Looking after imperative definitions.

§1. Each

As noted in the introduction to this chapter, a phrase structure is created for each "To..." definition and each rule in the source text. It is divided internally into five substructures, the IDTD, PHUD, PHRCD, PHSF and PHOD.

§2. And here is the structure. Note that the MOR and EFF are stored inside the sub-structures, and aren't visible here; but they're relevant to the code below.

typedef struct id_compilation_data {
    int inline_mor;  one of the *_MOR values above
    int inline_wn;  word number of inline I6 definition, or -1 if not inline
    int compile_with_run_time_debugging;  in the RULES command
    int at_least_one_compiled_form_needed;  do we still need to compile this?
    struct compilation_unit *owning_module;
    struct inter_schema *inter_front;  inline definition translated to inter, if possible
    struct inter_schema *inter_back;  inline definition translated to inter, if possible
    int inter_defn_converted;  has this been tried yet?
    struct inter_name *ph_iname;  or NULL for inline phrases
    struct package_request *requests_package;
    struct ph_stack_frame stack_frame;
    int permit_all_outcomes;  waive the usual restrictions on rule outcomes
} id_compilation_data;


id_compilation_data IDCompilation::new_data(parse_node *p) {
    id_compilation_data phcd;
    phcd.inline_wn = -1;
    phcd.inter_front = NULL;
    phcd.inter_back = NULL;
    phcd.inter_defn_converted = FALSE;
    phcd.inline_mor = DONT_KNOW_MOR;
    phcd.ph_iname = NULL;
    phcd.owning_module = CompilationUnits::find(p);
    phcd.requests_package = NULL;
    phcd.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = TRUE;
    phcd.compile_with_run_time_debugging = FALSE;
    phcd.stack_frame = Frames::new();
    phcd.permit_all_outcomes = FALSE;
    return phcd;

void IDCompilation::make_inline(id_body *idb, int inline_wn, int mor) {
    idb->compilation_data.inline_wn = inline_wn;
    idb->compilation_data.inline_mor = mor;
    idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = FALSE;


void IDCompilation::prepare_stack_frame(id_body *body) {
        &(body->compilation_data.stack_frame), &(body->type_data),
        IDTypeData::kind(&(body->type_data)), TRUE);
    if (PhraseOptions::allows_options(body))

§5. Suppose Inform is compiling code to represent this:

To sort (T - table name) in (TC - table column) order: ...

On the stack frame for this code, "T" and "TC" will need to be local variables — that is, they will need to be locally available as names, referring to the values which the phrase was called with.

In that simple example, the phrase preamble makes clear what the kinds of "T" and "TC" should be, but it isn't always so simple. For example:

To add (new entry - K) to (L - list of values of kind K): ...

Here the preamble allows a wide range of kinds, and Inform compiles different versions of the code for each value of K actually needed. So the following routine is called with a particular kind to be used. For instance, if the source text ever contains an invocation like:

add 14 to the list of scores;

then at some point Inform will have to compile a version of the phrase which has the kind:

    phrase (number, list of numbers) -> nothing

The routine below then dismantles that kind to extract the kinds of the arguments, "number" and then "list of numbers", and creates local variables "new entry" and "L" with those kinds.

void IDCompilation::initialise_stack_frame_from_type_data(ph_stack_frame *phsf,
    id_type_data *idtd, kind *kind_in_this_compilation, int first) {
    if (Kinds::get_construct(kind_in_this_compilation) != CON_phrase)
        internal_error("no function kind");

    kind *args = NULL, *ret = NULL;
    Kinds::binary_construction_material(kind_in_this_compilation, &args, &ret);

    int N = IDTypeData::get_no_tokens(idtd);
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        kind *K;
        if (Kinds::get_construct(args) != CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) internal_error("bad tupling");
        Kinds::binary_construction_material(args, &K, &args);
        if (first) {
            LocalVariables::add_call_parameter(phsf, idtd->token_sequence[i].token_name, K);
        } else {
            local_variable *lvar = LocalVariables::get_ith_parameter(i);
            if (lvar) LocalVariables::set_kind(lvar, K);

    if (Kinds::eq(ret, K_nil)) Frames::set_kind_returned(phsf, NULL);
    else Frames::set_kind_returned(phsf, ret);

§6. Some access functions:

int IDCompilation::compiled_inline(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn < 0) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

wchar_t *IDCompilation::get_inline_definition(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn < 0)
        internal_error("tried to access inline definition of non-inline phrase");
    return Lexer::word_text(idb->compilation_data.inline_wn);

inter_schema *IDCompilation::get_inter_front(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted == FALSE) {
        if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn >= 0) {
            InterSchemas::from_inline_phrase_definition(IDCompilation::get_inline_definition(idb), &(idb->compilation_data.inter_front), &(idb->compilation_data.inter_back));
        idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted = TRUE;
    return idb->compilation_data.inter_front;

inter_schema *IDCompilation::get_inter_back(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted == FALSE) {
        if (idb->compilation_data.inline_wn >= 0) {
            InterSchemas::from_inline_phrase_definition(IDCompilation::get_inline_definition(idb), &(idb->compilation_data.inter_front), &(idb->compilation_data.inter_back));
        idb->compilation_data.inter_defn_converted = TRUE;
    return idb->compilation_data.inter_back;

inter_name *IDCompilation::iname(id_body *idb) {
    if (idb->compilation_data.ph_iname == NULL) {
        package_request *PR = Hierarchy::package(idb->compilation_data.owning_module, ADJECTIVE_PHRASES_HAP);
        idb->compilation_data.ph_iname = Hierarchy::make_iname_in(DEFINITION_FN_HL, PR);
    return idb->compilation_data.ph_iname;

§7. Compilation. The following is called to give us an opportunity to compile a routine defining a phrase. As was mentioned in the introduction, "To..." phrases are sometimes compiled multiple times, for different kinds of tokens, and are compiled in response to "requests". All other phrases are compiled just once.

void IDCompilation::compile(id_body *idb, int *i, int max_i,
    stacked_variable_access_list *legible, to_phrase_request *req, rule *R) {
    if ((req) || (idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed)) {
        Routines::Compile::routine(idb, legible, req, R);
        if (idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed) {
            idb->compilation_data.at_least_one_compiled_form_needed = FALSE;
            ProgressBar::update(4, ((float) (*i))/((float) max_i));

§8. This is to do with named outcomes of rules, whereby certain outcomes are normally limited to the use of rules in particular rulebooks.

int IDCompilation::outcome_restrictions_waived(void) {
    if ((id_body_being_compiled) &&
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;