What a rulebook works on, and what it produces.

§1. Focus. The "focus" of a rulebook is what it works upon. Some rulebooks are for processing actions, but others work on an input value. It's not obvious how to represent action-focused rulebooks in our system of kinds. Two rejected schemes were:

And so we end up with a compromise:

People seem okay with this, but it is indeed a compromise. (In Basic Inform, there are no actions anyway and this whole discussion is moot.) In case this is ever reformed, the following structure abstracts the focus so that it could in principle be differently implemented:

typedef struct focus {
    struct kind *focus_kind;
} focus;

int FocusAndOutcome::action_focus(focus *foc) {
    if ((foc) && (K_action_name) && (Kinds::eq(foc->focus_kind, K_action_name)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

kind *FocusAndOutcome::get_focus_parameter_kind(focus *foc) {
    return foc->focus_kind;

void FocusAndOutcome::initialise_focus(focus *foc, kind *K) {
    foc->focus_kind = K;

§2. Outcome. This is more involved. Some rulebooks produce values (and if so, we need to know what kind), others do not. But they also end in one of an enumerated range of "outcomes". All rulebooks have the ability to end in success, failure or with no outcome (which is really an outcome meaning "I was interrupted and never finished")

define NO_OUTCOME 0
typedef struct outcomes {
    struct kind *outcome_kind;  of the value produced

    int default_outcome_declared;  has the author declared one?
    int default_rule_outcome;  one of the three *_OUTCOME values above...
    struct rulebook_outcome *default_named_outcome;  ...or a named alternative

    struct linked_list *named_outcomes;  of rulebook_outcome: other possibilities
} outcomes;

§3. The source text can also have a rulebook end, say, "in a blaze of glory", or give it other possible endings. Those, if any, are listed in the named_outcomes. Note that they still have to count as failures, successes or not.

typedef struct rulebook_outcome {
    struct named_rulebook_outcome *outcome_name;
    int kind_of_outcome;  one of the three *_OUTCOME values abov
} rulebook_outcome;

§4. And each individual named ending corresponds to one of the following. Note that the same named ending can be used in multiple rulebooks, and can have a different kind_of_outcome in each; that's why we distinguish the structures rulebook_outcome and named_rulebook_outcome.

typedef struct named_rulebook_outcome {
    struct noun *name;  Name in source text
    struct nro_compilation_data compilation_data;
} named_rulebook_outcome;

§5. That awkward distinction between a rulebook_outcome and a named_rulebook_outcome brings us edge cases if a rule has been written for use in one rulebook, but then has been explicitly listed in another, or is more than one rulebook.

Suppose R belongs to both rulebooks B1 and B2, and suppose it "ends splendidly", that being a named outcome of both. But now suppose this is a success for B1 and a failure for B2. What do we compile in the body of R's code?

The answer is that go with B1, supposing that one to be the earliest created rulebook.

rulebook_outcome *FocusAndOutcome::rbo_from_context(named_rulebook_outcome *nro, id_body *idb) {
    if (idb) {
        rulebook *B;
        LOOP_OVER(B, rulebook) {
            outcomes *outs = Rulebooks::get_outcomes(B);
            if (BookingLists::contains_ph(B->contents, idb)) {
                rulebook_outcome *ro;
                LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(ro, rulebook_outcome, outs->named_outcomes)
                    if (ro->outcome_name == nro)
                        return ro;
    return NULL;

§6. And this tests whether there is any obstacle to using nro in the body of phrase idb's code. If a rule ends "splendidly", then that needs to be a valid ending for all of the rulebooks holding it.

This very similar function returns NULL if there's no problem, or the rulebook causing the difficulty if so.

rulebook *FocusAndOutcome::rulebook_not_supporting(named_rulebook_outcome *nro, id_body *idb) {
    if (idb) {
        rulebook *B;
        LOOP_OVER(B, rulebook) {
            outcomes *outs = Rulebooks::get_outcomes(B);
            if (BookingLists::contains_ph(B->contents, idb)) {
                int okay = FALSE;
                rulebook_outcome *ro;
                LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(ro, rulebook_outcome, outs->named_outcomes)
                    if (ro->outcome_name == nro)
                        okay = TRUE;
                if (okay == FALSE) return B;
    return NULL;

§7. A new rulebook begins with:

void FocusAndOutcome::initialise_outcomes(outcomes *outs, kind *K, int def) {
    outs->outcome_kind = K;
    outs->default_outcome_declared = FALSE;
    outs->default_rule_outcome = def;
    outs->default_named_outcome = NULL;
    outs->named_outcomes = NEW_LINKED_LIST(rulebook_outcome);

void FocusAndOutcome::set_default_outcome(outcomes *outs, int def) {
    outs->default_rule_outcome = def;

kind *FocusAndOutcome::get_outcome_kind(outcomes *outs) {
    return outs->outcome_kind;

§8. Named outcomes are indeed specified only by their names:

named_rulebook_outcome *FocusAndOutcome::rbno_by_name(wording W) {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_rulebook_outcome))
        return Rvalues::to_named_rulebook_outcome(p);

    named_rulebook_outcome *nro = CREATE(named_rulebook_outcome);
    nro->name = Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
        MISCELLANEOUS_MC, Rvalues::from_named_rulebook_outcome(nro), Task::language_of_syntax());
    nro->compilation_data = RTRulebooks::new_nro_compilation_data(nro);
    return nro;

§9. Those nouns can be parsed as follows, and form the constant values of the slightly odd kind K_rulebook_outcome.

<named-rulebook-outcome> internal {
    parse_node *p = Lexicon::retrieve(MISCELLANEOUS_MC, W);
    if (Rvalues::is_CONSTANT_of_kind(p, K_rulebook_outcome)) {
        ==> { -, Rvalues::to_named_rulebook_outcome(p) }
        return TRUE;
    ==> { fail nonterminal }

§10. And the following adds a new outcome name to a given set of outs:

void FocusAndOutcome::fresh_outcome(outcomes *outs, wording OW, int koo, int def) {
    if (def) {
        if (outs->default_named_outcome) {
                "at most one of the named outcomes from a rulebook can be the default",
                "and here we seem to have two.");
        if (outs->default_outcome_declared) {
                "the default outcome for this rulebook has already been declared",
                "and this is something which can only be done once.");
    named_rulebook_outcome *nro = FocusAndOutcome::rbno_by_name(OW);
    if (nro) {
        rulebook_outcome *ro;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(ro, rulebook_outcome, outs->named_outcomes)
            if (ro->outcome_name == nro) {
                    "this duplicates a previous assignment of the same outcome",
                    "and to the same rulebook.");
    rulebook_outcome *ro = CREATE(rulebook_outcome);
    ro->outcome_name = nro;
    ro->kind_of_outcome = koo;
    if (def) {
        outs->default_named_outcome = ro;
        outs->default_outcome_declared = TRUE;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(ro, rulebook_outcome, outs->named_outcomes);

§11. Sentences adding outcomes to rulebooks. Rulebooks do not have properties as such, but the following syntax instead creates outcomes:

Visibility rules have outcomes there is sufficient light (failure) and there is insufficient light (success).

outcomes *outcomes_being_parsed = NULL;

void FocusAndOutcome::parse_properties(rulebook *B, wording W) {
    outcomes_being_parsed = &(B->my_outcomes);

§12. The following Preform grammar, then, parses text such as "outcomes there is sufficient light (failure) and there is insufficient light (success)" and modifies outcomes_being_parsed accordingly.

<rulebook-property> ::=
    outcome/outcomes <rulebook-outcome-list> | ==> { -, - }
    default <rulebook-default-outcome>  |      ==> { -, - }
    ...                                        ==> Issue PM_NonOutcomeProperty problem12.2

<rulebook-default-outcome> ::=
    <rule-outcome> |                           ==> Make this the rulebook's new default12.1
    ...                                        ==> Issue PM_BadDefaultOutcome problem12.3

<rulebook-outcome-list> ::=
    ... |                                      ==> { lookahead }
    <rulebook-outcome-setting-entry> <rulebook-outcome-tail> | ==> { 0, - }
    <rulebook-outcome-setting-entry>           ==> { 0, - }

<rulebook-outcome-tail> ::=
    , _and/or <rulebook-outcome-list> |        ==> { 0, - }
    _,/and/or <rulebook-outcome-list>          ==> { 0, - }

<rulebook-outcome-setting-entry> ::=
    ... |                                      ==> { lookahead }
    <form-of-named-rule-outcome>               ==> Adopt this new named rule outcome12.5

<form-of-named-rule-outcome> ::=
    ... ( <rule-outcome> - the default ) |     ==> { R[1] + 100, -}
    ... ( <rule-outcome> - default ) |         ==> { R[1] + 100, -}
    ... ( <rule-outcome> ) |                   ==> { R[1], -}
    ... ( ... ) |                              ==> Issue PM_BadOutcomeClarification problem12.4
    ...                                        ==> { SUCCESS_OUTCOME, -}

<rule-outcome> ::=
    success |                                  ==> { SUCCESS_OUTCOME, - }
    failure |                                  ==> { FAILURE_OUTCOME, - }
    no outcome                                 ==> { NO_OUTCOME, - }

§12.1. Make this the rulebook's new default12.1 =

    if (outcomes_being_parsed->default_outcome_declared) {
        StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_DefaultOutcomeTwice),
            "the default outcome for this rulebook has already been declared",
            "and this is something which can only be done once.");
    } else {
        outcomes_being_parsed->default_outcome_declared = TRUE;
        outcomes_being_parsed->default_rule_outcome = R[1];

§12.2. Issue PM_NonOutcomeProperty problem12.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_NonOutcomeProperty),
        "the only properties of a rulebook are its outcomes",
        "for the time being at least.");

§12.3. Issue PM_BadDefaultOutcome problem12.3 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadDefaultOutcome),
        "the default outcome given for the rulebook isn't what I expected",
        "which would be one of 'default success', 'default failure' or "
        "'default no outcome'.");

§12.4. Issue PM_BadOutcomeClarification problem12.4 =

        "the bracketed clarification isn't what I expected",
        "which would be one of '(success)', '(failure)' or '(no outcome)'.");
    ==> { FAILURE_OUTCOME, - };

§12.5. Adopt this new named rule outcome12.5 =

    wording OW = GET_RW(<form-of-named-rule-outcome>, 1);
    int koo = R[1];
    int def = FALSE;
    if (koo >= 100) { koo -= 100; def = TRUE; }
    FocusAndOutcome::fresh_outcome(outcomes_being_parsed, OW, koo, def);