To manage the named columns which appear in tables.

§1. Tables are one of the most distinctive data structures of Inform. They imitate printed tables in books or scientific papers, and the data inside them is arranged in columns, each of which is headed by a name.

Data in a given column must have a definite kind, such as "number". Where this is unspecified in any explicit way, it is inferred by performing a join on the kinds of the values quoted in the column — that is, the result is the narrowest kind capable of holding all of the observed values.

Inform has a limited ability to link tables together, as in a relational database, but this relies on an unusual design decision: if a column in two different tables has the same name, then it must have the same kind in both tables.

typedef struct table_column {
    struct noun *name;  name of column (without "entry" suffix)
    struct kind *kind_stored_in_column;  what kind of value is stored in this column
    struct table *table_from_which_kind_inferred;  usually the earliest use
    struct binary_predicate *listed_in_predicate;  see below
    struct table_column_compilation_data compilation_data;
} table_column;

§2. The predicate calculus engine often finds conditions equivalent to "if A is a C listed in T", and we implement this as a binary predicate — see Listed-In Relations. There is one such relation for each column, and a pointer is stored in listed_in_predicate.

binary_predicate *Tables::Columns::get_listed_in_predicate(table_column *tc) {
    return tc->listed_in_predicate;


void Tables::Columns::log(table_column *tc) {
    LOG("'%W'/", Nouns::nominative_singular(tc->name));
    if (tc->kind_stored_in_column == NULL) LOG("unknown");
    else LOG("%u", tc->kind_stored_in_column);

§4. Creation. Columns are created with a name, which is assumed here to be not the name of any existing column.

table_column *Tables::Columns::new_table_column(wording W) {
    table_column *tc = CREATE(table_column);
    tc->name = NULL;
    tc->kind_stored_in_column = NULL;
    tc->table_from_which_kind_inferred = NULL;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {  always happens unless recovering from a problem
        tc->name = Nouns::new_proper_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
            TABLE_COLUMN_MC, Rvalues::from_table_column(tc),
        word_assemblage wa =
            PreformUtilities::merge(<table-column-name-construction>, 0,
        wording AW = WordAssemblages::to_wording(&wa);
        Nouns::new_proper_noun(AW, NEUTER_GENDER, ADD_TO_LEXICON_NTOPT,
            TABLE_COLUMN_MC, Rvalues::from_table_column(tc),
    tc->compilation_data = RTTableColumns::new_compilation_data(tc);
    tc->listed_in_predicate = Tables::Relations::make_listed_in_predicate(tc);
    return tc;

§5. Kind. Keeping track of the kind of the entries in a column is a little tricky. Columns are created early in Inform's run, before the full hierarchy of kinds is in place; so TC structures tend to record a NULL kind for a while, and are then corrected later. Moreover, they're sometimes revised in the light of evidence, if the kind has to be inferred from the table's initial entries. So we can't just set the kind once at creation time.

This has a knock-on effect on the predicate associated with the column, because the kind of term \(A\) in \({\it listed}_C(A, T)\) must match the kind of entry in the column \(C\).

kind *Tables::Columns::get_kind(table_column *tc) {
    return tc->kind_stored_in_column;

kind *Tables::Columns::to_kind(table_column *tc) {
    return Kinds::unary_con(CON_table_column, tc->kind_stored_in_column);

void Tables::Columns::set_kind(table_column *tc, table *t, kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::get_construct(K) == CON_description)
            Issue a problem message for a description heading5.1;
    if (Kinds::eq(tc->kind_stored_in_column, K)) {
        LOGIF(TABLES, "Table column $C continues to have kind %u, according to $B\n",
            tc, K, t);
    } else {
        LOGIF(TABLES, "Table column $C set to kind %u, according to $B\n",
            tc, K, t);
        tc->kind_stored_in_column = K;
    tc->table_from_which_kind_inferred = t;
    if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(K, K_understanding)))
        Tables::Relations::supply_kind_for_listed_in_tc(tc->listed_in_predicate, K_snippet);
    else Tables::Relations::supply_kind_for_listed_in_tc(tc->listed_in_predicate, K);

§5.1. Issue a problem message for a description heading5.1 =

    Problems::quote_kind(4, K);
    Problems::quote_kind(5, K);
    Problems::quote_table(6, t);
        t, tc, NULL,
        "In %1, you've written the heading of the column '%2' to say that each entry "
        "should be %4. But descriptions aren't allowed as table entries - tables "
        "have to hold values, not descriptions of values.");

§6. Discovering columns. New TCs aren't declared ("Density is a table column."): they are discovered by looking through the column-heading lines of tables. Each one makes:

typedef struct table_column_usage {
    struct table_column *column_identity;
    struct parse_node *entries;  initial contents of this column in the table
    struct wording kind_declaration_text;  if specified
    int actual_constant_entries;  how many entries have explicitly been given
    struct parse_node *observed_constant_cell;  first one spotted
    int kind_name_entries;  how many entries read, say, "a rulebook"
    struct parse_node *observed_kind_cell;  first one spotted
    struct table_column_usage_compilation_data compilation_data;
} table_column_usage;

§7. Each piece of heading text is passed to the following routine in turn:

table_column_usage Tables::Columns::add_to_table(wording W, table *t) {
    wording EXPW = EMPTY_WORDING;
    table_column_usage tcu;
    table_column *tc = Tables::Columns::find_table_column(W, t, &EXPW);
    for (int i=0; i<t->no_columns; i++)
        if (t->columns[i].column_identity == tc) {
            Problems::quote_wording(4, W);
                t, NULL, NULL,
                "In %1, the column name %4 cannot be used, because there's already "
                "a column of the same name. (You can't have two columns with the "
                "same name in the same table.)");
    tcu.column_identity = tc;
    tcu.entries = Diagrams::new_PROPER_NOUN(W);
    tcu.kind_declaration_text = EXPW;
    tcu.actual_constant_entries = 0;
    tcu.observed_constant_cell = NULL;
    tcu.kind_name_entries = 0;
    tcu.observed_kind_cell = NULL;
    tcu.compilation_data = RTTables::new_tcu_compilation_data(t);

    return tcu;

§8. The syntax for table column headings is little complicated:

define EXISTING_TC 1                one seen before in another table, with a kind given
define EXISTING_TC_WITHOUT_KIND 2   one seen before in another table
define NEW_TC 3                     never seen before, with a kind explicitly given
define NEW_TC_WITHOUT_KIND 4        never seen before, with no specified kind
define NEW_TC_TOPIC 5               a topic column, a specialised form of text
define NEW_TC_PROBLEM 6             (something went wrong, so Inform can ignore this)

§9. The heading of a table column is the text in its entry in the first (titling-only) row of the table. Usually that consists only of the column's name, but optionally the kind can also be supplied in brackets — Inform otherwise infers the kind from the contents below. The kind will subsequently be parsed using <k-kind-articled>, but for timing reasons that happens later, so the grammar below allows any text in the brackets. A "topic" column needs special handling since it also overrides kind inference, making what looks like text into grammar for parsing.

<table-column-heading> ::=
    ( *** ) |                               ==> Issue PM_TableColumnBracketed problem9.3
    <s-table-column-name> ( {...} ) |       ==> { EXISTING_TC, RP[1] }
    <table-column-heading-bare> ( {...} ) | ==> { (R[1] == NEW_TC_PROBLEM)?R[1]:NEW_TC, - }
    <s-table-column-name> |                 ==> { EXISTING_TC_WITHOUT_KIND, RP[1] }
    <table-column-heading-bare>             ==> { pass 1 }

<table-column-heading-bare> ::=
    <article> |                             ==> Issue PM_TableColumnArticle problem9.1
    {topic} |                               ==> { NEW_TC_TOPIC, - }
    {<property-name>} |                     ==> { NEW_TC_WITHOUT_KIND, - }
    {<s-constant-value>} |                  ==> Issue PM_TableColumnAlready problem9.2
    ...                                     ==> { NEW_TC_WITHOUT_KIND, - }

§9.1. Issue PM_TableColumnArticle problem9.1 =

    Problems::quote_wording(4, W);
        table_being_examined, NULL, table_cell_node,
        "In %1, the column name %3 cannot be used, because there would be too "
        "much ambiguity arising from its ordinary meaning as an article. (It "
        "would be quite awkward talking about the '%4 entry', for example.)");
    ==> { NEW_TC_PROBLEM, - };

§9.2. Issue PM_TableColumnAlready problem9.2 =

        table_being_examined, NULL, table_cell_node,
        "In %1, the column name %3 cannot be used, because it already means "
        "something else.");
    ==> { NEW_TC_PROBLEM, - };

§9.3. Issue PM_TableColumnBracketed problem9.3 =

        table_being_examined, NULL, table_cell_node,
        "In %1, the column name %3 cannot be used, because it is in brackets. "
        "(Perhaps you intended to use the brackets to give the kind of the "
        "entries, but forgot to put a name before the opening bracket.)");
    ==> { NEW_TC_PROBLEM, - };

§10. When a column is found with a name not seen before — say, "merit points" — the following grammar is used to construct a proper noun to refer to this column; thus, "merit points column".

<table-column-name-construction> ::=
    ... column

§11. And here's where we use the grammar above. We parse the heading text and return the TC it refers to, creating it if necessary; and we also return the text of any explicit kind declaration used within it.

table_column *Tables::Columns::find_table_column(wording W, table *t, wording *EXPW) {
    table_cell_node = Diagrams::new_PROPER_NOUN(W);
    table_cell_row = -1;
    table_cell_col = -1;
    table_being_examined = t;
    table_column *tc = NULL;
    kind *K = NULL;
    switch (<<r>>) {
            *EXPW = Wordings::new(-1, -1);
            tc = Rvalues::to_table_column(<<rp>>);
        case EXISTING_TC:
            *EXPW = GET_RW(<table-column-heading>, 1);
            tc = Rvalues::to_table_column(<<rp>>);
        case NEW_TC_TOPIC: K = K_understanding; break;
        case NEW_TC: *EXPW = GET_RW(<table-column-heading>, 1); break;
        case NEW_TC_WITHOUT_KIND: break;
        case NEW_TC_PROBLEM: return NULL;
    Make a try at identifying the any named kind, even though it probably won't work11.1;
    if (tc == NULL) Create a new table column with this name11.2;
    if (K) Tables::Columns::set_kind(tc, t, K);
    return tc;

§11.1. If the heading is something like "population (number)", the following will correctly identify "number", because that's a kind which exists very early in Inform's run. Something like "lucky charm (thing)" won't work, because "thing" hasn't been created yet; but we'll catch it later.

Make a try at identifying the any named kind, even though it probably won't work11.1 =

    if ((K == NULL) && (Wordings::nonempty(*EXPW)) && (<k-kind-articled>(*EXPW))) {
        K = <<rp>>; *EXPW = EMPTY_WORDING;

§11.2. Create a new table column with this name11.2 =

    W = GET_RW(<table-column-heading-bare>, 1);
    if (Assertions::Creator::vet_name(W)) tc = Tables::Columns::new_table_column(W);
    else return NULL;

§12. Checking kind consistency. Well, and now it's later. First, the following is called on each usage of a column in turn:

void Tables::Columns::check_explicit_headings(table *t, int i, table_column_usage *tcu) {
    kind *K = Tables::Columns::get_kind(tcu->column_identity);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(tcu->kind_declaration_text)) {
        kind *EK = NULL;
        if (<k-kind-articled>(tcu->kind_declaration_text)) {
            EK = <<rp>>;
            LOGIF(TABLES, "$B col %d '%W' claims %u\n", t, i, tcu->kind_declaration_text, EK);
            if (K == NULL)
                Tables::Columns::set_kind(tcu->column_identity, t, EK);
            else if (!(Kinds::eq(K, EK)))
                Issue a problem message for a heading inconsistency12.1;
        } else Issue a problem message for an incomprehensible column heading12.2;
    } else {
        LOGIF(TABLES, "Column %d has no explicit kind named in $B\n", i, t);

§12.1. Issue a problem message for a heading inconsistency12.1 =

    Problems::quote_kind(4, EK);
    Problems::quote_kind(5, K);
    Problems::quote_table(6, tcu->column_identity->table_from_which_kind_inferred);
        t, tcu->column_identity, tcu->entries,
        "In %1, you've written the heading of the column %3 to say that each entry "
        "should be %4. But a column with the same name also appears in %6, and each "
        "entry there is %5. Inform doesn't allow this - the same column name always "
        "has to have the same kind of entry, whichever tables it appears in.");

§12.2. Issue a problem message for an incomprehensible column heading12.2 =

        t, tcu->column_identity, tcu->entries,
        "In %1, I can't use the column heading %3. Brackets are only allowed in "
        "table column names when giving the kind of value which will be stored in "
        "the column. So 'poems (text)' is legal, but not 'poems (chiefly lyrical)'.");

§13. Secondly, the actual entries are checked in turn, and their kinds passed to the following routine. Again, "topic" columns are a complication, since their kind is ostensibly K_understanding but the actual entries must be K_text.

void Tables::Columns::note_kind(table *t, int i, table_column_usage *tcu,
    parse_node *cell, kind *K, int generic) {
    if (generic) {
        if (tcu->observed_kind_cell == NULL) tcu->observed_kind_cell = cell;
        if (tcu->kind_name_entries == 2)
            Issue a problem for a second kind name in the column13.2
        else if (tcu->actual_constant_entries > 0)
            Issue a problem for a kind name lower in the column than a value13.1
        else {
            kind *CK = Tables::Columns::get_kind(tcu->column_identity);
            if (CK == NULL) {
                Tables::Columns::set_kind(tcu->column_identity, t, K);
            } else if (Kinds::eq(K, CK) == FALSE)
                Issue a problem for an inconsistent kind for this column13.6;
    } else {
        if (tcu->observed_constant_cell == NULL) tcu->observed_constant_cell = cell;
        if (tcu->kind_name_entries > 0)
            Issue a problem for a value lower in the column than a kind name13.3;
    kind *CK = Kinds::weaken(Tables::Columns::get_kind(tcu->column_identity), K_object);
    K = Kinds::weaken(K, K_object);
    if ((global_pass_state.pass >= 2) && (CK) && (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(CK) == FALSE))
        CK = NULL;
    if (CK == NULL) {
        Tables::Columns::set_kind(tcu->column_identity, t, K);
    } else {
        int allow_refinement = TRUE;
        if ((K_understanding) && (Kinds::eq(CK, K_understanding))) {
            CK = K_text;  make sure the entries are texts...
            allow_refinement = FALSE;  ...and don't allow any change to the kind
        if (Kinds::eq(K, CK) == FALSE) {
            kind *max_K = Latticework::join(K, CK);
            if (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(max_K) == FALSE) {
                Problems::quote_kind(4, K);
                Problems::quote_kind(5, CK);
                if (t == tcu->column_identity->table_from_which_kind_inferred)
                    Issue a problem for kind mismatch within column13.4
                    Issue a problem for kind mismatch between columns of the same name13.5;
                allow_refinement = FALSE;
            if (allow_refinement)
                Tables::Columns::set_kind(tcu->column_identity, t, max_K);

§13.1. Issue a problem for a kind name lower in the column than a value13.1 =

    int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
    Problems::quote_number(4, &quoted_col);
    Problems::quote_number(5, &table_cell_row);
    Problems::quote_source(6, tcu->observed_constant_cell);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, column %4 (%2), the entry %3 (row %5) is the name of a kind. "
        "This isn't a specific value. You're allowed to write in the name "
        "of a kind like this if the column otherwise has blank entries - to "
        "tell Inform what might eventually go there - but here the column "
        "already contains a genuine value higher up: %6. %P"
        "So the kind name has to go. You can either let me deduce the kind by "
        "myself, working it out from the actual values in the column, or you "
        "can put the kind in brackets after the column's name, at the top.)");

§13.2. Issue a problem for a second kind name in the column13.2 =

    int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
    Problems::quote_number(4, &quoted_col);
    Problems::quote_number(5, &table_cell_row);
    Problems::quote_source(6, tcu->observed_kind_cell);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, column %4 (%2), the entry %3 (row %5) is the name of a kind. "
        "This isn't a specific value. You're allowed to write in the name "
        "of a kind like this if the column starts out with blank entries - to "
        "tell me what might eventually go there - but only once; and "
        "this is the second time. (The first was %6.)");

§13.3. Issue a problem for a value lower in the column than a kind name13.3 =

    int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
    Problems::quote_number(4, &quoted_col);
    Problems::quote_number(5, &table_cell_row);
    Problems::quote_source(6, tcu->observed_kind_cell);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, column %4 (%2), the entry %3 (row %5) is a genuine, non-blank "
        "entry: it's a specific value. That's fine, of course - the whole "
        "idea of a table is to contain values - but this is a column which "
        "already contains a name of a kind: %6. %P"
        "Names of kinds are only allowed at the top of otherwise blank columns: "
        "they tell me what might eventually go there. So the kind name has to go. "
        "You can replace it with a blank '--', and then either let me deduce the "
        "kind by myself, working it out from the actual values in the column, or "
        "you can put the kind in brackets after the column's name, at the top.)");

§13.4. Issue a problem for kind mismatch within column13.4 =

    int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
    Problems::quote_number(6, &quoted_col);
    Problems::quote_number(7, &table_cell_row);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, column %6 (%2), the entry %3 (row %7) doesn't fit what I know "
        "about '%2' - it's %4, whereas I think every entry ought to be %5.");

§13.5. Issue a problem for kind mismatch between columns of the same name13.5 =

    int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
    Problems::quote_table(6, tcu->column_identity->table_from_which_kind_inferred);
    Problems::quote_wording(7, Nouns::nominative_singular(tcu->column_identity->name));
    Problems::quote_number(8, &quoted_col);
    Problems::quote_number(9, &table_cell_row);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, column %8 (%2), the entry %3 (row %9) has the wrong kind to be in "
        "the '%2' column - it's %4, whereas I think every entry ought to be %5. %P"
        "The entries under a given column name must be blanks or values of the same "
        "kind as each other, and this applies even to columns in different tables "
        "if they have the same name. Compare the table %6, where there's also a "
        "column called '%7'.");

§13.6. Relatedly, but visible only if there are no entries so that the above never happens:

Issue a problem for an inconsistent kind for this column13.6 =

    Problems::quote_table(6, tcu->column_identity->table_from_which_kind_inferred);
    Problems::quote_wording(7, Nouns::nominative_singular(tcu->column_identity->name));
    Problems::quote_kind(4, K);
    Problems::quote_kind(5, CK);
        t, tcu->column_identity, cell,
        "In %1, the column '%2' is declared as holding %4, but when the same "
        "column appeared in table %6, the contents were said there to be %5. %P"
        "The entries under a given column name must be values of the same "
        "kind as each other, and this applies even to columns in different tables "
        "if they have the same name.");

§14. Thirdly and lastly:

void Tables::Columns::approve_kind(table *t, int i, table_column_usage *tcu) {
    kind *K = Tables::Columns::get_kind(tcu->column_identity);
    LOGIF(TABLES, "Column %d '%W' has kind %u with data:\n$T",
        i, Nouns::nominative_singular(tcu->column_identity->name), K, tcu->entries);
    if ((Kinds::get_construct(K) == CON_list_of) &&
        (Kinds::eq(Kinds::unary_construction_material(K), K_nil))) {
            t, NULL, tcu->entries,
            "In %1, the column %3 seems to consist only of empty lists. "
            "This means that I can't tell what kind of value it should hold - "
            "are they to be lists of numbers, for instance, or lists of texts, "
            "or some other possibility? Either one of the entries must contain a "
            "non-empty list - so that I can deduce the answer by looking at what "
            "is in it - or else the column heading must say, e.g., by calling it "
            "'exceptions (list of texts)' with the kind of value in brackets after "
            "the name.");
    if (K == NULL) {
        int quoted_col = i + 1;  i.e., counting from 1
        Problems::quote_number(4, &quoted_col);
            t, tcu->column_identity, NULL,
            "Column %4 (%2) of %1 contains no values and doesn't tell me "
            "anything about its kind%S.%L, "
            "which means that I don't know how to deal with it. You should "
            "either put a value into the column somewhere, or else write "
            "the kind in as part of the heading: '%2 (a number)', say.");
        Tables::Columns::set_kind(tcu->column_identity, t, K_number);