The index is divided up into 'elements'.

§1. Each index page is arranged as follows: at the top is a navigational bar in a DIV called "periodictable", and underneath that are chunks of actual indexing material in DIVs called "element1", "element2", ... Different pages have different numbers of elements.

The periodic table is shown complete on the Welcome page, but otherwise is reduced to just the relevant row (orbital?).

We will call the table opened if the surround is fully visible, in which case the actual content is hidden but the 8 rows of the table are all visible; and closed if the surround is hidden, so that only 1 row of the table is visible, and some or all of the content of the page is visible below.

Each row, except the top one, begins with a rectangle called the sidebar. If the table is closed then clicking on the sidebar opens it; if it's open, clicking on the sidebar for a given row closes the table and goes to the relevant page of the index. The contents of the sidebar cell are defined by a DIV whose class is "sidebar".

The sidebar is followed by a series of cells called the "boxes", one for each element in that row's index page. These contain DIVs with the class "box" and the ID "boxN_M", where N is the row number, 1 to 7, and M is the column number, 1 to E, where E is the number of elements in that row. Each box then contains three pieces of text: an abbreviation like Kd, in a DIV with class "symbol"; a spelled-out name like Kinds, in a DIV with class "rubric"; and an element number like 3, in a DIV with class "indexno".

Following that is a broad cell, spanning the rest of the table's width, which contains text like "Kinds Index". This contains a DIV of class "headingbox", inside which is a main heading in a DIV of class "headingtext" and text underneath in another of class "headingrubric".

§2. So let's generate all of that:

void Elements::periodic_table(OUTPUT_STREAM, index_page *current_page,
    text_stream *index_leaf, index_session *session) {
    localisation_dictionary *D = Indexing::get_localisation(session);
    int max_elements = 0;
    index_page *ip;
    LOOP_OVER(ip, index_page)
        if (max_elements < ip->no_elements)
            max_elements = ip->no_elements;

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"periodictable\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("table", "cellspacing=\"3\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%%\"");
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(index_leaf, L"Welcome.html"))
        Write the heading row of the surround2.1;
    LOOP_OVER(ip, index_page)
        if (((Str::eq_wide_string(index_leaf, L"Welcome.html")) || (ip == current_page)) &&
            (Str::eq_wide_string(ip->page_leafname, L"Welcome") == FALSE)) {
            Start a row of the periodic table2.2;
            index_element *ie;
            LOOP_OVER(ie, index_element)
                if (ie->owning_page == ip)
                    Write an element-box of the periodic table2.3;
            End a row of the periodic table2.4;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(index_leaf, L"Welcome.html") == FALSE)
        Write the index elements2.5;

§2.1. Write the heading row of the surround2.1 =

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "id=\"surround0\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"2\"");
    HTML_TAG_WITH("img", "src='inform:/doc_images/index@2x.png' border=1 width=115 height=115");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "colspan=\"%d\" style=\"width:100%%;\"", max_elements - 1);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingboxhigh\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingtext\"");
    WRITE("Welcome to the Index");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingrubric\"");
    WRITE("A guide which grows with your project");

§2.2. Start a row of the periodic table2.2 =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(index_leaf, L"Welcome.html")) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "onclick=\"window.location='%S.html'; return false;\"",
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"sidebar\"");
    } else {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("tr", "id=\"surround%d\"", ip->allocation_id+1);
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "onclick=\"window.location='Welcome.html'; return false;\"");
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"sidebar\"");

§2.3. Write an element-box of the periodic table2.3 =

    if (ip == current_page) {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "onclick=\"click_element_box('segment%d'); return false;\"",
    } else {
        HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "onclick=\"window.location='%S.html?segment%d'; return false;\"",
            ip->page_leafname, ie->atomic_number);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"box%d_%d\" class=\"box\"", ip->allocation_id+1, ie->atomic_number);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "class=\"symbol\" title=\"%S\" href=\"#\"", ie->element_name);
    WRITE("%S", ie->chemical_symbol);
    HTML_CLOSE("a"); WRITE("\n");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"indexno\"");
    WRITE("%d", ie->atomic_number);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"rubric\"");
    WRITE("%S", ie->element_name);

§2.4. End a row of the periodic table2.4 =

    if (ip == current_page) {
        WRITE_TO(tds, "onclick=\"show_all_elements(); return false;\" ");
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(tds, "onclick=\"window.location='%S.html'; return false;\" ",
    if (ip->no_elements < max_elements)
        WRITE_TO(tds, "colspan=\"%d\" ", max_elements - ip->no_elements + 1);
    WRITE_TO(tds, "style=\"width:100%%\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("td", "%S", tds);

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingbox\"");
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingtext\"");
    WRITE("%S", ip->page_title);
    HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"headingrubric\"");
    WRITE("%S", ip->page_explanation);


§2.5. Writing the elements. Each element is contained inside a DIV with id "segment1", "segment2", and so on. There's then a banner line — a sort of subheading; then the index content at last; and then a rule.

Write the index elements2.5 =

    index_element *ie;
    LOOP_OVER(ie, index_element)
        if (ie->owning_page == current_page) {
            HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "id=\"segment%d\"", ie->atomic_number);
            IndexUtilities::banner_line(OUT, current_page, ie->atomic_number, ie->chemical_symbol,
                ie->element_name, ie->explanation_key, NULL, D);
            Elements::render(OUT, ie->chemical_symbol, session);

§3. This digression is used for internal test cases in Inform, to output a plain text file from the content of a single element.

void Elements::test_card(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W, index_session *session) {
    WRITE_TO(elt, "%+W", W);
    Elements::render(OUT, elt, session);

§4. In general, then, these are the elements:

void Elements::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *elt, index_session *session) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"A1")) { GroupedElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"A2")) { AlphabeticElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Ar")) { ArithmeticElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Bh")) { BehaviourElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"C"))  { ContentsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Cd")) { CardElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Ch")) { ChartElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Cm")) { CommandsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Ev")) { EventsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Fi")) { FiguresElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Gz")) { GazetteerElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"In")) { InnardsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Lx")) { LexiconElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Mp")) { MapElement::render(OUT, session, FALSE); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"MT")) { MapElement::render(OUT, session, TRUE); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Ph")) { PhrasebookElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Pl")) { PlotElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Rl")) { RelationsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"RS")) { RulesForScenesElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"St")) { StandardsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Tb")) { TablesElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"To")) { TokensElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Vb")) { VerbsElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Vl")) { ValuesElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elt, L"Xt")) { ExtrasElement::render(OUT, session); return; }
