To build tree structures which represent Inform's universe of kinds.

§1. Definitions.

§2. Inform has a rich universe of kinds: "number", "list of texts", "relation of texts to lists of times", and so on. We can regard each valid kind as the outcome of a series of constructions performed on existing kinds. Here, for example, we get to out destination with four constructions in a row:

    (nothing) --> text
    (nothing) --> time
    time --> list of times
    text, list of times --> relation of texts to lists of times

At each step there is only a finite choice of possible "kind constructions" which can be made, but since there can in principle be an unlimited number of steps, the set of all possible kinds is infinite. At each step we make use of 0, 1 or 2 existing kinds to make a new one: this number (0, 1 or 2) is the "arity" of the construction. These four steps have arities 0, 0, 1, 2.


§3. Inform stores the possible constructions in kind_constructor structures; about 40 of these are used to provide the built-in range of kinds, and come in a mixture of arities. (The four constructions above all use built-in constructors.) Further constructors are added each time the source text creates a new kind. For example,

A weight is a kind of value. A mammal is a kind of animal.

creates two new constructors:

    (nothing) --> weight
    (nothing) --> animal

At present these additional constructors all have arity 0. High-level Inform 7 source is not currently able to define new constructors of higher arity; I6 template code can do this (and that's how the built-in set is defined), and it may be that future developments of Inform will bring this ability up to source text level.

§4. A given kind is represented in Inform by a pointer to a kind tree. A NULL pointer is a valid kind, and means "unknown".

Each node in the tree has a pointer (->construct) to the kind constructor used to make it; this is never null. In the case of two special constructors, there are further annotations (see below). The number of downward branches at the node is equal to the arity of the constructor being used; so the kind "number" is represented by a single leaf node:


whereas "relation of texts to lists of times" is represented by a tree of four nodes like so:

    relation of K to L
        list of K

§5. We will often use the word "base" to refer to arity-0 constructors (or to the kinds which use them): thus, "text" and "time" are bases, but "list of K" is not. We call constructors of higher arity "proper".

It would be neat if there were exactly one kind structure somewhere in memory for each different kind — if that were true then we could compare two kinds for equality simply by comparing pointers, and by definition it would use the least possible memory. But in practice we don't do this, because (i) it's too slow and tricky to arrange, (ii) we want to abstract the testing process with the Kinds::Compare::eq function in case of later changes, and (iii) careful use of caches where access is fast enable us to reduce memory waste, mostly through intermediates but sometimes constructors, to only a very small percentage in typical Inform usage — say about 2K on a medium-sized source text like "Bronze", which is not worth economising.

§6. In principle we could imagine constructors needing arbitrarily large arity, or needing different arity in different usages, so the scheme of having fixed arities in the range 0 to 2 looks limited. In practice we get around that by using "punctuation nodes" in the tree. For example,

    function K -> L

represents function (text, text) -> number. Note two special constructors used here: CON_TUPLE_ENTRY and CON_NIL. These are called "punctuation"; they cannot appear in isolation — see below.

§7. In the Inform source code, we're clearly going to need to refer to some of these kinds. The compiler provides support for, say, parsing times of day, or for indexing scenes, which go beyond the generic facilities it provides for kinds created in source text. We adopt two naming conventions:

We will now define all of the K_... and CON_... used by the core of Inform. (Others are created and used within specific plugins.)

§8. We begin with some base kinds which are "kinds of kinds" useful in generic programming.

K_value is a superhero, or perhaps a supervillain: it matches values of every kind. Not being a kind in its own right, it can't be the kind of a variable — which is just as well, since no use of such a variable could ever be safe.

The finer distinctions K_word_value and K_pointer_value are used to divide all run-time data into two very different storage implementations:

kind *K_value = NULL;
kind *K_word_value = NULL;
kind *K_pointer_value = NULL;
kind *K_sayable_value = NULL;

§9. The following refer to values subject to arithmetic operations (drawn with a little calculator icon in the Kinds index), and those which are implemented as enumerations of named constants. (This includes, e.g., scenes and figure names but not objects, whose run-time storage is not a simple numerical enumeration, or truth states, which are stored as 0 and 1 not 1 and 2. In particular, it isn't the same thing as having a finite range in the Kinds index.)

kind *K_arithmetic_value = NULL;
kind *K_real_arithmetic_value = NULL;  those using real, not integer, arithmetic
kind *K_enumerated_value = NULL;

§10. Next, the two constructors used to punctuate tuples, that is, collections \((K_1, K_2, ..., K_n)\) of kinds of value. CON_NIL represents the empty tuple, where \(n=0\); while CON_TUPLE_ENTRY behaves like a kind constructor with arity 2, its two bases being the first item and the rest, respectively. Thus we store \((A, B, C)\) as


This traditional LISP-like device enables us to store tuples of arbitrary size without need for any constructor of arity greater than 2.

kind *K_nil = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_NIL = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_TUPLE_ENTRY = NULL;

§11. It was mentioned above that two special constructors carry additional annotations with them. The first of these is CON_INTERMEDIATE, used to represent kinds which are brought into being through uncompleted arithmetic operations: see "Dimensions.w" for a full discussion. Such a node in a kind tree might represent "area divided by time squared", say, and it must be annotated to show exactly which intermediate kind is meant.

kind_constructor *CON_INTERMEDIATE = NULL;

§12. While that doesn't significantly change the kinds system, the second special constructor certainly does. This is CON_KIND_VARIABLE, annotated to show which of the 26 kind variables it represents in any given situation. These variables are, in effect, wildcards; each is marked with a "kind of kind" as its range of possible values. (Thus a typical use of this constructor might result in a kind node labelled as L, which can be any kind matching "arithmetic value".)

kind_constructor *CON_KIND_VARIABLE = NULL;

§13. So much for the exotica: back onto familiar ground for anyone who uses Inform. Some standard kinds:

kind *K_action_name = NULL;
kind *K_equation = NULL;
kind *K_grammatical_gender = NULL;
kind *K_natural_language = NULL;
kind *K_number = NULL;
kind *K_object = NULL;
kind *K_real_number = NULL;
kind *K_response = NULL;
kind *K_snippet = NULL;
kind *K_stored_action = NULL;
kind *K_table = NULL;
kind *K_text = NULL;
kind *K_truth_state = NULL;
kind *K_unicode_character = NULL;
kind *K_use_option = NULL;
kind *K_verb = NULL;

§14. And here are two more standard kinds, but which most Inform uses don't realise are there, because they are omitted from the Kinds index:

kind *K_rulebook_outcome = NULL;
kind *K_understanding = NULL;

§15. Finally, the constructors used by Inform authors:

kind_constructor *CON_list_of = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_description = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_relation = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_rule = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_rulebook = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_activity = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_phrase = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_property = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_table_column = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_combination = NULL;
kind_constructor *CON_variable = NULL;

§16. Finally, then, it's time to define what a kind node looks like:

typedef struct kind {
    struct kind_constructor *construct;  which can never be NULL
    int kind_variable_number;  only used if construct is CON_KIND_VARIABLE
    struct unit_sequence *intermediate_result;  only used if construct is CON_INTERMEDIATE
    struct kind *kc_args[MAX_KIND_CONSTRUCTION_ARITY];  used if arity positive, or for CON_KIND_VARIABLE
} kind;

§17. We keep some statistics for tracking memory usage:

int no_base_kinds_created = 0;
int no_intermediate_kinds_created = 0;
int no_constructed_kinds_created = 0;

§18. Constructing kinds. All kind structures are obtained by one of the following. First, a base construction, one with arity 0. This makes a kind tree with a single leaf node, of course, and that's something we need very often. So we create it only on the first request, and cache the pointer to it with the constructor; we can then use that same pointer on all subsequent requests.

kind *Kinds::base_construction(kind_constructor *con) {
    if (con == NULL) internal_error("impossible construction");
    if ((con == CON_KIND_VARIABLE) || (con == CON_INTERMEDIATE))
        internal_error("forbidden construction");
    switch (Kinds::Constructors::arity(con)) {
        case 1:
            if (con == CON_list_of) return Kinds::unary_construction(con, NULL);
            return Kinds::unary_construction(con, K_value);
        case 2: return Kinds::binary_construction(con, K_value, K_value);
    kind **cache = Kinds::Constructors::cache_location(con);
    if (cache) { if (*cache) return *cache; }
    kind *K;
    Create a raw kind structure18.4;
    K->construct = con;
    if (cache) *cache = K;
    return K;

§18.1. As noted above, CON_INTERMEDIATE is used to store intermediate results of calculations that are never accessible to outside source text, and have kinds which couldn't be represented there. For example, if we evaluate $$ E = mc^2 $$ then we may have perfectly good kinds of value to store energy, mass and velocity, but have no kind of value for \(c^2\), a velocity squared. Such evanescent kinds are given the special constructor CON_INTERMEDIATE. These are needed relatively seldom and are not cached.

kind *Kinds::intermediate_construction(unit_sequence *ik) {
    if (ik == NULL) internal_error("made unknown as Kinds::intermediate_construction");
    kind *K;
    Create a raw kind structure18.4;
    K->construct = CON_INTERMEDIATE;
    K->intermediate_result = CREATE(unit_sequence);
    *(K->intermediate_result) = *ik;
    return K;

§18.2. Kind variables A to Z (where N is 1 to 26 below) can usually stand for any kind, but can also be marked with a "declaration", usually constraining what kind of value they are allowed to hold. For example, K might be marked as being an arithmetical kind of value. See "Kind Checking.w".

kind *Kinds::variable_construction(int N, kind *declaration) {
    if ((N == 0) || (N > MAX_KIND_VARIABLES)) internal_error("bad kind variable");
    kind *K;
    Create a raw kind structure18.4;
    K->construct = CON_KIND_VARIABLE;
    K->kind_variable_number = N;
    K->kc_args[0] = declaration;
    return K;

§18.3. That completes the possible base constructions. Proper constructions are made using the following. For example,

    Kinds::unary_construction(CON_list_of, K_number)

produces a kind structure meaning "list of numbers". This is not cached anywhere, so a second request for the same thing will produce a different copy in memory of the same structure. Profiling shows that little memory is in practice wasted.

kind *Kinds::unary_construction(kind_constructor *con, kind *X) {
    kind *K;
    if (Kinds::Constructors::arity(con) != 1) internal_error("bad unary construction");
    Create a raw kind structure18.4;
    K->construct = con; K->kc_args[0] = X;
    return K;

kind *Kinds::binary_construction(kind_constructor *con, kind *X, kind *Y) {
    kind *K;
    if (Kinds::Constructors::arity(con) != 2) internal_error("bad binary construction");
    Create a raw kind structure18.4;
    K->construct = con; K->kc_args[0] = X; K->kc_args[1] = Y;
    if (con == CON_phrase) {
        if ((X == NULL) || (Y == NULL)) internal_error("bad function kind");
        if ((X->construct == CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) && (X->kc_args[0] == K_nil))
            internal_error("nil nil");
        if (Y->construct == CON_TUPLE_ENTRY) internal_error("bizarre");
    return K;

§18.4. We've now seen the only ways to create a kind structure, and they share the following initialisation:

Create a raw kind structure18.4 =

    K = CREATE(kind);
    K->construct = NULL;
    K->intermediate_result = NULL;
    K->kind_variable_number = 0;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_KIND_CONSTRUCTION_ARITY; i++) K->kc_args[i] = NULL;

§19. Constructing kinds for functions. The following uses the above methods to put together the kind of a function, making use of the punctuation nodes CON_TUPLE_ENTRY and CON_NIL. Note that we use K_nil to represent the absence of a return kind (the "nothing" in a function to nothing). Note also that a function from X to Y, with just one argument, comes out as:


rather than as:


(It's more convenient to have a predictable form than to save on kind nodes.)

kind *Kinds::function_kind(int no_args, kind **args, kind *return_K) {
    kind *arguments_K = K_nil;
    int i;
    for (i=no_args-1; i>=0; i--)
        arguments_K = Kinds::binary_construction(CON_TUPLE_ENTRY, args[i], arguments_K);
    if (return_K == NULL) return_K = K_nil;
    return Kinds::binary_construction(CON_phrase, arguments_K, return_K);

§20. Constructing kinds for pairs. Similarly, but more simply, here is the kind for an ordered pair of values:

kind *Kinds::pair_kind(kind *X, kind *Y) {
    return Kinds::binary_construction(CON_combination, X, Y);

§21. Iterating through kinds. It's clearly not literally possible to iterate through kinds (there are infinitely many) or even through base kinds (since intermediate and variable constructions confuse the picture), but it does turn out to be convenient to iterate through all possible constructions, wrapped up into base kind format. Thus:

    for (K=Kinds::first_base_k(); K; K = Kinds::next_base_k(K))

§22. This requires the following iterator routines. Note that these will produce base constructions using constructors of higher arity than that (for example, it will make "list of K" as a base kind, with no arguments); this would be unsuitable as the kind of any data, but is convenient for drawing up the index, and so on.

kind *Kinds::first_base_k(void) {
    kind_constructor *con;
    LOOP_OVER(con, kind_constructor)
        if ((con != CON_KIND_VARIABLE) && (con != CON_INTERMEDIATE))
            return Kinds::base_construction(con);
    return NULL;

kind *Kinds::next_base_k(kind *K) {
    if (K == NULL) return NULL;
    kind_constructor *con = K->construct;
    do {
        con = NEXT_OBJECT(con, kind_constructor);
    } while ((con == CON_KIND_VARIABLE) || (con == CON_INTERMEDIATE));
    if (con == NULL) return NULL;
    return Kinds::base_construction(con);

§23. Annotations of kinds. Most of the time, the only annotation of a kind node is the constructor used:

kind_constructor *Kinds::get_construct(kind *K) {
    if (K) return K->construct;
    return NULL;

§24. But for the benefit of intermediate and variable kind nodes, we also need:

int Kinds::is_intermediate(kind *K) {
    if ((K) && (K->construct == CON_INTERMEDIATE)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Kinds::get_variable_number(kind *K) {
    if ((K) && (K->construct == CON_KIND_VARIABLE)) return K->kind_variable_number;
    return -1;

kind *Kinds::get_variable_stipulation(kind *K) {
    if ((K) && (K->construct == CON_KIND_VARIABLE)) return K->kc_args[0];
    return NULL;

§25. Two convenient wrappers for talking about the constructor used:

int Kinds::is_proper_constructor(kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K) > 0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Kinds::arity_of_constructor(kind *K) {
    if (K) return Kinds::Constructors::arity(K->construct);
    return 0;

§26. Given, say, "list of numbers", the following returns "number":

kind *Kinds::unary_construction_material(kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K) != 1) return NULL;
    return K->kc_args[0];

§27. More awkwardly:

void Kinds::binary_construction_material(kind *K, kind **X, kind **Y) {
    if (Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K) != 2) {
        if (X) *X = NULL;
        if (Y) *Y = NULL;
    } else {
        if (X) *X = K->kc_args[0];
        if (Y) *Y = K->kc_args[1];

§28. Traversing the tree. Here we look through a kind tree in search of a given constructor at any node.

int Kinds::contains(kind *K, kind_constructor *con) {
    if (K == NULL) return FALSE;
    if (K->construct == con) return TRUE;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_KIND_CONSTRUCTION_ARITY; i++)
        if (Kinds::contains(K->kc_args[i], con))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§29. Kind variable substitution. Once we have determined what the kind variables stand for, we sometimes want to perform substitution to convert (say) "relation of K to list of K" to

However, in order to ensure that caches are never invalidated, we are careful never to alter a kind structure once it has been created; instead, we return a different structure imitating the shape of the original.

We set the flag indicated by changed to TRUE if we make any change, assuming that it was originally FALSE before the first use of this function.

kind *Kinds::substitute(kind *K, kind **meanings, int *changed) {
    if (meanings == NULL) meanings = values_of_kind_variables;
    int N = Kinds::get_variable_number(K);
    if (N > 0) {
        *changed = TRUE;
        return meanings[N];
    if (Kinds::is_proper_constructor(K)) {
        kind *X = NULL, *X_after = NULL, *Y = NULL, *Y_after = NULL;
        int tx = FALSE, ty = FALSE;
        int a = Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K);
        if (a == 1) {
            X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
            X_after = Kinds::substitute(X, meanings, &tx);
            if (tx) {
                *changed = TRUE;
                return Kinds::unary_construction(K->construct, X_after);
        } else {
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &X, &Y);
            X_after = Kinds::substitute(X, meanings, &tx);
            Y_after = Kinds::substitute(Y, meanings, &ty);
            if ((tx) || (ty)) {
                *changed = TRUE;
                return Kinds::binary_construction(K->construct, X_after, Y_after);
    return K;

§30. Weakening. This operation corresponds to rounding kinds up to "object": that is, any subkind of "object" is replaced by "object".

kind *Kinds::weaken(kind *K) {
    if (Kinds::is_proper_constructor(K)) {
        kind *X = NULL, *Y = NULL;
        int a = Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K);
        if (a == 1) {
            X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
            return Kinds::unary_construction(K->construct, Kinds::weaken(X));
        } else {
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &X, &Y);
            return Kinds::binary_construction(K->construct, Kinds::weaken(X), Kinds::weaken(Y));
    } else {
        if ((K) && (Kinds::Compare::lt(K, K_object))) return K_object;
    return K;

§31. Property dereferencing. Properties are sometimes nouns referring to themselves, and sometimes nouns referring to their values, and these have different kinds. So:

kind *Kinds::dereference_properties(kind *K) {
    if ((K) && (K->construct == CON_property))
        return Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
    if (Kinds::is_proper_constructor(K)) {
        kind *X = NULL, *Y = NULL;
        int a = Kinds::arity_of_constructor(K);
        if (a == 1) {
            X = Kinds::unary_construction_material(K);
            return Kinds::unary_construction(K->construct,
        } else {
            Kinds::binary_construction_material(K, &X, &Y);
            return Kinds::binary_construction(K->construct,
                Kinds::dereference_properties(X), Kinds::dereference_properties(Y));
    return K;

§32. Inform builds "natural language" in so that it can create an instance for each natural language whose bundle it can find. "Grammatical gender" is used as a kind whose name coincides with a property.

<notable-linguistic-kinds> ::=
    natural language |
    grammatical gender |
    grammatical tense |
    narrative viewpoint |
    grammatical case

§33. Creating new base kind constructors. Inform's whole stock of constructors comes from two routes: this one, from the source text, and another we shall see later, from the Kind Interpreter. The following is called in response to sentences like:

Texture is a kind of value. A musical instrument is a kind of thing.

The word range is the name ("texture", "musical instrument"), and super is the super-kind ("value", "thing").

int no_kinds_of_object = 1;
kind *Kinds::new_base(parse_node_tree *T, wording W, kind *super) {

    kind *K = Kinds::base_construction(
        Kinds::Constructors::new(T, Kinds::get_construct(super), NULL, I"#NEW"));
    Renew the subject if necessary to cope with an early subject creation33.1;

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    if (Kinds::Compare::le(super, K_object))
        InferenceSubjects::falls_within(Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(K), Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(super));

    Use the source-text name to attach a noun to the constructor33.2;

    if (<notable-linguistic-kinds>(W)) {
        switch (<<r>>) {
            case 0: K_natural_language = K;
            case 1: K_grammatical_gender = K; break;

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    if (<property-name>(W)) {
        property *P = <<rp>>;
        Properties::Valued::set_kind(P, K);
        Instances::make_kind_coincident(K, P);
        if (Kinds::Compare::eq(K, K_grammatical_gender)) P_grammatical_gender = P;

    Plugins::Call::new_base_kind_notify(K, Kinds::Behaviour::get_name_in_template_code(K), W);
    latest_base_kind_of_value = K;
    LOGIF(KIND_CREATIONS, "Created base kind $u\n", K);
    return K;

§33.1. This is used to overcome a timing problem. A few inference subjects need to be defined early in Inform's run to set up relations — "thing", for example. So when we do finally create "thing" as a kind of object, it needs to be matched up with the inference subject already existing.

Renew the subject if necessary to cope with an early subject creation33.1 =

    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    inference_subject *revised = NULL;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) Plugins::Call::name_to_early_infs(W, &revised);
    if (revised) {
            Kinds::Knowledge::as_subject(super), KIND_SUB, STORE_POINTER_kind_constructor(K->construct), LIKELY_CE);
        Kinds::Knowledge::set_subject(K, revised);

§33.2. Use the source-text name to attach a noun to the constructor33.2 =

    unsigned int mc = KIND_SLOW_MC;
    if (Kinds::Compare::le(super, K_object)) mc = NOUN_MC;
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    L = Task::language_of_syntax();
    noun *nt = Nouns::new_common_noun(W, NEUTER_GENDER,
        KIND_SLOW_MC, STORE_POINTER_kind_constructor(K->construct), L);
    #ifdef CORE_MODULE
    Kinds::Constructors::attach_noun(K->construct, nt);
    if (Kinds::Compare::le(super, K_object))
        Kinds::Behaviour::set_range_number(K, no_kinds_of_object++);

§34. Kind names in the I6 template. We defined some "constant" kinds and constructors above, to provide values like K_number for use in this C source code. We will also want to refer to these kinds in the Inform 6 source code for the template, where they will have identifiers such as NUMBER_TY. (If anything it's the other way round, since the template creates these kinds at run-time, using the kind interpreter — of which, more later.)

So we need a way of pairing up names in these two source codes, and here it is. There is no need for speed here.

define IDENTIFIERS_CORRESPOND(text_of_I6_name, pointer_to_I7_structure)
    if ((sn) && (Str::eq_narrow_string(sn, text_of_I6_name))) return pointer_to_I7_structure;
kind_constructor **Kinds::known_constructor_name(text_stream *sn) {
    return NULL;

kind **Kinds::known_kind_name(text_stream *sn) {
    return NULL;

int Kinds::known_name(text_stream *sn) {
    if (Kinds::known_constructor_name(sn)) return TRUE;
    if (Kinds::known_kind_name(sn)) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§35. Annotating vocabulary.

kind *Kinds::read_kind_marking_from_vocabulary(vocabulary_entry *ve) {
    return ve->means.one_word_kind;
void Kinds::mark_vocabulary_as_kind(vocabulary_entry *ve, kind *K) {
    ve->means.one_word_kind = K;
    Vocabulary::set_flags(ve, KIND_FAST_MC);
    NTI::mark_vocabulary(ve, <k-kind>);

§36. From context. Sometimes we need to kmow the current values of the 26 kind variables, A to Z: that depemds on a much wider context than the kinds module can see, so we need the client to help us. v is in the range 1 to 26. Returning NULL means there is no current meaning; so if the client provides no function to tell us, then all variables are permanently unset.

kind *Kinds::variable_from_context(int v) {
    return NULL;

§37. Errors.

enum DimensionRedundant_KINDERROR from 1
enum DimensionNotBaseKOV_KINDERROR
enum NonDimensional_KINDERROR
enum UnitSequenceOverflow_KINDERROR
enum DimensionsInconsistent_KINDERROR
enum KindUnalterable_KINDERROR
enum KindsCircular_KINDERROR
enum LPCantScaleYet_KINDERROR
enum LPCantScaleTwice_KINDERROR

§38. Some tools using this module will want to push simple error messages out to the command line; others will want to translate them into elaborate problem texts in HTML. So the client is allowed to define KINDS_PROBLEM_HANDLER to some routine of her own, gazumping this one.

void Kinds::problem_handler(int err_no, parse_node *pn, kind *K1, kind *K2) {
    KINDS_PROBLEM_HANDLER(err_no, pn, K1, K2);
    WRITE_TO(text, "%+W", Node::get_text(pn));
    switch (err_no) {
        case DimensionRedundant_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("multiplication rule given twice: %S", text);
        case DimensionNotBaseKOV_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("multiplication rule too complex: %S", text);
        case NonDimensional_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("multiplication rule quotes non-numerical kinds: %S", text);
        case UnitSequenceOverflow_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("multiplication rule far too complex: %S", text);
        case DimensionsInconsistent_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("multiplication rule creates inconsistency: %S", text);
        case KindUnalterable_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("making this subkind would lead to a contradiction: %S", text);
        case KindsCircular_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("making this subkind would lead to a circularity: %S", text);
        case LPCantScaleYet_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("tries to scale a value with no point of reference: %S", text);
        case LPCantScaleTwice_KINDERROR:
            Errors::with_text("tries to scale a value which has already been scaled: %S", text);
        default: internal_error("unimplemented problem message");