TEST_ATOM_TASK:
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ResponseComparisonUnsafe),
                "for complicated internal reasons this comparison isn't safe to perform",
                "and might give you a falsely negative result. To avoid what might "
                "be misleading, you aren't allowed to compare a response to text.");
        case NOW_ATOM_FALSE_TASK:
        case NOW_ATOM_TRUE_TASK:
            Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "BlkValueCopy(ResponseTexts-->((*1)-1), *^2)");
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§7.3. A little bit of support within Inform to help the template layer.

Exceptional case of setting the "player" global variable7.3 =

    nonlocal_variable *nlv =
    if ((nlv) && (NonlocalVariables::must_be_constant(nlv))) {
        asch->schema = NULL;
        return TRUE;
    text_stream *exotica = RTVariables::get_write_schema(nlv);
    if (exotica) {
        Calculus::Schemas::modify(asch->schema, "%S", exotica);
        return TRUE;

§7.4. Make a further check that kinds permit this assignment7.4 =

    if (Kinds::compatible(st[1], st[0]) == NEVER_MATCH) {
        kind *dst[2];
        dst[0] = Kinds::dereference_properties(st[0]);
        dst[1] = Kinds::dereference_properties(st[1]);
        if (Kinds::compatible(dst[1], dst[0]) == NEVER_MATCH) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_kind(2, st[1]);
            Problems::quote_kind(3, st[0]);
            StandardProblems::handmade_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(BelievedImpossible));
                "In the line %1, you seem to be asking me to put %2 into %3, "
                "which can't safely be done.");
            asch->schema = NULL;
            return TRUE;

§7.5. Rather than just returning FALSE for a generic problem message, we issue one that's more helpfully specific and return TRUE.

Issue problem message for being unable to set equal7.5 =

    if (Rvalues::to_instance(asch->pt0.constant)) {
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(Specifications::to_kind(asch->pt0.constant)))
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CantEquateValues),
                "equality is not something I can change",
                "so either those are already the same or are different, and I "
                "can't alter matters.");
            StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CantChangeNamedConstant),
                "I can't change that",
                "because it is a name for a constant value. Some named values, "
                "like 'the score', can be changed, because they were defined "
                "as values that vary. But others are fixed. If we write 'The "
                "oak tree can be sturdy, lightning-struck or leaning.', for "
                "instance, then 'sturdy' is a name for a value which is fixed, "
                "just as the number '7' is fixed.");

§7.6. Add kind-checking code for run-time checking7.6 =

    if ((Kinds::compatible(st[1], st[0]) == SOMETIMES_MATCH) &&
        (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(st[0]))) {
            "; if (~~(*1 ofclass %n)) RunTimeProblem(RTP_WRONGASSIGNEDKIND, *1, \"*?\", \"",
        Kinds::Textual::write(TEMP, st[0]);
        WRITE_TO(TEMP, "\");");
        Calculus::Schemas::append(asch->schema, "%S", TEMP);

§8. This never holds and there is nothing to compile:

int EqualityDetails::schema_empty(bp_family *self, int task, binary_predicate *bp,
    annotated_i6_schema *asch) {
    return FALSE;