Preform grammar for the pronouns.

§1. Pronouns. Pronouns are an awkward grammatical category. They are words standing in place of, or somehow referring to, nouns not explicitly given. But they do not always function as nouns (possessive pronouns are more like determiners), and we give them their own category rather than making them into a special noun object.

Pronoun objects contain no interesting data: in effect, the pronoun class is an enumeration.

typedef struct pronoun {
    struct text_stream *name;
    struct linguistic_stock_item *in_stock;

} pronoun;

§2. A pronoun_usage object is what a lexicon search returns when text is matched against some form of a pronoun.

typedef struct pronoun_usage {
    struct pronoun *pronoun_used;
    struct grammatical_usage *usage;
} pronoun_usage;


void Pronouns::write_usage(OUTPUT_STREAM, pronoun_usage *pu) {
    WRITE(" %S", pu->pronoun_used->name);
    Stock::write_usage(OUT, pu->usage, PERSON_LCW + GENDER_LCW + NUMBER_LCW + CASE_LCW);

§4. The stock of pronouns is fixed at six. We are going to regard the three persons as being different pronouns, since they make different references, though not every grammarian would agree. So we have three "agent pronouns" — those standing for subject or object — and then three possessives.

grammatical_category *pronouns_category = NULL;
pronoun *first_person_pronoun = NULL;
pronoun *second_person_pronoun = NULL;
pronoun *third_person_pronoun = NULL;
pronoun *first_person_possessive_pronoun = NULL;
pronoun *second_person_possessive_pronoun = NULL;
pronoun *third_person_possessive_pronoun = NULL;

void Pronouns::create_category(void) {
    pronouns_category = Stock::new_category(I"pronoun");
    METHOD_ADD(pronouns_category, LOG_GRAMMATICAL_CATEGORY_MTID, Pronouns::log_item);
    first_person_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"first person pronoun");
    second_person_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"second person pronoun");
    third_person_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"third person pronoun");
    first_person_possessive_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"first person possessive pronoun");
    second_person_possessive_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"second person possessive pronoun");
    third_person_possessive_pronoun = Pronouns::new(I"third person possessive pronoun");

pronoun *Pronouns::new(text_stream *name) {
    pronoun *P = CREATE(pronoun);
    P->name = Str::duplicate(name);
    P->in_stock = Stock::new(pronouns_category, STORE_POINTER_pronoun(P));
    return P;

void Pronouns::log_item(grammatical_category *cat, general_pointer data) {
    pronoun *P = RETRIEVE_POINTER_pronoun(data);
    LOG("%S", P->name);

§5. Parsing. Pronouns are ideal for small word sets, because even when their tables of inflected forms are in theory large, there are in practice few distinguishable words in them. For example, there are in theory twelve second-person pronouns in English, but all twelve of them are "you".

The following sets turn out to be convenient for parsing purposes, but it would be easy to form other subsets of the pronouns.

small_word_set *pronouns_sws = NULL,  all agent pronouns of any case
    *subject_pronouns_sws = NULL,  just those in the nominative
    *object_pronouns_sws = NULL;  just those in the accusative

small_word_set *possessive_pronouns_sws = NULL,  all possessive pronouns of any person
    *first_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = NULL,
    *second_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = NULL,
    *third_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = NULL;

§6. And now we have to make them. The following capacity would be enough even if we were simultaneously dealing with four languages in which every inflection produced a different word. So it really is not going to run out.

void Pronouns::create_small_word_sets(void) {
    pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(pronouns_sws, <first-person-pronoun-table>,
        -1, FIRST_PERSON, first_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(pronouns_sws, <second-person-pronoun-table>,
        -1, SECOND_PERSON, second_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(pronouns_sws, <third-person-pronoun-table>,
        -1, THIRD_PERSON, third_person_pronoun);

    subject_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(subject_pronouns_sws, <first-person-pronoun-table>,
        NOMINATIVE_CASE, FIRST_PERSON, first_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(subject_pronouns_sws, <second-person-pronoun-table>,
        NOMINATIVE_CASE, SECOND_PERSON, second_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(subject_pronouns_sws, <third-person-pronoun-table>,
        NOMINATIVE_CASE, THIRD_PERSON, third_person_pronoun);

    object_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(object_pronouns_sws, <first-person-pronoun-table>,
        ACCUSATIVE_CASE, FIRST_PERSON, first_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(object_pronouns_sws, <second-person-pronoun-table>,
        ACCUSATIVE_CASE,  SECOND_PERSON, second_person_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(object_pronouns_sws, <third-person-pronoun-table>,
        ACCUSATIVE_CASE, THIRD_PERSON, third_person_pronoun);

    possessive_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(possessive_pronouns_sws, <first-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, FIRST_PERSON, first_person_possessive_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(possessive_pronouns_sws, <second-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, SECOND_PERSON, second_person_possessive_pronoun);
    Pronouns::add(possessive_pronouns_sws, <third-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, THIRD_PERSON, third_person_possessive_pronoun);

    first_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(first_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, <first-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, FIRST_PERSON, first_person_possessive_pronoun);

    second_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(second_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, <second-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, SECOND_PERSON, second_person_possessive_pronoun);

    third_person_possessive_pronouns_sws = Stock::new_sws(PRONOUN_SWS_CAPACITY);
    Pronouns::add(third_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, <third-person-possessive-pronoun-table>,
        -1, THIRD_PERSON, third_person_possessive_pronoun);

§7. All of which use the following, which extracts inflected forms from the nonterminal tables (see below for their English versions and layout).

small_word_set *Pronouns::add(small_word_set *sws, nonterminal *nt, int filter_case,
    int person, pronoun *p) {
    for (production_list *pl = nt->first_pl; pl; pl = pl->next_pl) {
        int c = 0;
        for (production *pr = pl->first_pr; pr; pr = pr->next_pr) {
            if ((filter_case < 0) || (filter_case == c)) {
                int t = 0;
                for (ptoken *pt = pr->first_pt; pt; pt = pt->next_pt) {
                    for (ptoken *alt = pt; alt; alt = alt->alternative_ptoken) {
                        if (alt->ptoken_category != FIXED_WORD_PTC)
                            PreformUtilities::production_error(nt, pr,
                                "pronoun sets must contain single fixed words");
                        else {
                            pronoun_usage *pu =
                                (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(sws, alt->ve_pt);
                            if (pu == NULL) {
                                pu = CREATE(pronoun_usage);
                                pu->pronoun_used = p;
                                pu->usage = Stock::new_usage(p->in_stock, NULL);
                                Stock::add_to_sws(sws, alt->ve_pt, pu);
                            lcon_ti lcon = Stock::to_lcon(p->in_stock);
                            lcon = Lcon::set_number(lcon, t%2);
                            lcon = Lcon::set_gender(lcon, 1 + t/2);
                            lcon = Lcon::set_case(lcon, c);
                            lcon = Lcon::set_person(lcon, person);
                            Stock::add_form_to_usage(pu->usage, lcon);
        if (c != Declensions::no_cases(pl->definition_language))
            PreformUtilities::production_error(nt, NULL,
                "wrong number of cases in pronoun set");
    return sws;

§8. The following, then, parse pronouns simply by testing whether the word being parsed lies in the relevant small word set.

<agent-pronoun> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<subject-pronoun> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(subject_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<object-pronoun> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(object_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<possessive-pronoun> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(possessive_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<possessive-first-person> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(first_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<possessive-second-person> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(second_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

<possessive-third-person> internal 1 {
    if (pronouns_sws == NULL) Pronouns::create_small_word_sets();
    vocabulary_entry *ve = Lexer::word(Wordings::first_wn(W));
    *XP = (pronoun_usage *) Stock::find_in_sws(third_person_possessive_pronouns_sws, ve);
    if (*XP) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§9. English pronouns. So, then, these nonterminals are not parsed by Preform but are instead used to stock small word sets above.

Each row represents one case: so for English, there are two rows, nominative (i.e. for subject pronouns) and then accusative (object). Within a row, the sequence is neuter singular, neuter plural, masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, feminine plural.

<first-person-pronoun-table> ::=
    i we i we i we |
    me us me us me us

<second-person-pronoun-table> ::=
    you you you you you you |
    you you you you you you

<third-person-pronoun-table> ::=
    it they he they she they |
    it them him them her them

<first-person-possessive-pronoun-table> ::=
    my our my our my our |
    my our my our my our

<second-person-possessive-pronoun-table> ::=
    your your your your your your |
    your your your your your your

<third-person-possessive-pronoun-table> ::=
    its their his their her their |
    its their his their her their

§10. Unit testing. The linguistics-test test case pronouns calls this.

void Pronouns::test(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, subject_pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, object_pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, possessive_pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, first_person_possessive_pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, second_person_possessive_pronouns_sws);
    Pronouns::write_sws(OUT, third_person_possessive_pronouns_sws);

void Pronouns::write_sws(OUTPUT_STREAM, small_word_set *sws) {
    for (int i=0; i<sws->used; i++) {
        WRITE("(%d) %V:", i, sws->word_ve[i]);
        pronoun_usage *pu = (pronoun_usage *) sws->results[i];
        Pronouns::write_usage(OUT, pu);